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Nascent polypeptide chains within the
ribosomal tunnel analyzed by cryo-EM
Daniel N. Wilson, Shashi Bhushan, Thomas Becker and Roland Beckmann
1. An active role for the ribosomal tunnel
during translation
The ribosome is a large macromolecular particle that
synthesizes polypeptide chains from the substituent
amino acid building blocks. The active site for peptide bond formation, the so-called peptidyl transferase
center (PTC), is located in a cleft on the intersubunit
side of the large ribosomal subunit (reviewed by (Polacek and Mankin, 2005; Simonovic and Steitz, 2009)).
As the nascent polypeptide chain is being synthesized,
it passes through a tunnel within the large subunit and
emerges at the solvent side where protein folding occurs. The first hints for the presence of a ribosomal tunnel in the large subunit came from proteolysis protection and immuno-electron microscopy (EM) studies:
Using IgG antibodies raised against β-galactosidase or
the rubisco small subunit, Lake and coworkers could
show that polypeptide chains emerge on the back of
large subunit of the bacterial (Escherichia coli) 70S and
eukaryotic (plant) 80S ribosome, respectively – some
75 Å from the intersubunit interface (Bernabeu and
Lake, 1982; Bernabeu et al., 1983). This distance was
consistent with the earlier findings that 30 – 40 C-terminal amino acids of nascent polypeptide chains are
protected by eukaryotic and bacterial ribosomes from
proteolysis (Malkin and Rich, 1967; Blobel and Sabatini, 1970; Smith et al., 1978).
Visualization of the tunnel within the large subunit
was first seen from 3D image reconstructions of 2D
arrays of chick embryo ribosomes (Milligan and Unwin, 1986) and then subsequently in Bacillus stereo­
thermophilus large 50S subunits (Yonath et al., 1987).
Cryo-EM reconstructions and X-ray crystallography
structures presented the ribosomal tunnel with increasing resolution (Frank et al., 1995; Beckmann et al.,
1997; Ban et al., 2000; Morgan et al., 2000; Becker et al.,
2009), revealing an 80 –100 Å long conduit that varies
in width between 10 – 20 Å. Progressive crosslinking of
nascent polypeptide chains of increasing length with
domains V, II, III, and I of the 23S rRNA is consistent with the path through the tunnel of the large ribosomal subunit (Choi and Brimacombe, 1998). Moreover, in cryo-EM structures of the yeast 80S ribosome
bound to the Sec61 complex, the protein-conducting
channel for protein transport across the endoplasmic
reticulum, the ribosomal tunnel was aligned with the
pore of the Sec61 complex, suggesting that nascent
polypeptide chains can pass directly from the tunnel into the translocon (Beckmann et al., 1997). Recently, nascent polypeptide chains have been directly
observed within the ribosomal tunnel extending from
the PTC to the exit site on the back of the large subunit
(Becker et al., 2009; Seidelt et al., 2009; Bhushan et al.,
2010), as originally predicted by Lake and coworkers
in the 1980’s (Bernabeu and Lake, 1982; Bernabeu et
al., 1983). The X-ray crystal structures of bacterial and
archaeal ribosomes have revealed that the ribosomal
tunnel is predominantly composed of ribosomal RNA
(rRNA) (Ban et al., 2000; Nissen et al., 2000; Harms et
al., 2001; Schuwirth et al., 2005; Selmer et al., 2006),
consistent with an overall electronegative potential
(Lu et al., 2007; Lu and Deutsch, 2008). In addition
to rRNA, the extensions of the ribosomal proteins L4
and L22 (L17 in eukaryotes) contribute to formation
of the tunnel wall, and form a so-called “constriction”
where the tunnel narrows (Ban et al., 2000; Nissen et
al., 2000). Near the tunnel exit, the ribosomal protein
L39 e is present in eukaryotic and archaeal ribosomes,
whereas the extension of L23 (L25 in eukaryotes) occupies a similar position in bacteria (Harms et al.,
2001; Schuwirth et al., 2005; Selmer et al., 2006).
