Download Impulse and Momentum Lab Report Mr. Johnson How are force and

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Impulse and Momentum Lab Report
Mr. Johnson
How are force and impulse related to linear momentum and conservation of momentum?
Part 1: Qualitative Introduction
Math [5.3]
βˆ†π‘ = πΉβˆ†π‘‘
π‘šπ‘£ βˆ’ π‘šπ‘£π‘œ = πΉβˆ†π‘‘
βˆ’π‘šπ‘£π‘œ = πΉβˆ†π‘‘
Independent: speed of cart
Dependent: amount of force needed to stop cart
Controls: mass the same, same launching mechanism, same level table
1. Carefully measure the mass of both carts to that they are the same.
2. Using two rulers, launch both carts simultaneously into a person’s hands. Pull one ruler farther back
to give one of the carts a larger velocity.
3. Discuss with catcher which cart took more force to stop it.
Independent: mass of cart
Dependent: amount of force needed to stop cart
Controls: speed of both carts, same launching mechanism, same level table
1. Carefully measure the mass of both carts to that one is more massive than the other.
2. Using two rulers, launch both carts simultaneously into a person’s hands. Pull both rulers back the
same distance so the velocity stays the same.
3. Discuss with catcher which cart took more force to stop it.
Narrative of Results
After completing both parts of this section, it was noticed that when mass is the same, the cart with the
greater velocity took more force to stop. When velocities were the same, the more massive cart
required more force to stop. I did assume the speeds of the carts were the same when I varied the
masses of the carts. This assumption could lead to large uncertainties if it were quantitative. [4.4]
The results of this experiment were what I expected. Looking at the relationship βˆ’π‘šπ‘£π‘œ = πΉβˆ†π‘‘ I can
see that mass and initial velocities are indirectly proportional. [5.3] Assuming the same time is needed
to stop something, doubling the mass would require twice the stopping force and doubling the velocity
would require twice the stopping force.
A practical application for this section would be air bags in cars. The air bag increases the time for the
collision of the person’s head with the steering wheel. By increasing the time, less force is needed to
stop the person’s head which leads to fewer injuries. [7.2]
Since there were no quantitative measurements there were no meaningful errors associated with this
Part 2: Colliding Carts
Math [4.1]
Prediction: The change in cart 1’s momentum will equal the change in cart 2’s momentum in all three
collisions. [6.4]
βˆ†π‘1 = βˆ’βˆ†π‘2
Collision 1: Cart1’s change in momentum
βˆ†π‘1 = π‘š1 𝑣 βˆ’ π‘š1 π‘£π‘œ = 0.0552π‘˜π‘” βˆ— 0.19
βˆ’ 0.0552π‘˜π‘” βˆ— 0.85
= βˆ’0.036 π‘˜π‘”
Collision 1: Cart 2’s change in momentum
βˆ†π‘2 = π‘š2 𝑣 βˆ’ π‘š2 π‘£π‘œ = 0.0558π‘˜π‘” βˆ— 0.6
βˆ’ 0.0558π‘˜π‘” βˆ— 0
= 0.033 π‘˜π‘”
-0.036 kg*m/s versus 0.033 kg*m/s
Collision 2: Cart 1’s change in momentum
βˆ†π‘1 = π‘š1 𝑣 βˆ’ π‘š1 π‘£π‘œ = 0.2558π‘˜π‘” βˆ— 0.67
βˆ’ 0.2558π‘˜π‘” βˆ— 0.95
= βˆ’0.072 π‘˜π‘”
Collision 2: Cart 2’s change in momentum
βˆ†π‘1 = π‘š1 𝑣 βˆ’ π‘š1 π‘£π‘œ = 0.0558π‘˜π‘” βˆ— 0.7
-0.072 kg*m/s versus 0.039 kg*m/s
βˆ’ 0.0558π‘˜π‘” βˆ— 0
= 0.039 π‘˜π‘”
Collision 3: Cart 1’s change in momentum
βˆ†π‘1 = π‘š1 𝑣 βˆ’ π‘š1 π‘£π‘œ = 0.0558π‘˜π‘” βˆ— 0
