Download Yellow Fever Training ‐ Course Reference 1. World Health

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Yellow Fever Training ‐ Course Reference
1. World Health Organization. Informal Working Group on Geographic Risk of Yellow Fever.
Background for the Consultation on Yellow Fever and International Travel, 2010: February,
Stockholm, 2011. Available at:
2. Monath T. YF: an update. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 1: 11‐20, 2001
3. Heyman D, (ed.). Control of Communicable Diseases Manual. 18th edn. Washington; American
Public Health Association: 2004
4. World Health Organization. Background Paper on Yellow Fever Vaccine. SAGE Working Group
19th March 2013
5. World Health Organization. Vaccines and vaccination against yellow fever. WHO Position
Paper ‐ June 2013; 88, 269‐284
6. Sanofi Pasteur MSD. Summary of Product Characteristics – Stamaril. Updated 18 September 2013.
Available at:
7. Public Health England. Chapter 4 Immunisation Procedures. Immunisation against infectious
disease. Updated chapter available at:‐
8. Public Health England. Chapter 35 Yellow fever. Immunisation against infectious disease. Updated
chapter available at:‐ fever‐the‐green‐book‐
9. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Transmission of yellow fever vaccine virus through
breast feeding – Brazil, 2009. MMWR: 59(05); 130‐132, 2010. Available
10. World Health Organization. Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety, Wkly Epidemiol
Rec. 16–17 June 2010; July 23; 30(85): 285‐292, 2010. Available at:
11. Kuhn S, Twele‐Montecinos L, MacDonald J et al. Case report: probable transmission of vaccine
strain of yellow fever virus to an infant via breast milk. CMAJ; March 8; 183(4): E243‐E245, 2011.
Available at:
12. Suzano CES, Amaral E, Sato HK et al. The effects of yellow fever immunization (17DD)
inadvertently used in early pregnancy during a mass campaign in Brazil. Vaccine; 24(9): 1421‐1426,
13. Geretti AM. British HIV Association guidelines for immunization of HIV‐infected adults 2008.
HIV Med; Nov; 9(10):795‐848, 2008. Available
14. Khromava AY, Eidex RB, Weld LH, et al. Yellow fever vaccine: an updated assessment of
advanced age as a risk factor for serious adverse events. Vaccine; 23: 3256–63, 2005
15. Kelso JM, Mootrey GT, Tsai TF. Anaphylaxis from yellow fever vaccine. J Clin Immunol;
103:698, 1999
16. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Adverse events associated with 17D‐ derived yellow
fever vaccination ‐ United States, 2001‐2002. MMWR; 51: 989‐993, 2002. Available
17. Lindsey NP, Schroeder BA, Miller ER et al. Adverse event reports following yellow fever
vaccination. Vaccine; 26(48):6077‐6082, 2008
18. Barwick Eidex R, for the Yellow Fever Vaccine Safety Working Group. History of thymoma and
yellow fever vaccination. Lancet; September 11; 364(9438): 936, 2004
19. MMWR. Yellow Fever: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunisation Practices
(ACIP). July 30, 2010:59(RR07);1‐27, 2010. Available at:
20. Martin M, Weld LH, Tsai TF, et al. GeoSentinel Yellow Fever Working Group. Advanced age a
risk factor for illness temporally associated with yellow fever vaccination. Emerg Infect Dis; 7(6):
945‐51, 2001
21. Online Resource. Yellow Card Scheme. Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
(MHRA). Available at:
22. Online Resource. Sanofi Pasteur MSD UK Adverse Event Reporting Form. Available at:
23. NaTHNaC Clinical Information. Reporting suspected yellow fever vaccine‐ associated neurologic
disease (YEL‐AND) or suspected yellow fever vaccine‐ associated viscerotropic disease (YEL‐AVD);
29 June, 2009. Available at:
24. Gershman M.D. Staples J.E. Yellow fever. In Health Information for International Travel 2016,
Chapter 3, 346-360, Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Oxford university press. Also
available at:
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