Despite its universality, a functional role for the
ribosomal tunnel is only beginning to emerge. For
Chapter 31 Nascent polypeptide chains within the ribosomal tunnel analyzed by cryo-EM
many years, the ribosomal tunnel was thought of
only as a passive conduit for the nascent polypeptide
chain, however, accumulating evidence indicates that,
for some nascent chains, the tunnel plays a more active role (reviewed by (Deutsch, 2003)). In particular, a number of leader peptides induce translational
stalling in response to the presence or absence of an
effector molecule, and in doing so regulate translation of a downstream gene (reviewed by (Lovett and
Rogers, 1996; Tenson and Ehrenberg, 2002)). Wellcharacterized examples include the bacterial SecM,
ErmC and TnaC as well as eukaryotic AAP and CMV
leader peptides, for which mutations in the leader peptide sequence, or in the ribosomal tunnel components
themselves, can relieve the translational arrest (Morris
and Geballe, 2000; Gong and Yanofsky, 2002; Nakatogawa and Ito, 2002; Vazquez-Laslop et al., 2008). Collectively, these data imply a direct interaction between
specific residues of the leader peptide with distinct locations of the ribosomal tunnel.
2. TnaC-mediated translational stalling
One of the best characterized small molecule-dependent stalling mechanisms is that of TnaC, a leader peptide involved in the regulation of the tryptophanase
(tna) operon of Escherichia coli (Gong and Yanofsky,
2002). In the tna operon, the tnaC regulatory leader
is located upstream of two structural genes, tnaA
and tnaB, encoding the enzyme tryptophanase and
a tryptophan-specific permease, respectively (Gong
and Yanofsky, 2002). The spacer region between the
tnaC and tnaA genes contains several potential Rhodependent transcription-termination sites, such that
when free tryptophan levels are low in the cell, the
TnaC leader peptide is translated and the ribosomes
are released from the mRNA, allowing Rho to access
and terminate transcription before the RNA polymerase reaches the tnaA/B genes. In the presence of free
tryptophan, however, the TnaC peptide is translated,
but termination and release of the TnaC nascent chain
from the ribosome is prevented. The stalled TnaC•70S
complex blocks the Rho-dependent transcriptiontermination sites and thus transcription of the downstream tnaA/B genes ensues (Gong and Yanofsky,
2002), ultimately leading to the removal of free tryptophan from the cytoplasm until non-inducing levels
are restored. Site-directed mutagenesis studies have
identified Trp12, Asp16 and Pro24 of the 24-residue
TnaC peptide as being crucial for stalling (Gong and
Yanofsky, 2002; Cruz-Vera et al., 2005; Cruz-Vera and
Yanofsky, 2008). In the stalled complex, TnaC•tRNAPro
(Pro24) is located within the P site of the ribosome
(Gong et al., 2001), indicating that Asp16 and Trp12
are retained within the exit tunnel. Moreover, mutations in ribosomal tunnel components also alleviate stalling (Cruz-Vera et al., 2005), suggesting that
interaction between the TnaC nascent chain and the
ribosomal tunnel is an essential feature of the stalling
2.1. Cryo-EM of a stalled TnaC•70S complex
In order to structurally investigate TnaC-mediated
translational stalling, it was necessary to generate a
homogeneous TnaC•70S complex. This was achieved
using an E. coli S30-based transcription-translation
system ( Jewett and Swartz, 2004; Liu et al., 2005),
where a modified tnaC leader template containing a
linker to an N-terminally located calmodulin-binding
protein tag was translated in the presence of high concentrations (2 mM) of free tryptophan (Seidelt et al.,
2009). The stalled TnaC•70S complex was purified
from non-ribosomal factors using sucrose gradient
density centrifugation, and then separated from nontranslating ribosomes using a calmodulin sepharose
matrix (Seidelt et al., 2009). Subsequently, cryo-EM
and single-particle analysis was used to reconstruct the
Escherichia coli TnaC•70S complex at 5.8 Å resolution
(Figure 1A) (Seidelt et al., 2009). The structure of the
TnaC•70S complex revealed additional density for the
mRNA (red in Figure 1A) and a single peptidyl-tRNA
within the intersubunit space of the TnaC•70S complex (green in Figure 1A). As expected, the tRNA was
positioned at the P site of the ribosome, whereas density for the mRNA spanned the A, P, and E sites. Most
strikingly, however, was the presence of additional
density within the exit tunnel that could be attributed
to the TnaC leader nascent chain (Figure 1A).
