Download What are they? Flashers and floaters are visual perceptions such as

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Flashers &
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What are they?
Flashers and floaters are visual perceptions such as webs, threads or spots that can
appear when the jelly-like fluid inside the eyeball, known as the vitreous gel, changes
as a part of aging. Floaters may interfere with vision if you’re reading or watching TV.
They move as your eyes move and dart away when you look at them directly.
See your eye doctor as soon as possible if you notice:
 Dark spots in your visual field.
 Blurred, distorted or double vision.
 Unusually large floaters that move across your visual field. They are most
noticeable when looking at a white wall or clear sky.
 Most of the time flashes and floaters are harmless, but if you get a lot of both
suddenly, possibly accompanied by peripheral (side) vision loss, it could indicate
a retinal detachment. In this case, immediate treatment from an
ophthalmologist can be sight-saving.
Risk factors and prevention
Floaters are most common in people who are myopic (nearsighted), have undergone
cataract operations or laser surgery for glaucoma or have had inflammation inside the
Your eye doctor may use a dilated eye examination if you’re experiencing flashers and
floaters. In this test, drops are placed into the eye to widen (dilate) the pupils to allow
for a direct view of the retina. A special magnifying lens is used to examine the retina
and the optic nerve.
Surgery is rarely required. If you experience flashers and floaters, try the following:
 Move your eye up and down, which will make the vitreous swirl and move the
floaters out of the way.
 If you notice significant new flashers or floaters, see an ophthalmologist
seeing beyond vision loss