Download Large Employer of the year: Locke Protective Services

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Large Employer: Locke Protective Services –Houston TX
Locke Protective Services was started by the company's president, Bill Lakenmacher, in 1994. This is a Texas
corporation located in Houston and formed to supply high quality security services. Locke Protective Services,
Inc. meets consumer demand for a better security company which puts the needs of customers and employees
first. Their philosophy is as follows: "We treat our employees as we would like to be treated - we respect their
time and abilities, and honor the pride and dignity of the profession as practiced at the highest level." This is a
powerful "Golden Rule" because it is simple and universally accepted by providing a strong foundation for
personal ethical conduct. It also provides the foundation for a business based on integrity, trust, pride, and
excellence. Locke feels there is none other than a veteran that fits into this philosophy. Locke Protective
Services, Inc. has been particularly attentive in their hiring efforts regarding veterans. Their current population
boasts 53% veterans and 19% disabled veterans.