Download Topic of the Week # 120 By LJ57 How can you keep a healthy mind

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Topic of the Week # 120
By LJ57
How can you keep a healthy mind? What are some everyday tips for keeping a healthy mind?
Nutrition plays a key role in the health of the mind and thorough attention should be paid to it
in order to optimize mental functioning. Different foods and nutrients can affect
neurotransmitters in a variety of ways. Carbohydrates can have a calming effect and reduce
levels of anxiety. Protein can provide you with a physical and mental energy boost. Foods rich in
essential fatty acids, such as fish and almonds, can increase focus, memory, and even combat
depression. It is important, however, to eat a balanced diet that gives your mind and body all
the nutrients it needs to function optimally. Choose healthy proteins such as fish, complex
carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes, and good fats such as those that come from fish,
almonds, and avocados. Avoid sugar and simple carbohydrates that will not give you the
sustained mental and physical energy you need. Add some whole grain foods and leafy green
vegetables to your diet and you will be well on your way to creating a much healthier mind and
Laughter may indeed be the best medicine according to many researchers. Laughter can lead to
a decrease in the stress hormone cortisol, which leads to lowered stress levels, and improve
overall health in general. It is estimated that children laugh about 400 times per day while
adults laugh only 25 times per day. Watching funny movies, stand up comedy, or just telling
jokes with friends can be of great benefit in keeping the mind and body healthy.
Exercise is not only good for the body, but is also very beneficial for the health of the mind.
Aerobic exercise can promote relaxation, reduce stress, and even increase one’s ability to
concentrate. It is known to boost blood flow to the brain due to its ability to increase
circulation. If you feel stressed, angry, or in a negative state of mind, cardiovascular exercise
can quickly help alleviate the problem.
Another form of exercise, sometimes referred to as “neurobics”, can also help keep the mind
healthy. Neurobic exercise involves activities that keep the mind active and involved in intense
concentration and focus. Word games, chess, and puzzles are all forms of mental exercise that
can help you keep your brain functioning at peak performance. Just as you employ exercise for
physical improvement, you can use it for mental performance as well.
Relaxation is very important for mind health. Studies on relaxation and its effects have been
carried out since the 1960’s and reveal that it can be a great tool for physical, emotional, and
mental health. There are a variety of means for inducing relaxation including meditation, deep
breathing, and visualization. If you prefer a simple method of relaxation that can be done
conveniently and without long periods of training then deep breathing provides a great
method. Find a quiet place to sit comfortably or lie down. Try clearing your mind of all thoughts
and breathe deeply through your nose. Allow your abdomen to rise on the inhalation. Exhale
slowly through your mouth. Repeat this for 15-20 minutes per day and you will soon notice the
benefits of being deeply relaxed. Concentrating on your breath will help keep your mind
focused while minimizing the intrusion of mundane thoughts that may try to occupy your mind.
Try taking supplements that have a good track record of enhancing the health of the mind. The
supplements described later in this article will improve mind health in a variety of ways. They
can help reduce stress, improve memory and cognitive function, and elevate mood in addition
to many other benefits. Before trying one or more of these supplements, you should ensure
that you are taking a high quality multiple vitamin/mineral. This is a prerequisite for anyone
concerned with mind health.
What are the best supplements for mind health?
SAM-e, a derivative of the amino acid methionine, has been successfully used to treat
depression. SAM-e is prescribed more for depression in Italy than pharmaceutical antidepressants. Unlike anti-depressants, though, SAM-e works very quickly; often within just a few
days of starting it. Although safe and effective, anyone suffering from bipolar disorder should
consult with their physician before using SAM-e.
St. John’s Wort, also known as hypericum, is an herb that works as an anti-depressant and also
helps reduce anxiety. This supplement has been thoroughly researched and prescribed in
Europe, and in fact it accounts for over fifty percent of the anti-depressant market there. St.
Johns Wort does not begin working overnight and may take 4-6 weeks before there is a
noticeable effectiveness.
Tryptophan is an effective anti-depressant and sleep aid. Tryptophan became a banned
supplement after a contaminated batch led to the result of several deaths in 1988. It is now
available again from many companies as a high purity supplement. Tryptophan works much like
anti-depressants but without the adverse side effects. It converts directly to serotonin while
anti-depressants work by blocking the reuptake of serotonin at synapses in the brain.
Which are best for memory?
Fish oil may prove to be the most important of all supplements for improving memory and
mental function. In fact, there is now a prescription fish oil supplement that doctors can
prescribe to their patients. Although overpriced and no more effective than commercial fish oil
products, the fact that it has become a prescription supplement illustrates the importance that
even the medical establishment now acknowledges. Eicosapenraenoic acid (EPA) and
docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are the two components of fish oil that are responsible for the
many health benefits it delivers. Together they make fish oil a beneficial supplement for
improving memory and ability to concentrate.
