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Topic 4: Information Systems and
Technologies in Pharmacy
Chapter 8: Information Technology for the Health Professions
The federal agency responsible for protecting the public
health by assuring the safety, efficacy, and security of:
 Human and veterinary drugs, biological products
 Medical devices
 Our nation's food supply, cosmetics, and products that emit
 Advancing public health by helping to speed innovations that
make medicines and foods more effective, safer, and more
 Helping the public get the accurate, science-based
information they need to use medicines and foods to improve
their health.
Information Technology for the Health Professions, Fourth Edition
Lillian Burke • Barbara Weill
Some of the dangerous side effects of a drug appear
only years after the drug has been approved and is on
the market.
The FDA can now require new trials to assess the
safety of approved drugs.
Information Technology for the Health Professions, Fourth Edition
Lillian Burke • Barbara Weill
PDUFA (Prescription Drug User Fees Act renewed in
1997, 2002, and 2007):
 Requires drug companies to pay fees to support the drug
review process
 Requires companies to pay annual fees for each
manufacturing establishment and for each prescription
drug product marketed.
 User fees have steadily risen, until in 1992, 51% of the
FDA's drug review budget came from the companies that
the FDA regulates.
Information Technology for the Health Professions, Fourth Edition
Lillian Burke • Barbara Weill
PDUFA IV is now set to expire in 2012; PDUFA V
will be presented to Congress in 2012.
The FDA appears to be ready to allow more consumer
input in their decisions.
FDA is in conflict with pharmaceutical companies
over the FDA's proposal to lengthen review times
because of the 2007 Congressional drug safety
Information Technology for the Health Professions, Fourth Edition
Lillian Burke • Barbara Weill
A consumer representative (the National Consumers
League [NCL]) stated that the FDA should be funded
out of the general treasury; if not possible, then the
NCL advocates that the user fees be added to FDA's
budget, with no conditions.
Information Technology for the Health Professions, Fourth Edition
Lillian Burke • Barbara Weill
FDA has many advisory panels; some of their
members have financial ties to the drug industry.
Whether these facts have any effect on the FDA's
drug oversight is a matter for debate.
Financial interest must be disclosed in individual drug
trials; meta-analyses (studies of studies) of drug trials
do not disclose conflicts of interest.
Information Technology for the Health Professions, Fourth Edition
Lillian Burke • Barbara Weill
In June 2006, the FDA released information on drugs
that are being sold without FDA review.
In October 2008, President Bush signed the Online
Pharmacy Consumer Protection Act.
 Prohibits the dispensing of controlled substances over
the Internet unless the prescriber and patient have met
at least once face to face.
Information Technology for the Health Professions, Fourth Edition
Lillian Burke • Barbara Weill
In 2010, a plan was released by the U.S. Intellectual
Property Enforcement Coordinator to curb the sale of
unsafe medications.
In 2010, the Alliance for Safe Online Pharmacies
estimated that 36 million Americans buy drugs online
from any of 30,000-40,000 online pharmacies.
Information Technology for the Health Professions, Fourth Edition
Lillian Burke • Barbara Weill
 checks online pharmacies.
One study found that prescription drugs ordered from
online pharmacies verified by
or the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy
resulted in the delivery of safe, genuine medication.
Other sites may sell fake medications.
Information Technology for the Health Professions, Fourth Edition
Lillian Burke • Barbara Weill
Rational drug design
 Uses computers to model disease-causing molecules and
create models of molecules that will fix them
 Sees the human body as a collection of molecules
 If one molecule is causing disease, another molecule
should be modeled by computer to fix it
Information Technology for the Health Professions, Fourth Edition
Lillian Burke • Barbara Weill
The application of IT to biology
Seeks to organize biological data into databases
Information Technology for the Health Professions, Fourth Edition
Lillian Burke • Barbara Weill
Succeeded in mapping the human genome using
computers to keep track of information
Attempts to understand the molecular basis of genetic
It should be noted that although genetic
predisposition is important, other factors play a major
role in the development of disease.
Information Technology for the Health Professions, Fourth Edition
Lillian Burke • Barbara Weill
Provides a comprehensive public resource that
supports researchers aiming to study genetic variation
that might cause human disease.
Its samples come (with informed consent) from many
different populations.
In 2010, the 1000 Genomes Project published a map
of genetic differences
 May help explaining susceptibility to disease.
