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UNIT 14 – Great Depression and World War II 1929 – 1945
The Great Depression caused by weaknesses in international trade and monetary theories and practices, undermined Western European
democracies and fomented radical political practices throughout Europe.
WWI debt, tariff policies, overproduction, depreciated currencies, disrupted trade patterns, and speculation created
weaknesses in economics worldwide
Dependence on post-WWI American investment capital led to financial collapse after the US cut off capital flows to Europe
after the Stock Market Crash of 1929
Attempts to rethink economic theories failed to help overcome the Great Depression, leaving countries susceptible to extremist
Soviet Union – Rapid Economic Modernization
1st Notes
After death of Lenin, Stalin undertakes a centralized program of rapid modernization, which came at a high price (Kulaks,
purges, gulags, famine in Ukraine…)
The Right Wing ideology of Fascism gained popularity in an environment of post-war bitterness, the rise of communism, uncertain
transitions to democracy, and economic instability
Leaders use modern technology and propaganda to reject democracy, promote charismatic leaders, glorify war, and
nationalism to lute the disillusioned to their causes
Mussolini & Hitler rise to power by exploiting post-war bitterness and economic instability
Spanish Civil War proves to be a testing ground for WWII. Francisco Franco and Spain become authoritarian from 1936-mid
Failure to create functioning democracies results in authoritarian dictatorships in Eastern Europe
In the interwar period, fascism, extreme nationalism, racist ideologies, and the failure of appeasement resulted in the catastrophe of
World War II, presenting a grave challenge to European civilization.
Fascist states expand unchallenged in the interwar period
Axis powers gain early victories (German blitzkrieg) Japanese aggression…
Allied industrial & technological power and all out military commitment lead Allies to victory
Nazi Germany seeks to create a “New Racial Order”
Organized religion continued to play a role in European social and cultural life despite the challenges of military and ideological conflict,
modern secularism, and rapid social changes
World Depression
A. 1929 – Boom to Bust
1. 1920’s = generally _____________________ prosperity
2. 1929 – economic collapse in the ____________
a. ____________________________ effects
b. Political and social issues ______________________
B. “Prosperity” – 1920’s US
1. __________________ = #1 economy in the world
a. Enormous profits after war = ________________________
2. ___________________________ on farms
a. Demand for food ____________________ after WWI
b. Too many goods = __________________________
c. Farmers fall into ______________________
3. ______________________ distribution of wealth
C. Playing With the Stock Market (US)
1. Market ______________________ 1920’s
2. ________________________________________
3. ________________________________________
4. By 1929, “__________________________” in market
D. Crisis Begins
1. Fed slows speculation – ________________________________
2. Debts must be ______________________________
a. _______________________ sold to pay off __________________
b. _____________________ value ________________
c. ____________________ = Black Tuesday
d. Sell _________________________________!!!!
3. Banks fail
a. Money _______________________, loans not ________________________
E. Great Depression (Europe)
1. Business / bank failures, ____________________________________
2. Role reversals – men ___________________________ breadwinners
3. ____________________ down
4. _____________________________ and ________________________ in crisis
F. Colonies
1. Need for ________________________________, food drops
2. Strikes / independence movements ________
3. Some colonies make ____________________
a. _____________________________ – Mustafa Kemal (__________________) westernizes
G. Spotlight: India
1. Mohandas _________________ – independence leader
a. _____________________________________
2. Boycotts
a. Weave own cloth, not _______________________
b. ___________________________
2nd Notes
Rise of Totalitarianism
A. Totalitarianism
1. _______________________ complete control (P.E.R.S.I.A)
2. 1930’s = _____________________________________________
a. use terror, _________________________________________, censorship
3. appeal to ___________________________ areas
B. Stalin Takes Over
1. After _________________________, eliminates rivals (_______________________)
2. Increases power
a. Ends __________________________
b. party organized ______________________________
C. 5 Year Plans
1. Stalin wants to develop __________________________________________
2. Demands placed on ________________________
a. impossible quotas (______________________________)
3. Results
a. ______________________________________________, consumer goods scarce
b. elite ________________________ emerge
c. NEW POLICY = ______________________________
D. Agriculture
1. 1928 – Stalin seizes _______________________________
2. creates _________________________________________________
a. large, gov’t owned ________________________
b. produce for __________________________________
3. wealthy farmers (_________________________) resist
a. _________________________________
E. Police State
1. Stalin = ____________________________
a. secret police monitor & __________________________________conspirators
2. Purges
a. eliminate ___________________________________________ (Bolsheviks)
b. many sent to ________________________________________(prison camps)
i. ___________________________ die per year
F. Young Hitler
1. ______________________, abused as a child
2. rejected by ________________________________
3. WWI – ____________________________________
a. enjoys ______________________, injured twice
G. Hitler – 1920’s
1. Germany “_____________________________________________________”
a. by _____________________________________ and the Jews
2. Brown shirts = private ______________________________________
3. Rises in Nazi party (_______________________________________)
4. ________________________________________
a. Aryan Race, Lebensraum, Anti-Semitism
H. Nazi Take Over
1. after ___________________________________________  Nazis winning elections
a. _______________________________________blamed/hated
