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7th Accelerated 1st Semester Review 2013
The Student Council at a new junior
high school surveyed 4 students
from each of the 12 homerooms to
determine what mascot students
would prefer. The results of the
survey are shown below. If there are
575 students at the school, predict
how many students prefer a tiger as
the school mascot.
The lives of two different brands of
60 watt light bulbs are shown in the
box and whisker plots. Compare the
medians and the ranges of the data
sets. (52.7.SP.3)
) Simplify and solve.
2(a  5)  5  3 and 2/3x
+4 =x+9 (14.EE.7b)
) Jim tosses a coin 90 times. The
coin lands on heads 72 times. What
is the theoretical probability that the
coin will land on heads the next time
he tosses it?Express as a decimal and
a percent. (58.7.SP.7a)
Sam’s mother is overseas in the
Navy reserves and she plans to tie a
yellow ribbon around a mail to
remember him while she is gone.
The mail box has a diameter of 8
inches. About how much ribbon will
she need to go around the mail box?
Angle A is four times the size of
angle B. The sum of the two angles is
150°. Find the value of x .
What is the cross section figure of
a square pyramid when it is sliced
perpendicular to the base at the
vertex? (29.7.G.3)
√16 belongs to which set(s) of
numbers? (1.NS.1)
What are rational numbers? List ten
examples of numbers that are not
rational. (1.NS.1)
If you roll three number cubes, how
many outcomes are possible?
What do vertical angles look like?
80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220
Gwinnett Middle School has 750
students. Bob surveys a random
sample of 25 students and finds that
12 of them have pet frogs. Use this
example to predict how many
students at the school are likely to
have pet frogs
The greater the variability of the
data, the more ______________ the
data points.
Graph the numbers
6 , 1.9,
36 ,
, and  on a number line. Then,
order the numbers from least to
greatest. (2.NS.2)
Solve 6n  6  8n  5  2n  1 .
Tell whether the equation has one
solution, two solutions, infinitely
many solutions, or no solutions.
An equilateral triangle with side
length 2.6 is dilated with a scale
factor of 1/2. What is the length
of one side of the image of the
According to the news report, there
Find x⁰ for complimentary
is a 25% chance of rain in Duluth.
angles, vertical angles, alternate
Which phrase best describes the
interior angles, alternate exterior
likelihood of rain?
The √15 would be between
which two numbers on a number
line? Approximate the value.
Sally flipped a coin 50 times, and it
came up heads 30 times. What is the
relative frequency of tails?
What are the mapping
transformations (x,y) for a
rotation clockwise and
counterclockwise? (37.G.2)
What angel measurements make a
What does supplementary angles
and complementary angles look like:
Sketch the cross section figure of a
triangular prism when it is sliced
perpendicular to the base?
5v 0 s 9
k 8
The area of a circle is 64 π square
centimeters. What is the radius of
the circle?
When the two number cubes are
rolled, the cube with the number
less than three is the winner. In how
many cases would a cube win? (use
a tree diagram if necessary to
determine your answer) (62.7.SP.8b)
Atoms are made of three elementary
Write and solve an equation to find
particles, protons, electrons, and
when the angles are
neutrons. The mass of a proton is
supplementary and their measures
are 3x and 7x+80:
1.67 1027 kg. The mass of an
electron is
00911 kg. The mass of a neutron is
about 1.68 10 kg. Which
particle has the least mass?
A large concrete block is used for the
cornerstone of a building. The block
is 13 ft. deep, 11 ft. long and 16 ft.
tall. What volume of concrete is
needed to make this block?
A parallelogram has vertices at
A(2, 1), B(2,1), C(1,2), and D(1,0).
If it is translated 2 unit up and
unit 4 right, what are the vertices
of the image?
Multiply (5x2)(-5x-4)
) What is the probability of rolling an
even number on a number cube?
To determine the amount of
wrapping paper needed for a
rectangular box, Ryan finds the
surface area of the box. How much
wrapping paper is needed if the box
measures 2.5 in. by .5 in. by 7 in?
At the beginning of the 21st
Century, the population of Peru was
approximately 1,156,000,000. Write
this number in scientific notation.
A dog has a litter of 5 puppies.
Which simulation has a probability
that exactly 3 kittens are females?
Bailey tossed a coin 20 times. The
results were 17 heads and 3 tails.
What is the best comparison
between the theoretical and
experimental probability of tossing
heads? (56.7.SP.7)