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Samira Brake Anderson
Hearing & Speech Sciences
College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
University of Maryland
Telephone: 3014054224 Email: [email protected]
Personal Information
Academic Appointments
Assistant Professor, College Of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Hearing &
Speech Sciences, 2013
Educational Background
B.A., Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, 1979
M.A, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, 1981
Au.D, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 2000
Ph.D, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, 2012
Employment Background
Graduate Research Assistant, Northwestern University, 2009-2012
Teaching Assistant, Northwestern University, 2007-2009
Clinical Audiologist, Allina Medical Clinics, Faribault and Northfield, MN.,
Facilitator, University of Florida, Doctor of Audiology program, 2000-2006
Clinical Audiologist and Owner, Center for Better Hearing, Inc, Faribault,
MN., 1995-1997
Clinical Audiologist, State of Minnesota., 1982-1995
Research, Scholarly, and Creative Activities
Articles in Refereed Journals
Refereed Articles
Skoe, E., Krizman, J., Anderson, S., Kraus, N., Stability and plasticity of
auditory brainstem function across the Llfespan, Cerebral Cortex, 2014,
Anderson, S., White-Schwoch, T., Choi, H J., Kraus, N, Training changes
processing of speech cues in older adults with hearing loss, Frontiers in
Systems Neuroscience, 2013, 7, 97
Whiteschwoch, T., Woodruff, K., Anderson, S., Strait, D., Kraus, D., Older
adults benefit from music training early in life: Biological evidence for longterm training-driven plasticity, Journal of Neuroscience, 2013, 33,1766717674
Anderson, S., Parbery-Clark, A., White-Schwoch, T., Drehobl, S., & Kraus,
N., Effects of hearing loss on the subcortical representation of speech cues.,
The Journal of the Acoustic Society of America,, 2013, 133, 3030-3038.
Anderson, S. & Kraus, N., Invited Review Article. Auditory training: Evidence
for neural plasticity in older adults., SIG 6, Perspectives on Hearing and
Hearing Disorders: Research and Diagnostics,, 2013, 17, 37-57.
Parbery-Clark, A., Anderson, S., & Kraus, N., Musicians change their tune:
How hearing loss alters the neural code., Hearing Research,, 2013, 302,
Anderson, S., White-Schwoch, T., Parbery-Clark, A., & Kraus, N., A dynamic
auditory-cognitive system supports speech-in-noise perception in older
adults., Hearing Research,, 2013, 300, 18-32.
Anderson, S., White-Schwoch, T., Parbery-Clark, A., & Kraus, N., Reversal
of age-related neural timing delays with training., Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences, USA,, 2013, 110, 4357-4362.
Anderson, S., Parbery-Clark, A., White-Schwoch, T., & Kraus, N, Auditory
brainstem response to complex sounds predicts self-reported speech-innoise performance, Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research,
2013, 56, 31-43.
Anderson, S. & Kraus, N., Invited Review Article.The potential role of the
cABR in assessment and management of hearing impairment, International
Journal of Otolaryngology, 2013, doi: 10.1155/2013/604729.
Anderson, S., Parbery-Clark, A., White-Schwoch, T., & Kraus, N., Aging
affects neural precision of speech encoding, The Journal of Neuroscience,
2012, 32, 14156-14164
Parbery-Clark, A., Anderson, S., Hittner, E., & Kraus, N., Musical experience
offsets age-related delays in neural timing, Neurobiology of Aging, 2012,
Parbery-Clark, A., Anderson, S., Hittner, E., & Kraus, N., Musical experience
strengthens the neural representation of sounds important for
communication in middle-aged adults, Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience,
2012, 4, 1-12.
Hornickel, J., Anderson, S., Skoe, E., Yi, H.-G., & Kraus, N., Subcortical
representation of speech fine structure relates to reading ability,
NeuroReport, 2012, 23, 6-9.
Parbery-Clark, A., Strait, D., Anderson, S., Hittner, E., & Kraus, N., Musical
experience and the aging auditory system: Implications for cognitive abilities
and hearing speech in noise, Plos ONE, 2011, 6, e18082.
