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Master of Science in International Relations
Academic year 2015/2016 – Explanatory Note
In order to be admitted to the Programme, students are required to:
1. comply with specific entry requirements
2. pass the admission test so as to prove having the required basic knowledge
Entry requirements are divided into career requirements and curricular requirements. Both have to
be complied with as indicated below.
Career requirements have to be complied with in order for the application to be processed by the
administrative office. In other words, if students do not comply with the career requirements, the
application is rejected before the assessment of the curricular requirements and it is not possible to
have access to the admission test.
Complying with the career requirements means:
- to hold a bachelor degree (or higher) in a relevant field or
- to have earned at least 156 ECTS of the study plan of the bachelor degree (ECTS not
belonging to the study plan are not taken into account), by 10 September 2015*.
Undergraduate students and graduates holding a bachelor degree in one of the following areas
provided for by the Manifesto degli Studi may qualify for admission:
L-5 (Philosophy), L-6 (Geography), L-10 (Literature), L-11 (Languages and foreign cultures), L-12
(Linguistic mediation), L-14 (Juridical science), L-15 (Tourism studies), L-16 (Administration and
organisation), L-18 (Economics and business administration), L-20 (Communication), L-33
(Economics), L-36 (Political science and international relations), L-37 (Social sciences for
cooperation, development and peace), L-39 (Social service), L-42 (History), 3-year bachelor issued
under the previous classification system (precedente ordinamento) in the abovementioned areas.
Graduates holding bachelor degrees in classes other than the one listed above may be admitted to
the admission test through a deliberation of the Didactic Council.
Undergraduate students must have earned at least 156 ECTS of the study plan of the bachelor
degree (ECTS not belonging to the study plan are not taken into account), by 10 September 2015*.
The degree has to be obtained by 31 December 2015.
Dipartimento di Studi Internazionali, Giuridici e Storico-Politici
Via Conservatorio 7- 20122 Milano
Tel +39 02503 21026 / 21053 / 21250 – Fax +39 02503 21050 / 21280
Sito web:
Curricular requirements have to be complied with in order for applicants to be allowed to take part
in the admission test. The access to the test (in September or in December – see paragraph “Access
to the admission test”) depends on when curricular requirements are satisfied.
In addition to the career requirements, graduates and undergraduates shall comply with the
following curricular requirements:
at least 60 ECTS in the following 4 scientific-disciplinary sectors, distributed as follows
A) Economic sector: at least 9 ECTS in the following scientific-disciplinary sectors: SECS-P/01 Political economy; SECS-P/02 - Economic policy; SECS-P/03 - Public economics; SECS-P/06 –
Applied economics;
B) Legal sector: at least 15 ECTS in the following scientific-disciplinary sectors: IUS/01 – Private
law; IUS/02 – Comparative private law; IUS/04 – Business law; IUS/05 – Economic law; IUS/07 –
Labour law; IUS/08 – Constitutional law; IUS/09 – Public law; IUS/10 – Administrative law;
IUS/13 – International law; IUS/14 – European Union law; IUS/21 – Comparative public law;
C) Historical-political sector: at least 9 ECTS in the following scientific-disciplinary sectors:
SPS/01 – Political philosophy; SPS/02 – History of Political Thought; SPS/03 – History of political
institutions; SPS/04 – Political Science; SPS/05 – American history and institutions; SPS/06 –
history of international relations; SPS/13 – African history and institutions; SPS/14 – Asian history
and institutions; IUS/19 – History of medieval and modern law; IUS/20 - Philosophy of law; LOR/10 – History of Islamic countries; M-STO/02 – Modern history; M-STO/03 – History of eastern
Europe; M-STO/04 – Contemporary history; SECS-P/12 – Economic history;
D) Foreign language sector: at least 9 ECTS in the following scientific-disciplinary sector: LLIN/12 – English language and translation.
N.B.: Only exams with evaluation marks are considered in the assessment of the curricular
requirements, whereas exams with “pass/fail” evaluation will not be taken into consideration.
Example: the so-called“accertamenti linguistici” will not be taken into consideration.
N.B.: For the assessment of the curricular requirements it is necessary to look at the study plan
with all passed exams, ECTS and scientific-disciplinary sector of each exam. Example:
International relations SPS/04 is included in sector SPS/04 – Political Science. Example 2: Private
international law IUS/13 is included in sector IUS/13 – International law.
