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Provide the following information for the key personnel and other significant contributors.
Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES.
Research Assistant Professor
EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.)
(if applicable)
University of Bombay, India
University of Bombay, India
Life Sciences
Life Sciences
All India Inst of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
Case Western Reserve Univ. Ohio, Cleveland
State University of New York at Buffalo
Please refer to the application instructions in order to complete sections A, B, and C of the Biographical Sketch.
A. Positions and Honors. List in chronological order previous positions, concluding with your present position.
List any honors. Include present membership on any Federal Government public advisory committee.
1990-(Summer) Summer Research Training Program, Dept of Endocrinology & Metabolism, Emory University
School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA.
Research Training- National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad, India
Research Assistant, Dept of Endocrinology & Metabolism, AIIMS, New Delhi, India.
Pre-doctoral Research Fellow in the Dept Endocrinology and Metabolism, AIIMS, New Delhi, India.
Research Fellow on Indo-USA/NIH funded Senior Fulbright Project
Post-doctoral fellowship, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH.
Post-doctoral fellow, Division of Allergy/Immunology & Rheumatology, SUNY at Buffalo, NY
2002- 2006
Senior Postdoctoral associate; SUNY at Buffalo,
2006Senior Research Scientist, SUNY at Buffalo,
Research Assistant Professor, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY
 Canadian Immunology Society & IUIS- Young Investigator Travel award
 FOCIS Federation Of the clinical immunology society- Young Investigator Travel award
 College on Problems of Drug Dependence Early Career Investigator Travel Award
 Society for NeuroImmune Pharmacology Young Investigator Travel Award
 Scholarship awarded to attend the 4th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention,
Sydney, Australia, 22-25 July 2007.
 Reviewer for the following Journals: Nutrition, AIDS Research & Therapy, BMC genomics, Sahara Journal
B. Selected peer-reviewed publications (in chronological order).
1. Saker, F., Voora, D.M., Mahajan, S., Kilic, I., Ismail-Beigi,F., Kalhan, S.C. Effect of reduced inspired oxygen
on fetal growth and maternal glucose metabolism in rat pregnancy. Metabolism 48:738-744, 1999.
2. Mahajan, S.D. Schwartz., S.A and Nair M.P.N. Endocrine-Immune interactions in HIV Disease. Recent Res.
Devel. Immunol 1: 619-631, 1999.
3. Nair, M.P.N., Mahajan, S., Chawda. R., and Schwartz, S.A : Immunoregulatory role of heroin and HIV protein
on nitric oxide production by brain microvascular endothelial cells. NIDA/NIH Monograph, 2000.85-86
4. Nair, M.P.N., Mahajan, S., Hewitt, R., Whitney, R., Chawda, R. and Schwartz, S.A.: Neuroimmune effects of
morphine and cocaine in AIDS encephalopathy. Problems of Drug Dependence, 2001. Proc of the 63 rd Annual
Scientific Meeting, CPDD, NIDA Res. Monograph 182.
5. Nair, M.P.N., Mahajan, S., Chadha, K.C., Hewitt, R. and Schwartz, S.A. : Immunopathogenesis of HIV infection.
Role of recreational drugs. Recent Res. Devel. Immunol. 1:597-606, 1999.
6. Mahajan, S., Schwartz, S.A., Sweet, A., and Nair, M.P.N.: Cocaine reciprocally modulates gene expression of
the beta chemokines and their receptors in the human astrocytomas cell line, U87. NIDA Res. Monograph
180:83, 1999.
7. Mahajan, S.D., Schwartz., S.A, Chawda R, Gilchrist S, Gangl L and Nair M.P.N. Immunomodulatory effects of
Morphine on Chemokine gene regulation in astroglial cell line U87. Proceedings of the International symposium
on recent advances in molecular Biology , Allergy and Immunology, 3-5 th Sept (2000) :37
8. Nair, M.P.N., Mahajan, S., Chadha, K.C., Hewitt, R. and Schwartz, S.A.: Cocaine differentially modulates
chemokine production by mononuclear cells from normal donors and HIV-1 infected patients. Clin. Diag. Lab.
Immunol. 7:96-100, 2000.
9. Nair, M. P.N., Mahajan, S., Hou, J., Sweet, A.M., Schwartz, S.A. The stress hormone, cortisol, synergizes with
HIV-1 gp-120 to induce apoptosis of normal human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Cell Mol Biol 46:122712238, 2000.