2.2. Interaction of the TnaC leader peptide with
the ribosomal tunnel
Careful inspection of the ribosomal exit tunnel revealed that the density for the TnaC nascent chain
fuses with the tunnel wall at a multitude of sites. These
contact sites are distributed along the entire length
of the tunnel and vary depending upon the threshold level (Figure 1). At the PTC, additional density
Daniel N. Wilson, Shashi Bhushan, Thomas Becker and Roland Beckmann
Fig. 1 Visualization of the stalled TnaC•70S ribosome complex.
(A) Overview of TnaC•70S ribosome complex, with P-tRNA
(green), 30S (yellow) and 50S (blue) indicated. (B) Transverse section of (A) to show ribosomal tunnel, TnaC-tRNA (green), and
mRNA (red). (C)-(F) Contacts of the TnaC nascent chain (green
mesh) with components of the ribosomal tunnel. (G) Relative location of the CCA-ends of A- (cyan) and P-tRNA (green) at the
PTC (PDB1VQN) (Schmeing et al., 2005 b). (H) Comparison of
position of A2602 in various X-ray structures of ribosomal particles. (I) Distinct positions of A2602 and U2585 at the PTC of the
TnaC•70S complex. ( J) Comparison of the positions of A2602 and
U2585 (light blue) from (I) with the positions of A2602 and U2585
(gold) from an RF2•70S complex (Weixlbaumer et al., 2008). RF2 is
shown as gold surface representation. (Figure adapted from (Seidelt
et al., 2009))
is observed connecting Pro24 of TnaC and U2585 of
the 23S rRNA (Figure 1C), whereas the neighboring
U2586, together with U1782, appear to form a connection in the region where Asp21 is likely to be located
(Figure 1C). Mutations in the U2585 region have been
shown to reduce the maximum level of TnaC induction (Yang et al., 2009). The highly conserved Pro24 is
essential for TnaC stalling, since Pro24Ala mutations
abolish the Trp-dependent inhibition of TnaC-tRNA
cleavage at the PTC (Cruz-Vera and Yanofsky, 2008).
Very strong density links G2061 and A2062 to the region near residues Arg23 and Asp21, respectively, of
TnaC (Figure 1D). Although A2062 has not been ana-
lyzed for its effects on TnaC stalling, mutations at this
position have nevertheless been shown to relieve the
translational arrest mediated by the ErmC leader peptide (Vazquez-Laslop et al., 2008).
Deeper in the tunnel, two connections are visible
linking A2058 and A2059 with the nascent chain in
the proximity of Asp16 and Lys18 (Figure 1E), which
may explain the protection of these nucleotides from
sparsomycin-enhanced chemical modification seen
during tryptophan induced TnaC-stalling (Cruz-Vera
et al., 2007). Asp16 is highly conserved within the
TnaC leader peptide and Asp16Ala mutations abolish the Trp-dependent inactivation of the PTC (Cruz-
Chapter 31 Nascent polypeptide chains within the ribosomal tunnel analyzed by cryo-EM
Vera and Yanofsky, 2008). Ribosomes with A2058G
mutations are slightly more responsive to Trp-induced
stalling in a rrn Δ6 strains (Cruz-Vera et al., 2005),
whereas this mutation strongly alleviates secM-mediated translational stalling (Nakatogawa and Ito, 2002).
Strong density that extends out from the TnaC nascent
chain at the putative location of Lys18 fuses with the
ribosomal tunnel where U2609 and A752 are located,
whereas the adjacent nucleotide A751 appears to contact TnaC in the vicinity of Phe13 (Figure 1E). Consistently, mutations at U2609 as well as an insertion at
A751 have been reported to eliminate the induction by
tryptophan (Cruz-Vera et al., 2005).
The TnaC nascent chain makes two major contacts
with the β-hairpin of ribosomal protein L22 (Figure 1F): One connects Arg95 of L22 with the nascent
chain near Thr9, whereas the other is found at the tip
of the loop, where Lys90 and Arg92 are located, and
fuses with TnaC in proximity of the highly conserved
Trp12 residue (Figure 1F). This latter contact should
be important for TnaC-stalling since (i) the spacing
between Trp12 and Pro24 is critical for efficient stalling (Gong and Yanofsky, 2002; Cruz-Vera et al., 2005;
Cruz-Vera and Yanofsky, 2008) and (ii) mutations of
Trp12 in TnaC as well as Lys90 in L22 also eliminate
tryptophan induction (Cruz-Vera et al., 2005). Additional evidence for the close proximity of Trp12 to the
tip of L22 comes from crosslinks between the neighboring Lys11 with 23S rRNA nucleotides in the vicinity of A751 (Cruz-Vera et al., 2005), which also makes
contact with the tip of the β-hairpin of L22 (Figure 1F).
