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Superficial and
lateral muscles of
the neck
1- Platysma
- in the subcutauous tissue
- thickness is few millimeter
- external jugular vein
- cutanous nerve of neck deep
to it.
- tense the skin releasing
pressure on superficial vein
- men use this muscle when
shaving their neck
2- Sternocleidomastoid (SCM):
- is key muscle (landmark) in neck
- has two head : * sternal head
* clavicular head
- attach to :
* mastaid process
* superior nuchial line.
- innervated by : * spinal root of accessory n.
* C2,C3,(pain, and proprioception).
- acting by tilt head to one side i.e laterally flexes
neck and rotate it so face is turned superiorly
toward opposite side.
- acting together two muscle flex the neck so chin is
thrust forward.
Trapezius:- cover posterolateral aspect of neck and
thorax . it is superficial muscle of back.
- its superior attachment is to:- medial 1,3 of superior nuchial line .
- external occipital protuberance .
- ligamentum nuchae .
- spinous process of C7-T3 vert.
- lumber and sacral spinous process.
- its inferior attachment is to:- lateral 1,3 of clavicle.
- acromion , and spine of scapula
- its innervation by :Of accessory nerve (motor) and C3,C4
nerve ( pain,proprioception).
- its main action is:- elevation , rctraction, rotates, scapula.
- superior fiber ----- elevate scapula.
Middle fiber ----- retract scapula.
Inferior fiber ----- depress scapula.
Torticollis :Flexion deformity of neck:
- congenital
- spasmodic
Triangles of the neck:Divided by SCM muscle into:- Anterior , Posterior T.
*Posterior T. :Anterior ----- post. Border of SCM
Posterior ----- Ant. Border of trapezius.
Inferiorly ------ middle 1,3 of clavicle between SCM and
Apex ----- where SCM and trapezius meet on superior
nuchial line.
Roof ----- *skin.
*superficial fascia.
* platysma.
* investing layer of deep cervical fascia
Floor ----- * prevertebral fascia.
* semispinalis capitis.
* splenius capitis.
* levator scapula.
* scalenus medius, posterior , small
part of scalenus anterior.
* muscles covered by the
prevertebral layer of deep
cervical fascia.
* Post. T. divided in to:- supraclavicular (subclavian) T.
- occipital T.. by inferior belly of omohyaid muscle.
* Occipital T. (superior large):- part of external jugular vein.
- accessory nerve.
- posterior branches.
- cervical plexus.
- trunk of brachial plexus.
- transverse cervical artery.
- cervical L.N.
- occipital a. in its apex.
* Supraclavicular T. (small) inferior subclavian T.
- subclavian a.
- part of subclavian vein.
- suprascapular a.
- supraclavicular L.N.
Contents of post. T.:- Arteries:- - subclavian a. (3 rd part)
- transverse cervical a.(Superficial ,deep)
- suprascapular a.
- occipital a.
- Veins:- external jugular vein.(EJV)* ----subclavian v.
Receive ------ transverse cervical v.
Anterior jugularv.
* (EJV):- is usually visible above clavicle for only a short
distance . when venous plessure rise vein become
prominent this seen in:- heart failure.
- obst. Of superior vena cava by tumor cells.
- enlarged supraclaviular L.N.
- increased intrathorasic pressure.s
1- accessory nerve.
2- ventral rami (root of brachial plexus)
3- ventral rami of cervical plexus.
* cutanous branches of cervical plexus are(nerve
point of neck)
1- lesser accipital nerve(C2)
- posterior to auricle
2- Great auricular nerve ( C2, C3)
- paratid gland
- post. Aspect of auricle
- angle of mandible
3- Transverse cervical nerve (C2 ,C3)
- cross SCM supply
- anterior D. deep to platysma
4- Supraclavicular nerve (C3,C4)
- common trunk , supply skin over neck
and skin over shoulder
Lymph node in post. D
- superficial cervical L.N.
- Deep cervical L.N.
* Supra clavicular L.N. which enlarged in
carciuoma of brest T.B. , Hodgchin's disease
* occipital L.N.