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Staffing Organizations Model
Support activities
1-Legal Compliance
2- Planning
Staffing Organizations Model
Staffing Organizations Model
• The organization mission and its goals and objectives
drive both organization strategy and HR and staffing
• organization strategy and HR and staffing strategy
interact with each other when they are being
formulated, staffing policies and programs result from
that interaction, and they serve as an overlay to both
support activities and core staffing activities.
• Employee retention and staffing system management
concern cut across support and core staffing activities.
Support Activities
Support activities
• 1- Legal Compliance
• 2- Planning
• 3- Job Analysis and Rewards
1-Legal Compliance
Legal compliance
• When the organization acquires people to do work for
it, legal employment relation is established.
• The acquired people may be employees, independent
contractors, or temporary employees.
• Laws are needed to define how the employer may use
each type, as well as the rights of each type.
• Laws have been developed to create fairness and
nondiscrimination in staffing such as race
discrimination, and disability.
2- Planning
• HR Planning is the process and set of activities
undertaken to forecast an organization’s labor
demand (requirement) and internal labor
supply (availabilities), to these projections to
determine employment gaps. and to develop
action plans for addressing these gaps. Action
plans include staffing planning to arrive at
desired staffing levels and staffing quality.
External influences on HR staffing & planning
Economic Conditions
Economic expansion and contraction
Job growth and job opportunities
Internal labor market mobility
Turnover rates
Labor Markets
Labor demand: organization requirements, KSAs
Labor supply: KSAOs available
Labor shortages (demand > supply) and surpluses (demand < supply)
What is Human Resource Planning
Involves activities to
 Forecast
an organization’s
 Labor demand
 Internal
 Compare
 Develop
-- Requirements
labor supply -- Availabilities
projections to determine employment gaps
action plans to addressing the gaps
 Staffing
The Basic Elements
of Human Resource Planning
(1) Forecast Labor
(2) Forecast Labor
(4) Determine
(5) Develop
Action Plans
Staffing Planning
• This is a vital phase of the planning process.
• Staffing planning process:
1- Staffing objectives
2- Generating Alternative Staffing Activities
3-Assessing and Choosing Alternatives
Staffing objectives
• The objectives are the targets the
organization establish to determine how many
people will need and in which job category.
• They may require the establish of quantity and
Generating Alternative Staffing
• With quantitative and qualitative objectives
established, it is necessary to begin identifying
possible way of achieving them.
• There are many options available to deal with
employee shortage and surpluses.
Generating Alternative Staffing
Hiring freeze
Retirement incentives
Reduce work week
Reduce part-time
New Hires
Assessing and Choosing Alternatives
• Each of this alternative need to be assessed to
help the decision makers choose among them.
• The goal of such assessment is to identify one
more preferred activities.
• A preferred activities offers the highest
likelihood of attaining the staffing objective
within the time limit established, at the least
cost and with the fewest negative side effects.
How the organization creates and
structures its workforce?
This involves the key strategic issue of core
versus flexible workforce usage.
Core workforce: regular full-time and part- time
Flexible workforce: temporary employees
provided by independent contractors.