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The jurisdiction and facets of 7th house of the horoscope
-----The knowledge and effect of planets is what jyotisha shastra is all about.
If planets are forces then houses are the fields for those forces to operate upon.
Each part of the zodiac is a solar mansion better called as sign or raashi. All the 12 rashis are
classified in 4 groups or triplicities according to 4 elememtsFire element corresponds with spiritual processes in man.
Earth element corresponds with physical processes .
Air element corresponds with mental processes.
Water element corresponds with psychic processes.
Libra the 7th house of the zodiac, is an airy, odd, positive and masculine sign and thus tends to
be more expressive and not passive in reactions. Libra also shows commencement of southern
hemishere. It is also equinoctial sign . the end of virgo and beginning of libra cause day and
night equal all over the world. This phenomenon occurs twice in a year. When sun shifts to
aries and when sun shifts to libra.
We know aries is lagna in kaalpurusha horoscope and natural 7th house is libra. When ARIES
denotes fire elememt we know that birth is a spiritual phenomenon and embodiment of the
soul . the 7th house libra is having air element and is thus connected with mental phenomenon.
Thus natural 7th house libra and 7th lord venus have a say in marital matters and rather all
matters denoted by 7th house.
As all my learned friends know that 7th house from any house is the completion house for that
very house. when we say ascendant is the physical self ,the embodiment of the soul, it is very
natural to assume that 7th is the house of physical union. so, rightly we connect marriage with
7th house. marriage is called vivaha and if we split it up it is like—vi—vividha (many) and vaha
– vahan (taking charge) . the meaning is that vivaha is when a couple takes charge of various
responsibilities in a commulative way. Moreso, the sense of completeness is justified when
‘SHATPATHA BRAHAMANA’ says,’one is incomplete without having a wife and a son’.
About 7th house and it’s linkage with marriage has been discussed in our texts like
mantres`wara has described in CHAPTER 10 of PHALADEEPIKA, parashara has described about
7th house and marriage in ‘CHAPTER 18 OF BRIHAT PARASHARA HORA SHASTRA’ and many a
number of texts like JATAKA SARA DIPA, SANKETA NIDHI, SARAVALI etc. have discussed the
7th house, 7th lord and venus’s placement and effects in all the houses and how venus and 7th
lord behaves regarding marriage and also the dual lordship of 7th house lord and it’s mitigated
effects regarding marital matters.
Even sage JAIMINI, has called the 7th house pada or arudha as ‘DARA PADA’(when dara stands
to denote the spouse.) also in char karakas the 7th karaka with least longitude is called as dara
karaka which is identical with the 7th house lord while predicting marital matters through
jaimini system. Also in jaimini astrology, 7th house from lagna, pada lagna, dara pada,
karkamsa lagna, dara- karaka etc. are considered to predict about the physical health, beauty
and intellect of the spouse, and to know the quality and life of married life. This thing justifies
that 7th house holds primary importance in marital matters.
Now, the point arises here why do we consider only 7th house for marital matters when we
know that ‘KAAMA TRIPLICITY’ houses are 3,7,11 houses and in kaalpurush horoscope, 3,7,11
signs i.e. Gemini, libra, aquarius are air signs and air signs are connected with mind and mental
experiences. 7th is most important house of kaama trikone there are two reasons for this.
As 7th h is a Kendra house and thus shows more practicality of affairs. That is how, practical
relationships and involvements are seen through 7th house
7th house denotes physical level involvements which are more worldly. although 11th house
shows gratification of mental kaama and 3rd denotes spiritual union, but they act at a personal
7th house has a lot more to say and we can better understand it by the concept of purusha
and prakriti. As in hindu philosophy of life, the process of manifestation of ethereal soul into
material body is caused by the interaction between purusha and prakriti. astrologically saying,
lagna shows purusha shakti, and 7th denotes prakriti. If lagna is the vital force then 7th is
dissipation of the same. if lagna is the physical media,7th has to indicate the physical union
and the purpose is procreation.
In Indian classical thoughts, marriage was deemed not as a mere compromise for setting up a
new family,but it was one of the main steps in ‘SHODASHA SAMSKARAS’. The need and purpose
of marriage in india has been different and special and it’s profundity was acknowledged with
distict spiritual attributes. MANUSMRITI also gave three purposes of marriage.
performing religious rituals
having male progenies
gratification of carnal urges.
It is noteworthy here that religious rituals have been accorded first place and sexual
gratification comes last in importance. The reproduction purpose in marriage was a must in
ancient India. Only after attaining a son, one is deemed qualified for attainment of
emancipation(liberated soul).
