Download 4. Even Monthly Payment Plan (Budget Billing)

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Baltimore Gas and Electric Company – Electric -- Retail
4. Budget Billing
An Even Monthly Payment Plan (Budget Billing) is available to Customers served under Schedules
R, RL-1, RL-2, G or GS upon approval of the Customer's credit, and is mandatory for customers served
under Schedule ES. Under the plan, a customer pays for his total metered uses of electric and gas service
for all purposes in even monthly payments of 8.7% (adjusted to the nearest dollar) of the Company's
estimate of his annual bill for such uses, including taxes applicable, over 11 billing months. In billing,
the "Late Payment Charge" is Standard (Sec. 7.4) and is applied to each even monthly payment.
Interest at the rate of one half of one percent per month is applied to any credit balance in the
customer's Budget Billing account. A credit balance occurs when the accumulated Budget Billing
amount billed and paid under this plan exceeds the charges which would otherwise have been billed
during the same period.
For the settlement month, the bill is rendered for the difference between (1) the accumulated amounts
previously billed at net rates under this plan plus any accumulated interest and (2) the charges at net rates
including taxes, otherwise applicable for actual uses during the same period and for the settlement month.
Effective with February, 1988 billings, where the charges in (2) above exceed the accumulated
amounts in (1) above by at least one even monthly payment plus $12, the excess over one even monthly
payment is carried forward to the new Budget Billing year in twelve even monthly installments (adjusted
to the nearest dollar).
For Customers who do not use electric or gas service for heating and who normally have higher
electric uses in the summer months, the initial billing under this Rider may begin with any of the billing
months of March to September, inclusive, with February being the settlement month.
For all other Customers, the initial billing under this Rider may begin with any of the billing months
of September to March, inclusive, with August being the settlement month.
When a Customer requests billing under this Rider and a full 12-month period will not have elapsed
by the settlement month, the even monthly payment is determined by the Company based on its estimate
of the total bill for the remainder of the annual period.
Whenever the Company deems it necessary to revise the estimate used as the basis for the prevailing
even monthly payment, the Customer is notified of the revised even monthly payment to be billed
Upon discontinuance of the application of this Rider, any accumulated difference between the
amounts billed at net rates under this plan plus any accumulated interest and the charges at net rates
including taxes, otherwise applicable for actual electric and gas uses becomes due and payable upon
Budget Billing is available to Price Freeze Service Customers, or to the Delivery Service portion of
the bill for customers who have selected an alternate Electricity Supplier.
5. Controlled Air Conditioning Service
A Customer receiving Price Freeze S[]ervice under any of the Company's applicable Rate Schedules R,
RL, G, GS, GL, or P may contract with the Company to permit the installation, operation and
maintenance, at the Company's expense, of a direct control device on the Customer's electric central air
conditioning unit(s). Under this Rider a $10 credit for up to and including the first 4 kW and for each
additional whole 4 kW of controlled air conditioning connected load is applied to the Customer's regular
service bill in each of the June through September billing months, except that the monthly credit shall not
exceed the current monthly bill otherwise applicable.
The control device must give the Company complete control by direct means or by simulated remote
control, of the supply of electricity to the central air conditioning unit(s).
Continued on Next Page
P. S. C. Md. -- E-6 (Suppl. 343 )
Filed 03/40/01 -- Effective 04/01/01
Retail -- Electric -- Baltimore Gas and Electric Company
5. Controlled Air Conditioning Service - continued
Service hereunder to air conditioners is subject to interruption at any time, at the option of the
Company. The Customer agrees to accept all responsibility for any loss, cost or damage resulting from
any and all interruptions of service occasioned by taking service under this Rider.
The effect of the Customer's interruptions hereunder shall be a net reduction of load on the Company's
system. During periods of interruption, the work performed by the interrupted appliance shall not be
transferred to any other electric service provided by the Company or to any other appliance.
Interruptions resulting from orders or requests of Federal, State or Local government are not considered
as interruptions under the provisions of this Rider and will not reduce the number of interruptions
available to the Company in a summer period.
Customers participating in Controlled Air Conditioning Service that switch to an Electricity Supplier
other than BGE (non-Price Freeze Service Customers) will no longer receive the credits specified above.
Non-Price Freeze Service Customers may elect to be paid air conditioning credits under the Company's
Voluntary Active Load Management Program.
Customers in Controlled Air Conditioning Service will remain subject to interruption unless they make
a request with the Company to be removed from the program. Upon such request, BGE will remove the
direct control device from the Customer’s equipment at no charge to the Customer.
6. Controlled Water Heating Service
A Customer receiving Price Freeze S[]ervice under a residential rate schedule, and who is not
participating in a Company-sponsored water heater timer control program, may contract with the
Company to permit the installation, operation and maintenance, at the Company's expense, of a direct
control device on the Customer's electric water heating unit(s). Under this Rider, a credit of $5 for each
water heating unit controlled is applied to the Customer's regular service bill in each of the June through
September billing months, except that the monthly credit shall not exceed the current monthly bill
otherwise applicable.
The control device must give the Company complete control by direct means or by simulated remote
control, of the supply of electricity to the water heating unit(s).
Service hereunder to water heaters is subject to interruption at any time for up to 6 hours, at the option
of the Company, but the Customer will not be subject to more than 15 interruptions from June 1 to May
31, inclusive. The Customer agrees to accept all responsibility for any loss, cost or damage resulting
from any and all interruptions of service occasioned by taking service under this Rider.
The effect of the Customer's interruptions hereunder shall be a net reduction of load on the Company's
system. During periods of interruption, the work performed by the interrupted appliance shall not be
transferred to any other electric service provided by the Company or to any other appliance.
Interruptions resulting from orders or requests of Federal, State or Local government are not considered
as interruptions under the provisions of this Rider and will not reduce the number of interruptions
available to the Company.
Customers participating in Controlled Water Heating Service that switch to an Electricity Supplier other
than BGE (non-Price Freeze Service customers) will no longer receive the credits specified above.
Non-Price Freeze Service Customers may elect to be paid water heating credits under the Company's
Voluntary Active Load Management Program.
Customers in Controlled Water Heating Service will remain subject to interruption unless they make a
request with the Company to be removed from the program. Upon such request, BGE will remove the
direct control device from the Customer’s equipment at no charge to the Customer.
P. S. C. Md. -- E-6 (Suppl. 343 [])
Filed 03/xx/01 [] -- Effective 04/01/01 []