Download MPH Field Experience Award Winners 2006-2007

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The MPH Program at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
is pleased to announce the recipients of the MPH Field Experience Fund Award.
The purpose of the award is to provide additional support to facilitate hands on practice experience.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RECIPIENTS OF THE 2006-2007 MPH FIELD EXPERIENCE FUND AWARD
Sidney Callahan: “Women’s Health Initiative: Cap Haitien, Haiti”
Catherine Christie: “Traumatic Brain Injury as a Result of Motor Vehicle Accidents”
Elizabeth Dzeng: “Monitoring and Evaluation of a Women and Child Care Initiative for North Korea Refugees
in China”
Monique Ferguson: “Human Rights Violations and the Impact on Health in Eastern Burma”
Yayeh Negash Getu: “Leveraging the Ethiopian Orthodox Church System to Address the Burden of Malaria in
Rural Ethiopia – Capacity Building for Training, Communication and Coverage of Preventive Services”
Sosena Kebede: “Health Workforce Attrition Challenge in the Provision of HIV Treatment and Care in
Anna Harrison McCrerey: “Developing a Culturally Appropriate Research Instrument for Queer Youth Health
Risk Assessment”
Ka Ming Gordon Ngai: “Migrant’s Health in China”
Rebecca Rosenberg: “Development of a Neonatal Sepsis Score for Low Resource Settings”
Natassia Rozario: “The Health Consequences of Human Trafficking”
Sasimar Sangchantr: “Monitoring and Evaluation of Mercy Corps Livelihoods Program for Tsunami Disaster
Recovery in Meulaboh, Aceh, Indonesia”
Kerry Lee Shannon: “The Efficacy of Low Technology and Low-Cost Water Filters in Removing Pathogens
and Preventing Disease During Long-term Household Use”
Ozge Tuncalp: “Maternal Mortality in Bangladesh: Learning from the Past, Moving Towards the Future”
Vinay Viswanatha: “A Study of the ‘Right to Healthcare’ Movement in India”
Group Awards
“New Orleans Winter Service Trip”, Heidi Bramson, Joel Palmer, Anna Dolinsky, Nyarai Mushonga, Taafoi
Kamara, Lillian Kidane, Amber Harris, Jennifer Allard, Michael Oldham & Genevieve Birkby
“Nicaraguan Community Partnership”, Monica Desai, Jocelyn Getgen, Simran Grewal, Laili Irani, Margaret
Hawthorne, John Kuehnle, Deepali Patel, Anita Ray, & Lauren Tingey
“The Supply Chain of Antiretroviral Medications from International Pharmaceuticals to Lagosette Village,
Rural Haiti”, Brad Gautney and Nathaniel Segaren