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According to our Constitution, the committee of management consists of ….. ordinary
members and ….. executive members. The committee is elected at the Annual
General Meeting by the financial members of the organisation.
The committee of management is a group of committed people who represent the
community for whom the organisation provides services, programs and activities.
Committee members, therefore, have a vested interest in ensuring that the
organisation continues to be an effective and efficient community-based organisation.
Committees of management operate in a democratic, egalitarian, respectful way. No
committee member has more authority or power than the others. Some executive
members, however, have additional responsibilities (i.e. the Chairperson)..
Day to day management of the organisation is the responsibility of the paid staff.
The role of the committee is to govern the overall organisation and to provide
direction, supervision and support to staff members.
The committee of management is primarily accountable to the members of the
organisation, and will report to them via the Annual Report presented at the Annual
General Meeting. They are also accountable to each other, the community they serve
and the funding bodies who provide support.
No formal qualifications are required.
However, it is essential that committee members:
are willing to commit to the organisation’s overall objectives and principles
are prepared to work within a team environment
are willing to learn about their roles and responsibilities and undertake them
to the best of their ability
The committee of management has overall responsibility for:
 ensuring the organisation operates within the boundaries of its constitution
 fulfilling the required legal obligations
 financial management
 insuring premises and equipment
 employing and managing paid staff and/or volunteers
 policy development
 planning and Evaluation
 marketing and Promotion
to act in a legal, ethical and responsible manner at all times.
to take part in orientation and suitable training opportunities as required
to attend all management committee meetings and participate in discussion
and decision making. (Missing 3 or more consecutive meetings without
formal apology may result in a committee member being asked to stand
to participate in working groups, sub-committees or other subsidiary group as
to read all working papers and documents as required
to represent the organisation in an appropriate and positive manner.
to take part in funding or fundraising activities as required.
to support and encourage other members of the team and work cooperatively at all times
All committee members must be aware of the organisation’s Code of Ethics, and
honour It’s principles at all times.
Job Description - CHAIRPERSON
Committees of management operate in a democratic, egalitarian, respectful way. No
committee member has more authority or power than the others. Some executive
members, such as the Chairperson, have additional responsibilities, but do not have
additional power or authority over the rest of the committee.
The management group is primarily accountable to the members of the organisation,
and will report to them via the Annual Report presented at the Annual General
Meeting. The Chairperson, as with the other committee members, are accountable to
each other, the community they serve and the funding bodies who provide support.
No formal qualifications are required. However, it is essential that the Chairperson:
understands the organisation’s Constitution, Code of Ethics and key policies
that relate to the management committee
is prepared to work within a team environment
is fair, level headed and mindful of the needs of others
At meetings
 To read all working papers/documents as required
 To open and close meetings
 To check quorum (or follow due process where there is no quorum)
 To prioritise agendas and set time lines
 To remain impartial
 To refrain from voting (unless voting is tied)
 To case vote where voting is tied
 To refrain from using influence in discussion
 To monitor and/or declare conflicts of interest
 To exercise step-aside option when personal conflict of interest arises
 To ensure meetings are conducted according to the constitution
 To ensure all members have equal opportunity to have input to discussion
and decision making
 To call for voting or final decisions
 To monitor and minimize conflicts or unethical behaviour
 To reflect, summarise and clarify discussion and decisions
 To declare meetings adjourned or deferred where conflict is deemed to be
interfering with meeting process
General responsibilities
 To make executive decisions (in collaboration with other Executive members)
in cases of emergency
 To write report for, and attend the AGM
 To represent the organisation as required
 To sign documents, submissions and cheques as required
 To be involved in induction, recruitment or other activities as required