b. Nazis seen _________________________________________
2. Elections in Reichstag
a. _____________________________________________
3. Hitler = Chancellor in ____________________________
a. beats _______________________________________ rival
I. Increasing Power
1. Reichstag _____________ 1933
2. _________________________________________________
a. blames _________________________________ for fire, excuse for change
b. suspends ____________________________________ (4 years)
3. Terror = Order
a. Gestapo = _______________________________________________
b. SS = Secret bodyguard, _____________________________________
i. The _________________________________________
J. Keeping Order
1. Economy
a. ____________________________________
i. stimulate economy with _________________________________________
ii. HAS to help ___________________________ to keep power
2. Society
a. _______________________________ = master race
i. marry, have children
b. ___________________________________
i. Monitor and _________________________
K. Nazi Racism
1. ________________________________________ 1935
a. deprive Jews of ___________________________________________
2. Jews = inferior race, ______________________________
3________________________________ eliminates weak
4. Kristallnacht
a. Nov 9-10, 1938 = (___________________________________________)
b. Nazi mobs attack _______________________________________________________
5. massive emigration (____________________________________________)
6. Christian Responses to Hitler
3rd Notes
Road to War
A. ________________________ Threatened
1. As totalitarianism rises
a. Democracy seen as ____________________________________________
2. Democracies must ________________________ themselves
a. ________________________________________, political stability
b. Many develop stronger ________________________________________________________
1. __________________________________ (1928-32)
a. Rugged Individualism, ______________________________________________
2. Franklin D. Roosevelt (1932)__________________________________
a. ________________, regulation, security
b. Trend = ______________________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________ = communicate with citizens
C. European Democracies
1. Gov’t takes _____________________________________
2. Sweden – ______________________________________
a. ________________________________________
3. France – shaky gov’t, riots in Paris (__________________)
a. _____________________________________(1936/37) = anti-fascists
b. Leon Blum = ___________________; social welfare
c. Falls apart when they don’t ________________________________________
D. Surge in ___________________________________
1. Imperial control increases (____________)
2. Japan, Germany, Italy
a. Escalate competition for ____________________________________
b. Late comers to ________________________________
E. Japanese Aggression
1. Emperor = _______________________ (1926)
a. Nationalists push ________________________________________
2. Goal = free Asia of _______________________________________
a. ___________________________________________ = take inferior lands
3. 1931 = Japan seizes _____________________________
a. League of Nations _____________________________
b. Japan aligns with ___________________
4. 1937 = __________________________________
a. ______________ embargo of raw materials
F. German/Italian Aggression
1. 1933 – Germany withdraws from the ________________________________________
2. 1935 – Hitler openly _______________________, Mussolini invades ________________________________
3. 1936 – Hitler remilitarizes _______________________
G. Spanish Civil War (1936-39)
1. 1931 – _________________________ overthrown
a. Republic established (___________________________!)
b. _______________________ groups argue, compete for power
2. Right opposes ______________________
a. Monarchists, land owners, clergy
b. Led by _________________________________________
3. War erupts for control of Spain
H. “Training Ground” for WWII
1. _______________________________ (Germany/Italy) support Franco
2. _______________________________ supports Republic
3. Volunteers fight on both sides
a. Battleground for ______________________________________
4. 1939 – ____________________________________________ win
a. Huge loss for democracy, Franco = ___________________________
German Aggression – 1938
1. _____________________________ – March
a. _________________________ becomes part of 3rd Reich
b. Germany gains land, gold
c. Welcome by many, _____________________________
2. _____________________________ – October
a. German speaking area of ___________________________________
b. Last democracy in E. Europe; ________________________________
1. Daladier, Chamberlain, Hitler, Mussolini
2. ___________________________
a. AKA western powers ______________________________ Hitler
3. Hitler promises to stop after_______________________________
K. ________________________________________ (Aug – 1939)
1. ______________________________ pact
2. Divide _________________________, Baltic states
WWII Early Years & Atrocities
4th Notes
A. Polish Invasion _______________________
1. _____________________________ (German tactic) = Lightning War
a. Planes, tanks, army
b. Germans _________________________overrun Polish forces
c. GB, FR declare war on Germany ________________________________________
d. SU invades ____________________________ 9-17-1939
2. Sides form (eventually)
a. _________________= Germany, Italy, Japan
b. _________________ = France, Britain, Soviet Union, United States
B. Events of 1940
1. ________________________ = Phony War (Sept – April)
2. April 1940  ______________________, Norway fall
3. May/June 1940  Belgium, Netherlands, ____________________fall
C. France 1940
1. Nazis invade, bypass ____________________________
2. GB/FR troops pushed back
3. ______________________________________________
a. “little ships” save soldiers, ____________________ now doomed
4. _____________________________________, June 22, 1940
a. Nazis occupy North
b. ___________________________ (puppet gov’t) in South
D. Britain
1. Last holdout vs Nazis
2. Battle of Britain “_______________________” – Summer ‘40
3. Bombardment by _____________________
a. Countered by ____________ (have radar & enigma)
4. Bombing
a. _______________________________ targets first (prepare for invasion)
b. then ___________________________ targets (to hurt morale)
