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By Dr. Jiang B. Liu
12. The Java Beans
Java Beans
JavaBeans is a portable, platform-independent software
component model written in Java. It enables developers to write
reusable components once and run them anywhere - benefiting
from the platform-independent power of Java.
Beans may be manipulated in a visual builder tool and composed
together into applications. A Bean is any Java class which adheres
to certain property and event interface conventions.
The Beans Development Kit (BDK) provides support for the
JavaBeans APIs and a test container (the “BeanBox” to test Bean
Network Computing: Java Beans
JavaBeans Network Component Computing Model
OSes Supported
Virtually all
HTTP Servers Supported
JavaSoft’s Java Web Server;
others to come
Programming Languages
Component Model
Network Component Model
Java Beans in the Java Enterprise Architecture
Java Beans: Caracteristic features
Introspection: Enables a builder tool to analyze how a bean works.
Customization: Enables the developer of a Bean component to customize
the appearance and behavior of a Bean.
Events: Enables beans to fire events and informing builder tools about
the events they can fire and the events they can handle.
Properties:Supports the customization mentioned above.
Persistence: Enables developers to customize Beans, and then retrieve
those Beans later, with customized features intact.
Java Beans: Create a Java Bean
1. Create a Bean (jar) file
jar cfm FancyButton.jar \ FancyButton.class FancyButton.gif
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Name: FancyButton.class
Java-Bean: True)
2. Copy the Bean file to C:\BDK1.0\jars
3. Test the Bean in the BeanBox.
Java Beans: JAR Files
A JAR file is a convenient way of packaging together a set of class files
and any associated GIF images, data files, or other resource files.
A JAR file consists of a normal ZIP format file, plus an optional
manifest file describing the JAR contents.
You can use the JDK 1.1 jar command to create and read JAR files.
Manifest file: Each JAR file may contest a manifest file describing the
contents of the JAR file.
Java Beans: JAR Files
The jar command
The jar command is provided as part of JDK 1.1. It allows you to
either create a JAR file or to extract the content of a jar file.
The jar command syntax is:
jar [ctxvfm] [jar-file] [manifest-file] files …
Option flags are:
c create new archive
t list table of contents for archive
x extract named (or all) files from archive
v generate verbose output on standard error
f specify JAR file name
m include manifest information from specified manifest file
If any file is a directory then it is processed recursively.
Java Beans: BeanBox
The BeanBox is a very simple test container. It allows you to try
out beans.
The BeanBox allows you to:
drop beans onto a composition window
resize and move beans around
edit the exported properties of a bean
run a customizer to configure a bean
connect a bean event source to an event handler method
connect together bound properties on different beans
save and restore sets of beans
get an introspection report on a bean
add new beans from JAR files
Java Beans: Create an Application using Beans
1. Run BeanBox
java sun.beanbox.BeanBoxFrameset
2. Create an instance of Juggler bean and two instance of OurButton
beans. (using Toolbox) Rename the button label (using PropertySheet)
3. Select the button bean and connected to the Juggler bean.
(Edit->event->action->actionPerform->Click on the Juggler>start/stop method in EventTargetDialog)
4. Save the application (File->save)
Java BeanBox