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Migration: A permanent ______________ from one country or region to another
Causes of migration: ____________________ factors: push people out of an area or pull them into an area
Experts can trace migrations over time by studying the spread of ____________________________
Most languages in Africa can be traced back to one parent-language:________________________
Bantu Migration
Bantu-speaking Africans moved _____________ & _______________out of Nigeria from 3000BC- 1100AD
Spread their ________________ and ______________________
Reasons for migration: ________________________ farming & overpopulation and search for ______________________
East Africa: Early Kingdom
East Africa: Coastal Trade Cities
of Aksum
Located on Red Sea in
present day
Through ____________
(ivory!) Aksum
(350AD) absorbed many
elements of Roman
culture, including
Bantu-speaking people established coastal villages; ________________and
Persian traders settled in port cities around 639AD
_________________ was formed: blended language of Bantu and ____________
Blending of religions of ________________, ________________
and______________________ beliefs
Coastal Trade Cities & Slave Trade
• Swahili cities became wealthy through ______________ (gold, ivory, etc)
• By 1300, more than _______ trading cities
• Muslim traders sent _____________________ to the Middle East, India, China
• Numbers of traded slaves remain small until the 1700s, when Europeans start
buying slaves for colonial _______________________________
The Gold-Salt Trade
• All 3 kingdoms _______________________ the GOLD-SALT Trade at some point in time
• Occurred in ____________________ near the northern part of the ______________ River
• Although rich in _____________, West Africa’s savanna & rain forests ___________________________
• Fortunately, the ___________________________ contained large deposits of salt
• _________________ traders crossed the Sahara with _______________, cloth & manufactured goods
• _______________________ traders collected ____________________ from the forested regions
• Met in ______________________ where they would exchange goods
Ghana’s Wealth:
• Ghana grew rich by ___________________ trade that crossed through the kingdom
• Ghana’s wealth enabled the kingdom to build a _________________ & _____________ neighboring regions
• The ____________ acted as a religious leader, chief, judge, & military commander
• As a result of the _______________, Ghana’s rulers converted to ________________ and helped spread the religion
Ghana’s Decline:
• War with a nearby kingdom _________________ Ghana’s empire
• Led to ______________ division & eventual decline…
EMPIRE OF MALI (AD 1235 to 1400)
The Rise of Mali (“where the king resides”)
• In 1235 Mali rose to ___________ on the same territory
• Quickly expanded to the ______________ Ocean under the rule of _____________________
• Gained control of the Gold-Salt Trade
• Mansa Musa is the most famous African Muslim ruler; skilled _____________ leader who
expanded the empire; Under his reign Mali, became ________________ from Gold-Salt Trade
Mansa Musa & Religion
• Mansa Musa is a devout ______________; In 1324 went on a hajj to _______________
• Mansa Musa built ______________, schools & libraries where people could study _____________
• As a result Timbuktu, the ____________ city, became a __________________ center for Islam
Mali’s Decline:
• ___________ rulers after Mansa Musa; Declined & people began to break away
EMPIRE OF SONGHAI (1450 to 1600)
Mali declines in the 1400s & the Songhai set up an __________________
Sunni Ali, Muslim ruler who expanded the empire by military __________________; Built a professional _______________;
conquered the city of ___________________________
Askia Muhammad took control; well-______________________ empire, _____________ system of government; laws based
on the ________________
Empire was full of wealth & learning but lacked modern ___________________, leading to its collapse
Mesoamerican Cultures
Olmec Civilization:
(1200 BC – 500 BC)
Location: _______________________________________________
Highly centralized ________________________
__________________ hierarchy; No specific ___________________ are known
Polytheistic; Practiced _______________________________ as a form of sacrifice
___________________ sacrifce (maybe?)
Religious activities performed by a combination of _________________ &
May have been the __________________ civilization in the western hemisphere to develop
a system of ____________________________; Calendar & Concept of ______
Possible Explanations for decline:
Not known; outside ______________________ or internal ___________________?