Anderson, S., Parbery-Clark, A., Yi, H.-G., & Kraus, N., A neural basis of
speech-in-noise perception in older adults, Ear and Hearing, 2011, 32, 750757.
Anderson, S., Skoe, E., Chandrasekaran, B., & Kraus, N., Neural timing is
linked to speech perception in noise, Journal of Neuroscience, 2010, 30,
Anderson, S., Skoe, E., Chandrasekaran, B., Zecker, S., & Kraus, N.,
Brainstem correlates of speech-in-noise perception in children, Hearing
Research, 2010, 270, 151-157.
Anderson, S., Chandrasekaran, B., Yi, H.-G., & Kraus, N., Cortical-evoked
potentials reflect speech-in-noise perception in children, European Journal of
Neuroscience, 2010, 32, 1407-1413
Anderson, S. & Kraus, N., Objective neural indices of speech-in-noise
perception, Trends in Amplification, 2010, 14, 73-83, Invited Review Article.
Anderson, S. & Kraus, N., Sensory-cognitive interaction in the neural
encoding of speech in noise: A review, Journal of the American Academy of
Audiology, 2010, 21, 575-585., Invited Review Article:
Professional/Extension Publications
Kraus, N. & Anderson, S., Bigger is not better: Effects of hearing Loss on
central processing, Hearing Journal, 2014, 67 (1), 24
Anderson, S., A closer look, Hearing Health, 2014, 30 (1). 14-15
Kraus, N. & Anderson, S., Treatment for Auditory Based Learning
Impairments: Evidence Supports Efficacy, Hearing Journal, 2013, 66 (11),
Kraus, N. & Anderson, S., For reading development, auditory processing is
fundamental, Hearing Journal, 2013, 66 (9): 40.
Kraus, N. & Anderson, S., The auditory-cognitive system: To screen or not to
screen, Hearing Journal, 2013, 66 (7): 36.
Kraus, N. & Anderson, S., In older adults, the brain can still be trained to
hear in, Hearing Journal, 2013, 66 (5): 32
Kraus, N. & Anderson, S., Music training: An antidote for aging, Hearing
Journal, 2013, 66(3): 52.
Kraus, N. & Anderson, S. The effects of aging on auditory processing,
Hearing Journal, 2013, 66(1): 36.
Kraus, N. & Anderson, S. CABR may improve hearing aid outcomes,
Hearing Journal, 2012, 65 (11): 56.
Kraus, N. & Anderson, S. Hearing matters: Hearing with our brains., Hearing
Journal, 2012, 65(9): 48.
Conferences and Workshops
Invited Talks
Anderson, S., Neural correlates of auditory function: Use of the cABR in
assessment and management, Kaiser Permanente Regional Audiology
Conference, San Francisco, CA, May, 2014
Anderson, S., Development of subcortical speech representation in infants,
UMD Winter Storm Language Science Workshop, January, 2014
Anderson, S., Neural mechanisms of hearing loss and training and their
clinical implications, 8th Annual Hearing Symposium: Complex Auditory
Processing and Disorders, Center for Hearing Research, University of
California, Irvine, CA, May 2013.
Anderson, S., Kraus, N., Music and Speech-in-Noise Perception, MED-EL
UK 17th Annual Workshop, Zell am Ziller, Austria, January 2013.
Anderson, S., Levitt, H., Auditory Training, ASHA Live Event, August, 2013
Anderson, S., Levitt, H., Auditory Training: Evidence for Neural Plasticity in
Older Adults, ASHA Live Event, August, 2013
Anderson, S., Music and speech-in-noise perception, 7th International Adult
Aural Rehabilitation Conference: Maximizing the Benefits of Technology
through Innovative Intervention, St. Pete Beach, FL,, May 2013.
Anderson, S., Kraus, N., Neural Correlates of Auditory Function and Training
in Older Adults,, Ear Day at Rush University, Chicago, November 2012.
Anderson, S., Kraus, N., Auditory Training for Older Adults,, The Inaugral
MED-EL UK Rehabilitation Symposium, York, UK,, October 2012.
