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Chapter 8, Learning.
Terms for the quiz. Questions on the test.
Terms (covers through page 330)
Operant conditioning
Classical conditioning
Associative learning
Unconditioned stimulus (US)
Unconditioned response (UR)
Conditioned stimulus (CS)
Conditioned response (CR)
Spontaneous recovery
Law of effect
Positive reinforcement
Negative reinforcement
Test questions
1. Recognize examples of operant conditioning.
2. Know the parts of classical conditioning: UR, US, CR, CS
3. How are cognitive processes important in classical conditioning?
4. What did Garcia and Koelling’s study show about classical conditioning?
5. Why do we fear spiders and not flowers?
6. What was Thorndike’s Law of Effect?
7. What kind of reinforcers are money and food?
8. What is the difference between positive and negative reinforcers?
9. How do negative reinforcement and punishment compare?
10. What is punishment?
11. What is latent learning?
12. What are cognitive maps?
13. What undermines intrinsic motivation?
14. What is shaping?
15. What controls human behavior, according to B.F. Skinner?
16. Recognize examples of modeling.
17. Recognize examples of observational learning.
18. Bandura’s Bobo Doll experiment demonstrated what?
19. Recognize the parts of Pavlov’s dog experiment.
20. Experiments by Rescorla and Wagner demonstrated what about classical
21. What are the parts of Watson’s Little Albert experiment?
22. What kind of conditioning is used to teach dogs?
23. Recognize examples of shaping.
24. Recognize examples of reinforcement.
25. When is learning the most rapid and the most resistant to extinction?
26. Which reinforcement schedule produces the most consistent rate of response?
27. Recognize examples of the reinforcement schedules: fixed ratio, variable ratio,
fixed interval, variable interval
28. Why is punishment controversial?
29. Know the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
30. Where are mirror neurons found in the brain and what kind of learning do they
31. Which models most effectively promote observational learning?
32. How does television violence affect children?
33. How does parental inconsistency in modeling one behavior while saying the
opposite influence children?
Essay: Contrast operant and classical conditioning in at least three areas.
Extra credit for covering all five.
Cannot use notes or outline or book. No intro and no conclusion.
2 points each.
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