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Strategic Goal Four
Faculty, Staff, Administration Quality of Life
Co-Chairs: Jason Dupree, Amber Sturgeon
Members: Dorie Astle, Terry Billey, Lisa Castle, Meghan Eliason,
Kari Jones, Doug Linder, Kathy Megli, David Misak, Steve Pray,
James Skinner, Meghan St. Hilaire, Marcy Tanner, Roma Willis
SWOSU will develop and maintain a
comprehensive staff compensation program that
consists of utilizing a combination of market
comparisons and job evaluation methodologies.
Faculty Development
How can we facilitate change to
this form of academic support?
O Create a “super” committee
O On hold – half of power players identified by the
G4 taskforce are currently operating with
interim leadership
O Review the charge of the Faculty
Development Committee
O Offering programs → recommending body
Faculty Development
How would we redesign this form
of academic support?
O Potential Models:
O University of Connecticut
O OU-Tulsa Schusterman Library
Faculty Development
How would we redesign this form
of academic support?
O Provide a series of diverse venues to support
development, collaboration and guidance.
O Teaching Institute (in-service day)
O 20x20 (fun exchange of ideas)
O Mentor program (new faculty orientation)
O Incorporate more release time for faculty
Career Advancement
How can we prepare our staff to
for advancement opportunities?
O Potential Model: University of Oklahoma
O Design criteria for position rank – addressing
the level or amount of responsibilities
O Eliminate inconsistency regarding
Compensatory Time Policy
Career Advancement
O Supervisor's interpretation of university policy
O Granting release time for university service
O Training for new administrators, department
chairs, and other employees with supervision
O Mechanism for providing policy and procedural
Compensation Misc.
How can we address job
satisfaction and institutional
O Potential Model: Appalachian State University
O Form a Quality of Life Committee – a
recommending body that continually reviews
job satisfaction issues
Compensation Misc.
How can we address job satisfaction
and institutional morale?
O Accumulation rates for Annual Leave
O Offer more anniversary dates
O Expand Faculty recognition
O Awards for teaching innovation, community
service, student mentoring, research
O Stipend to reinvest into their research,
lab/classroom, or course
O Faculty Exit Survey
SWOSU will institute yearly faculty and staff salary
increases in order to obtain and maintain 90% of
the CUPA average.
How do we address low salaries and
annual pay increases?
O Pay increases – Jan. 2013 & 2014
O 90% of CUPA average – Re-evaluating
O Comparison to IPEDS, AAUP, Prof. Assn., and other
state sources
O Adjunct pay scale
O Move away from “across the board” pay increases
O Develop an annual protocol to address the lowest
paid employees first – living wage
Job Recruitment
How do we address recruitment
challenges beyond pay increases?
O Geographic location
O Offer transitional housing for new hires
O Relocation funds
O Community Growth Advocacy Group – SWOSU
delegation to encourage City of Weatherford in
becoming a more attractive destination
SWOSU will phase-in a comprehensive Health and
Wellness program.
Health & Wellness Website
Who would be responsible for
maintaining it?
O Consulted Nick Lindley, SWOSU Web
Designer on the technology procedures &
O Scheduling a meeting w/ Human Resources
to inquire about existing personnel policies
and new healthcare requirements &
regulations ~ BCBSOK incentives
Health & Wellness Website
O Determine the content of this website.
O Identify an appropriate location on the
university’s website.
O Determine who or which office(s) will
coordinate this effort.
Health & Wellness Program
How would we design this
O Potential Model: Oklahoma State University –
The Biggest User
“Fit & Well” Program
O Program Elements
O Health Assessments
O Pre- and post-assessments
O Nutrition Consultation
O Seminars (two per semester)
O Personal Training
O Setting personal goals
O Proper exercise technique
O Recommended exercise regiment
O Health factors, age, mobility, illness, etc.
“Fit & Well” Program
O Program Elements (cont’d)
O Group Fitness
O “Fit First” Class (offered weekly)
O Core
O Resistance Training/Conditioning
O Mind/Body
O Rhythm/Dance
O Ropes Challenge Course
O Fitness Classes
O Intramural Sports
“Fit & Well” Program
O Program Elements (cont’d)
O Campus Competition Events
O Weekly Challenges (two per week)
O Examples:
O Take the stairs
O Eat five servings of fruits/vegetables each day
O “Bulldog Maxx” (once a semester)
O Ten events to test participants’ overall athletic
“Fit & Well” Program
O Staffing
O Local internship opportunity for Kinesiology
O Experience leading fitness training, personal or
O Assist with health assessments
O Feedback/Program Assessment
O Process for modifying fitness activity offerings
O Procedure for collecting data on program
“Fit & Well” Program
O Offering program opportunities or alternatives for
students and employees unable to take
advantage of the Wellness Center
O Determine who or which office(s) will coordinate
this program.
O Design a “tally system” to monitor an incentive
program where individuals accrue “Bulldog
O Further examine campus-wide incentive options