10. Nair, M.P.N., Mahajan, S., Chadha, K.C., Nair, M.P.N., Hewitt, R.S., Pillai, S.K., Chadha, P., Sukumaran, P.C.,
and Schwartz, S.A.: Effect of cocaine on chemokine and CCR-5 gene expression by mononuclear cells from
normal donors and HIV-1 infected patients. Neuroimmune circuits and infectious disease, Adv. Exp. Med. Biol.
493:235-240, 2001.
11. Kalhan, S.C., Mahajan, S., Burkett, E., Reshef, L., Hanson, R.W. Glyceroneogenesis and the source of glycerol
for hepatic triacylglycerol synthesis in humans. J. Biol. Chem. 276:12928-12931, 2001.
12. Dumaswala, U. J. , Zhuo, L., Mahajan, S., Nair, P. N. Shertzer, H. G., Dibello, P., Jacobsen, D.W. Glutathione
protects chemokine-scavenging and antioxidative defense functions in human RBCs. Am. J. Physiol. Cell.
Physiol. 280:C867-873, 2001.
13. Mahajan,S.D, Schwartz., S.A., Shanahan T.C, R.P. Chawda and Nair M.P.N. Morphine regulates gene
expression of alpha- and beta-chemokines and their receptors on astroglial cells via the opioid mu receptor. J.
Immunol. 69(7):3589-3599, 2002.
14. Nair, M.P., Kandaswami, C., Mahajan, S., Nair, H.N., Chawda, R., Shanahan, T., and Schwartz, S.A. Grape
seed extract proanthocyanidins downregulate HIV-1 entry co-receptors, CCR2b, CCR3 and CCR5 gene
expression by normal peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Biol. Res. 35 :421-431, 2002.
15. Nair, M.P., Kandaswami, C., Mahajan, S., Chadha, K.C., Chawda, R., Nair, H., Kumar, N., Nair, R.E. and
Schwartz, S.A. The flavonoid, quercetin, differentially regulates Th-1 (IFN gamma) and Th-2 (IL4) cytokine gene
expression by normal peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Biochem. Biophys. Acta. 1593(1):29-36, 2002.
16. Mahajan, S.D., Schwartz, S.A., and Nair, M.P.N. Immunological assays for chemokine detection in in-vitro
culture of neuronal cell systems. Biol. Proceed. 5:90-103, 2003.
17. Mahajan,S.D, Schwartz., S.A., Shanahan, T.C., Chawda, R.P., Aalinkeel, R., and Nair, M.P.N. Effector cell
mediated cytotoxicity measured by intracellular Granzyme B release in HIV infected subjects. Biol. Proced.
5:182-188, 2003.
18. Nair, M., Mahajan, S., Pillai, S.K., Hewitt, R., Whitney, Z.R.B., Chawda, R., Aalinkeel, R. and Schwartz, S.A.:
Immunological studies in long term non progressors (LT-NP) of HIV infection. In:
Immunolology of HIV
Infection (Eds. M.P.N. Nair and S.A. Schwartz), Research Signpost Publications, 81:1-6, 2003.
19. Mahajan, S.D., Schwartz, S.A. and Nair, M.P.N.: Effect of morphine on AIDS encephalopathy: role of matrix
metalloproteinases. . In:
Immunology of HIV Infection (Eds. M.P.N. Nair and S.A. Schwartz), Research
Signpost Publications, 81:17-23, 2003.
20. Nair, M., Mahajan, S., Hewitt, R., Whitney, Z.R.B., and Schwartz, S.A. Association of drug abuse with inhibition
of HIV-1 immune responses: studies with long term HIV-1 non- progressors. J of Neuroimmunol : 147,2004,
21. Mahajan, S., Schwartz, S.A., Sykes, D., Chawda, R., Aalinkeel, R. and Nair, M.P.N.: Effect of HIV peptides on
trans-endothelial migration of dendritic cells across the blood brain barrier, 12th International Congress of
Immunology and 4th Annual Conference of FOCIS, Montreal, Canada, July, 2004, Medimond Press, pg. 153159, 2004.
22. Mahajan SD, S. Singh, P. Shah, N. Gupta, N. Kochupillai. Effect of maternal malnutrition and anemia on
Endocrine regulation of fetal growth. Endocrine Research. 30 (2) 49-63, 2004
23. Mahajan SD, R.Aalinkeel, S. Singh, P. Shah, N. Gupta, N. Kochupillai. Thyroid hormone dysregulation in
intrauterine growth retardation associated with maternal malnutrition and/or anemia . Hormone and Metabolic
Research 2005 Oct;37(10):633-40.
