Download Boulder Pointe Animal Rescue Group Adoption Contract

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Boulder Pointe Animal Rescue Group Adoption
Dog’s Name
Shots Given
Tag ID #
Vet Check/NOTES:
Adoption Fee $
This agreement is between Boulder Pointe Animal Rescue Group (BPARG) and the
undersigned new dog owner (“you”) regarding the adoption of the above described dog (“the
dog”). This dog is adopted AS IS and all future vet work is your responsibility. The dog has
been vaccinated, and checked by a veterinarian as noted above and in the vaccination record.
(BPARG) does NOT guarantee the health or temperament of this dog. Unless provided by a
veterinarian, (BPARG) does not provide any prescription medications for underlying health
conditions and therefore it is your responsibility to have any condition(s) treated and (BPARG) is
not responsible for any costs incurred by you.
There is a 7 day trial period (the “trial period”) for the dog in your home. If you adopt a
dog on a Saturday, the trial period expires the following Saturday. If, for any reason such as
landlord issues, allergies, or animal personality clashes, you choose not to keep the dog you
must notify (BPARG) immediately. If notified during the trial period and you return the dog by
the following Saturday, you will be given a credit towards another dog. This credit is for ONE
dog of equal or lesser value (adoption fee) and is valid for 60 days from the date of return. This
credit may only be used by you, it is not transferrable. (BPARG) deserves the right to deny
replacement credit in cases of abuse, neglect, and/or the animal dies. NO CASH REFUNDS
(BPARG) requires the dog to be housed indoors in your home unless otherwise
discussed and specified in the “Notes” column above. If you are in violation of these terms,
(BPARG) reserves the right to repossess the dog with no refund of the adoption fee. If you
cannot keep the dog it MUST be returned to (BPARG), UNLESS the return is due to a
significant behavior or health problem. (BPARG) will follow appropriate legal action against
you to reclaim the dog from anyone other than the person specified on this contract. If the
reason you cannot keep the dog is due to a significant behavior or health problem, (BPARG)
must be notified and given the first option to take the dog back. If (BPARG) does not take the
dog back, it is up to the new dog owner ("you") to take appropriate action regarding the fate of
the dog. (BPARG) must always be given first option to take a dog back if you cannot keep it any
longer. If you cannot keep the dog for any reason, there will be no refund of the adoption fee,
nor reimbursement for any costs pertaining to the dog while it was with you.
Signature:_______________________________________________________ Date:___________________
_________ (initial)
I understand and hereby accept that (BPARG) does not guarantee the health of the dog
for any length of time. This includes, but is not limited to: Parvovirus, Distemper, fleas, worms, internal
parasites, external parasites, Bordetella (kennel cough), and dental issues. Any medical expense related
to the dog is the responsibility of the new dog owner.
_________ (initial) I understand and hereby accept that under no circumstances will I receive a cash
refund for the dog, even if the dog is returned to (BPARG).
_________ (initial) I understand and hereby accept that (BPARG) makes no guarantee, here in this
contract nor anywhere else, in regards to the temperament of the dog.
_________ (initial) I understand and hereby accept that(BPARG) will not be held responsible for any
expense related to underlying or future health and/or behavior problems with the dog.
_________ (initial) I understand and hereby accept that this is a legally binding contract.
I fully understand that all expenses incurred henceforth are my full responsibility, and I agree to
give this dog the best possible care. I also agree to house the dog indoors unless otherwise
noted, and I will give Boulder Pointe Animal Rescue Group the first option to take the dog back if I
am unable to keep it for any reason. If I supply false information on this contract, I understand that
the dog will be repossessed with no refund of the adoption fee or fees paid while I own the dog.
Furthermore, I agree to be held financially responsible for any fees, and/or court costs, incurred
by Boulder Pointe Animal Rescue Group during repossession.
Please PRINT clearly:
NAME (printed)
Street Address
Cell Phone Number
House Phone Number
Email Address