Information Technology for the Health Professions, Fourth Edition
Lillian Burke • Barbara Weill
Information Technology for the Health Professions, Fourth Edition
Lillian Burke • Barbara Weill
Information Technology for the Health Professions, Fourth Edition
Lillian Burke • Barbara Weill
Arranon  treat patients with certain cancers
Boostrix  used for a booster against tetanus,
diphtheria, and pertussis
Byetta  treat type II diabetes
Fluarix  a flu vaccine for adults.
Fortical  nasal spray for osteoporosis
Information Technology for the Health Professions, Fourth Edition
Lillian Burke • Barbara Weill
 for the treatment of chronic idiopathic
 Dacogen  for the treatment of myelodysplastic
syndromes formerly known as pre-leukemia
 Eraxis  for the treatment of candida fungal
 Gardasil  for the prevention of cervical cancer
caused by the human papillomavirus
 Amitiza
Information Technology for the Health Professions, Fourth Edition
Lillian Burke • Barbara Weill
For pulmonary arterial
hypertension to improve
exercise ability
For treatment of patients with
advanced renal cell cancer
For immunization of adults
against some flu
For treatment of refractory
chronic lymphocytic leukemia
For treatment of pain and fever
For treatment of relapsing MS
For treatment of schizophrenia
in adults
Lamictal ODT
For treatment of bipolar adults
For treatment of MS
 For a complete list, see Jennifer Van Brunt, “Biotech
Drug Approvals: A Year of Firsts,” February 9, 2010
Information Technology for the Health Professions, Fourth Edition
Lillian Burke • Barbara Weill
Herceptin  used for breast cancer
Lucentis  used in clinical trials for macular
Avastin  used in fast track status of cancer
Tarceva  used in orphan drug status for rare form of
brain cancer
Xolair  used for asthma
Information Technology for the Health Professions, Fourth Edition
Lillian Burke • Barbara Weill
In 2006, the gene (Runx1) identified with chronic
pain was found.
In July of 2006, scientists made a major breakthrough
in understanding the genetic makeup of the
Wolbachia bacteria that infect mosquitoes and other
insects that spread malaria.
Information Technology for the Health Professions, Fourth Edition
Lillian Burke • Barbara Weill
In August 2006, researchers determined the structure
of an important smallpox virus enzyme and how it
binds to DNA. This is crucial in the creation of
drugs to fight smallpox.
In August 2006, the genes that increase the risk of
heart attack were identified.
Hypertension susceptibility genes were identified in
February 2006.
Information Technology for the Health Professions, Fourth Edition
Lillian Burke • Barbara Weill
Antisense technology
 Experimental technology used to shut off disease-causing
genes; mixed results from trials
RNA interference
 Used by cells to turn off genes; attempts at developing
drugs using RNAi have not yet been successful.
 RNAi is currently being studied as a way of treating cancer
and viruses in humans.
Information Technology for the Health Professions, Fourth Edition
Lillian Burke • Barbara Weill
Stem cells can develop into different types of body
Theoretically they can repair the body.
As a stem cell divides, the new cells can remain a
stem cell or become another kind of cell.
It is possible that stem cell research may lead to
regenerative or rehabilitative medicine.
Information Technology for the Health Professions, Fourth Edition
Lillian Burke • Barbara Weill
In the past, scientists have either had to use
embryonic stem cells or generate embryonic-like
stem cells, a difficult process.
In 2011, scientists at the Scripps Research Institute
succeeded in converting adult skin cells directly into
beating heart cells.
This technology might make possible new treatments
for heart disease, Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's.
Information Technology for the Health Professions, Fourth Edition
Lillian Burke • Barbara Weill
Software allows simulated trials.
Computer-assisted trials do not replace human
clinical trials.
Information Technology for the Health Professions, Fourth Edition
Lillian Burke • Barbara Weill
Physiome project is creating virtual organs
(mathematical models) on which to test medications:
 It has created a virtual heart using mathematical equations
to simulate the processes of the heart; it has been used in
studies of irregular heartbeats.
 A draft of the lungs and skeletal system has been finished.
Information Technology for the Health Professions, Fourth Edition
Lillian Burke • Barbara Weill
The project is currently working on the digestive
system and a database of cellular functions.
Mathematical models will not only allow the testing
of drugs, but also enable medical engineers to fashion
customized implants and surgeons to perform “dry
runs” of surgeries
 Use of these models is still far from reality.
Information Technology for the Health Professions, Fourth Edition
Lillian Burke • Barbara Weill
FDA reviews new drugs.
In 1995—the FDA started to computerize review
process using giant electronic spreadsheets to hold
 Comparisons easier
 Process faster
Information Technology for the Health Professions, Fourth Edition
Lillian Burke • Barbara Weill