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Natural Born
“Others compare selfdeception to our
deception of others,
suggesting that selfdeception must involve
a fragmentation of the
personality into several
different subminds, and
that self-deception
happens when one of
these components
succeeds in fooling the
others in order to get its
Thanks to this we can
see two things, lying
can often be seen as a
portion of your full
mind, and that people
often see lying as lying
towards them. Implying
that we view lying as
harmful to both others
and ourselves
“In every instance of
motivational biased
belief we try to bring it
about that we acquire or
retain that belief”
This is a quote where
we see the negative
effects of lying. As the
more we do it, the more
we will continue to do
it. Saying that lying is
often self-destroying
and overall negatively
effecting us.
Lying using Reasons why
a multimedia
we lie
“Lying is obliged by its
very nature to cover its
traces, for in order to lie
effectively we must lie
about lying”
“Lying to oneself is
rooted in fear, guilt, or
mental disorder”
“On the FTL model
there need be no such
deliberate, conscious
“trying” and thus the
paradox does not arise”
“Garden variety can be
accounted for in terms
of relatively well
psychological processes
in a way that does not
require an intention or
attempt to deceive
oneself, or to make it
easier for oneself to
believe something”
This states that lying is
all done by selfThis quote helps to
preservation, implying
imply that lying itself
that we lie when we
must be used to cover
want to avoid
lies. And when on a
punishment or ill
phone or laptop where
tidings. With this we
conversation and
can glean that people lie
information on the
when they are backed
instance are limited, you into a corner.
lie to another lie to
cover your tracks.
In short this states that
when lying without face
to face interactions, you
really don’t need much
effort. With this I think
it’s easy to see that
lying would then be
more prevalent.
With this we can get
that when lying we
don’t have the intent to
do so, rather we simply
do and don’t care why
or for what purpose.
Lying Words:
From Linguistic
“As a result, according
to the literature on
“reality monitoring,”
stories based on
imagined experiences
are qualitatively
different from stories
based on
real experiences”
The quote here says that
the quiltiy of a lie is far
different from that of
the truth. Meaning that
if you can find out
whether more detail is
the truth or lie, you can
find the truth.
Deception: The
Role of
prescribes that, when
choosing whether to lie,
one should weigh
against harm, and
happiness against
Looking at this we can
glean that in our society
we can say that those
who lie are often
already unhappy or
think it will have more
benefits, while those
whp don’t lie are seen
as happy and those who
have something to lose.
“Finally, the process of
creating a false story
consume cognitive
resources leading liars
to tell less complex
This is a big help to our
argument, stating that
lying takes brain power,
and this makes the lies
you make more and
more simple. So we can
tell that a more complex
story is most likely true.
“The main empirical
finding is that people
not only care about
their own gain from
lying; they also are
to the harm that lying
may cause the other
When using a device we
often lie about
something we haven’t
done, or that we can’t
do something, however
in doing so we feel bad
for those on the
receiving end, and try to
apologize for what we
“My children wanted
me. They needed me.
And now I can’t
help them” normally,
relatives will speak
of a missing person in
the present tense. The
fact that
Smith used the past
tense in this context
suggested to
trained Federal Bureau
of Investigation (FBI)
that she already viewed
them as dead”
As we think about lying
and how to recognize it,
we have to think about
how we would act. This
used the past tense to
describe someone, so
that person would
already be gone. Thanks
to this we see that
people will lie to protect
themselves from what
has already been done,
as if its already finished.
“In the mechanism
design literature (e.g.,
Bengt Holmstrom,
1979), the standard
is that people will tell
the truth only if this
is incentive-compatible
given material
With this it’s pretty
plain. When we don’t
have anything to gain
we tell the truth, but
when we could gain
something, we lie, this
the whole idea of greed
and averice as a means.