In another reference in a mantra of ATHARVAVEDA, the groom tells his wife,’ I have
married you with the sole desire to have virtuous progenies. Let us work togeather in this
direction and live for hundred years.’ This confirms how procreation part had been taken as
essential aspect in marriage.
Now, the most important facet of 7th house is it’s maraka tattwa. For understanding it, we
shall have to explore the phenomenon of transmigration of soul. here 7th house becomes a
maraka house. How subtle it is that marriage house is a maraka house too. let’s try and unfold
the mystery.
We all know that 8th house is house of death and annihilation of prana shakti or the vital
means this self is brahma .we mean to say,that the spirit is brahma and that is immortal. This
is the jist of teachings of upanishadas.
One dies to be reborn again and this is law of nature. Astrologically , death is not the end of life
and it is just a normal phenomenon like birth, growth, marriage, progeny etc. everything
doesn’t end with physical death otherwise concept of immortality would become false.
Lord Krishna in GEETHA, tells arjuna – “ you and I (and all warriors standing here) have passed
through many births. You know them not while I know them all”. there is endless chain of
births and rebirths for which 7th house is most vitally involved. The point to attach maraka
tattwa to 7th house isIf SRISHTI LAGNA is ARIES, then it is but natural that LIBRA has to be the setting sign of
cosmic energy. Similarly, in every horoscope, lagna is rise of a birth and thus 7th house is
setting of one’s life into eternal cycles of rebirths.
If we take the classical references UTTARA KALAMRITA (chapter 4 verse 20 says—
‘tadraandhare -------------------------------------------------------------------------kramaat:|| 20||
it has been clearly mentioned in the above sloka that the owners of 2nd and 7th houses act as
strong marakas(destroyers) to the native.
VAMANAPURANA confirms that lord shiva is identifiable with kaala purusha. Shiva is absolute
cosmic current and parvati is his creative energy i.e. MAAYA. According to TANTRA SHASTRA ,
SHIVA without SHAKTHI is SHAVA(a corpse). So when lagna is the reservoir of prana shakthi
then 7th is field of activity. If lagna is BEEJAM then 7th is the KSHETRAM. while discussing the
progeny aspect of any human being we calculate the beeja sphuta (virility) in man to ascertain
the reproductive strength in him and we determine the KSHETRA SPHUTA to find out wheather
the woman is capable and fertile for procreation. This is because we believe that ascendant
denotes purusha shakthi and 7th house denotes capabilities and fertility. In vaster terms, life’
force is lagna and usage of that force and it’s outcome depends on 7th house in a horoscope. in
a way, 7th is the house of utilization of one’s energy in different directions of life.
However UTTARA KALAMRITA of kalidas in chapter 5, ‘KARAKAKHANDA’ has described multiple
katkattwas of 7th house. sloka ||12|| and ||13||, say—
Udvaha vyabhichaar ------------------------------------------------------------------chourya vadetsaptamaata:||
means as many as 37 things are to be judged from 7th house like possession of clothes ,
commerce or trade, chewing beetal leaves, having perfumes, food with cereals and ghee, break
in travels, marriage, loose sex life and a lot more. All other classical texts like ‘LAGHU
etc.,relate 7th house mainly with marriage and spouse and also additional related matters like
trade, open enemies, public image, passions and pride, matters of coming and going, urinary
tract etc.
Also acc. to
theory of BHAVAT BHAVAM, 7th house is a powerful house from almost all
important houses like it is 5th from 3rd house and 3rd from 5th, it is 9th from 11th house and
11th from 9th, 7th is also strong Kendra as it is 4th from 4th and 10th from 10th house . this is
how, 7th houses denotes all important matters like, marriage, practical involvements, open
enemy or competitors, social image, social interactions, professional distinctions, and
fructification of desires.
However the positivity or negativity of these areas is indicated by planetary influences on 7th
house in individual horoscopes.
Finally, if we take a broader viewpoint, ARTHA stands for material prosperity and KAAMA
shows material satisfaction. ARTHA and KAAMA triplicities form
preyas which work in the
direction of shreyas (DHARMA AND MOKSHA triplicities) i.e. the spiritual summit.
‘DHARMA TRIKONA’ is for regularization of ARTHA and KAAMA in such a manner that we are led
towards MOKSHA which is ultimate goal of life.
Our Vedas which are fountain head of knowledge are the means to acquire happiness or Preyas
and shreyas. While preyas is the temporal happiness and shreyas is eternal happiness through
gnana which is removal of avidya. Understanding it all in a wider perspective is the whole
point in it.