βˆ’ 0.0558π‘˜π‘” βˆ— 0.65
= βˆ’0.036 π‘˜π‘”
Collision 3: Cart 2β€˜s change in momentum
βˆ†π‘1 = π‘š1 𝑣 βˆ’ π‘š1 π‘£π‘œ = 0.2558π‘˜π‘” βˆ— 0.2
βˆ’ 0.2558π‘˜π‘” βˆ— 0
= 0.051 π‘˜π‘”
-0.036 kg m/s versus 0.051 kg*m/s
Procedure [4.2]
Independent: type of collision
Dependent: velocity of carts before and after colliding
Controls: Same surface, same planet, same person filming, same person colliding carts
1. Set up track
2. Measure mass of both carts [4.3]
3. Keep one cart stationary and film it as the second cart collides with it [4.3]
4. Study the velocity vs time graph in Tracker
5. Add mass to the colliding cart while no mass is added to the stationary cart
a. Record new mass of the more massive cart [4.3]
6. Film the more massive cart colliding with the stationary less massive cart [4.3]
7. Study the velocity vs time graph in Tracker
8. Switch the carts, have the less massive cart collide with the more massive cart [4.3]
9. Study the velocity vs time graph in Tracker
Narrative of Results
In the first collision I had a cart hitting a stationary second cart of equal mass. In that collision the first
cart’s change in momentum was -0.036 kg*m/s and the second stationary cart’s change in momentum
was 0.033 kg*m/s. These two numbers are very close to each other which is what I expected to happen.
In the second collision I had a more massive cart colliding with a less massive stationary cart. The
massive cart had a change in momentum of -0.072 kg*m/s and the second less massive cart saw its
change of momentum to be 0.039 kg*m/s. I would have liked to have seen these numbers closer to
each other. In my third and final collision, I had a less massive cart strike a stationary more massive cart.
In this collision the less massive cart had a change in momentum of -0.036 kg*m/s while the more
massive cart had a change in momentum of 0.051 kg*m/s. Again I would have liked to have seen these
numbers closer together.
The law of conservation of momentum states that the total momentum of a system needs to remain
unchanged. Since the first cart was moving, its momentum is the momentum of the system and this
relationship needs to be true: βˆ†π‘1 = βˆ’βˆ†π‘2 .
In these three collisions, I only feel comfortable saying momentum was conserved in the first collision
where I had a cart collide with a second cart of equal mass. In that collision, the change in momentum
of the two carts was only three thousandths apart; this could be explained by the error in the setup.
My second two collisions were farther apart. According to conservation of momentum, βˆ†π‘1 = βˆ’βˆ†π‘2,
this means the two numbers should equal each other but have opposite directions. In my calculations, I
did see the opposite directions with the first cart having negative change in momentum and the second
cart having positive change in momentum. [5.3] When I study the velocity vs time graphs for the
collisions, I do see the correct relationships present.
A practical application for this experiment would be CSI for police officers studying car crashes. Using
conservation of momentum, police officers should be able to see if any of the car’s involved were
speeding or driving left of the center line. [7.2]
Tables of Data [4.3]
Collision 1, Cart 1 colliding with stationary Cart 2 of equal mass.
