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Lecture 2.5: Project Planning Overview
Dr. John MacCarthy
Fall, 2006
Planning Lectures Overview
2.2 SOW, CLINs, DIDs
2.6 Planning Process Overview
2.7 Organizational Structures
3.1 WBS, Work Packages, Cost/Contract Accounts)
3.2 Work Package Cost Estimates and Basis of Estimates (BOEs)
3.3 Work Dependencies and Scheduling
3.4 Risk Management, Prioritization and Budgeting
3.5 Earned Value & Managing Program Cost & Schedule
[3.6 CARDs, PLCCEs, and Independent Cost Estimates]
Project Planning Process
Identify Contract Scope and from the
Statement of Work
Identify Major Deliverables (Products and
Services) from the CLINs List
Establish Life Cycle Model for Project (&
Project Phase)
Establish the (tentative) Physical
Identify End Products and Enabling Products
Identify Key Activities and Events
Develop WBS & WBS Dictionary
Develop Work Packages & Update WBS
Establish Organizational Structure
Develop Cost/Contract Account structure
based on WBS and Organizational Structure
Develop Bases of Estimates (BOEs),
Staffing Plan and Cost and
Schedule Estimates
Determine/Document Task
Dependencies in and Integrated
Management Plan (IMP)
Develop Integrated Master
Schedule (IMS)
Perform Risk Assessment
Prioritize & Rebudget Work Packages as
needed (& update WP BOEs Cost
Estimates, and Schedule)
Develop Cost-Loaded Schedules
Monitor Cost/ Schedule Progress
using Earn Value
Conclusions: The SE Role in Planning
Systems Engineering Plays a role in all
of these planning activities.
The SE helps to establish the Life Cycle
The SE provides the System Architecture
that is used as the basis for the WBS
The SE may have a large role in the
development of the entire WBS
At a minimum the SE provides the WBS
structure for the SE portion of the
The SE develops Work Packages for
SE-led activities and inputs to Work
Packages that require SE support.
The SE will likely end up managing a
number of Work Packages and/or Cost/
Contract Accounts
The SE develops the BOEs for the SE-led
Work Packages and determines staffing
requirements and time lines (and often
cost estimates)
The SE provides SE costs to the cost
model and SE (event/ activity/
dependency) inputs to the IMP and IMS
The SE often provides technical oversight
of the IMP and IMS (events, activities,
The SE often supports the Risk
Assessments associated with prioritizing
tasks and budgets
The SE will often oversee or be involved in
the development of a CARD and/or PLCCE