Anderson, S., Kraus, N., The Essential Audiologists Workshop: cABR, MLR,
and LLR. Minnesota Speech and Hearing Association. Burnsville, MN,
October 2012.
Anderson, S., Kraus, N., Effects of aging and hearing loss on subcortical
representation of speech cues,, University of Manchester Manchester, UK,
October 2012.
Anderson, S., Kraus, N., cABR - A neural probe of auditory processing.
Audition, listening and language acquisition in children: nature, assessment
and multidisciplinary approach, Edinburgh, Scotland, March 2011.
Kraus, N., Anderson, S.,, Hearing in Noise Across the Lifespan and Impact
of Musical Experience,, AudiologyNOW, March 2011.
Anderson, S., Kraus, N, A neural basis of speech-in-noise perception in
older adults., Rush University, Chicago, IL, February 2011.
Anderson, S., Kraus, N, Neural correlates of speech-in-noise perception
across the lifespan, International Congress of Audiology and Otolaryngology,
Bogota, Columbia, October 2011.
Anderson, S., Kraus, N, Infant hearing loss: Effects on neural development,
Institute of Design, ITT, Chicago, IL, November 2010.
Anderson, S., Kraus, N, Brainstem correlates of speech-in-noise perception.
Auditory temporal processing in normal and impaired ears, An auditory
workshop at Ecole Normale Superieure, Dept d’Etudes Cognitives, Paris,
France, December 2009.
Anderson, S., Kraus, N., Hearing in noise in older adults: Biological insights
and strategies for improvement, Department of Speech and Hearing
Sciences, University of Washington, May 2011.
Presacco, A., Jenkins, K., Lieberman, R., Anderson, S., The effects of aging
on dynamic and static encoding of speech processing , Association for
Research in Otolaryngology Midwinter Conference, February, 2014
Anderson, S., Neural mechanisms of hearing loss and training in older
adults., Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences Seminar Series,
University of Maryland, College Park, MD, April 2013.
Anderson, S., & Kraus, N., Training effects in older adults: Neural
mechanisms, American Auditory Society Annual Meeting, Scottsdale, AZ,
March 2013.
Anderson, S., White-Schwoch, T., Choi, H., Drehobl, S., & Kraus, N,
Training reverses central processing consequences of hearing loss in older
adults., CSD Research Forum, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL,,
September 2012.
Anderson, S., Kraus, N., Training improves brainstem timing in older adults,
Illinois Academy of Audiology. Chicago, IL, January2012.
Anderson, S,. Parbery-Clark., Choi, H., & Kraus, N, Training improves neural
timing in older adults, CSD Research Forum, Northwestern University,
Evanston, IL, September 2011.
Anderson, S., & Erickson, K., Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder
(ANSD): Biological implications for assessment and management., Casebased presentation, Northwestern, University, Evanston, IL, May 2011.
Anderson, S., Parbery-Clark, A., Yi, H.-G., & Kraus, N., Objective neural
indices of speech-in-noise perception in older adults., CSD Research Forum,
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, September 2010.
Anderson, S., Chandrasekaran, B., Yi, H.-G., & Kraus, N., Cortical evoked
auditory processing: index of neural efficiency in speech-in-noise perception,
CSD Research Forum, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, September
Anderson, S., Skoe, E., & Kraus, N, Hear with our brains, not just with our
ears, Northshore Senior Center, Skokie, IL, July 2008.
Anderson, S., Skoe, E., & Kraus, N, Brainstem encoding of speech in noise
and its relationship to reading and listening in noise, , CSD Research Forum,
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL,, September 2008.