24. Nair M.P.N., S.A. Schwartz, S.D.Mahajan, C. Tsiao, R.P. Chawda, R. Whitney, B. Bindukumar, D. Sykes, R.
Hewitt. Drug Abuse and neuropathogenesis of HIV infection: role of DC-SIGN and IDO. J of Neuroimmunol.
2004, 157: 56-60
25. Nair M.P. N., S. D. Mahajan,S. A. Schwartz, R.Whitney, Z.Bernstein, R. P. Chawda, D. Sykes, R. Hewitt and
Chiu Bin Hsiao. Cocaine modulates DC-SIGN expression by Dendritic Cells in HIV-1 patients. (2005) J of
Immunol,174: 6617-6626.
26. Mahajan,S.D, Schwartz, S.A.,Aalinkeel.R, Chawda, R.P, and Nair, M. P.N. Morphine modulates chemokine
gene regulation in normal human astrocytes and astroglial cells. Clin. Immunol. 2005, 115(3):323-32.
27. Mahajan,S.D, Aalinkeel.R, J . Reynolds, Bindukumar B, SF Fernandez, Schwartz, S.A., and Nair, M. P.N.
Morphine exarcerbates HIV-1 viral protein gp120 induced modulation of chemokine gene expression in U373
astrocytoma cells. Current HIV Research – 2005 3,277-288.
28. Nair, M.P.N., Reynolds, J.L., Mahajan, S.D., Schwartz, S.A., Aalinkeel, R, Bindukumar B, Sykes, D. RNAi
directed inhibition of DC-SIGN by Dendritic Cells. Prospects for HIV-1 therapy. AAPS, 7(1): 2005
29. Nair, M.P.N., Mahajan, S.D., Reynolds J.L., Schwartz, S.A., Aalinkeel, R., Nair, H., Kandaswami, C. (2006).
The Flavonoid Quercetin Inhibits Pro-Inflammatory Cytokine (TNF) Gene Expression in Normal Peripheral
Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMC) via Modulation of the NFκB/IκB System. Clin. Vac. Immun. 13(3): 319-328.
30. Nair, M.P.N., Mahajan, S.D., Sykes, D., Bapardekar, M.V., Reynolds J.L. (2006). Methamphetamine Modulates
DC-SIGN Expression by Mature Dendritic Cells. JNIP. 1(3): 296-304.
31. Mahajan, S.D., Hu, Z., Reynolds, J.L., Aalinkeel, R., Schwartz, S.A., Nair, M.P.N. (2006). Methamphetamine
modulates gene expression patterns in Monocyte derived mature Dendritic cells: Implications for HIV-1
pathogenesis. Mol. Diagn. Ther. 2006, 10(4): 257-269.
32. Reynolds J.L., Mahajan S.D., Bindukumar B., Sykes D., Schwartz S.A., Nair M.P. Proteomic analysis of the
effects of cocaine on the enhancement of HIV-1 replication in normal human astrocytes (NHA). Brain Res.
2006, 1123(1): 226-236.
33. Reynolds J.L., Mahajan S.D., Sykes D., Schwartz S.A., Nair M.P. Heroin-Induces Differential Protein
Expression by Normal Human Astrocytes (NHA). Am. J. Infectious Dis. 2006, 2: 49-57.
34. M.P. Nair, Mahajan S.D., Reynolds J.L. Opiates Upregulate Adhesion Molecule Expression in Brain
MicroVascular Endothelial Cells (BMVEC): Implications for Altered Blood Brain Barrier (BBB) Permeability. Am.
J. Infectious Dis. 2006, 2: 58-66.
35. Reynolds J.L., Mahajan S.D., Sykes D., Schwartz S.A., Nair M.P. Proteomic analyses of methamphetamine
(METH)-induced differential protein expression by immature dendritic cells (IDC). BBA – Proteins and
Proteomics, 2007.1174;433-442.
36. Bindukumar B., S.D. Mahajan, J.L. Reynolds, Z. Hu , D.E. Sykes, R. Aalinkeel, and S.A. Schwartz. Genomic and
Proteomic Analysis of The Effects of Cannabinoids on Normal Human Astrocytes. Brain Research 2008:1191;111.
37. Mahajan SD, R.Aalinkeel, S. Singh, P. Shah, N. Kochupillai. Endocrine regulation in asymmetric intrauterine
fetal growth retardation. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, Oct 2006; 10(10):615-623
38. Mahajan SD, R.Aalinkeel, S. Singh, P. Shah, N. Kochupillai. Pre-Pregnancy weight and Weight gain In
pregnancy are important determinants in the endocrine modulation of Fetal growth restriction. Journal of Turkish
–German Gynecol Assoc. 2007; 8(1):44-53.
