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Nebraska Child Abuse Prevention Fund Board
Thursday, November 12, 2015
1:00– 4:00 p.m.
Nebraska Children and Families Foundation
Lincoln, Nebraska
Board Members Present: Brandon Verzal (and by phone after 2:30), Mary Fran Flood, Lisa
Knoche, Todd Bartee, Paula Eurek (for Courtney Phillips), and Emily Kluver (for Doug Weinberg).
By phone: Denise Pecha (1:00-2:30 p.m.)
Excused: Mary Beth Hanus
Support Staff Present: Betty Medinger, Kathy Stokes. Barb Jackson participated by phone for
the evaluation report discussion and Kelly Medwick participated by phone for the Marketing
and Communications report and update.
1. Call to Order and Minutes.
Brandon called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. Board members reviewed the minutes from
the previous meeting, July 16, 2015. He requested clarification of two motions in the July
meeting minutes. Minutes will be corrected to reflect that Lisa made the motion for the PCIT
study and Denise seconded the motion for Marketing and Communications for $30,500.
Motion to approve the meeting minutes with the clarifications: Lisa
Motion Seconded: Mary Fran
Motion was approved unanimously
2. Budget Report
Emily distributed the most recent budget report. She noted that while all funds have been
obligated, most of the contracts that are not yet completed are for public awareness. All
contracts are in process.
3. Communications & Marketing, PIWI and Community Café Update
PIWI. Kathy noted the consultant report on a recent fidelity visit for a teen parent group.
Consultants also complete a fidelity checklist of required elements. A Spanish speaking PIWI
group recently began in North Platte and is going well.
Communications & Marketing. Kelly reported that statewide messaging seems to be effective
in driving traffic to the website. This coming year we are adding one visual component (bus
signs) in metro areas. The Nebraska Broadcasters Association (NBA) ads ran simultaneously but
were covered by DHHS funds, not NCAPF funds. The NBA messages (with the Governor) were
more broadly community oriented while the NCAPF-Learfield messages were more parent and
caregiver oriented. The NCAPF spring event also contributed to web traffic. Brandon asked if
we can breakout traffic by mobile access. Kelly replied that, in general, web access thru mobile
users is 46%. Brandon and Lisa asked it the figures in the report are good, for example,
according to cost per visit. Kelly said the numbers are good for a new website/campaign; we
can tell users are getting there on purpose. We have good baseline now. The data indicates
that the more we message, the higher the visits. Emily noted that the website looks good on
mobile devices. NC can look at average time spent on the website and what parts are visited.
Kathy said we can also assist the prevention councils to use the website and messaging more
intentionality (to encourage even more visits.) Todd asked when hits flatten out/drop off; do
we need to continue messages in other months? Kelly said that nothing replaces frequency but
since the budget is pretty trim, we have focused on April & close to it. We could do a push in
the spring and in the summer, for example, Missouri messages about the danger of leaving
children in hot vehicles. The start of the school year and holidays would be good times to add
messaging too. Four big messaging pushes would require a minimum $100,000.
Community Cafés. The current four Community Café grantees sent teams of parent and
support staff to participate in skills development and new orientation sessions on October 1415. Skills development focused on Appreciative Inquiry, productive harvests and peer learning.
Two consultants from the National Alliance of Children’s Trust and Prevention Funds facilitated
the sessions which were tailored to the four communities. Priorities for the coming year
include more intentional implementation of series of connected Cafés and developing working
relationships with the larger community. Specific resources for promoting parent leadership
are also being developed.
4. Request to Legislature re Annual Budget
The NCAPF annual allocation is written into an appropriations bill and is not part of the DHHS
budget or a DHHS decision. Betty has been in correspondence with Liz Hruska, and Senator Bolz
is willing to take a request for increasing the allocation to appropriations. Betty walked through
two handout documents—one on the background, history and relevant data and one with a
fiscal projection for three different amounts, based on the current annual allocation of
$250,000/yr. and two higher amounts. We will probably need to ask for the actual amount of
revenue generated each year. Board discussion considered the potential risks of the request.
