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Name: __________________________________________
Geometry CC Unit 3 Day 1 Finding Missing Angles
Date: ______________
1. Consider the following set of rules for a card game with a standard set of cards.
Rule 1: Every even-numbered card is worth 3 points.
Rule 2: Every odd-numbered card is worth 2 points.
Rule 3: Jacks, Kings, and Queens are each worth 4 points.
Rule 4: All the cards are dealt.
Rule 5: The player with the highest point value wins.
a) Explain why the rules for this game of cards are not sufficient.
b) Add a rule/rules to make the set of rules sufficient.
2. a) Draw two points, A and B, and the line they determine.
b) Name the line you drew in part a in three ways.
3. True or False: In Euclidean geometry:
_____________a) A line contains infinitely many points.
_____________b) A plane contains infinitely many points.
_____________c) For line l in plane M, all points in M are also on l.
_____________d) If two coplanar lines intersect, then they have a point in common.
_____________e) A line has thickness.
_____________f) There are lines with only 2 points.
4. Why is each of these not a good definition of midpoint?
a) The midpoint of AB is the point between A and B.
b) The midpoint is the ideal location to minimize commuting to A and B.
c) The midpoint of AB is a point on AB that makes AM = MB, AB = 2AM, and AB = 2MB.
____________________ b) __________________
d) ______________________ e) ____________________
c) ________________________
f) ________________________
6. Identify angles x and y as corresponding, alternate interior, alternate exterior, or same-side interior.
10. Use the property to complete the statement.
11. Find the missing angle by drawing an auxiliary line. Think about it!
Do your HW!