* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Database Systems, Spring 2015 Prof. Dr. Michael Böhlen DatabaseTechnology Group Exercise 2 Date of issue: 03th March 2015 Deadline: 10th March 2015 All of the following exercises are based on the Mondial database. The schema of the database can be found at: 1 Domain Relational Calculus (DRC) Based on the Mondial database, propose domain relational calculus expressions that represent the following relation descriptions. 1. Give the name of the countries where at least 20% of the people speak italian or french. 2. For each European country, give the country code, and the name and length of its rivers. 3. For each European country code, give the name of its longest and its shortest rivers. 4. Give the name of the countries having exactly two lakes. 2 Relational Algebra to DRC Express in natural language what the following RA expression states and transform it into a DRC expression: πRiver (σCountry=0 IT 0 (geo river)) ∪ πLake (σCountry=0 IT 0 (geo lake)) 3 DRC to RA Express in natural language what the following DRC expression states and transform it into a RA expression: { Country, Height | ∃M ount geo mountain(M ount, Country, ) ∧ mountain(M ount, , Height, , ) ∧ ∃M ount2, Height2( geo mountain(M ount2, Country, ) ∧ mountain(M ount2, , Height2, , , ) ∧ Height2 > Height) } 1