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Report, materials and attendance list of
local meet the market event
Gothenburg – 16th Sept. 2015
SP, City of Borlänge and Tunabyggen organized a Meet the Market Event on the 16th of September 2015in
Gothenburg, Sweden. The invitation was sent to a broad audience in Europe. The event has been a great
opportunity to discuss the main issues and challenges of the future tender with purchasers, market,
companies and experts in the building sector and ventilation especially. The starting points were the
performance requirements stated in the Prospectus.
In the framework of EU PROBIS project, three municipalities in Italy (Torino, Treviglio) and Sweden
(Borlänge) will test Public Procurement for Innovation (PPI) in increasing energy efficiency and
sustainability of buildings.
Four Public procurement tenders will be launched in late 2015 early 2016 for an estimated overall amount
of around 3 Million of Euros.
The aim of the tenders is to deploy test bed for innovative solutions for energy in building, encouraging
public procurers to adopt innovative solutions aimed to reduce energy consumption and reducing
management costs.
In order to enquire the market around the availability of innovative solutions, we are now launching a
survey towards companies (developers, manufacturers, suppliers and designers or other subject) interested
in promoting their innovative solutions concerning building energy refurbishment .
The technology concerns are:
Building Energy Management Systems,
Residential heat recovery system,
Windows and frames,
Wall insulation solutions,
Domestic Hot Water billing and metering,
Windows’s solar shading system,
Two pipes HVAC distribution system.
We would be very pleased if you could disseminate this PROBIS survey to your Cluster’s companies.
Participating in the Market Innovation Exercise survey, companies can help procurers to ameliorate their
purchases and procurement procedures. Furthermore, following PROBIS activities, they’ll be informed
about the evolution of project activities and the related tenders.
Part 1Information of pilots and procurement process
This part of the programme was to orient and introducing the audience to the issue of public procurement
of innovation as a sustainable practice to improve market competitiveness and achieve better
products/services within the public sector at the benefit of all.
Presentation was made:
Background of project
All three pilots in Probis was presented
The three areas for innovation that is; Ventilation systems, widows and Integrated Energy
Management systems
Public procurement process
Pilot Tunabyggen in Borlänge, The prospectus.
The aim of this part of the programme was to give an insight of main challenges – both
technical/technological and not (including societal and financial aspects) – related to the innovative
procurement object of Borlänge pilot as well as main objectives in terms of reduced energy consumption
and improved comfort in the targeted building.
Technical part/ discussions
Borlänge municipality has published on TED section the Prior Information Notice (PIN), along with a
document called Prospectus describing the aim functional and performance requirement of the future
To this context, the desired solution for Borlänge is targeted towards energy efficient ventilation system
integrated in the whole building and in the process of renovation, which can be addressed as follows:
A. Ventilation system only
B. Whole ventilation system solution and all needed changes adaption/integration in the house, like
insulation, air-ducts, windows, air-flow etc.
The procured system is aimed beside the main objective of the procurement to achieve a good levels of
internal comfort for tenant, cut energy cost to the half and to run a cost effective solution in terms of
energy cost and maintenance routines.
With reference to the desired solution described above, a summary of the discussions and related
functional and performance requirement is outlined below:
 Improvement of the ventilation system and air quality:
Replacing the actual ventilation system is important in order to improve the internal comfort and at
same time fulfill buildings regulations in this regard.
Room temperature, moisture levels, air quality are crucial indicators that shall be taken in
consideration in order to keep good levels of air quality inside building and shall comply with
building regulations. A monitoring system of indoor air quality is suggested in this regard.
 Energy Management System:
Controlled ventilation system based on demand, regardless of the ventilation solution. The vent
solution shall have a limited impact on the tenant in terms of sound and response to the outdoor
To achieve this it is very important to understand the actual situation related to air quantity in the
pilot building and which consequences are expected as a result of this type of control if it will be
 Innovation vs management of installation and following up:
In order to minimize the impact of installation on tenants, it is very important to define the in
advance a working procedure of renovation in the pilot bldg. in a way that the working will be done
according to a work flow per a staircase floor by floor. A designated number of professional
workers working as team are a crucial point in achieving the target of renovation in a fast and less
complex and minimum disturbance to tenants. Another important factor in this type of
entrepreneur is to assign an installation coordinator to supervise, follow up and coordinate the job.
Time for evacuation will be evaluated 8h/24h/48h.
A further important factor came up from discussions is the importance of including the contract a
tool for following up system efficiency and to do initial adjustments required to run the system in
an optimum way. An inspection procedure after one year is a very important tool to prove that the
theoretical efficiency is ok or achieved.