5. Churchill  don’t give in!
a. Germany abandons assault ________________________________
E. N. Africa
1. Italy invades ___________________, engages GB
2. Hitler sends _______________________________________
a. The ____________________________________
b. nightmare for GB
F. Operation Barbarossa
1. after failing in GB, Hitler decides to invade _____________________________ ***NOT A GENUIS MOVE***
a. center for “_____________________________________”
b. Break _________________________________________
2. By Fall 1941
a. 500 miles into SU, Nazi forces ________________________
3. Siege of ____________________________________
a. Russians will NOT give up
G. Pacific Theater
2. by __________________________________, empire is vast
3. overly confident because of early successes
H. United States
1. ______________________________________
a. want to keep out of war
2. Dragged closer to involvement
a. _____________________________ 1935
b. _____________________________ 1939
c. ______________________________ 1941
I. Pearl Harbor
1. _____________________________________
2. Surprise attack by Japan
a. try to decimate ______________________________
3. ____________________ enters War
J. The Holocaust
1. _____________________ – “the end of the Jewish race in Europe”
2. Relocated first – ____________________________, work camps
3. ______________________________ – Extermination camps
a. put in effect after _____________________________
b. ______________________________ (not emigration) of European Jews
K. The Ghettos
1. Walled segments of _______________________________
2. Keep Jews separate
a. then moved to ______________________________
3. Most famous is _____________________________________
a. uprising staged there
L. Concentration Camps
1. Work Camps or Extermination Camps
2. workers help supply __________________________________________
3. Extermination Camps
a. ______________________________, mass graves & ovens
Ending WWII and Legacy
A. War on Home Front
1. _________________________________ production is key
2. Overwhelm the enemy
a. Allies ______________________ Axis
3. Allied countries = _________________________________
a. citizens well informed, do their part
b. women to factories, __________________________, buying bonds…
4. ___________________________ movements in Europe
B. Japanese Internment
1. US Ex. Order 9066
a. Reflects anti-Japanese sentiments, ___________________________
2. Japanese Americans ________________________________
C. Allied Offensive
1. Stalingrad (1942-43)
a. _______________ surround and take city
b. Soviets surround, ______________________________, retake city
c. ___________________________________ in East = Soviets now on the offensive
2. Operation Torch 1942
a. GB/US clear _______________________ out of N. Africa
D. Italian Campaign (1943-45)
1. After Operation Torch, Allies move to ____________________
2. Sicily captured July _________________________
3. _____________________________ killed
4. Rome falls 1944 (__________________________________________)
5. ___________________________________________ OF GERMANY BEGINS
E. Operation Overlord
1. June 6, 1944 – Beaches in _______________________________________ stormed
a. largest amphibious assault in history
b. Heavy losses, but __________________________________
2. by September – ______________________________________
a. then all of France, Belgium, Luxembourg
b. Allies have strong presence in Europe…_____________________________________
F. Battle of the Bulge
1. Allies closing in on Germany (________________________)
2. German ____________________________________ offensive effort
a. try to retake port city of ______________________________
3. brutal fighting, Allied victory
G. V-E Day
1. By spring 1945, _________________________ surrounded
2. Hitler hides out in Fuhrerbunker
5th Notes
3. __________________________________ enter Berlin first
a. Hitler suicide
4. 3rd Reich – ____________________________________ May 7, 1945
H. Fighting Japan
1. Japanese mentality differs from West
a. ______________________________, death first
2. ______________________________ Pilots
a. US response  ______________________________Tokyo
I. Pacific Theater
1. US strategy = _______________________________________________
2. Key Battles
a. Midway / Coral Sea – 1942=
b. Guadalcanal – 1942=
c. Iwo Jima – 1945=
d. Okinawa – 1945=
J. Manhattan Project
1. US – to develop ____________________ bomb
a. Robert Oppenheimer directs; then condemns
2. ____________________________ – July 16, 1945
3. “The Decision” falls to ________________________________________
K. V-J Day
1. Hiroshima bombed ____________________________________
a. Enola Gay drops “__________________________” U-235
b. death toll around 140,000
2. Nagasaki bombed ________________________________
a. “______________________________” plutonium, death toll around 80,000
3. Japan surrenders Aug 14 1945
a. US Occupies after war, ________________________________
L. Wartime / Postwar Agreements
1. Allies had met during war to figure out post war world
2. Atlantic Charter (1941) GB/US ______________________________________
3. Tehran Conference (1943) GB/US/SU_____________________________________
4. Yalta Conference (1945) GB/US/SU  _________________________________________
5. Potsdam Conference (1945) GB/US/SU divide Germany into __________________________________
M. Legacy of War
1. Loss of life / destruction
2. _____________________ weapons used in warfare
3. War Crime Trials = ________________________
4. Stage set for ________________________ (US vs SU)
5. Establishment of _____________