Ginkgo biloba, the world’s longest living tree, has been used for thousands of years in China to
improve memory and concentration. Glycosides and terpene lactones are the two components
of Ginkgo that impart its medical benefits. Extracts from the leaves of this tree are used to
increase circulation, improve mental functioning, and prevent memory problems.
Huperzine A is extracted from a moss plant that grows in China. As a supplement, Huperzine A
can increase the neurotransmitter acetylcholine by preventing its breakdown. This leads to
better memory and concentration ability.
Vinpocetine is derived from the periwinkle plant and has been used as a prescription treatment
for increasing cognitive function in people with cerebrovascular disorders. Studies have shown
that it increases circulation to the brain, dilates blood vessels, and improves oxygen utilization.
Vinpocetine can easily cross the blood-brain barrier and lead to improvements in memory and
Which are best for stress reduction?
Bacopa Monnieri is an Ayurvedic herb from India that has a wide range of cognitive enhancing
benefits. Used for over 3,000 years, it improves memory, concentration, and has even been
shown to lessen stress-induced anxiety. Bacosides, two substances found in Bacopa, can assist
in the repair of damaged neurons.
Holy Basil is an Ayurvedic herb that has been used in India for millennia. It is widely used to
combat stress and control blood sugar. Although this supplement has only been on the
American market for a few years, the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. Many users
report less stress and an improved sense of well-being from taking Holy Basil.
Kava has been traditionally used by natives in the Pacific islands for thousands of years.
Consumed as a beverage in these cultures, kava promotes relaxation and reduced levels of
stress, as well as improving the quality of sleep. Unfortunately, kava has gotten a bad
reputation over the last few years due to the fact that liver toxicity has been attributed to its
use. The truth, however, is that this supplement is very safe and effective when used properly.
The problem with toxicity is believed to have been caused by use of the aerial leaves and stems
of the plants in cheaper kava products. The root, however, is entirely safe and even contains
the antioxidant glutathione which helps protect liver cells. It is important to note, however, that
kava should never be consumed prior to driving or performing any task that could be
considered dangerous.
L-theanine is an amino acid found in green tea. Green tea has always been reputed to have the
ability to induce relaxation. It is has been discovered that L-theanine is the substance in this
green tea responsible for this. It promotes relaxation without causing the drowsiness
associated with many sedatives. It has been demonstrated that L-theanine crosses the bloodbrain barrier and increase alpha brain waves which are associated with deep relaxation.
The amino acid L-tyrosine has a solid track record of being extremely effective for reducing
stress, enhancing the body’s ability to cope with stress, and improving cognitive ability. In fact,
the United States Army has researched this amino acid for its ability to assist soldiers in
performing under stressful circumstances such as sleep deprivation and fatigue. Tyrosine
should be taken in the absence of protein due to the fact that it competes with other amino
acids for absorption.
Phenibut is derived from the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Unlike GABA,
however, Phenibut can cross the blood-brain barrier. It has been used in Russia for the
treatment of anxiety and insomnia for decades but is a relatively new supplement in the US. It
should not be used in conjunction with sedatives or alcohol as it will potentiate their effects.
Relora is a patented blend of extracts from phellodendron and magnolia. Studies show that it
lowers cortisol levels during periods of stress and increases overall feeling of well-being. Relora
is a safe and effective supplement that is most frequently used by those who are dieting and
wish to avoid stress eating. It is, nonetheless, a great supplement for anyone who wishes to
reduce stress and feel better.
Rhodiola rosea is a supplement that has been shown to be very effective for reducing stress
and fatigue, improving mood levels, and improving physical and mental performance. Rhodiola
rosea is an adaptogenic herb that helps increase the body’s resistance to stress. Adaptogens,
such as Rhodiola, can increase the performance of the mind without causing the stimulation
that substances such as caffeine do.
Why would one want to use supplements for mind health?
The mind is the control center of the body. Devoid of a healthy mind, the physical body will
certainly pay the price. Good physical health starts with good mental health and many
supplements have a demonstrated ability to assist in the enhancement of physical and mental
well-being. They can reduce stress, lift mood, improve memory and cognitive function, and help
give one a feeling of overall well being on both a physical and mental level.
The relationship between the health of the mind and dietary supplementation has been well
established in recent years. There is plenty of evidence to suggest that many supplements, such
as fish oil and ginkgo, can play a positive role in enhancing the health of the mind. Other
supplements, often too new to be backed by a significant amount of scientific research, are
supported by the enormous amount of anecdotal feedback coming from users who have noted
the benefits they impart. Holy Basil and Phenibut are two such supplements that have recently
become very popular for mind health. There is sufficient first-hand feedback that these
supplements work amazingly well despite the fact that they have not been heavily studied.