 Innovation vs design & system solution:
A semi central or centralized ventilation solution with minimum interference in apartments in order
avoid the readjustments in apartments is suggested. A key point in such type projects is relying on
the design and consultation phase of the proposed solution from entrepreneur side, based on the
needs analysis outlined in Prospectus. New ideas and thoughts, is possible to be supplied as an
option, adapted in another way in the existing system in order to achieve goal of the project and to
run an energy cost effective solution.
 Adoption of all technical solutions to requirements outlined in the BBR (Swedish building
In addition to the requirements for technical procurement it is necessary that a complete
competitive tender also want to include an otherwise complete and well-functioning heating and
ventilation system which complies with legal requirements when modifying buildings, e.g. duty of
care, accessibility, fire regulations, radon concentration, sound- and moisture levels, etc, i.e. laws
and ordinances in force shall apply.
 Innovation based on needs:
It was clear as an outcome from discussions we had that there are several solutions available on
the market and it seems it is difficult to ask for innovative solution in general. To this scope several
check/ prove must be done on the building in order to check the viability of the asked solution.
Thermal photograph and tightness of air test is an example of these proves that might be done on
this building and it can be as a basement for the future procured system. After this a list of
priorities and a clear action plane should be done.
Part 2 discussion –Can the pilot needs be met by innovative solutions?
This part is aimed at fostering the dialogue among the local technical working group, a sample of the
building users, a pool of experts and market operators in order to discuss together the main contents of the
criteria’s in the Prospectus. The audience was divided into smaller groups to discuss the following issues in
the prospectus:
Innovation drivers
More difficult
Are there exciting solutions?
Do you have innovative solutions?
Are the criteria’s wrong spelled?
The dialogue map used was designed as a matrix for the groups to fill in. The focus was the Bolänge pilot
and criteria’s are energy efficiency, evacuation days, airflow, space use, noise, installation time and, other.
Outcome from the dialogue:
Common for all criteria’s is that they have to be able to reach all basic demands of the BBR
A very important question is if there is a need for further ventilation of the building.
The criteria’s are an innovative driver for the building and ventilation industry
There is a need to add the primary energy such as sun panels, storage of heat and behavior
regulated ventilation
Missing is service and maintenance as well as monitoring actions
Important if using FTX-system there is also need to insulation of the building
When it comes to noise it is difficult to manage the latest demand from the regulation.
There are different focus between the countries in Sweden there is an efficiency focus while in Italy
there is a renewable energy focus that drives the development
Important to do innovative solutions regarding installation with less disturbance to tenants.
Importance of easy maintenance in addition that smells and sound don´t transfer between
different areas.
Part 3 discussion –How can specification drive innovative solutions?
In part 3 of the day a technical procurement was discussed. The objective from that specification was to
develop complete systems for recycling heat from ventilation air in existing apartment blocks.
Technical procurement covers the systems needed for recycling heat, including components and measures
relating to ventilation air in existing apartment blocks. This includes conversion of existing ventilation
systems (natural, exhaust, or exhaust/intake ventilation) for recycling.
Technical purchasing embraces a complete system for recycling heat, including installation and other
measures needed for installation (e.g. sealing of climate screens, construction of fan rooms, preliminary
In addition to the requirements for technical procurement it is necessary that a complete competitive
tender want to also include an otherwise complete and well-functioning heating and ventilation system
which complies with legal requirements when modifying buildings, e.g. duty of care, accessibility, fire
regulations, etc, i.e. laws and ordinances in force shall apply.
The requirements and wishes proposed are expressed in the form of "must" and "want" features. "Must"
requirements are basic requirements which must always be fulfilled. "Want" requirements do not have to
be fulfilled but will be taken into account favorably during assessment. Requirements that are fulfilled
better than the "want" requirements will be more highly rated.
Outcomes from the discussion from the different requirements:
Requirements for energy efficiency:
o What is used today
o Pressure in channels etc.
o Measurements of pressures in several sports in the whole system
o Behaviors regulated systems can drop
Requirement to cost
o Pay off time is missing
o LCC , with maintenance cost included.
Requirement to indoor climate parameters:
o Emissions, particulates, gases
o Important to be sure of values from surroundings system
o Sound, radon
Requirement to buildings design and function
o Robust construction.
