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Name:______________________________________ MGS31-….. Ms. Montoya
Homework # 14
Choose the best answer.
7. Given: m || n
1. RL bisects SRA. Suppose mLRA  45.
What type of angle is SRA?
F acute
H right
G obtuse
J straight
2. If 2x  8  0, what justifies 2(x  4)  0?
A Multiplication Property of Equality
What are all the parallel relationships?
B Division Property of Equality
F m || n only
C Transitive Property of Equality
G k || m, k || n, m || n
D Distributive Property
3. In the diagram, m1  (7x  22) and
m4  (9x  2).
J k || , m || n
8. What are all possible values for x?
What is m8?
A 74
C 92
B 88
D 106
4. The sum of the measures of two vertical
angles is 44. What is the measure of the
supplement of one of those angles?
F 158
H 68
G 136
J 46
5. If 2x  8  0, what justifies 2(x  4)  0?
A Multiplication Property of Equality
|| m, || n, m || n
A x8
C x  1
B x8
D 1  x  8
10.What is the slope of a line that is parallel to
the line whose equation is
y  10  4(x  1)?
A10 B  C 4 D
11.Which is an equation of the line that
passes through (0, 2) and has a slope
of 9?
F y  9x  2
H y  9x  2
G y  9x  2
J y  9x  2
B Division Property of Equality
C Transitive Property of Equality
D Distributive Property
6. Which best describes the triangle?
12.Which line coincides with the graph of
3x  5y  15?
A y
x 3
B y
x 3
C y
x 5
D y
x 5
A scalene acute
B isosceles acute
Original content Copyright © by Holt McDougal. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor.
Holt McDougal Geometry
Name:______________________________________ MGS31-….. Ms. Montoya
19. If possible, find a value for x.
13. What is the value of x?
F 2
H 12
G 5
J 19
14. What is mB?
F 15
H 18
G 16
J Not here
20.What is the measure of 1?
A 24
C 54
B 30
D 90
A 34
C 68
B 56
D 112
15. What is PB?
21. Quadrilateral RSTU is a parallelogram.
Which is the LEAST additional
information needed to prove that RSTU is
a rectangle?
H) 14.7
16.If  YTR   KWP, which need NOT be
A R  P
C K  Y
17. Which angle has the greatest measure?
A) CAB B)B C) C
F Both pairs of opposite sides are
congruent, and all angles are right
G All four angles are right angles.
H The diagonals are congruent, and
one angle is a right angle.
J T is a right angle.
22. KITE is a kite, and KT bisects EKI and
ETI. To the nearest tenth, what is the
area of  SET?
18. PQRS is a parallelogram. What is PR?
A 23
C 28
B 26
D 30
A 58.9
C 39.8
B 43.5
D 23.2
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Original content Copyright © by Holt McDougal. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor.
Holt McDougal Geometry
Name:______________________________________ MGS31-….. Ms. Montoya
Original content Copyright © by Holt McDougal. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor.
Holt McDougal Geometry