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Author(s): Rebecca W. Van Dyke, M.D., 2012
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M2 GI Sequence
A GI Smorgasbord:
Common GI Problems
Rebecca W. Van Dyke, MD
Winter 2012
Industry Relationship
Industry Supported Research and
Outside Relationships
• None
• Bright red blood per rectum
• Iron deficiency anemia
• Patient presentation: IBD and disease/surgical
issues from a patient perspective
Bright Red Blood Per Rectum
A common problem seen in most
areas of medicine
Bright Red Blood Per Rectum
• Passage of small amounts of BRBPR is
– Affects at least 20% of general public at one
time or another
– Usually trivial, but can reflect serious disease
• BRBPR – location
– On toilet paper
– Streaks on stool
– Dripping into toilet bowl
– On underwear
Bright Red Blood Per Rectum
• Differential diagnosis:
– think types of diseases that could cause small
amounts of bleeding
– usually in distal colon or anorectal area:
Bright Red Blood Per Rectum
• Diagnoses after full investigation:
– 20+%:
Nothing found – presumably tissue tears had
healed at the time of investigation
– 50+%:
Anorectal disease
Anal fissures
Trauma with tissue tears (ask patient )
Polyps (hyperplastic/adenomatous)
Colon cancer (increase with age)
Inflammatory bowel disease
Vascular lesions
arteriovascular malformations (AVMs)
– 1%:
Benign ulcers
NSAIDS, stercoral related to chronic constipation
Bright Red Blood Per Rectum
• Goal: Find a disease you would treat
• Evaluation – little evidence to guide you
– Can do full colonoscopy in everyone
– Alternative: no clues to disease, no family history of
• <40, reassure or just do flex sig and Rx constipation
• 40-49: flex sig or colonoscopy
• >50: full colonoscopy
– If disease clues (diarrhea, frequent/continued bleeding,
iron deficiency, pain) or family history CRC:
• full colonoscopy and other indicated evaluations
Bright Red Blood Per Rectum
• Complications
– Patient discomfort/embarressment
– Iron deficiency anemia
Iron Deficiency Anemia
• You will learn in hematology next week
how to diagnose iron deficiency anemia
• This is a common problem that is often
referred to gastroenterologists
• Today lets look at this problem in more
detail to learn how to determine the cause
of iron deficiency anemia in patient
Iron Deficiency Anemia
• Why does iron deficiency lead to anemia?
• Why does iron deficiency occur?
Iron Deficiency and Anemia
• Recall the structure of
• Recall the role of iron in
binding and releasing
oxygen from hemoglobin
Julian Voss-Andreae, Wikimedia Commons
• No iron = no erythrocytes
• Iron deficiency = fewer and
smaller erythrocytes
ring with
Iron Cycle: Facts
• Iron is high toxic at high concentrations
– Therefore absorption of iron is tightly
• Iron is absorbed by the duodenal mucosa
• Iron is efficiently recycled between RBCs,
the reticuloendothelial system and the
bone marrow
• Daily loss is about 1 mg a day
Normal Balance of Iron
Iron Pools
Dietary iron
(5-15 mg elemental,
1-5 mg heme)
300 mg
100 – 400 mg
in women
1000 mg
in men
Absorption of
1 mg of iron
Loss of
1 mg of iron
Red cells
2500 mg
Obligate loss: ~1 mg of iron from ~1 ml of blood and other losses
Iron Storage/Transport
• Iron is not very water soluble
• It is transported in blood to and from
tissues bound to transferrin
• Iron is stored in cells by the protein ferritin
• Measurements of body iron stores
– Percent transferrin saturation (Fe/total iron
binding capacity x 100)
– Serum ferritin concentration
Iron cycle reviewed:
1) 1 unit of blood = 250 mg iron - thus ~1/10 of a unit is recycled daily
2) iron absorption and recycling is controlled by liver/hepcidin
FYI: Genetic Hemochromatosis
1. A disease of uncontrolled iron absorption from the duodenum
2. Due to mutations that disrupt liver sensing of body iron stores
3. Hepcidin is suppressed and iron absorption is increased.
Approach to Iron Deficiency
+/- Anemia
• How do you identify iron deficiency?
