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COSC 6221: Statistical Signal Processing Theory
Assignment # 4: Random Vectors, Karhunen Loeve Transform, and Maximum Likelihood Estimation
Due Date: October 29, 2003
In the last two weeks, we extended our discussion on random variables to random vectors, Karhunen Loeve Transform
(KLT), and Maximum Likelihood Estimation. A random vector is defined as a (n 1) column vector X  X 1 X 2  X n 
whose elements X i are random variables. Such a notation provides us with a compact representation for multiple random
variables, the joint probability density function, and the associated statistics. A consequence of the vector notation is that the
covariance K  E{XX T ] of the random vector X is now a (n  n) positive definite, symmetric matrix. When the covariance
matrix K is diagonal, the random variables in the random vector are uncorrelated. We illustrated how the Karhunen Loeve
Transformation can be used to diagonalize any given covariance matrix K . In the later part of the week, we focused on the
derivation of the maximum likelihood estimators covering the associated properties of a good estimator such as unbiasness,
consistency, minimum variance, and minimum mean square error (MSE).
Please review chapter 5 from the Woods text before attempting the assignment.
(PDF) Let f X x be the pdf given by
f X x  Ke x U (x)
where   1 ,  2 ,  ,  n 
with  i  0 for all i ; X  X 1 X 2  X n  ; and
1 if x i  0, i  1 n
U x   
Calculate the value of K will enable f X x to be a pdf?
(Gaussian Random Vector) For (  xi  ), i  1,  , n , let the probability density function (pdf) of X can be
f X x  
 1 nx
exp     i
2  i 1  i
(2) n / 2 1   n
Show that all marginal pdf’s are Gaussian.
(Covariance Matrix) Explain which of the following matrices can be covariance matrices of real valued random vectors.
 2  4 0
 4 3 1 
 0
1 2
0 
0 3 0
0 0  9
0 0
1 0
 6 1 j
1  j
 2
 1
6 
4 1 2 
6 9 2 
9 2 16 
(Diagonalization) Let K 1 and K 2 be positive definite covariance matrices in the expression
K  a1K 1  a2K 2
where a1, a2  0
Let A be a transformation that achieves
A T KA  I
Show that A satisfies K
A T K 1A  Λ
K 1 A  AΛ (1) .
 diag (11) ,  , (n1) .
Show that A K 2 A  Λ
( 2)
 diag (12) ,  , (n2) .
Show that A K 1 A and A K 2 A share the same eigenvectors.
Show that the eigenvalues of Λ (2) are related to the eigenvectors Λ (1) as
(i2) 
[1  a1(i1) ]
And are in inverse order from those in Λ (1) .
(KLT Transformation) Two jointly Gaussian random variables X 1 and X 2 have joint pdf given by
 8
exp   x12  x1 x 2  x 22 
 7
 7
f X1 X 2 x1 x 2  
Find a nontrivial transformation
 Y1 
X 
   A 1 
 2
 X2 
That makes Y1 and Y2 independent, Compute the joint pdf f Y Y x1 x 2 .
1 2
(Multivariate Gaussian) Show that if X  X 1 , X 2 ,  X n 
 
has mean μ  1 2   n  and covariance K  K ij ,
then the scalar random variable
Y  p1 X 1    p n X n
has the following statistics:
EY    p i  i
i 1
 Y2    p i p j K ij.
(Characteristic Function) Compute the joint characteristic function of X  X 1 , X 2 ,  X n 
where the random
variable X i , i  1,  , n are mutually independent and identically distributed Cauchy’s random variable with the following
f X i ( x) 
Use the result to compute the pdf of Y 
 x  2
 Xi.
i 1
(Maximum Likelihood Estimator) Compute the MLE for the parameter  in the exponential pdf for n independent
observations of the random variable. Show that the likelihhod function is indeed a maximum at the MLE value.
(Maximum Likelihood Estimator) Compute the MLE for the parameter p (the probability of a success) in the binomial
pdf for n independent observations of the random variable.
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