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RRFSS Membership Procedure and Application Form
Health organizations can request to join the RRFSS at any time. Health organizations participating in RRFSS will
sign a contract with the Institute for Social Research (ISR), York University. Annual RRFSS contracts run for one
or more calendar years (i.e., January 1st to December 31st) and cover the creation of a CATI (computer assisted
telephone interview) system, data collection and the creation of data sets. Beginning in 2016, health
organizations will have the option of including a web survey component and/or a cell phone sample component
to their data collection plan.
Since ISR contracts directly with each health organization, there are many cost options for RRFSS that members
can chose depending on their needs and budget. Costs may vary due to differences in interview length, the
number of completed interviews per cycle, the use of an advanced letter, the use of refusal conversions, and
data analysis options. For example, the annual cost for a 15 minute interview of 1,200 interviews, without an
advanced letter, is $48,457. However, a member could instead chose 720 interviews at 10 minutes per
interview for $24,645. Custom surveys based on members’ individual budgets are also available. For further
information on cost options please contact the RRFSS Coordinator.
In addition to the contract fees payable to ISR, an annual coordination (membership) fee will be charged to
cover the cost of the RRFSS coordination. In 2016, this fee will be $6,000 for each RRFSS participating health
organization for the contract year or pro-rated to $2,000 per cycle for new health organizations joining part way
through the contract year.
All inquiries from health organizations regarding membership or joining RRFSS should be directed to the RRFSS
Coordinator. The following procedure is for new health organizations wishing to join RRFSS:
Procedure for New Health Organizations Joining RRFSS:
 Health organizations wishing to join RRFSS must submit a RRFSS Membership Application Form (below) to
the RRFSS Coordinator, by the timelines specified below.
 The RRFSS Coordinator will present the RRFSS Steering Group with the completed RRFSS Membership
Application Form for approval.
 The RRFSS Steering Group will review all applications using the following criteria:
- The degree to which the health organization demonstrates organizational capacity to join RRFSS as
outlined in the RRFSS Membership Application Form.
- The current allocation of available resources and the estimated use of the resources by ISR for new
health organizations to join.
 The RRFSS Steering Group Chair will notify the requesting health organization(s) of the decision to accept or
reject the application.
 If the health organization’s RRFSS Membership Application Form has been approved, ISR will contact the
health organization to finalize contract specifications and payments.
Lynne Russell,
the RRFSS Coordinator,
RRFSS Membership
Forme-mail: [email protected]
or phone: (905) 825-6000 Ext 7581
RRFSS Membership Application Form
Name of Health Organization: ___________________________________________________________________
Contact Name: _______________________________________________________________________________
Title/Positions: _______________________________________________________________________________
Date of Request: _____________________________________________________________________________
Requested date to join RRFSS: _________________________________________________________________
Requested data collection cycles: _______________________________________________________________
Requested sample size: ______________________Requested length of interview: ________________________
Requested data collection methodology (land line, cell phone, web survey, advanced letters, refusal conversion):
Requested sample area/geographic area: __________________________________________________________
1) Have you designated one staff member in your health organization to be the Primary RRFFS Contact
Person/RRFSS Representative?
If yes, who? _________________________________________________________________________________
2) RRFSS data is disseminated to health organizations on a regular basis (i.e. every 4 months). Have you
designated one or more staff in your health organization to be responsible for data quality and data analysis?
If yes, who? _________________________________________________________________________________
3) Data dissemination & promotion of RRFSS results is an important part of the overall goal of RRFSS. Have you
considered ways to disseminate RRFSS results?
If yes, how? _________________________________________________________________________________
Applicants Signature:____________________________________________Date:_________________________
Please return the completed form to the RRFSS Coordinator