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Ethical Review Processes and Animal Welfare Body
Ethical Review Processes
Animal Research in TCD
Trinity College has a range of research projects which involve the use of animals in the
investigation of a series of human diseases. These include:
 Investigation into the function of memory with special attention to the
investigation of the cause of Alzheimer's disease and age related memory loss.
 Immunological studies in relation to the understanding of the function of the
immune system especially in relation to many autoimmune diseases such as
arthritis, multiple sclerosis, allergic lung and skin inflammation, inflammatory
bowel disease among others.
 Studies on genetics diseases and gene therapies that might prevent the progression
of these diseases e.g. progressive retinal atrophy which is an inherited disease
which leads to blindness in children among others.
 Studies into the genetics disease to determine for example the cause of
schizophrenia in humans
 Studies into the therapies for arthritis using mesenchymal stem cells that can be
isolated from within damaged or diseased joints such as the knee to regenerate and
repair articular cartilage which could prevent arthritis.
TCD Animal Research Ethics Committee
The TCD Animal Research Ethics Committee (AREC) was founded over 10 years ago in
order to foster ethical behaviour among the College scientific community who wish to use
animals for research. The committee has been formally approved by the then Bioresources
Management Committee and is recognised in the College Policy for Good Research Practice.
The Animal Research Ethics Committee (AREC) reports to the Research Ethics Policy
Committee (REPC).
Membership of the committee
Category of Members
Animal Care Staff
Animal User (Academic)
Animal User (Non-academic)
Non-User (Academic)
Non-User (Lay person – Internal)
Non-User (Statistician – External)
Designated Veterinarian
Veterinary Surgeon
Number of Members
AREC meetings
The committee meets on the first Wednesday of each month, apart from a break during the
summer recess (July and August).
AREC approvals
Any person wishing to receive a project authorisation from the Health Products Regulatory
Authority (HPRA) to carry out research on animals must submit an application to the AREC
for approval. The guidelines on the type of animal research that require authorisation from
HPRA are based on EU legislation and are clearly defined.
Animal Welfare Body
In accordance with Article 26 of Directive 2010/63/EU and Regulation 50 of SI No. 543 of
2012, each establishment which breeds, supplies or uses animals intended for scientific
purposes must have an internal Animal Welfare body (AWB).
1. Advising scientists and staff dealing with animals on matters related to animal
welfare; the application of the 3R’s (Reduction, Replacement, Refinement); rehoming schemes;
2. Ensuring best practice is in place in order to maximise the welfare of animals;
3. Monitoring the development and outcome of projects to identify/advise where further
contributions to the 3R’s could be made;
4. Facilitating programmes for the sharing of organs and tissues of euthanised animals;
5. Providing HPRA with records (on request) of any advice provided to scientists or
staff and the decisions taken based on that advice.
The Animal Welfare Body in Trinity College Dublin comprises of the following:
(1) The Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Mathematics & Science (FEMS) &
Compliance Officer (Overall) - responsible for overall compliance with the
legislative requirements for strategic and operational management of animal
experiments at TCD - Chair of AWB
(2) The Director of Comparative Medicine/Designated Veterinarian/Animal Care &
Welfare Officer/Training Officer : Compliance Officer (with day to day
responsibilities) - charged with advisory duties in relation to the well-being and
treatment of the animals, responsible for overseeing the welfare and care of the
animals in the establishment and ensure that the staff dealing with animals have
access to information specific to the species housed in the establishment, responsible
for ensuring adequate education, competency and continuous training of staff – ViceChair of AWB
(3) Scientist Representative
(4) Administrative Officer of Comparative Medicine & Common European
Submissions Platform (CESP) Administrator - responsible for authorisation
submissions to the HPRA - Secretary of AWB