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Name ___________________________ Date _______________ Period ________
Geometry - Chapter 2 Review – You will need to answer these on composition paper! Please
use your notes and homework for assistance. This review must be all complete by tomorrow; we will go
over the answers tomorrow!
*Keep this in the “handout” section of your binder.
1. A conditional statement is always in “______”, “_______” form. Once a
statement is in conditional form is acts as the original statement and all other
statements are made relative to it.
a. p is the __________________________, or the “if” part
b. q is the __________________________, or the “then” part
2. Fill out the table below to show how to manipulate the conditional to turn it into
the designated form. Also use the “p,q” symbolism to show it’s mathematical
formula. The converse is done for you as an example. DO NOT SIMPLY
What to do…
3. Negate the following statements:
a. Tanti does not have any homework tonight.
b. Jeremy will be going to Florida for vacation.
c. x – 6 = 10
d. p ≠ k + 3
4. Write the conditional, converse, inverse, contrapositive and bi-conditional form
for each of the following statements:
a. It’s Thursday so the Big Bang Theory will be on tonight.
b. 2m + 12 = 4m – 1
c. The angle has a measure of 90o so it is a right angle.
5. Solve the following equations algebraically, giving your reasoning for each step!
a. 4x + 7 = 27
b. 3a + 13 = 9a – 8
c. –(x + 2) – 2x = -2(x + 1)
d. -4(3 + x) + 5 = 4(x + 3)
6. Name the property each statement represents:
a. AB = AB
b. CD = DC
c. -10 = -10
d. If a = b and b = c, then a = c
e. m<C = 54o and m<D = 54o  m<C = m<D
7. What does it mean for two lines to be perpendicular? What symbol do we use
for perpendicular?
8. What does congruent mean? What is the symbol for congruent?
9. Given that line segment AC ≅ GH, prove that GH ≅ AC. State your reasoning
each step of the way.
10. Given that XY=7, JK=7 and JK ≅ JL. Prove XY ≅ JL. State your reasoning
each step of the way.
11. Angles B and C are right angles. Prove that <B
≅ <C.
12. <H and <K are a linear pair. If m<H = 120o, then what must the m<K be?
Draw a diagram and show all work.
13. Angles t and v are vertical angles. m<t = 2m and m<v = m + 33 o. Solve for the
measures of angles t and v. Draw a diagram and show all work.
14. Angle n and angle m are complementary. If m<n = 2p + 1 and m<m = p – 1,
then what are the measures of angles n and m? Show all work.
Helpful Hint: When constructing proofs remember that your reasoning may include
some of the following:
Addition Property of Equality
Subtraction Property of Equality
Multiplication Property of Equality
Division Property of Equality
Reflexive Property of Equality
Symmetric Property of Equality
Transitive Property of Equality
Definition of Congruent (use this when switching from = to ≅ and vice versa)
Definition of midpoint
Definition of Vertical Angles