The consensus was that it is a relatively safe request as the dollars have to stay in designated
fund now and would have to go through new legislative process to be reallocated to another
fund. Senator Bolz could monitor. Todd asked about a 16% increase which would be a little
over $300,000. NCAPF might present information on $ per child and effectiveness. It would
probably be good to include information on Evidence Based programs and approaches like
Collective Impact. Brandon and Todd asked about the board’s plan. Betty said that we need to
respond to Senator Bolz soon and then ask about including a plan for next 5 years. Denise like
the idea of working with Senator Bolz while working on a plan. Lisa & Mary Fran noted that we
might not want to keep the information about the 0-2 age hotline reports in the presentation.
Todd noted the risk of not asking for an increase as others may notice the funds increasing build
up over time. We might want to ask for a range of increase, e.g., up to a certain amount,
versus an exact amount. There is also a need to keep some reserve, rainy-day funds for next 12 yrs. Two keys are numbers and a longer term plan. Senator Mellow (Appropriations) will
help. No bill will be needed. Maybe also contact Senator Campbell.
Motion to pursue conversation with Senator Bolz about increasing the annual NCAPF
appropriation and work with her to define what the ideal amount is: Brandon
Motion seconded: Lisa
Abstain: Paula, Emily
Motion was approved.
5. Grantee Evaluation Report
Barb Jackson walked through the main sections of the report:
PIWI-The table on page 2 includes the numbers served through infusion in PIWI while the
number in text is lower because it excludes these. Satisfaction surveys were added this past
year. A Healthy Families America parent-interaction survey will be added this year (not just
observational). The Protective Factors Survey has 5 subscales. We set a standard to define
improvement this year; the evaluation team chose .5 on a 7 point Likert scale. The evaluation
also determined whether improvement was statistically significant. We will partner with KU to
refine subscales on social connections. The information on PIWI and PCIT is aggregated without
duplication. The 3-5-7 information may be duplicated. Barb and Lisa noted that it is difficult to
interpret the Protective Factors Survey data exactly the same across strategies since pre-post
times are different, strategies and communities target different populations, etc.
Barb—There was a small-to-moderate effect size on Protective Factors across all strategies
In January NC will add a Collective Impact self-reflection tool to help communities identify areas
for continuous quality improvement. In the past, we used a reflective survey on how well
Collective Impact was being implemented. We will continue to look at other evaluation tools
this yr.
At present one way to look at progress in Collective Impact is shared training. Other ways to
gauge progress are through leveraged funds and policy change. All of these show progress in
the past year.
In follow up discussion, Lisa noted that the percent of families that improved was higher in PCIT
and 3-5-7 than PIWI. However, the group acknowledge that PIWI is much less intensive than
the other two strategies. Betty said that the Protective Factors Survey may not be the best fit,
or at least not as the primary measure for PIWI now. Mary Fran noted that more families
complete the Protective Factors Survey at the beginning than at the end, which could also
affect results.
6. Evaluation Study
UNMC submitted a proposal for the evaluation study. Mary Fran reminded the group that a
goal is to learn more about variables that affect retention rates and results. Barb, Betty and
Kathy will set time with the NCAPF workgroup to discuss in more detail. Kathy will request a
detailed budget from Barb.
7. Board Member Terms, Vice-Chair
Brandon summarized responses to request for candidates.
Motion to appoint Lisa and Todd new Vice-Chairs, with the understanding that Lisa will assume
the new Chair position in July of 2016: Brandon
Motion seconded: Mary Fran
Motion was approved unanimously
8. General Updates
Paula- infant mortality collaborative-social determinants of health-involvement nationally,
place based strategies, informal staff involved, child safety and unintentional injuries-CoIIN –
collaborative innovation and improvement network.
Mary Fran- spoke with a Lincoln Journal Star reporter about sexual abuse and Project Safe.
Kathy- said that NC has applied to be one of five sites selected by the Center for the Study of
Social Policy to participate in a national Youth Thrive initiative. If selected, this could help
connect our training and use of the Protective Factors and Youth Thrive Protective and
Promotive Factors across the state.
Betty- is working with DHHS and the NC staff team on Alternative Response & Community
Response which is expanding across the state beyond 5 pilots. The expansion is based on Child
Well Being-Collective Impact model.
Paula- announced that the RFP for Medicaid Managed Care is out now. See Heritage Health.
The request includes consideration of social determinants.
9. Timeline
Betty will update the timeline and send out.
10. Next Meetings - 2016
Jan 29. 11-4. We will probably need to communicate by email and pull the allocation work
group together before then.
April 22, 11-4
July 22, 1-4
Nov 18, 1-4 Tentative re PCA site visit