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By Megan
Molly and
I am igneous rock and I was
formed I was soon being
transformed into a
metamorphic or sedimentary
rock. I can even be remelted
into new rocks of my kind.
When volcanoes erupt the
melting lava touches the
earths ground then one of
my rock kind creates.
Metamorphic Rocks
I am a Metamorphic rock and
my cycle of becoming one
starts like this. Well my name
comes from the Greek meta
and morph, so this is how it
starts I was originally igneous
or sedimentary, but due to
the earths crust, were
changed. Marble is an
example of one sedimentary
rocks then to a metamorphic
Sedimentary Rocks
I am a sedimentary rock and I
am going to tell you about
how I got started. My kind
has fossils in them usually,
some example of
sedimentary are sand.
Eventually most of the rock
bits are sent flowing down
the streams and rivers in the
mountains. The bits of this
rock are called sediments.
• Rocks for kids
• Rocks and Minerals