2.3. TnaC-mediated inactivation of the PTC
The PTC of the ribosome is the site of peptide-bond
formation and peptidyl-tRNA hydrolysis (reviewed
by (Polacek and Mankin, 2005; Simonovic and Steitz,
2009)). The correct positioning of the substrates at the
PTC, i. e. the CCA-ends of A- and P-tRNAs during
peptide bond formation (Figure 1G) or the P-tRNA
and the GGQ motif of the release factors (RFs) during
termination, is critical to ensuring efficient catalysis.
Specific conformational changes of highly conserved
nucleotides of the 23S rRNA within the PTC have
been associated with binding of different ligands to
this active site, for example, the nucleotides A2602
and U2585 have been observed to adopt dramatically different conformations in ribosome structures
depending upon the functional state (Figure 1H), for
examples, see (Bashan et al., 2003; Schmeing et al.,
2005 b; Wilson et al., 2005)). Because the mechanism
of TnaC-mediated translational stalling results in the
inactivation of the PTC (Gong and Yanofsky, 2002), it
is interesting to examine the conformation of this region in the 70S•TnaC complex (Figure 1I). Density accounting for the P-tRNA and surrounding 23S rRNA
nucleotides at the PTC is clearly observed, with A2602
appearing to adopt a very defined conformation in
the 70S•TnaC complex that resembles the position of
A2602 observed when the translation inhibitor sparsomycin is bound at the PTC (Schmeing et al., 2005 a).
In addition to A2602, continuous density between the
nascent chain and the location of U2585, suggests that
this flexible base shifts to interact with the Pro24 of
TnaC (Figure 1I).
Inactivation of the PTC in the 70S•TnaC complex
requires free tryptophan, the binding site of which has
been proposed to overlap with that of the antibiotic
sparsomycin (Cruz-Vera et al., 2006; Cruz-Vera et al.,
2007; Cruz-Vera and Yanofsky, 2008). This proposal
is attractive given the sparsomycin-like conformation
of A2602 observed in the PTC of 70S•TnaC complex,
but also because the possible stacking of the free tryptophan between the peptidyl-tRNA and A2602, in a
manner analogous to sparsomycin, would explain the
fixed conformation of A2602. Furthermore, binding of
Trp-tRNA at the A site can also induce TnaC stalling in
the absence of free tryptophan, leading to the suggestion that the free tryptophan molecule binds where the
aminoacyl moiety of an A-tRNA is located at the PTC
(Gong and Yanofsky, 2002), which also overlaps with
the sparsomycin binding site. However, no additional
density that could be attributed to the free tryptophan
molecule is observed within the sparsomycin-binding
site, nor in the A site of the PTC (Figure 1I), despite
the purification and cryo-EM analysis of the 70S•TnaC
complex in the presence of 2 mM tryptophan (Seidelt
et al., 2009).
Nevertheless, the conformations of A2602 and
U2585 observed in the 70S•TnaC complex are incompatible with simultaneous co-habitation of termination release factors (RFs) (Figure 1J) (Korostelev et al.,
2008; Laurberg et al., 2008; Weixlbaumer et al., 2008;
Jin et al., 2010). This suggests that even if RFs can still
bind to the stalled 70S•TnaC complexes (Cruz-Vera et
al., 2005), the fixed conformation of A2602 and U2585
would prevent correct positioning of the GGQ motif
of the RF within the PTC that is necessary for efficient
hydrolysis and release of the nascent chain from the
P-tRNA (Korostelev et al., 2008; Laurberg et al., 2008;
Weixlbaumer et al., 2008; Jin et al., 2010). Indeed, mu-
Daniel N. Wilson, Shashi Bhushan, Thomas Becker and Roland Beckmann
tations at A2602 lead to defects in peptidyl-tRNA hydrolysis (Polacek et al., 2003; Youngman et al., 2004)
indicating the importance of this residue for termination activity.