Cart 1 Data
Cart 2 Data
m1 = 0.0552 kg
m2 = 0.0558 kg
time in seconds
time in seconds
velocity in m/s
velocity in m/s
Collision 2, Cart 1 colliding with stationary Cart 2 of less mass
Cart 1 Data
Cart 2 Data
m1 = 0.2558 kg
m2 = 0.0558 kg
time in seconds
time in sec
velocity in m/s
velocity in m/s
Collision 3, Cart 1 colliding with stationary Cart 2 of more mass
Cart 1 Data
Cart 2 Data
m1 = 0.0558 kg
m2 = 0.2558 kg
time in sec
time in seconds
velocity in m/s
velocity in m/s
Collision 1: Cart colliding with a second cart of equal mass
Collision 2: More massive cart colliding with a stationary less massive cart
Collision 3: Less massive cart colliding with stationary more massive cart
There were multiple sources of error in this experiment. Systematic errors include calibrating the
videos, choosing to only do one trial per collision and the fact I choose the points in the Tracker
software. Random errors include choosing to only do one trial per collision. Since I only did one trial per
collision, I cannot calculate deviations to study any fluctuations in my experiment. I have no way to find
the precision of this experiment. [4.4]
Part 3: Explosions
Math [4.1]
Prediction: I predict that the total momentum of each system will remain zero [6.4]
Σ𝑝 = 0
Explosion 1: Carts have near equal mass
Σ𝑝 = 𝑝1 + 𝑝2 = π‘š1 𝑣1 + π‘š2 𝑣2 = 0.2π‘˜π‘” βˆ— (βˆ’0.9 ) + 0.15π‘˜π‘” βˆ— (0.95 ) = βˆ’0.038 π‘˜π‘”
Explosion 2: Carts have unequal mass
Σ𝑝 = 𝑝1 + 𝑝2 = π‘š1 𝑣1 + π‘š2 𝑣2 = 0.9π‘˜π‘” βˆ— (βˆ’0.4 𝑠 ) + 0.15π‘˜π‘” βˆ— (1.0 𝑠 ) = βˆ’0.21 π‘˜π‘”
Procedure [4.2]
Independent: amount of mass added to carts
Dependent: velocities before and after explosion
Controls: Same elastic force, same surface, same person filming, same planet
1. Measure mass of both carts using luggage spring scale [4.3]
2. Arm the spring by pushing it in to the first setting [4.3]
3. Rest both carts next to each other so that they will push apart when the pin is pushed
4. Push pin with a smooth surface so friction does not interfere with results [4.3]
5. Film the carts pushing away from each other. [4.3]
6. Study the velocity vs time graph in Tracker
7. Add mass to the spring cart and measure its new mass [4.3]
8. Arm the spring by pushing it in to the first setting [4.3]
9. Film carts pushing apart [4.3]
10. Study the velocity vs time graph in Tracker
Narrative of Results
In explosion 1, I calculated the net momentum to be -0.038 kg*m/s. I expected it to be zero. In
explosion 2, I calculated the net momentum to be -0.21 kg*m/s. Again, I expected it to be zero.
The law of conservation of momentum states that the total momentum of a system should remain
unchanged. In an explosion, the initial momentum of the system is zero; so the total final momentum of
the system needs to be zero as well.
I was pleased with the result from the first explosion, 0.038 kg*m/s is very close to zero. However, the
result from the second explosion is farther from zero. It’s still less than one so I can argue that
momentum is still conserved. [5.3]
A practical application for this is the study of shell fragments after a bomb was detonated. By studying
the pattern of the shell fragments, one would be able to gain information about the bomb itself. [7.2]
Tables of Data [4.3]
Explosion 1: Carts of near equal mass
Cart with spring
Cart w/out spring
m1 = 0.2 kg
m2 = 0.15 kg
time in sec
time in sec
velocity in m/s
velocity in m/s
Explosion 2: Carts with unequal mass
Cart with spring
Cart w/out
m1 = 0.9 kg
m2 = 0.15 kg
time in sec
time in sec
velocity in m/s
velocity in m/s
Explosion 1: Carts have near equal mass
Explosion 2: Carts have unequal mass
There were multiple sources of error in this experiment. Systematic errors include calibrating the
videos, choosing to only do one trial per collision and the fact I choose the points in the Tracker
software. Random errors include choosing to only do one trial per collision. Since I only did one trial per
explosion, I cannot calculate deviations to study any fluctuations in my experiment. I have no way to
find the precision of this experiment. [4.4]