Download Prepaid Cards Event - Cambridge

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A FREE event hosted by the National Prepaid Cards Network
Prepaid Cards & their use in Direct Payments
Central Cambridge - 1st October, 10.00-12.30
Over 40 councils are now using prepaid cards to deliver direct payments in both Adult Social Care and
Children’s Services and for the management of personal allowances for appointeeship and Court of
Protection cases.
Clinical Commissioning Groups are also increasingly looking to prepaid cards to deliver Personal Health
Budgets, sometimes in conjunction with their local councils.
The National Prepaid Cards Network is a free-to-join, independent, sector-driven best practice group set up
to look at how the public sector is using prepaid cards, provide advice and guidance to its members and
facilitate the sharing of experiences. The network has over 130 member organisations.
At this free half-day event you will discover:
 how councils are saving up to 10% of their direct payments budget by using prepaid cards to improve
monitoring and recovery
 how they improve safeguarding capability with daily exception alerts
 how to reduce fraud and the misuse of public money
 how direct debits and instant payments can now be made directly from a prepaid card
 how to creatively use prepaid cards management information to target resources and improve care
 how prepaid cards can help deliver aspects of the Care Act
 lessons from pilot work into the role of prepaid cards in the delivery of Personal Health Budgets
 …and receive a free copy of “A Guide to the Use of Prepaid Cards” and get access to a valuable online
resource of information such as tender documents, process maps and cardholder agreements
Who should attend?
The event is open to all Local Authorities, CCG’s, Housing Associations, Care Trusts, and other public sector
agencies who are interested in delivering efficient and effective direct payments
It will be of particular value to Financial Directors and Managers, Direct Payments Managers, Personal
Health Budget Leads and managers responsible for social & financial inclusion
To register or to ask for more information please send your name, job title, organisation and email address
to [email protected]. Please note there are a limited number of spaces at the event and these
will be allocated on a first come, first served basis
Prepaid Cards and their use in Direct Payments
1st October, 10.00–12.30 followed by lunch
Draft Agenda
10.00 – 10.10
Welcome and introductions
10.10 – 10.50
Prepaid cards and how they’re being used for direct payments
10.50 – 11.10
The features and benefits of the new breed of prepaid cards
How they’re being used by councils and CCG’s
The benefits to the organisation and to the service users
Guide to the use of prepaid cards and the online support resource
Using prepaid cards in practice
The benefits of a highly customisable approach
Using better management information to generate long term savings
11.10 – 11.20
11.20 – 11.40
Practical steps to the successful implementation of prepaid cards
11.40 – 12.00
Case Study – A Local Authority explains its use of prepaid cards
12.00 – 12.20
Effective planning – effective implementation
Where the savings come from
What service users think about prepaid cards
Using prepaid cards - discussion
12.20 – 12.30
Steps to successful implementation
Using prepaid cards as a basic bank account
Which problems do prepaid cards solve
Tried and tested routes to implementation
Are there any issues and how might they be addressed
Implications of the Care Act
What help can you get
New ideas; household budget cards, money management, text/email alerts
Questions and Answers