2.4. TnaC leader peptide: Extended versus
The interpretation of the TnaC peptide with an extended conformation is in agreement with the density
observed for the nascent chain displaying properties
similar to the extensions of ribosomal proteins (Figure
2). At low thresholds, there is continuous density for
the TnaC peptide throughout the entirety of the exit
tunnel, however with increasing thresholds, the density for the TnaC peptide becomes fragmented and
then disappears completely (Figure 2A). This characteristic behavior is similar to that observed for the
density of the N-terminal extension of ribosomal protein L27 (Figure 2B). In contrast, α-helical ribosomal
proteins, for example L29, maintain rod-like density
for the helical regions at increasing thresholds, whereas density for the linking regions is lost (Figure 2C).
Fig. 2 Comparison of the cryo-EM density for the TnaC nascent
chain with ribosomal proteins L27 and L29. (A) Series of three
panels with increasing threshold (top to bottom) showing the same
section through the TnaC•70S complex to reveal the nascent chain
(green) within the exit tunnel. (B) Density for the extended N-terminal region of ribosomal protein L27 (orange), with each respective panel at the same threshold as for TnaC in panel A. (C) Density for the highly α-helical ribosomal protein L29 (blue) shown at
Since the resolution of the TnaC•70S maps is limited
to ~ 6 Å, it is not possible to model side chains and
therefore the interpretation of the contacts can only be
considered as an approximation. Nevertheless, given
that X-ray crystal structures are available for the E. coli
70S ribosome (Schuwirth et al., 2005) and the relative
location of the P-tRNA on the ribosome (Yusupov et
al., 2001; Selmer et al., 2006), these provide an excellent constraint to build a model for the TnaC nascent
chain. With the CCA-end of the P-tRNA fixed, it was
possible to fit a molecular model of all 24 amino acids
of the TnaC leader peptide into the additional density
within the exit tunnel using Rapper for the initial models (de Bakker et al., 2006) followed by a subsequent
molecular dynamics flexible fitting (MDFF) procedure
(Trabuco et al., 2008) (Figure 2D). The fitting resulted
in an ensemble of models, all of which displayed an
extended conformation of the nascent chain with rootmean-square fluctuations (RMSFs) for the Cα atoms
smaller than 2 Å (Figure 2D). The excellent agreement
between selected models of the TnaC peptide and the
experimental density is striking.
identical thresholds as for TnaC nascent chain in panel A and L27
in panel B. In (A)-(C), the respective models for TnaC (green), L27
(orange) and L29 (cyan) are shown for reference. (Figure adapted
from (Seidelt et al., 2009)). (D) Rapper and MDFF based fit of the
TnaC model to the isolated TnaC nascent chain density, with the
radii of the C(atoms correspond to the RMSF for 10 different TnaC
conformers (left) and an all-atom representation of one of the ten
TnaC conformers (right).
Chapter 31 Nascent polypeptide chains within the ribosomal tunnel analyzed by cryo-EM
3. Protein folding within the confinement
of the tunnel
The dimensions of the tunnel preclude the folding of
domains as large as an IgG domain (~ 17 kDa), whereas α-helix formation is more feasible (Kramer et al.,
2001; Voss et al., 2006). Comparisons of X-ray crystal
structures of large subunits from various bacteria (E.
coli (Schuwirth et al., 2005), Deinococcus radiodurans
(Harms et al., 2001) and Thermus thermophilus (Yusupov et al., 2001; Selmer et al., 2006)) and archaea
(Haloarcula marismortui) (Ban et al., 2000) with subnanometer cryo-EM reconstructions of 70S and 80S
ribosomes from diverse origins (Halic et al., 2006 a;
Halic et al., 2006 b; Chandramouli et al., 2008; Becker
et al., 2009; Seidelt et al., 2009; Taylor et al., 2009),
suggests that there is only limited conformational
flexibility within the ribosomal tunnel and provide
no evidence for large scale conformational rearrangement that could provide sufficient space to allow
tertiary folding of nascent chains within the tunnel.
Indeed, early biochemical studies indicated that fluorophores, such as pyrene and cascade yellow with a
smallest dimension of ~ 4 Å were efficiently incorporated into nascent polypeptide chains, whereas larger
fluorophores such as eosin, with a minimum dimension of ~ 11 Å, were much less efficiently incorporated
(Ramachandiran et al., 2000).