39. Mahajan SD, R.Aalinkeel, S. Singh, P. Shah, N. Gupta, N. Kochupillai. Nutritional Anaemia dysregulates
endocrine control of Fetal growth. British Journal of Nutrition. 2007; 2518
40. R Aalinkeel, Z Hu, Bindukumar B Nair, DE Sykes, J L. Reynolds, S D. Mahajan and S A Schwartz. Genomic
analysis highlights the role of the JAK-STAT signaling in the anti proliferative effects of dietary flavonoid“Ashwagandha” in prostate cancer cells. Evidence based complementary and alternate Medicine. Evidence
Based complementary and Alternate Medicine. E-Pub ahead of print Jan 10; 2008.
41. Mahajan S D. R Aalinkeel , D E Sykes, J L. Reynolds, Bindukumar B, A Adal, M Qi , J Toh, G Xu, PN Prasad
and S A Schwartz. Methamphetamine alters Blood brain barrier permeability via the modulation of tight junction
expression: Implication for HIV-1 Neuropathogenesis in the context of drug abuse. Brain Research, Apr 8,
1203:133-148, 2008
42. Bernstein, Z.P., Dougherty, T., Gollnick, S., Schwartz, S.A., Mahajan, S.D., Kepner, J., Sumlin, A., Stewart, C.,
Wallace, P., Ada,l A., Walder H., and Poiesz B. Photopheresis in HIV-1 infected patients utilizing
benzoporphyrin derivative (BPD) verteporfin and light. Current HIV Research. 6:152-63, 2008.
43. Adela Bonoiu, Supriya D. Mahajan, Ling Ye, Rajiv Kumar, Hong Ding, Ken-Tye Yong, Indrajit Roy, Ravikumar
Aalinkeel, Bindukumar Nair, Jessica L Reynolds, Donald E Sykes, Earl J. Bergey, Stanley A. Schwartz and
Paras N. Prasad. Effects of MMP-9 gene silencing by a Quantum Dot-siRNA nanoplex delivery system on the
blood-brain barrier. Brain Research Brain Res. 2009 Jul 28;1282:142-55. Epub 2009 May 27.
44. Supriya D. Mahajan, Ravikumar Aalinkeel, Donald E Sykes, Jessica L. Reynolds, Bindukumar B,Stanley F
Fernandez, Ramnik Chawda, Thomas C Shanahan and Stanley A Schwartz. Tight junction regulation by
Morphine and HIV-1 tat modulates Blood brain barrier permeability. J Clin Immunol. 2008 ;28(5):528-41.
45. Bindukumar B., Schwartz SA, Aalinkeel, R, Mahajan SD, Lieberman A and Chadha,KC Proteomic profiling
of the effect of prostate-specific antigen on prostate cancer cells, Prostate 2008 ;68(14):1531-45.
46. GaiXia Xu , Ken-Tye Yong, Indrajit Roy, Supriya D. Mahajan , Hong Ding, Stanley A. Schwartz, Paras N.
Prasad. Functionalized quantum rods as targeted probes for transmigration across the blood brain barrier.
Bioconjugate Chemistry. 2008 Jun;19(6):1179-85.
47. Aalinkeel R, Bindukumar B, Reynolds JL, Sykes DE, Mahajan SD, Chadha KC, Schwartz SA.The dietary
bioflavonoid, quercetin, selectively induces apoptosis of prostate cancer cells by down-regulating the expression
of heat shock protein 90. Prostate. 2008 Dec 1;68(16):1773-89.
48. Dosch SF, Mahajan SD, Collins AR.SARS coronavirus spike protein-induced innate immune response occurs
via activation of the NF-kappaB pathway in human monocyte macrophages in vitro. Virus Res. 2009 Jun;142(12):19-27.
49. Sands MF, Ohtake PJ, Mahajan SD, Takyar SS, Aalinkeel R, Fang YV, Blume JW, Mullan BA, Sykes DE,
Lachina S, Knight PR, Schwartz SA.Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 modulates allergic lung inflammation
in murine asthma. Clin Immunol. 2009 Feb;130(2):186-98.
50. Reynolds JL, Mahajan SD, Aalinkeel R, Bindukumar B, Sykes DE, and Schwartz SA. Proteomic analyses of the
effects of drugs of abuse on monocyte derived, mature dendritic cells. 2009. Immunological Investigations.
51. Reynolds JL, Mahajan SD, Aalinkeel R, Bindukumar B, Sykes DE, Hsiao CB and Schwartz SA. Proteomic
Identification of proteins modulated by drugs of abuse in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) isolated
from HIV-1 positive donors. 2009. J Clinical Immunology 2009 Sep;29(5):646-56.
