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Chapter 7 Opener
Figure 7.1 The Importance of Cell Division
Figure 7.1 The Importance of Cell Division
Figure 7.1 The Importance of Cell Division (Part 1)
Figure 7.1 The Importance of Cell Division (Part 2)
Figure 7.1 The Importance of Cell Division (Part 3)
Figure 7.2 Asexual Reproduction on a Large Scale
Figure 7.3 All Sexual Life Cycles Involve Fertilization and Meiosis
Figure 7.3 All Sexual Life Cycles Involve Fertilization and Meiosis (Part 1)
Figure 7.3 All Sexual Life Cycles Involve Fertilization and Meiosis (Part 2)
Figure 7.3 All Sexual Life Cycles Involve Fertilization and Meiosis (Part 3)
Figure 7.4 Prokaryotic Cell Division
Figure 7.4 Prokaryotic Cell Division
Figure 12.3 Chromosome duplication and distribution during mitosis
Figure 19.1 Levels of chromatin packing
Figure 7.5 The Phases of the Eukaryotic Cell Cycle
Figure 7.5 The Phases of the Eukaryotic Cell Cycle
Figure 7.5 The Phases of the Eukaryotic Cell Cycle (Part 1)
Figure 7.5 The Phases of the Eukaryotic Cell Cycle (Part 2)
Figure 7.5 The Phases of the Eukaryotic Cell Cycle (Part 3)
In-Text Art, Ch. 7, p. 129
In-Text Art, Ch. 7, p. 129
Figure 7.6 The Phases of Mitosis (1)
Figure 7.6 The Phases of Mitosis (2)
Figure 7.6 The Phases of Mitosis (1)
Figure 7.6 The Phases of Mitosis (2)
Figure 7.6 The Phases of Mitosis (Part 1)
Figure 7.6 The Phases of Mitosis (Part 2)
Figure 7.6 The Phases of Mitosis (Part 3)
Figure 7.6 The Phases of Mitosis (Part 4)
Figure 7.6 The Phases of Mitosis (Part 5)
Figure 7.6 The Phases of Mitosis (Part 6)
Figure 7.7 Cytokinesis Differs in Animal and Plant Cells
Figure 7.7 Cytokinesis Differs in Animal and Plant Cells
Figure 7.7 Cytokinesis Differs in Animal and Plant Cells (Part 1)
Figure 7.7 Cytokinesis Differs in Animal and Plant Cells (Part 2)
Figure 7.8 The Eukaryotic Cell Cycle
Figure 7.8 The Eukaryotic Cell Cycle
Figure 7.9 Regulation of the Cell Cycle
Figure 7.9 Regulation of the Cell Cycle
Figure 7.9 Regulation of the Cell Cycle (Part 1)
Figure 7.9 Regulation of the Cell Cycle (Part 2)
Figure 12.13 Mechanical analogy for the cell cycle control system
Figure 12.14 Molecular control of the cell cycle at the G2 checkpoint
Figure 7.10 Cyclins Are Transient in the Cell Cycle
Figure 7.10 Cyclins Are Transient in the Cell Cycle
Figure 7.11 Mitosis and Meiosis: A Comparison
Figure 7.11 Mitosis and Meiosis: A Comparison
Figure 7.12 Meiosis: Generating Haploid Cells (1)
Figure 7.12 Meiosis: Generating Haploid Cells (2)
Figure 7.12 Meiosis: Generating Haploid Cells (1)
Figure 7.12 Meiosis: Generating Haploid Cells (2)
Figure 7.12 Meiosis: Generating Haploid Cells (Part 1)
Figure 7.12 Meiosis: Generating Haploid Cells (Part 2)
Figure 7.12 Meiosis: Generating Haploid Cells (Part 3)
Figure 7.12 Meiosis: Generating Haploid Cells (Part 4)
Figure 7.12 Meiosis: Generating Haploid Cells (Part 5)
In-Text Art, Ch. 7, p. 138
Figure 7.13 Crossing Over Forms Genetically Diverse Chromosomes
Figure 7.13 Crossing Over Forms Genetically Diverse Chromosomes
In-Text Art, Ch. 7, p. 140
Apply the Concept, Ch. 7, p. 140
Figure 7.14 Apoptosis: Programmed Cell Death
Figure 7.14 Apoptosis: Programmed Cell Death
Figure 7.14 Apoptosis: Programmed Cell Death (Part 1)
Figure 7.14 Apoptosis: Programmed Cell Death (Part 2)
Figure 7.15 Molecular Changes Regulate the Cell Cycle in Cancer Cells
Figure 7.15 Molecular Changes Regulate the Cell Cycle in Cancer Cells
Figure 19.14 Signaling pathways that regulate cell growth (Layer 1)
Figure 19.14 Signaling pathways that regulate cell growth (Layer 2)
Figure 19.14 Signaling pathways that regulate cell growth (Layer 3)
Figure 19.15 A multi-step model for the development of colorectal cancer
Figure 12.15 The effect of a growth factor on cell division
Figure 12.16 Density-dependent inhibition of cell division
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