A stereochemical analysis of the peptidyl transferase reaction led to the suggestion that the ribosome
generates an α-helical conformation for all nascent
polypeptide chains as they are being synthesized (Lim
and Spirin, 1986). However, differences in proteolysis
and antibody detection patterns of distinct synthetic
and natural nascent polypeptide chains when bound
to the ribosome suggested that in fact distinct nascent chains adopt different secondary structure conformations within the ribosomal tunnel (Picking et
al., 1992; Tsalkova et al., 1998), reviewed by (Kramer
et al., 2001)). More recently, fluorescence resonance
energy transfer (FRET) studies have indicated that a
transmembrane signal anchor sequence is compacted
in a manner consistent with α-helix formation in the
tunnel as it travels through the ribosome (Woolhead
et al., 2004). Interestingly, in the same study the compaction of the transmembrane nascent chain was lost
upon exiting the tunnel, suggesting that the tunnel
plays a pivotal role in stabilizing the proposed helical
conformation. Independent biochemical analyses also
support the potential of the nascent chain to adopt
compacted or helical conformations in the tunnel and
have even identified specific regions of the tunnel that
promote compaction (Kosolapov et al., 2004; Lu and
Deutsch, 2005 a, b; Kosolapov and Deutsch, 2009).
3.1. Cryo-EM of translating ribosomes with
nascent chains of high helical propensity
Recently, cryo-EM has also been used to structurally
investigate the potential of helix formation within the
ribosomal tunnel (Bhushan et al., 2010). This study
used a wheat germ in­vitro translation system using
DNA templates which were truncated to remove the
stop codon, thus trapping the translating ribosomes at
the last codon (Bhushan et al., 2010). Two templates
were used where different regions of the dipeptidylaminopeptidease B (DPAP-B) sequence were replaced with a short sequence encoding a peptide that
has a strong propensity to form a hydrophilic α-helix
in solution (Marqusee and Baldwin, 1987; Arai et al.,
2001). The peptide contains five EAAAK repeats and
adopts a standard [i + 4 (i] α-helix, in which every
backbone N-H group donates a hydrogen bond to the
backbone C = O group of the amino acid four residues
earlier. In addition, each repeat of the helix is stabilized by a Glu–Lys+ salt bridge, leading to > 80 % helicity in aqueous solvent as determined by circular dichromism (CD) studies (Marqusee and Baldwin, 1987;
Arai et al., 2001). When translation reaches the 3’ end
of the truncated mRNA, 115 amino acids have been
translated and Asp-tRNA is located at the P site of the
ribosome. In the Helix 1 construct, the helix-forming
sequence is positioned at amino acids 72 – 96, whereas
in Helix 2 it is located at amino acids 83 –108, i. e. −19
and −7 from the Asp of the P-tRNA, respectively. Since
the ribosomal tunnel can enclose 30 – 40 amino acids, both helix-forming sequences are predicted to be
contained within the exit tunnel. Cryo-EM structures
using these templates generate the 80S•Helix 1-RNC
and 80S•Helix 2-RNCs, both of which showed strong
density for a single peptidyl-tRNA within the intersubunit space as well as the presence of additional density within the exit tunnel that can be attributed to the
nascent chain (Figure 3A, B) (Bhushan et al., 2010). In
the tunnel of both the 80S•Helix-RNCs, the strongest
region of density is observed for the N-terminal region
of the nascent chain near the tunnel exit, however fragmented density is also observed within the upper and
mid regions (Figure 3A, B).
Daniel N. Wilson, Shashi Bhushan, Thomas Becker and Roland Beckmann
Fig. 3 Visualization of 80S•Helix-RNCs. Overview (top left)
and transverse sections (bottom left and right panel) of the (A)
80S•Helix 1-RNC and (B) 80S•Helix 2-RNC, with peptidyl-tRNA
in gold and blue, respectively. Small 40S (yellow) and large 60S
(blue) ribosomal subunits as indicated. Contacts of the (C, D) Helix 1 (gold) and (E, F) Helix 2 (blue) nascent chains (mesh) with
components of the (C, E) upper and (D, F) lower ribosomal tunnel.
