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AEPI 2012
Photovoltaic solar technology
Turning sunlight into energy
ÂÂ Grenoble-Isère
is building on its strong track record of energy research
and development—in fields ranging from hydroelectricity and nuclear energy to
energy distribution—to develop the energies of the future, and solar energy is
gearing up to play a major role.
The French government’s environmental agenda set the ambitious goal of
5.4 GW of solar energy by 2020. Grenoble, located in the Rhône-Alpes region—
one of France’s sunniest—boasts an average of 1,290 hours of full power, making
it the perfect place to expand photovoltaic solar power production, an objective
that both local government and industry are committed to achieving.
The right place for solar energy
ÂÂ Grenoble-Isère policymakers have made a firm commitment to support photovoltaic
solar energy and energy-efficiency projects.
ÂÂ Grenoble
New energy technologies in
• 1 competitive cluster: Tenerrdis
• 10,500 jobs in industry
• 1,500 jobs in publicly-funded
• 1,200 students
won the 2009 Grand Prix National de l’EcoQuartier and Rubans du
Développement Durable awards for its flagship eco-designed neighborhood and sustainable
development initiatives, and came in first in the Championnat Energies Renouvelables
renewable-energy rankings.
ÂÂ Grenoble-Isère offers potential industrial and commercial roof space of more than
2 million square meters.
ÂÂ Local stakeholders are working together to promote ambitious projects involving
education and training providers, international solar-industry leaders offering turnkey
solutions, labs conducting innovative applied research, solar industry manufacturers and
engineering firms, and QualiPV-certified installers.
ÂÂ The local solar industry is very active, with organizations like the Éco-Énergies RhôneAlpes cluster, the Tenerrdis renewable energy cluster, and the AGEDEN energy information
ÂÂ The solar industry enjoys close ties to the area’s diverse, internationally-renowned
scientific and industrial community.
Local solar-energy stakeholders spanning research and
Air Liquide, PV Alliance, CEA-Liten, Clipsol, CNRS, CSTB, Eaton, ECM Technologies,
EFD, Gaz Electricité de Grenoble, HaWi, INES, Photowatt International, Schneider
Electric, Siemens, Simap, SMA, Concentrix Solar (a Soitec company), Solar Force,
Solarworld, Suntech Power, and Tenesol.
and higher education
CEA-Liten conducts research in the field of photovoltaics, with a focus on reducing
the cost and improving the yield of photovoltaic cells, optimizing module components,
integrating photovoltaic systems into power grids, and developing batteries capable of
storing energy.
INES is France’s national institute for solar energy. The French Alternative Energies
and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) plays a key role in the institute’s joint research
activities with the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), CSTB (a
construction-industry center for scientific and technical research), and the University of
Savoie. INES’s staff work on solar, thermal, and photovoltaic energy technologies and
energy management systems for buildings.
CSTB, a center for scientific and technical research for the construction industry,
develops building materials and systems that contribute to high-environmental-quality
construction. The center’s mission is to generate energy savings through more efficient
building materials, insulation, and ventilation, and by encouraging better energyefficiency measures, more effective energy management systems, and the broader
use of new energies in buildings.
SIMAP, which specializes in materials and process science and engineering, is a
CNRS joint research unit involving Grenoble University-Joseph Fourier and Grenoble
Institute of Technology. A member of the Photosil metallurgical silicon consortium,
SIMAP is working to develop cheaper production methods.
Institut Carnot Energie du Futur (the Carnot Institute for Tomorrow’s
Energy) brings together energy experts from Grenoble Institute of Technology,
Grenoble University-Joseph Fourier, the CNRS, and the CEA.
G2ELab, spearheaded by Grenoble Institute of Technology, Grenoble University-
Joseph Fourier, and the CNRS, is Grenoble’s electrical engineering lab. The lab’s work
encompasses a broad range of electrical engineering applications, including materials,
systems, actuators, processes, microsystems, power grids, and electricity production
and use.
EPM, a lab that develops magnetic processes, is also run jointly by Grenoble Institute
of Technology, Grenoble University-Joseph Fourier, and the CNRS. The lab’s work
contributes to creating new processes for the energy industry.
LEPMI, a joint lab of the Grenoble Institute of Technology, Grenoble UniversityJoseph Fourier, and the CNRS, studies the electro- and physical chemistry of materials
and interfaces with applications in energy, the environment, and the micro- and
The Tenerrdis competitive cluster, brings together the region’s many
businesses and research labs operating in the energy industry. The cluster’s mission
is to make France’s new-energy industries more competitive through innovation. Solar
energy accounts for more than half of the R&D projects certified and financed via the
cluster. Of the 110 projects certified by Tenerrdis, 46 received financing, including €45
million in government funding.