N.B.: The sum of the minimum requirements concerning each of the four sectors (9+15+9+9=42
ECTS) is not sufficient to satisfy the curricular requirements; instead, it is necessary that the sum
of the ECTS on the four sectors is equal or higher than 60 ECTS. In other words, the applicant,
in addition to the minimum requirements of each sector, shall have earned a total amount of 60
ECTS in sectors A, B, C and D. Example: the applicant having only minimum requirements (9
ECTS in sectors A, C and D and 15 ECTS in sector B) has earned a total amount of only 42 CFU
and therefore he/she is not allowed to take part in the admission test due to non compliance with
the curricular requirements.
Dipartimento di Studi Internazionali, Giuridici e Storico-Politici
Via Conservatorio 7- 20122 Milano
Tel +39 02503 21026 / 21053 / 21250 – Fax +39 02503 21050 / 21280
Sito web:
In order to be allowed to the admission test, applicants must comply with both the career
requirements and the curricular requirements.
Career requirements have to be complied with by 10 September 2015*, otherwise the applicant will
not be granted access to the admission test.
Applicants who comply with the curricular requirements by 10 September 2015* have to do the
test in September.
The admission to the December test is restricted to those applicants who will not be able to comply
with the curricular requirements by 10 September 2015*, but who will pass the relevant exams in
order to comply with the curricular requirements by the date of the December test.
N.B.: Applicants not complying with the career requirements and/or curricular requirements by 10
September 2015* are not allowed to take part in the September admission test.
N.B.: Applicants not allowed to take part in the December admission test are: a) those not having
passed the September admission test; b) those complying with the curricular requirements by 10
September 2015* who did not take part in the September admission test.
The admission test aims at verifying the applicants’ knowledge of basic matters which are
necessary to address the post-graduate degree programme in International Relations. The test is
composed by three parts on three different matters, which depend on the curriculum chosen when
submitting the application.
Applicants for curriculum A – Diplomacy and international organizations are required to have
knowledge of: International law, Political economy and International relations.
Applicants for curriculum B – International trade and European integration are required to have
knowledge of: International law, Political economy and European Union law.
Applicants for curriculum C – International politics and regional dynamics are required to have
knowledge of: International law, Political economy, International relations; the admission test for
curriculum C is in English.
Applicants for curriculum D – International cooperation and transnational social processes are
required to have knowledge of: International law, Political economy, Comparative social systems.
Tests on International law, European Union law, International relations, Comparative social
systems consist of an open question.
The test of Political economy consists of a multiple-choice test.
Applicants who obtain a sufficient grade in two subjects out of three pass the admission test.
Dipartimento di Studi Internazionali, Giuridici e Storico-Politici
Via Conservatorio 7- 20122 Milano
Tel +39 02503 21026 / 21053 / 21250 – Fax +39 02503 21050 / 21280
Sito web:
SUGGESTED HANDBOOKS (last edition available)
Diritto internazionale/International Law (curricula A, B, C, D)
Gioia, Manuale breve di diritto internazionale, Milano, Giuffrè;
Conforti, Diritto internazionale, Napoli, Editoriale Scientifica;
Dixon, Textbook on International Law, Oxford University Press;
an equivalent handbook on this matter.
Economia politica/Economics (curricula A, B, C, D)
Sloman, Elementi di economia, Bologna, Il Mulino;
Frank, Bernanke, Principles of Economics, McGraw-Hill/Irwin;
an equivalent handbook of political economy including both macro- and micro-economics.
And depending on the curriculum chosen:
Relazioni internazionali/International relations (curriculum A)
Andreatta, Clementi, Colombo, Koenig-Archibugi, Parsi, Relazioni internazionali, Bologna, Il
Diritto dell’Unione europea/European Union Law (curriculum B)
Daniele, Diritto dell'Unione Europea - Sistema istituzionale, ordinamento, tutela giurisdizionale,
competenze, Giuffré, Milano;
Adam, Tizzano, Lineamenti di Diritto dell’Unione europea, Giappichelli, Torino;
Draetta, Elementi di diritto dell'Unione Europea, Parte istituzionale Ordinamento e struttura
dell'Unione europea, Giuffrè, Milano.
International Relations (curriculum C)
Jackson, Sorensen, Introduction to international relations: theories and approaches, Oxford.
Sistemi sociali comparati/comparative social systems (curriculum D)
Ritzer, Introduzione alla sociologia, UTET, Torino;
Bagnasco, Barbagli, Cavalli, Elementi di Sociologia, Il Mulino, Bologna.
The date is decided by the Academic Senate.
Dipartimento di Studi Internazionali, Giuridici e Storico-Politici
Via Conservatorio 7- 20122 Milano
Tel +39 02503 21026 / 21053 / 21250 – Fax +39 02503 21050 / 21280
Sito web: