Download international cooperation on the management of shared and migratory fish stocks - a comparative law approach

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International Research Training Group
INTERCOAST – Integrated Coastal Zone and Shelf-Sea Research
The DFG-funded International Research Training Group INTERCOAST in a collaborative
initiative with the Universities of Bremen (Germany) and Waikato (New Zealand) offers a
PhD scholarship
in the general area of law in the framework of the project IC12: International co-operation
on the management of shared and migratory fish stocks – a comparative law
Recent developments have caused global crises in fisheries sectors. For various reasons,
many of the world’s marine capture resources are considered to be overexploited or at least
close to full exploitation. In response, fisheries nations have engaged in the preservation of
marine resources by adopting international agreements, inter alia, committing themselves to
co-operate with regards to the protection of fish stocks. International fisheries organisations
(IFOs) serve as vehicles to implement these co-operation requirements. In practice,
however, most IFOs largely fail to effectively conserve those stocks covered by their
conventions. It appears that, in many cases, there is a lack of concepts as well as of political
will to improve international fisheries management.
We are searching for a researcher who is interested in the fields of the law of the sea, marine
environmental law, and comparative law. The successful candidate will:
(1) analyse and compare international fisheries management in the South-Pacific to
management in the Mediterranean and the South- and Central-East Atlantic;
(2) develop general normative concepts and structures for the sustainable international
management of fish stocks located in the high seas.
 Completed Master of Laws (LL.M.), Diplom, or the first or second German State Exam,
 Strong language skills (proven),
 Willing to spend at least 10 month in New Zealand (candidates from New Zealand should
be willing to spend at least 10 months in Germany)
The position is limited to a term of up to 3 years and funded by the German Science
Foundation (DFG). Salary and benefits are linked to the federal German employee scale E
Applicants should submit under the reference number A133/09 (IC12) their letter of
motivation, a CV including copies of diplomas, a publication list if applicable, and contact
information for referees. Documents should be submitted electronically as a pdf document
(maximum size 2MB) to Prof. Dr. Katrin Huhn ([email protected]) and Dr. Till Marcus
([email protected]). With a starting date of November 1st, 2009 the deadline for the
application is August 26th, 2009.
Further enquiries can be addressed to
Dr. Till Markus
Rechtswissenschaft, GW 1
28353 Bremen
[email protected]
Prof. Dr. Sabine Schlacke
Rechtswissenschaft, GW 1
28353 Bremen
[email protected]