Requirement to installation
o Installation time
Requirement to robustness
o The drawing is owned by the purchaser not the planner
Requirement to operation and maintenance
o Clear monitoring plan
Requirement to system flexibility
o Based on building usage
The requirements were too specific in the technical procurement compare to an innovative public
Invitation list
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Fredric Norefjäll <[email protected]>
Pernilla Holgersson <[email protected]>
[email protected]
[email protected]
Andersson, Jan <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Anders Collberg ([email protected])
Svein Ruud <[email protected]>
Fredriksson, Björn ([email protected])
Hermansson, Håkan ([email protected])
[email protected]
Kandevik, Jörgen ([email protected])
Westlund Jan ([email protected])
[email protected]
[email protected]
Joakim Tell ([email protected])
[email protected]
Maria Mårds ([email protected])
Tomas Löfgren ([email protected])
Fredrik Snygg <[email protected]>
[email protected]
wackenfors swegon
håkan hermansson
Procurement strategy
Scope of target
In the early stages of the project and during the state of the art and initial market engagement the scope of
the Borlänge procurement was quite wide. The reasoning was that a shift to a larger scope and functional
thinking would enable innovative solutions.
In this scope, as described in the Borlänge Prospectous, many aspects of the indoor climate would be
procured in the same procurement. Open up to the different providers to rearrange their offerings in any
way they wanted as long as meeting the functional needs of Borlänge and Tunabyggen.
This scope was not possible within the timeframe of the Probis project.
Scope of meet the market
The scope of the Probis procurement will be part in a larger context of renovating the whole building. This
makes it a very complex procurement integrated in other procurements.
The moving to function of indoor climate depends on many factors and in the initial gathering of ecoinnovators and early dialogue it became apparent that the “business as usual” scenario of doing things was
quite strong.
In the Borlänge Pilot we have chosen to have a more narrow focus and trying to get deep into development
of solutions and criterias.
The scope of the meet the market has accordingly been narrowed down to a focus on the ventilation
solutions plausible for the project.
Timing of solutions
A difficulty in determining the needs for the ventilation system is that it is very interdependent with the
other needs in the renovation process. The more open Borlänge is describing the functional need of energy
efficiency and good indoor climate, the more possibilities are there for innovative solutions. But it is very
difficult to keep all other needs open in the process. It would also mean the other needs to be included in
the same procurement.
There is a conflict between the very predictable “business as usual” scenario of buying a known solution to
the need and the change to an approach of presenting the functional needs and asking for innovative
This creates a paradox. Contractors want to get as many variables set as possible in order to calculate the
price, but at the same time they want to be able to influence as many variables as possible to create the
best solution to the functional need.
Timing of contracts
Today the procurement is usually for a renovation contract. It is a special form of contract. Within this
contract a lot of choices are let to the contractor to make. Firms are organized in this way
Contracts are made in this way and it is hard to break. We realize we can’t make the whole contract within
Probis, must make smaller puzzle, but at the same time influence big puzzle of renovation.
Timing leads to different options:
1. Make the Probis procurement first
Endless possibilities for innovation.
Puts demands on other parts in the renovation procurement and the procurements of other parts of the
renovation, like windows installation, ducts, façade etc.
2. Make the Probis procurement after the other
Make the Probis after, but use information from meet the market, BAU and state of the art to set the other
demands. Make those given in the tender and make sure they get done that way before installing the
Probis part.
Locked in of the other.
Makes it easier to price.
Force innovation in a given box, but important box.
3. Simultaneous
Very difficult
How to keep dialogue open
The solution in Borlänge is to do Probis procurement first, start installation of ventilation
Renovate the rest of the house as the ventilation is set
(Influenced by the handicap adaption change)
Re-scoping contracts
In the process with the Borlänge pilot we are trying to move towards a functional procurement. In this case
it is moving from buying a specific type of ventilation equipment towards buying the function or
performance of “indoor climate” with a low energy impact. In this process it becomes obvious that there is
not one procurement contract that needs to be addressed. Today the function of indoor climate is covered
by several different contracts. When we move towards the function we must look at all these contracts and
see how they can be changed or re-scoped.
This makes it more complex.
It is more difficult with the timing.
Important is to heads up in the process and a way to decrease the organizational risks.
In the Borlänge case, ventilation equipment is usually part of a full renovation contract. The renovation can
be split in modules and some of the modules can be separate contracts or bundled in larger contracts or
included in a large contract for the whole renovation. The indoor climate is affected by many parts (or
contracts) in this renovation. Instead of making demands on the performance of the ventilation system we
must make the demands on how well this ventilation system is performing in sync whit the rest of the parts
as ducts, vents, sensors, heating etc and how the installation of the system and the other parts must be
coordinated in order to realize the energy efficient results. In this specific case the number of days the
tenants must be evacuated is how importance.
In response to these complications it is very important to re-scope the contracts into the PPI we would like
to do in the Probis project.
This also relates to the monitoring in this project. We can only monitor what is included in the PPI scope?