Lying relies on
the truth
“Cognitive models of
deception focus on the
conflict-inducing nature
of the truth activation
during lying”
For this quote it states
that deception makes us
tell the truth as a part of
it, however we have an
internal battle to tell the
truth or not. So with this
we glean that its often
seen as a moral
dilemma to lie or not.
Media Use at
Night, Sleep
and Depressive
Symptoms in the
Smartphone Age
“Excessive electronic
media use at night is a
risk factor for both
adolescents’ sleep
disturbance and
Perspectives on
Human and
“Deception has
sometimes been
categorized as a
distinctly human
activity which is based
upon distinctly human
abilities like
intentionality, language
use, and selfawareness”
Today we constantly are
told to get a good
night’s sleep, and if not
this will cause
problems. One such is
lying, for various
reasons, like work
We as society view
lying as a negative
thing, and this quotes
that we as humans are
the only ones capable of
“If lying depends on the
covert activation of the
truth, deceptive
responses would thus be
facilitated by truth
distractors relative to lie
“Together with each
question, we presented
either the truth or lie
response as distractors”
From this quote we can
understand that you
either lie or tell the
With this quote it’s
truth, however when
clear that lying and truth presented with the truth
both depend on one
and a lie, can change
another, like two sides
whether or not you
of a coin. So your lies
yourself lie.
would depend on the
truth you tell, and vice
“Further, participants
“Electronic media use
reported on their
was negatively related
electronic media use in
with sleep duration and
bed before sleep such as positively with sleep
frequency of watching
difficulties, which in
TV or movies, playing
turn were related to
video games, talking or depressive symptoms”
text messaging on the
mobile phone, and
This states that
spending time online”
electronic devices have
a negative effect on
So clearly we can see
sleep, and that it
that people use a device increases problems from
shortly before they go to that, so this causes us to
sleep, and that this
lie, and from there it
causes them to get less
establishes a circle of
sleep. So this is helpful
events that all cause
as link for the main
each other.
“Functionalist depicted
“The private
an organisms
consciousness to which
consciousness as
all mentality was
passively influenced by assimilated, and which
the environment”
was therefor so
important in guiding
This quote simple states behavior, turned out to
that where you are, and be little more than a
what you are involved
copy of observable
in will change how you external factors”
act. Thus a fair
statement we can say is As we view our
that the more time you
surroundings our mind
spend using a mobile
tries to find the best
device, the more it will
way to go about its
change your behavior.
tasks, and will guide our
lying. As such we can
glean that this comes
from our complex
nature, where all other
animals are very
A Pack of Lies:
Towards a
Sociology of
“We see lying as a
regrettable human
failing and assume that
unless we make great
efforts to train children
to be honest, they will
follow a natural
tendency and tells lies”
We see lies as a terrible
thing. We as the adults
teach that lying is a bad
thing, however we
ourselves lie to teach
them. So we I think we
are hypocrites in the
worst sense, because we
giving children a very
mixed message that
they can’t process.
“A spoken lie may form
only one part of an act
of deception; the liar
may use, consciously or
unconsciously, what has
come to be known as
body language as a
means of enhancing the
chances of success for
the deceit; on the other
hand, unintended body
movements may
enhance the likelihood
that a liar will be
This is a very
interesting quote,
because it says that
when you able to see
the body language of
the person, you can’t
tell if it’s a lie. It opens
more than one pathway
making more and easier
to lie. And I believe that
with this, it is one
reason why we tell so
many lies, because it’s
just too easy.
actions and behavior
based on such
observations. So it’s fair
to say that when
constantly exposed to
certain things, your
mind will change your
behavior to suit that
“A lie, as it were, sets
our audience off more
firmly along a specified
false trail, whereas a
silence may start a
multitude of false hares.
This tells us that we lie
to put someone on the
wrong path. We confuse
them so they can’t find
the truth, and thus keeps
them safe. I think this is
one of the best reasons
why people lie, to
protect themselves. And
when there is only so
much we can learn
about the situation, this
becomes a very
effective means of
coming out unscathed.