Non-Refereed Conference Proceedings
Anderson S.&Kraus N, cABR: A neural probe of speech-in-noise processing,
Proceedings of ISAAR 2011: Speech perception and auditory disorders. 3rd
International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research, August
2011, Nyborg, Denmark. Edited by T. Dau, M. L. Jepsen, J. CristensenDalsgaard, and T. Poulsen
Anderson, S.&Kraus, N., Neural encoding of speech and music: Implications
for hearing speech in noise., Seminars in Hearing, 2011
Jenkins, K., Presacco, A., Anderson, S., The efficacy of using auditory
brainstem responses in the hearing aid evaluation, Academy Research
Conference, March, 2014
Parbery-Clark, A., Anderson, S., Kraus, N., Musical Experience and Hearing
Loss: Perceptual, Cognitive and Neural Benefits, Association for Research in
Otolaryngology Midwinter Conference, February, 2014
Anderson, S., Kraus, N., Development of subcortical speech representation
in infants, American Auditory Society Annual Conference, March, 2014
Presacco, A., Anderson, S., Effects of aging on subcortical encoding of
speech in noise , American Auditory Society Annual Conference, March,
Lieberman R., Presacco, A., Anderson S., Brainstem Differentiation of Stop
Consonants During the First Year of Life, American Auditory Society Annual
Conference, March, 2014
White-Schwoch, T., Woodruff, K., Anderson, S., Kraus, N., Musical training
early in life protects against age-related declines in cognition and neural
speech processing, Cognitive Neuroscience Society Meeting,
Anderson, S., White-Schwoch, T., Kraus, N, Training reverses central
processing effects of sensorineural hearing loss in older adults., MidWinter
Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology. Baltimore, MD,
February 2013.
Anderson, S., Kraus, N., Maintenance of auditory-based cognitive training in
older adults, Aging and Speech Communication Conference,
Presacco, A., Jenkins, K., Lieberman, R., Anderson, S., Dynamic and static
encoding of speech processing in younger and older adults, Bridges,
November, 2013
Presacco, A., Jenkins, K., Lieberman, R., Anderson, S., Phase differences
explain the effects of aging on dynamic and static encoding of speech
processing, Biomedical Engineering Society Meeting, October, 2013
Anderson, S., Parbery-Clark A, White-Schwoch T, & Kraus N, Sensorycognitive interactions predict speech-in-noise perception: A structural
equation modeling approach, Cognitive Neuroscience Society Meeting,
Chicago, IL, April 2012.
Anderson, S., Parbery-Clark, A., Choi, H.J., Kraus, N, Neural precision with
auditory training in older adults., MidWinter Meeting of the Association for
Research in Otolaryngology. San Diego, CA, February 2012.
Anderson, S., Kraus, N., Training improves neural timing in older adults,
Aging and Speech Communication Conference, Bloomington, IN, October
Anderson, S., Parbery-Clark, A., Hittner, E., Kraus, N., A Structural Equation
Modeling Approach to Understanding Speech-in-Noise Perception in Older
Adults., MidWinter Meeting for the Association for Research in
Otolaryngology. Baltimore, MD, February 2011.
Anderson, S., Kraus, N, Speech-in-noise difficulties in older adults:
Biological insights., American Auditory Society Annual Meeting, Scottsdale,
AZ, March 2010.
Anderson, S., Skoe, E., Parbery-Clark, A., Kraus, N., Neural signatures of
speech-in-noise perception in older adults, MidWinter Meeting for the
Association for Research in Otolaryngology. Anaheim, CA, February 2010.
Anderson, S., Skoe, E., Zecker, S., Kraus, N., Brainstem encoding of speech
in noise and its relationship to reading and listening in noise, MidWinter
Meeting for the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Baltimore, MD,
February 2009.
Anderson, S., Chandrasekaran, B., Yi, H.-G., Kraus, N, Cortical evoked
auditory processing: index of neural efficiency in speech-in-noise perception.
Society for Neuroscience Auditory Satellite (APAN, Society for Neuroscience
Auditory Satellite (APAN). Chicago, IL, October 2009.
Anderson, S., Parbery-Clark, A., Skoe, E., Kraus, N., Brainstem correlates of
speech-in-noise perception in older adults, National Center for Rehabilitative
Auditory Research Conference: The Ear-Brain System. Portland, OR,
October 2009.
Anderson, S., Parbery-Clark, A., Skoe, E., Kraus, N, Brainstem correlates of
speech-in-noise perception in older adults, Aging and Speech
Communication Conference, Bloomington, IN, October 2009.