Higher education
ENSE3 is Grenoble Institute of Technology’s school of energy, water, and environmental
studies. The school’s mission is to provide businesses with qualified employees in the
fields of energy, water engineering, and sustainable development. The PREDIS
center for innovation and training, managed by ENSE3, focuses on distributed energy
production and networks.
Business school Grenoble Ecole de Management offers a joint Master’s
in Energy Marketing and Management with Grenoble Institute of Technology and
Grenoble University-Pierre Mendès France.
Grenoble-Isère also boasts four doctoral schools specializing in energy and the
Businesses operating in the photovoltaic industry
The Rhône-Alpes region is home to a large proportion of France’s photovoltaic industry,
with businesses operating across the sector, from silicon fabrication and high-yield PV
cell manufacturing to energy management and storage technologies and solutions.
Concentrix Solar, a Soitec company: The global leader in Concentrator
Photovoltaic (CPV) technology.
Photowatt International: France’s only vertically-integrated manufacturer of
PV modules using crystalline silicon technology.
Suntech Power: Develops, manufactures, and delivers the world’s most reliable
and cost-effective solar energy solutions.
SolarWorld AG: One of the world’s leading manufacturers of photovoltaic modules
and cells.
Tenesol: Photovoltaic systems and architectures.
PV Alliance: A jointly-held subsidiary of EDF EnR, Photowatt International, and the
CEA that develops high-yield PV cells using metallurgical silicon.
Clipsol: France’s leading manufacturer of solar thermal and photovoltaic solar
heating systems.
Schneider Electric: The energy management specialist, manufactures balanceof-system components for the management and use of PV-generated energy.
Siemens: Global center of expertise in the management of turnkey photovoltaic
solar power plants.
Eaton: Electrical components and systems for energy quality, distribution, and
APC: A subsidiary of Schneider Electric, manufactures uninterrupted power supply
SMA: High-performance solar UPS manufacturer.
Applied Materials: High-yield photovoltaic cell manufacturing technology.
Jusung Engineering: Equipment for solar cell manufacturing.
Saint-Gobain: A global photovoltaic industry leader from silicon ingot molds to
glass for photovoltaic modules.
ECM Technologies: A global specialist in equipment for growing monocrystalline
and polycrystalline silicon.
Centrotherm Photovoltaics: Technologies and services for silicon fabrication
and photovoltaic cell manufacturing.
FerroPem: One of the world’s leading metallurgical silicon producers.
Apollon Solar: Develops NICE (New Industrial solar Cell Encapsulation) technology
for PV module manufacturing.
Cyberstar: Crystal-growing ovens.
EFD Induction: The world’s leading supplier of heat treatment machines.
Mondia Quartz: Manufactures, cleans, and repairs quartz products.
the smart move!
ÂÂ A solid consumer base with 9 million residents within a 200-km radius
ÂÂ A young, educated population
• 33% of the population is under 25
• France’s highest concentration of engineers
• France’s leading hub for science and technology research
ÂÂ A center for higher education and research
• 23,400 jobs in research
• 64,700 students
• 4 international research institutes: ESRF, ILL, EMBL, and Iram
• 9 national research organizations: CEA, Cemagref, CEN, CNRS, CRSSA, Inra, Inria,
Inserm, and IRD
ÂÂ A dense, diverse network of businesses
• 470,300 jobs, including 180,800 in manufacturing and B2B services
ÂÂ Strong international ties
• 708 foreign-owned businesses representing 45,300 jobs, including 167 US-owned
businesses that employ 14,600 people
• 9,000 international students
• International schools, networking groups, and relocation agencies
ÂÂ A population of 1,222,000 in an accessibly-sized area in the center of the RhôneAlpes region, France’s second-largest economy
ÂÂ Exceptional quality of life with outdoor activities like skiing, hiking, climbing,
paragliding, cycling, and water sports nearby
ÂÂ A cosmopolitan city offering a broad slate of arts and cultural events
the Grenoble-Isère economic
development agency
Are you considering a move to Grenoble-Isère? AEPI is your partner of choice, offering the
support you need—free of charge—to make your project happen.
A selection of services tailored to meet your needs:
Local economic information
Property search assistance (industrial and commercial properties for sale and lease)
Site tours and meetings with local decision makers
Project development support (financing and grants)
Networking with local businesses and research organizations
Expat employee relocation assistance
1, place Firmin Gautier - 38027 Grenoble Cedex 1
Tél.: +33 476 709 718 - Fax: +33 476 709 719 - Email: [email protected]
AEPI - 2012. Photos: DR
Agence d’Études et de Promotion de l’Isère