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U.S. History Thematic Essay Review
According to the State of New York, there are 20 themes that are found amongst the curriculum guides & suggested content for the New York State US History
& Government course. Of those twenty themes, SEVEN have never been asked about or referenced before on the thematic essay. The four most popular
themes to be asked about or referenced by the thematic essay task are:
Please use this table of contents to help navigate the document.
Review Topics (this is not a comprehensive list - students & teachers should feel free to add more suggestions)
1. Foreign Policy
Post 1950: Vietnam War, Bay of Pigs Invasion & Cuban Missile Crisis, Marshall Plan, Vietnam War, Cold War
Pre 1950: Lend - Lease Acts, Rejection of the Treaty of Versailles & League of Nations, Panama Canal
Pre 1900: Mexican American War, Spanish American War & Acquisition of the Philippines, Monroe Doctrine & Roosevelt Corollary
2. Change
Social: Social movements / organizations: NOW, AFL-CIO, NAACP, Labor, SNCC, Muckrakers, Women’s rights
Political: Amendments to constitution - 19th, 20th, 21st, 13th, 17th | Supreme Court Cases - Dred Scott v. Sanford, Plessy v. Ferguson,
Brown v. Board of ed., Korematsu v. United States
Economic: Industrialization, new technology, growth of reform movements, urbanization, development of monopolies, Sherman
Antitrust Act
3. Geography
Territorial Expansion: Louisiana Purchase, Annexation of Texas, Northwest Territory
Gov’t Action: Homestead Act, Pacific Railway Act, Indian Removal Act
4. Government
Legislation: Amendments, Pure Food and Drug Act, Kansas Nebraska Act
Supreme Court: Korematsu v. United States, Plessy v. Ferguson, Brown v. Board of Ed
Presidential Actions: LBJ & Civil Rights, Abraham Lincoln & Emancipation Proclamation, FDR & New Deal
Foreign Policy: Pick three topics related to foreign policy you are most confident in your knowledge of & fill out this table for those three.
Topic: Foreign Policy
Bay of Pigs Invasion & Cuban
Missile Crisis
Neutrality to/Lend - Lease Acts
Monroe Doctrine & Roosevelt
Historical Circumstance
Action Taken
Impact (Effects)
-Fidel Castro New Dictator of Cuba
Friendly to Communist ideas
-Cuba 90 Miles off coast/Western
-Eisenhower to JFK Containment
Cold war foreign policies differ
-US Defeated in Covert attempt to
oust Castro
_Newly Elected JFK embarrassed in
failed attempt
-MBM placed in Russia Leads to 13
days of Cuban Missile Crisis
-Possible WWIII
Easing of tension between Super
-US removes missiles in
Turkey/USSR remove missiles in
-US Cuba relations stall
-Recent with Pres Obama
-Pres. FDR wants to honor promise
to American people and keep
American Boys from war.
-Also wants to support biggest ally in
-yrs leading to WWII US followed
strict policy of Neutrality. Selling
only to friendly peaceful nations.
-Cash and Carry- US supplied
weapons only if allied nation paid in
-Policy Shifts to US delivering tanks
and munitions to allie G
Japan attacked US military base in Hawaii;
US enters war.
-Age of Imperialism
-Create stability, order & Prosperity
in the W. Hemp.
-Cuba - Spanish American War
-Transforms US into “International
- when there is chaos in a nation or a
“Splendid War”
-Panama - Panama Canal
-China - Open door policy
nation is really doing the wrong thing for
their people - and only in the Western
Europe had many different colonies in
North America or what was originally
thought of as the “new world”
-US wants the Western Hemisphere and
emerged as a global power
US Desires to prevent further
Colonization of US
-constant threat of foreign influence
-Switch in FP from neutrality to the
aggressors aggressors.
over the American continent Pres. James
Change: Pick one social, political, and economic change you are most confident in your knowledge of & fill out this table for those changes.
