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Distributed Breadth-First Search with 2-D
Edmond Chow, Keith Henderson, Andy Yoo
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
LLNL Technical report UCRL-CONF-210829
Presented by K. Sheldon March 2011
This paper studies the implementation of a level synchronized
distributed breadth-first search (BFS) algorithm applied to large graphs
and evaluates performance using two different partitioning strategies. The
authors compare 1-D (vertex) partitioning with 2-D (edge) partitioning
using Poisson random graphs.
The experimental findings show that the partitioning method can
make a difference in BFS performance for Poisson random graphs
depending on the average degree of the graph.
Presented by K. Sheldon March 2011
• Poisson random graphs – the probability of an edge connecting any two
vertices is constant.
• P – number of processors
• n – number of vertices in a Poisson random graph
• k – the average degree
• level – the graph distance of a vertex from the start vertex
• frontier – the set of vertices on the current level of the BFS algorithm
• neighbors – a vertex that shares an edge with another vertex
Presented by K. Sheldon March 2011
Breadth-first Search (BFS)
This method of traversing the graph nodes requires exploration of all the
nodes adjacent to the root node before moving deeper. It visits the nodes
level by level.
Level synchronized BFS algorithms (used in this experiment) proceed level
by level on all processors.
The Question: Compare the two different partitioning strategies, 1-D and
2-D, with regard to communication and overall time for BFS.
Presented by K. Sheldon March 2011
1-D (vertex) Partitioning
It is simpler than 2-D partitioning. The vertices of the adjacency matrix are
divided up among the processors. The edges emanating from each vertex
are owned by the same processor.
The edges emanating from a vertex form its edge list. This is the list of
vertex indices in row v of matrix A.
Below is an example of a 1-D P-way partition of adjacency matrix A ,
symmetrically reordered so that vertices owned by the same processor
are contiguous.
1-D partitioning (cont.)
• The disadvantage here for parallel processing is that the vertices point to
vertices in all other processors meaning that the communication
requirements between processes are all-to-all. This introduces a great deal
of overhead.
Presented by K. Sheldon March 2011
2-D (edge) Partitioning
It is more complex than 1-D partitioning. Edge partitioning divides up the
edges rather than vertices between processors resulting in a partial
adjacency matrix owned by each process. The advantage is that any edge
in the graph can be followed by moving along the row or column.
The vertices are also partitioned so that each vertex is also owned by one
processor. A process owns edges incident on its vertexes and some edges
that are not.
Below is an example of a 2-D (checkerboard) partition of adjacency matrix
A , again symmetrically reordered so that vertices owned by the same
processor are contiguous.
Partitioning is for P=RC processors.
2-D Edge Partitioning Layout
2-D partitioning (cont.)
The adjacency matrix is divided into RC block rows and C block columns.
The A*i,j is a block owned by processor (i,j) . Each processor owns C blocks. For
vertices, processor (i,j) owns vertices in block row (j-1)R+I.
For comparison, the 1-D partition is a 2-D case where R=1 or C=1. (P = RC)
The edge list for a vertex is a column of the adjacency matrix, A. So each block
has partial edge lists.
Presented by K. Sheldon March 2011
BFS with 1-D Partitioning
Algorithm Highlights:
• Start with vs and initialize L (levels or graph distance from vs )
• Create set F – frontier vertices owned by the processor
• The edge lists of F are merged to form set N, neighboring vertices
• Send messages to processes that own vertices in set N to potentially
add these vertices to their next F
• Receive set N vertices from other processors
• Merge to form final N set (remove overlap)
• Update L
Presented by K. Sheldon March 2011
BFS with 2-D Partitioning
Algorithm Highlights:
Same as 1-D:
• Start with vs and initialize L (levels or graph distance from vs )
• Create set F – frontier vertices owned by the process
• Send F to processor-column, since a v might have the edge list on another
• Receive set F from other processors in the column
• Merge to form the complete F set
• The edge lists (on this processor) of F are merged to form set N, neighboring
Almost the Same as 1-D:
• Send messages to processors (in processor row) that own vertices in set N to
potentially add these vertices to their next F
• Receive set N vertices from other processors (in processor row)
• Merge to form final N set (remove duplicates)
• Update L
Presented by K. Sheldon March 2011
Advantage of 2-D Partitioning
The advantage of 2-D over 1-D is:
Processor-column and processor-row communications: R and C
In 1-D partitioning all P processors are involved.
In 2-D partitioning each processor must store edge list information about
the other processors in its column.
Presented by K. Sheldon March 2011
Experimental Results
Message length and timing results based on:
• Distributed BFS
• Poisson random graphs
• Load balanced 1-D and 2-D partitioning
• 2-D: R = C= √P
• 1-D: R = 1, C = P
• 100 pairs randomly generated start and target vertices
• Timings are the average of the final 99 trials.
• Code run on two different computer systems at LLNL: MCR and
Presented by K. Sheldon March 2011
Message Lengths
Weak Scaling, k = 100, 2-D has better performance
Weak Scaling Test, k = 10, 1-D has better performance
Strong Scaling Test, k = 10
• Project Accomplishments: Demonstrated distributed BFS using Poisson
random graphs of large scale and compared performance with 1-D and 2D partitioning. 2-D partitioning is a useful strategy when the average
degree k of the graph is large.
• Future Work: Investigate different partitioning methods with other more
structured graphs such as those with a large clustering coefficient or
scale-free graphs. These are graphs with a few vertices that have a very
large degree.
Presented by K. Sheldon March 2011
Andy Yoo, Edmond Chow, Keith Henderson, William McLendon, Bruce
Hendrickson, and Umit Catelyurek. A scalable distributed parallel breadthfirst search algorithm on BlueGene/L. In SC ’05: Proceedings of the 2005
ACM/IEEEconference on Supercomputing, 2005.