Location: ____________________________________________________
Composed of ___________________________
Each contained: Its own ___________________, farmland & an __________________ center built around
ceremonial temples; _______________________; offerings of ______________, flowers & incense
Sacrificed humans (generally _______________________); Worshipped ____________________ gods
Written language; similar to ____________________________
System of numbers that included __________; Accurate _________ day solar calendar
Society: Men cultivated __________________; women processed them
To support Mayan cities, farmers paid taxes in ___________________
(AD 250 – 900)
Possible Explanations for Decline:
Frequent ____________________; ______________________________  over farming soil exhaustion
______________________________ revolts
Location: ______________________________________________
• Single ruler – unified empire
• _______________________ government characterized by frequent ______________
• Built an empire in _______________________________________ by conquering
neighboring civilizations
• Polytheistic; Worshipped over _____________ gods, but the _________ god was the
most important (Huitzilopochtli)
• Made _________________________ sacrifices
• Social Hierarchy: king, ________________ (officials, judges, etc…), warriors
______________________, slaves
Explanations for Decline
• Conquered by the _______________________ (led by Hernando Cortes)
• Conquest led to destruction & epidemic disease, specifically _____________________
(AD 100 – 750)
(1400s to 1500s)
• Incan Government: very efficient with many different levels
• _________________________ & tax collection
• The emperor had ___________________ over the empire; claimed that he was the ______
of the sun, or divine; He also served as the chief _________________________ leader
• Polytheistic; believed in ___________________________ gods
• The ____________god, Inti, was the most important; Offerings of food & ___________
• Built ______________ miles of road to unite empire
• ___________________were posted along Incan roads to relay messages of rebellions/
natural disasters
• No __________ land for farming; In order to overcome this challenge, farmers used
___________________ – strips of flat land carved into steep hillsides
Explanation for Decline
• Weakness with the empire led to _____________________________
• Conquered by the ________________________ (led by Francisco Pizarro)
• N, S, & Central ___________________
• _____________________ Hemisphere
• Total: ________ million
• High _________________ mortality rate
• Life expectancy = ____________ years
• Spirits, ______________, animism, etc…
• Depended on __________________
• Europe & ____________
• ____________________ Hemisphere
• Total: _____________ million
• National languages
• Frequent ___________; Chronic ______________
• 1 in ______ dead from smallpox
• ½ of kids died before age _______
• Life expectancy = _______ years
• Catholicism (Europe before Protestant
Mainly wood
(IN)Famous Explorers:
- Prince Henry the Navigator (P): established school for navigators; never actually sailed himself; stopped Muslim
expansion & ‘stole’ the slave trade
- Vasco da Gama (P): First to reach India from Europe by sea; went around Southern tip of Africa
- Christopher Columbus (S): Wanted to reach India; landed in Bahamas, Cuba, S. America; called the natives ‘Indians’
bc he always believed he was off the coast of India
- Amerigo Vespucci (S): Several voyages to the ‘New World’; first to recognize the Americas were new & NOT India
- Ferdinand Magellan (S): First to circle the world (circumnavigation); killed in Philippines but crew returns to Spain;
world is round, oceans connected (yay!)
- Hernando Cortes (S): conquered the Aztecs; Montezuma believed Cortes was a god; offered gifts of gold, but Cortes
massacres Aztecs; advantages = guns, horses, disease
- Juan Ponce de Leon (S): looking for the Fountain of Youth; arrived in Florida
- Francisco Pizarro (S): Conquered the Incas in Peru
- Samuel de Champlain (F): Founded Quebec; first permanent French settlement in Americas
- John Cabot (E): Explored coasts of Canada & New England
- Henry Hudson (D): Charted much of coastal N. America; the Hudson River & Hudson Bay
Discovery, Mercantilism & Commerce
Motives for Exploration
The 3 G’s: God, Gold & Glory
Motive #1 – GOD
Motive #2 – GOLD
The Catholic Church wanted to:
Stop the spread of
____________________ & spread
New Technology
The Race is On!
MERCHANTS wanted to:
Find new _________________
_______________ to the East &
make a ___________________
Motive #3 – GLORY
EUROPEANS wanted to:
Establish _________________ &
trading posts throughout the
world (competition between
Astrolabe: An astronomical instrument that was used to determine
Triangular Sails: sails that allowed ships to sail _______________________ the wind
Cartography Improvement: increasingly precise ______________
The Caravel: a small, sturdy, & highly maneuverable ________________; proved more
effective than previous ships
At the time, the ___________________________ were most advanced in terms of new
sailing technology
Began a national rivalry between Portugal & __________________________
Line of Demarcation (1493): An imaginary line of __________________________ that
was established to _________________________ claimed by Portugal from those
claimed by Spain
Intended to maintain ________________________
Treaty of Tordesillas (1494): Moved the Line of Demarcation further to the
_______________ due to Portuguese complaints
The Impact of Exploration
#1 – The Triangular Trade
Europe – Africa: weapons,
___________________, & cloth
Africa – Americas: ______________
Americas – Europe: ____________, molasses,
________________, tobacco
#2 – The Middle Passage
#3 – Joint Stock Companies
Second leg of the Triangle Trade: _____ to
______ week voyage
Tiny spaces, chained together in darkness,
stench, heat; 1 in _____ did not survive
Died of disease, __________________ or
___________ million people taken
from Africa
Merchants who wanted to invest in ________________ formed
Raised money by combining _______________________ with
other merchants
Allowed large & small investors to share the
__________________ & ______________ of exploration voyages
#4 – Mercantilism
Belief that a nation’s _______________
depended directly on its wealth; amount of
gold/silver it had
Goal of every nation was to become as
________________ as possible
#5 – Colonial Development
European nations established
_____________________ to
gain wealth, power, & make the
“mother country’
#6 – Columbian Exchange
The Columbian Exchange refers
to the global _______________
of plants, animals, diseases, and
technology between the “Old”
& “New” Worlds
European and Native American
ways of life