(Figure adapted from (Bhushan et al., 2010))
3.2. Folding of helical peptides within distinct
regions of the tunnel
to the constriction between ribosomal proteins L4 and
L17. Therefore, it was suggested that the proximal portion of the region with helical propensity is unable to
adopt an α-helical conformation, but instead acquires
an extended conformation (Bhushan et al., 2010). Although it is possible that compaction is present in the
middle region of the tunnel but simply not observed
due to flexibility, this is incompatible with the excellent
agreement between the density and the model for the
distal portion of the remaining helical stretch (Figure
2F). Furthermore, the relative confinement of the constriction region limits the degrees of conformational
freedom when an a-helix forms within this region. The
ability to form a helix near to the tunnel exit site, but
not in the middle region of the tunnel, is also consistent with the zones of secondary structure formation
identified by Deutsch and coworkers (Lu and Deutsch,
The density for the nascent chain in the cryo-EM structure of the 80S•Helix 1-RNC appears to be extended
in the upper tunnel region (Figure 3C), whereas density consistent with helix formation or compaction is
evident in the lower tunnel region (Figure 3D). A similar trend is also observed in the maps of the 80S•Helix
2-RNC with the nascent chain in the upper tunnel
region appearing to be predominantly in an extended
conformation (Figure 3E), whereas the strongest density for the nascent chain is observed in the lower tunnel region (Figure 3F). If all five repeats of the EAAAK
sequence had adopted a helical conformation in the
80S•Helix 2-RNC, one would also expect strong density to be present in the upper region of the tunnel, near
Chapter 31 Nascent polypeptide chains within the ribosomal tunnel analyzed by cryo-EM
2005 a). Curiously, more density for the nascent chain is
observed in the upper region of the 80S•Helix 2-RNC
compared to the 80S•Helix 1-RNC, suggesting an influence of the Helix 2 sequence on the conformation
of adjacent region of the nascent chain. The influence
of neighboring residues on the conformation of adjacent regions of the nascent chain has been observed
for the folding in the tunnel of transmembrane regions
of the Kv1.3 voltage-gated potassium channel (Tu and
Deutsch, 2010). Similarly, the placement of the critical
Arg163 during SecM-mediated translation stalling is
dependent on the properties of neighboring residues
within the nascent polypeptide chain (Yap and Bernstein, 2009). Although there appears to be slightly more
compaction within this region of the 80S•Helix 2-RNC,
the density is not consistent with α-helix.
3.3. Characteristic behavior of helical peptides
within the ribosomal tunnel
Given that the nascent chain within the lower tunnel
of the 80S•Helix 1-RNC forms a compacted or helical secondary structure, it is interesting to analyze the
properties of the density for this region, relative to the
presumably more extended region of the nascent chain
in the upper tunnel (Figure 4). Filtering the 80S•Helix
1-RNC map at different resolutions, ranging from
6 –7 Å to 10 –11 Å reveals that electron density for the
extended region of the nascent chain is only observable at 6 –7 Å, whereas at lower resolutions 8 – 9 Å and
10 –11 Å, very little density is observable (Figure 4 A).
In contrast, electron density for the nascent chain is
still observable in the lower region of the tunnel, even
at 10 –11 Å, consistent with the interpretation that this
region adopts a compacted or helical structure (Figure 4 A). Similarly, contouring the 80S•Helix 1-RNC
at increasing thresholds (Threshold 1 in Figure 4 A
and increasing thresholds 2 – 4 of Figure 4 B) leads to
a loss in electron density for the nascent chain in the
upper region of the tunnel whereas density persists in
the lower region, again supporting the extended and
compacted conformations of the nascent chain in the
upper and lower tunnel, respectively.
Analysis of the 80S•Helix 1-RNC and 80S•Helix
2-RNC suggests that the lower tunnel region supports, and maybe even promotes, the ability of nascent
polypeptide chains to adopt compacted or helical conformations, whereas no helix formation was observed
in the middle region of the tunnel (Figure 4 A, B)
(Bhushan et al., 2010). In contrast, FRET studies have
Fig. 4 The 80S•Helix 1-RNC nascent chain at different resolutions
and thresholds. (A-B) Transverse sections of the 80S•Helix 1-RNC
map (gray), showing the tunnel with nascent chain density (gold).
(A) The 80S•Helix 1-RNC map filtered at (panels, left to right) 6 –7
Å, 8 – 9 Å and (10 –11 Å. (B) The 80S•Helix 1-RNC map shown
with increasing thresholds (from left to right) relative to Threshold
1 shown in panel A. (Figure adapted from (Bhushan et al., 2010))
suggested that only transmembrane helices maintain a
helical conformation during its passage throughout the
entire ribosomal tunnel (Woolhead et al., 2004). These
diverse findings may result from the use of a very stable
hydrophilic helix was utilized for the cryo-EM study,
instead of a hydrophobic transmembrane helix as used
in the FRET study. They reinforce the idea that nascent
chains may exhibit different behavioral patterns within
the tunnel. This is likely to result from a complex interplay between the environment of distinct regions of the
tunnel and the nature of the nascent polypeptide chain.