• Why does iron deficiency develop?
• How do you evaluate causes of iron
deficiency in patients?
• How do you treat iron deficiency?
Identification of Iron Deficiency
• Low ferritin
– < ~100 ng/ml
• Low saturation of iron binding proteins
– Iron/TIBC < 15-20%
• Microcytic anemia
– MCV (mean corpuscular volume) < 80-85
• Thrombocytosis (in severe cases)
• Absence of iron in the bone marrow
Etiology of Iron Deficiency
• Loss of blood
• Inadequate dietary intake
• Failure to absorb iron
Etiology of Iron Deficiency
• Loss of blood
– Menstrual losses/childbirth
–Gastrointestinal blood loss
– Hematuria
• Inadequate diet (rare in USA)
• Failure to absorb iron
– Celiac sprue
– Loss of duodenal surface area (surgical scar present)
Gastrointestinal Blood Loss and Iron Balance
Normal Balance of Iron
Dietary iron
Dietary iron
(5-15 mg elemental,
1-5 mg heme)
Iron Deficiency
(5-15 mg elemental,
Pools 1-5 mg heme)
increases 2-3 times
300 mg
300 mg
100 – 400 mg
in women
1000 mg
in men
Absorption of
1 mg of iron
Loss of
1 mg of iron
Red cells
2500 mg
< 2000 mg
3-5 mg of iron
(i.e., gastrointestinal,
Obligate loss: ~1 mg of iron = ~1 ml of blood (~0.5 mg of iron) + ~0.5 mg of nonblood iron
Additional loss of blood/iron cannot be matched by gut
absorption and iron deficiency/anemia worsens
Loss of
1 mg of iron
Evaluation of Iron Deficiency
• Find source of blood loss
–GI evaluation is most important
– Check for hematuria
• Ask patient about diet
• Ask patient about surgery on stomach or
duodenum (? iron malabsorption)
• Look for malabsorption (celiac sprue)
Evaluation in USA
• Iron deficency in men is always pathologic: must
• Prior to menopause, women are frequently iron
deficient: evaluate if severe or if other clinical
clues to disease are present
• GI blood loss accounts for most iron deficiency
outside of menstrual/birth losses
– always work up GI tract
– fecal occult blood tests of little value as they are
insensitive and non-specific. If patients are iron
deficiency, we have to look for blood loss no matter
what the results of fecal occult blood tests are.
GI Evaluation:
Iron deficiency anemia
Upper endoscopy
Small bowel biopsy (sprue)
Transglutaminase antibody
Pick order based on
clinical clues
Can do together
Identifies most cases
Treat underlying
Give oral iron
Monitor response
If poor response,
consider IV iron
Dedicated small bowel
Capsule endoscopy
Meckel’s scan
Most recent recommendations:
depend on availability of capsule endoscopy
AGA position statement. Gastroenterology 133:1694, 2007
Iron Administration
• Oral iron may work if patients are
nutritionally deficiency or are losing blood
only slowly
– Follow patient carefully to make sure its
working (what tests would you follow?)
– Be patient – it can take 6-12 months to reestablish normal iron stores from oral intake.
• If patient cannot absorb oral iron, IV iron
must be given
IV Iron
• Iron dextran – oldest form
– May give 1-1.5 grams of iron at a single infusion
– Rare but real anaphylaxtic reactions
• Iron sucrose (Venofer) or sodium ferric
gluconate complex (Ferrlecit)
– Developed for use as small doses (100-125 mg)
given by rapid IV push for dialysis patients
– Can give 200-500 mg at a single infusion if necessary
• In iron deficiency you have to replace the
missing erythrocytes AND storage pool.
• In this sequence you have learned about
a large number of GI diseases
• Some present with inflammation and/or
iron deficiency or both.
• Some have cures,some are chronic
diseases with consequences
• Today we have a patient to help us
understand the patient perspective of
some of these problems.
Additional Source Information
for more information see:
Slide 14: Julian Voss-Andreae, Wikimedia Commons,