Sponsored Research
UMD ADVANCE Interdisciplinary and Engaged Seed Grant, 2014-2015,
Effects of aging on speech-in-noise processing in the auditory cortex and
midbrain, $20,000
National Institutes of Health, Clinical Loan Repayment Program, 2010-2014
National Institutes of Health, 2010-2014
Northwestern University Graduate Research Ignition Grant, 2009
Work in Progress
Grant Applications
Anderson, S., ASHFoundation, Clinical Research Grant, $74,953, 20152016 (PI)
Anderson, S., National Institutes of Health Mentored Patient-Oriented
Research Career Development Award, $921,230, 2015-2020 (PI)
Anderson, S., Hearing Health Foundation Emerging Research Grant,
$29,880, 2014-2015 (P)
Manuscripts under Review
Anderson, S., White-Schwoch, T., Choi, H., Kraus, N. , Maintenance of
auditory-based cognitive training gains in older adults, Neuropsychologia,
under revision
Teaching, Mentorship, and Advising
Courses Taught (CV)
Advanced Clinical Audiology
Spring, 2013, enrollment: 8
Spring, 2014, enrollment: 7
Electrophysiological Measurements, Fall, 2013, enrollment: 8
Introduction to Audiology, Spring, 2014, enrollment: 39
Advising: Research Direction
Kurt Erhardt, Undergraduate, Fall, 2013 to present
Meg Graves, Undergraduate, Fall, 2013 to present
Eve Kronzek, Undergraduate, Spring, 2014 to present
Kathryn Miles Jackson, Doctoral, 2013 to present, Fall 2013
Kim Jenkins, Doctoral, 2013 to present, Fall 2013
Rachel Lieberman, Doctoral, 2013 to present, Fall 2013
Alessandro Presacco, Doctoral, 2013 to present, Fall 2013
Fall 2013, 1, Led BSOS Dean's Student Advisory Council Field Trip-Spring
2013, Other
Editorships, Editorial Boards, and Reviewing Activities
Reviewing Activities for Journals and Books
Reviewer, Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 2013present
Reviewer, Hearing Research., 2013-present
Reviewer, Journal of Environmental and Public Health, 2013-present
Reviewer, Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 2012present
Reviewer, Neuron, 2010-present
Reviewer, Ear and Hearing, 2009-present
Reviewer, Psychophysiology, 2014-present
Reviewer, Brain and Language, 2014-present
Reviewing Activities for Agencies
Reviewer, Israel Science Foundation, Reviewed grant
University of Padova, Reviewed grant
Professional and Campus Services
Member, Continuing Education Committee, Maryland Academy of
Audiology, 2013-present
Member, CAUD committee, 2013-present
Member, Technology committee, 2013-present
Member, AuD Curriculum Review committee, 2013-present
Other, FY14 Faculty-Staff Campaign, 2013 fall
Other, Mentor for 2 high school students, 2013 fall
Competency Review Committee, 1997-2004
Member, Minnesota Academy of Audiology, 1997-2001; President, 19992000
Integrated Audiology Network, Inc, 1996-1999
Governmental Affairs Committee, Minnesota Academy of Audiology, 19962007
Member, Minnesota Hearing Instrument Dispenser Advisory Council, 19962005, Board Member
Member, Minnesota Commission Serving Deaf and Hard of Hearing, 19891991, Board Member
Member, Regional Service Center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing,, 19891992, Board Member
Awards and Honors
Awards & Honors
Research Fellowships, Prizes, and Awards
Doctoral Scholarship Research award, Illinois Academy of Audiology, 2012
New Century Scholar, American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation:,
John D. and Lucille H. Clark Scholarship Dissertation, 2011
Service Awards and Honors
Honors of the Academy, Minnesota Academy of Audiology, 2010
Other Special Recognition
Mentored Student Presentation Award, American Auditory Society, Awarded
to Alessandro Presacco, PhD student
Travel Award, Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Awarded to
Alessandro Presacco, Ph.D. student
Travel Award, Goldhaber Award, Awarded to Rachel Lieberman, Au.D.
Travel Award, Academy Research Conference, Awarded to Kim Jenkins,
Au.D. student
Research award, MCM Fund for Student Research Excellence, Awarded to
Au.D. student Kathryn Miles Jackson for her capstone project