It will be interesting to structurally investigate the folding behavior of different types of helical sequences,
such as transmembrane and signal anchor sequences
with varying degrees of hydrophobicity, within distinct
regions of the tunnel.
Daniel N. Wilson, Shashi Bhushan, Thomas Becker and Roland Beckmann
4. Implications of interaction of nascent
polypeptide chains within the ribosomal
Because of the high structural conservation of the
ribosomal tunnel between eukaryotes and prokaryotes, it is possible to make a direct comparison between
the interaction pattern of a non-stalling nascent chain
such as that present in the 80S•Helix 1-RNC (Bhushan
et al., 2010), with a stalling sequence, such as the TnaC
leader peptide present in the 70S•TnaC-RNC (Seidelt
et al., 2009) (Figure 5). In the cryo-EM structure of the
70S•TnaC-RNC, multiple contacts are observed from
the C-terminal region of the peptide to a distinct set
of ribosomal components, consistent with the conservation and importance of this region for inducing
translational stalling. Interestingly, in the upper region of the tunnel of the 80S•Helix 1-RNC, interac-
tion between the nascent chains and a subset of these
components is also observed (Figure 3), for example,
with the regions in the vicinity of A2062 and A751 (E.
coli numbering) of the large subunit rRNA as well as
the loops of ribosomal proteins L4 and L17 (L22 in
bacteria) located at the constriction. The fact that the
contacts observed here for non-stalling sequences are
similar in location to those predicted for some of the
known stalling leader peptides may indicate that these
regions of the tunnel represent functional hotspots for
tunnel-nascent chain interaction.
In addition to inducing translational stalling, the
interaction between nascent polypeptide chains and
the ribosomal tunnel can regulate the rate of translation (Lu and Deutsch, 2008) and has been suggested to
act as a signal to recruit chaperones and translocation
machinery at the tunnel exit site (reviewed by (Kramer
et al., 2009; Cabrita et al., 2010)). Moreover, allow-
Fig. 5 Schematic view of (A) the bacterial TnaC•70S-RNC, with
the eukaryotic (B) 80S•Helix 1-RNC, indicating the specific regions
of the ribosomal tunnel that contribute to protein folding or translational stalling.
Chapter 31 Nascent polypeptide chains within the ribosomal tunnel analyzed by cryo-EM
ing, or even promoting, α-helix formation (Lu and
Deutsch, 2005 a; Tu and Deutsch, 2010), when β-sheet
formation is not yet possible, may have an impact
on protein folding. Protein folding might occur using a hierarchy of secondary structure elements, with
α-helix formation occurring first wherever possible.
Such a scenario would considerably reduce the complexity of the theoretical conformational space that
is necessary to be sampled before the correct fold is
adopted. Additionally, it would also change the appearance of nascent peptides as substrates for chaperones
acting co-translationally. Tertiary structure formation,
such as α-helices and β-hairpins, has already been observed to occur near the tunnel exit (> 80 Å from tunnel start) where the tunnel widens significantly to form
a vestibule (Evans et al., 2008; Lu and Deutsch, 2008;
Kosolapov and Deutsch, 2009). Additionally, α-helix
formation in the tunnel may be important for proteins
containing α-helical domains destined for membrane
insertion (Liao et al., 1997; Woolhead et al., 2004). Cotranslational targeting by the signal recognition particle (SRP), for example, may be promoted since the
presence of a signal-anchor sequence within the tunnel
promotes binding of SRP to the ribosome (Berndt et al.,
2009), and α-helicity of the signal sequence is important for its recognition by SRP (Mingarro et al., 2000).
Indeed, compaction of transmembrane domains in the
ribosomal tunnel has been reported (Woolhead et al.,
2004) and, a compacted conformation for the signal
anchor sequence has been observed by cryo-EM to
bind in the vestibule at the end of the ribosomal tunnel
on E. coli ribosomes (Halic et al., 2006 a). While these
hypotheses need to be examined, the conservation of
the dimensions of the ribosomal tunnel is consistent
with its significance in providing nascent proteins with
a defined first environment.
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