52. Adela Bonoiu, Supriya D. Mahajan , Ken-Tye Yong, Indrajit Roy, Hong Ding, Earl J. Bergey, Stanley A.
Schwartz and Paras N. Prasad. A novel therapeutic strategy in the treatment of drug addiction using gold
nanoparticle-conjugated siRNA against DARPP-32 in human dopiminergic neuronal cells. PNAS Proc Natl
Acad Sci U S A. 2009 Apr 7;106(14):5546-50.
53. Mahajan S.D, Ravikumar Aalinkeel, Jessica L. Reynolds, Bindukumar B. Nair, Donald E Sykes, Zihua Hu,
Adela Bonoiu, Hong Ding, Paras N. Prasad and Stanley A Schwartz. Therapeutic targeting of “DARPP-32” a
key signaling molecule in the dopiminergic pathway for the treatment of opiate addiction. Int Rev
Neurobiology 2009; 88:199-222.
54. Mahajan SD, Anardi-Agosto Mujica, R Aalinkeel, JL. Reynolds, B B. Nair, D E Sykes, J Martinez, J
Adams, N Singh, Z Bernstein, C.Hsiao and SA Schwartz. Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Chemokine
and Chemokine receptors: Role in HIV-1 disease progression. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2010 May
28;396(2):348-52. Epub 2010 Apr 21.
55. Mahajan SD, I Roy, G. Xu, KT Yong, H. Ding, R Aalinkeel, J Reynolds, DE Sykes, B B Nair, EY Lin, PN.
Prasad and SA Schwartz. Enhancing the delivery of anti retroviral drug “Saquinavir” across the Blood Brain
barrier using nanoparticles. Current HIV Res- 2010 Jul;8(5):396-404.
56. Mahajan SD, J L. Reynolds, R Aalinkeel, B B. Nair, D E. Sykes, I Roy, H Ding, P N Prasad and S A.
Schwartz*. Enhancing the Transversing Efficiency And Efficacy Of the Anti Retroviral Drug “Saquinavir”
Using Nanotechnology: Implications For Nanotherapeutics In Neuro-AIDS. Global Antiviral Journal; 2009;
5 (2) 45-46
Research Support.
List selected ongoing or completed (during the last three years) research projects (federal and non-federal
support). Begin with the projects that are most relevant to the research proposed in this application. Briefly indicate the overall goals of the
projects and your role (e.g. PI, Co-Investigator, Consultant) in the research project. Do not list award amounts or percent effort in projects.
Current , pending and completed Research Support:
2) Investigator initiated Grant from Pfizer (# GA 400IN3)
Period 2/01/08-6/01/2011
GRANT TITLE: Effect of the SDF-1 3’A Genetic variant on emergence of X4 tropism in Long Term Non-Progressors
of HIV-1 disease.
Description: The goal of this proposal is to evaluate the role of genetic polymorphism in the chemokine SDF-1
allele 3’A in the progression of HIV-1 disease.
Role : Principal Investigator
3) RO1 LM009726-01 Schwartz SA ( PI)
Period- 6/01/09-5/31/12
Grant titled “ Integration of Clinical, Genomic and Proteomic Data In HIV-1 using a Bioinformatic approach.
Description: The goal of this study is the integration of the clinical, genomic and proteomic data using innovative
bioinformatic tools to yield a comprehensive database from which to predict patient outcomes and responses to
therapy. Using new computational tools to analyze and integrate clinical and biological data, this translational
research project will contribute to our fundamental understanding of the pathogenesis of HIV-1 infections and
identify new biomarkers of disease progression.
Role : Co-PI
1R21DA030108-01(PI- Mahajan SD)
07/01/2010 - 06/30/2012
Title: Innovative Nanotherapy for Drug addiction. Cutting-Edge Basic Research Awards (CEBRA)
Description: Evaluating DARPP-32 signaling and its implications in drug addiction using nanotherapy and a
pharmacokinetic approach.
Role: PI
NIH 1R21MH092785-01 (PI-Mahajan SD)
12/1/2010 - 11/31/2013
Title:Nanotechnology based gene therapy for depression.
Description: DARPP-32 is recognized to be critical to the progression of depression. We propose that
sustained knockdown of DARPP-32 may promote brain plasticity in patients with depression and therefore
using innovative nanotechnology based gene therapy for sustained knockdown of DARPP-32 gene
expression, could provide a novel approach for the treatment of depression.
Role: PI
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