Topics You Can Use
Historical Circumstance
Action Taken
Impact (Effects)
Social Change:
Political Change:
Dred Scott v. Sanford, Plessy v.
Ferguson, Brown v. Board of ed.,
Economic Change:
Progressive Era due to rapid
industrialization, led to many social
-A writer or photographer who exposed
problems in society, business and/or
Robber Barons
Upton Sinclair
His book The Jungle exposed dangers in
the meatpacking industry.
Jacob Riis
His book of photographs called How The
Other Half Lives exposed poor living
conditions in U.S. cities.
Pure Food and Drug ActMeat Inspection Act
-regulate the meat packing industry and
protect consumers from eating tainted
-1857 suggested that African Americans
enslaved or free were not citizens of the
United States
-slavery Focal point of southern
economy. Based on growing Rice/cotton
-Sectionalism/ Civil War
-Jim Crow Laws- Rampant discrimination
-Separate but Equal
-Segregation- Separate but equal
inherently unjust
Ida B. Wells-Strange Fruit
Plessy challenged 14th Amendment.
-SCOTUS ruled Distinction between races
-Every Govt in the south enforces
segregation laws. laws were passed that
restricted African American travel, housing,
schools, use of private and public facilities,
amusement parks and other recreational
Civil Disobedience 60s
-Dr. King
Voter rights
Pave the Way for Civil rights activist of
-Sharecropping system
-Mass Terrorism
-Unequal structures
-Great Migration
-Jackie Robinson
-Civil Rights
-shifted from agrarian economy to
-Rapid Industrialization
-Robber Baron/Captain of Industry
-Social Darwinism/Laissez Faire
Corporations (businesses owned by st/Capital
could be raised by sale of
stocks/Monopolies/Trusts- when a business has
most or all the business in an industry/Many
people feared monopolies were too
powerful/Limited competition, control consumer
prices/Too much influence on government
(bribes; graft
-Poor Working Conditions
-cheap labor
-Low Paw
-Govt Corruption
-Unsafe food
16th/17th Amendments
Geography: Pick one example of territorial expansion & one example of gov’t action related to geography you are most confident in your knowledge of & fill out this table for
those examples.
Topics You Can Use
Historical Circumstance
Territorial Expansion:
Louisiana Purchase
Action Taken
Purchased Louisiana for 15 Mil.
-Lewis and Clark Expeditions
-Manifest Destiny-The idea that God
Impact (Effects)
-Development and growth of cities Doubles
the size of the USA
US acquires more rivers
US has more access to the lands on
both sides of the Mississippi River
New Orleans becomes a part of the
-Native Americans living on the land-Indian
Removal Act
Expansion of slavery into new territoriesComprises Missouri-1850/KB eventually
leads to CW
wanted the U.S. to take over all the
territory in North America from the
Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.
-France in Debt due to European wars
Sold it Louisianna for dirt cheap
Gov’t Action:
Indian Removal Act
-Manifest Destiny-The idea that God
wanted the U.S. to take over all the
territory in North America from the
Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.
-Purchased Louisiana for 15 Mil.
-Andrew Jackson Desires to open the
land for white settlement
-Trail of Tears
-Difficult Journey
-Family uprooted
-Expansion of slavery
Government: Pick one piece of legislation, one supreme court case, and one presidential action you are most confident in your knowledge of & fill out this
table for those examples.
Gov’t & the
Thematic Essay
Historical Circumstances/Causes
13-abolish slavery
14-Provide Citizenship
15- Right to vote for formerly enslaved persons.
-Govt did nothing to enforce these laws.
Jim crow
Rise in Lynching
Poll Taxes
Literacy Test
Grandfather Clause
Black codes
Unequal society
Jim Crow era (1865 - 1965
Civil Rights Movement
Race Riots
Plessy v. Ferguson
Brown v. BOED
Supreme Court
Plessy. V. Ferguson
Voting Rights Act
of 1965 is signed by
President Johnson