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Mid Term Assessment
EU-CHIC Project
Olimia (Slovenia) , 30-31/05/11
European Commission
DG « Research & Innovation »
Directorate « Environment »
([email protected])
Cultural Heritage Research within
the Environment Programme
• Since 1986 EC/DG Research/Environment
Directorate has been supporting research for the
preservation of tangible Cultural Heritage to develop
« state of the art » methodologies, tools and
• Cultural heritage contributes to attract millions of
tourists in and to Europe, helps to create jobs and
enhances the quality of life of European citizens
while reinforcing a common shared identity.
• Need for a policy of sustainability at EU, National and
Regional levels is more pressing than ever as Cultural
Heritage is exposed to pollution, climate change and
socio-economic pressures.
From FP5 to FP7
• FP5 (1998-2002) : « Energy, Environment and Sustainable
Development » Programme / Key Action « City of
Tomorrow and Cultural Heritage »
• FP6 (2002-2006) : « Scientific Support to Policies »
Programme / focus on « Cultural Heritage and
Conservation Strategies »
• FP7 (2007-2013) : « Environment (including climate
change) » Programme / Activity« Environmental
Technologies » / Sub-Activity « Protection, Conservation
and Enhancement of Cultural Heritage, including Human
Habitat »
Links with European policies and
directives (beyond EU-RTD policy)
 The Clean Air for Europe (CAFÉ) Programme: towards a Thematic
Strategy for Air Quality, COM (2001) 245 final
 Directive 2002/91/EC on Energy Performance in Buildings
(Directive amended several times)
 Adoption by EC in 2004 of the European Technologies Action Plan
(ETAP) to promote eco-innovation & use of environmental techn.
 Directive 2006/121/EC on Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation
and Restrictions of Chemicals (REACH)
 Directive 2007/60/EC: Assessment & Management of Flood Risks
 Limiting Global Climate Change to 2 Degrees Celsius. The way
ahead for 2020 and beyond, COM (2007) 2 final
 A European Economic Recovery Plan, COM (2008) 800 final
 European Strategy 2020 for smart, sustainable & inclusive
growth followed by European 2020 « Flagship Initiative »
Innovation Union, COM(2010)546 final (6/10/2010)+ Resource
efficiency as other «Flagship Initiative »
+ Regional Policy for smart growth in Europe 2020 (new
opportunities for innovation)
Cultural Heritage (CH) and
Environmental Technologies
Objectives : Development of technologies
 for the environmentally sound and sustainable management of the
human environment including the built environment, urban areas
and landscapes,
 for the protection, conservation and restoration of cultural
heritage from environmental pollution.
Research goals
 environment impact assessment, models and tools for risk
 advanced and non-destructive techniques for damage diagnosis,
 new products and methodologies for restoration,
 mitigation and adaptation strategies for the sustainable
management of both movable and immovable cultural assets.
The starting point for CH
Research in FP7
More than in the past, a multiple integrated
– Focus more on complex assemblies and not only
on individual materials
– Integration of damage functions, assessment and
monitoring for preservation
– Importance of context in research on the
preservation of movable and immovable heritage
Environmental Technologies
Cultural Heritage
2007 Call
• ENV.2007. Damage assessment, diagnosis &
monitoring for the preventive conservation & maintenance
of the cultural heritage
– “TEACH” Assessment and diagnosis of air pollution
– “POPART” Preservation of plastic artefacts in museums
– “SMOOHs” Smart monitoring of historic structures
• ENV.2007. Technologies, knowledge transfer and
optimisation of results in cultural heritage
– “NET-Heritage” European network on research programme
applied to the preservation of tangible cultural heritage
• ENV.2007. Consolidation & dissemination of results
– “CHRESP” (Ljubljiana Conference)
Environmental Technologies
Cultural Heritage
2008 Call
ENV.2008. Methodologies, technologies, models and tools
for damage assessment, monitoring and adaptation to climate
change impacts (excluding extreme events): “CLIMATE FOR
CULTURE” Damage assessment, economic impact and mitigation
strategies for sustainable preservation of cultural heritage in times of
climate change
ENV.2008. EU cultural heritage identity card:
“EU-CHIC” European cultural identity card
“WRECKPROTECT” Strategies for the protection of shipwrecks in the
Baltic Sea
ENV.2008. Framework conditions to enhance most
promising prototypes :
“MUSECORR” Protection of cultural heritage by real-time corrosion
“ROCARE” Roman cements for architectural restoration to new high
Environmental Technologies
Cultural Heritage
2009 Call
ENV.2009. Technologies for protecting cultural heritage
assets from risks and damages resulting from extreme events,
especially in the case of earthquakes:
“NIKER” Development of new integrated technologies and tools for
systematic improvement of seismic behaviour of cultural heritage
“PERPETUATE” Development of a displacement-based approach for the
vulnerability evaluation and the design of devices for earthquake
protection of cultural heritage
ENV.2009. Technologies for protecting cultural heritage
assets from risks and damages resulting from extreme events,
especially in the case of fires and storms:
“FIRESENSE” Development of an early warning system for remote
monitoring for the protection of cultural heritage areas from the risk of fire
and extreme weather conditions
Environmental Technologies
Cultural Heritage
2010 Call
EeB.ENV.2010.3.2.4-1 « Compatible solutions for improving the
energy efficiency of historic buildings in urban areas » Protection
and rehabilitation of historic buildings in urban areas especially
contributing to energy saving in the context of European Economic
Recovery Plan to contribute to the fight against current economic
• 3ENCULT: Efficient Energy for EU Cultural Heritage
ENV.2010.3.2.1-1 Non-destructive diagnosis technologies for the
safe conservation of movable assets diagnosis technologies
(potential applications for authentication, traceability) for
sustainable and integrated management of movable cultural
• MEMORI : Measurement, Effect assessment and Mitigation of
pollutant Impact on movable cultural assets. – Innovative research
for market transfer
• SYDDARTHA :in negotiation (from reserve list): SYstem for
Digitization and Diagnosis in ART Applications
Environmental Technologies
Cultural Heritage
2011 Call
ENV-NMP.2011.3.2.1-1 « Development of advanced
compatible materials and techniques and their application
for the protection , conservation and restoration of cultural
heritage assets »
Joint call « FP7-ENV-NMP-2011 »: 5 projects under
negotiation (3 under EC-RTD-ENV & 2 under NMP
ENV.2011.3.2.2-1 “Coordination Action in support of
implementation by participation States of a Joint
Programming Initiative (JPI)” on “Cultural Heritage and
Global Change : a new challenge for Europe”
one CSA –proposal JHEP- under negotiation
Challenges and trends for
European research
• Making better use of Europe’s public R&D funds
through co-ordination and co-operation between EC
funded research programmes and national research
programmes: ERA-NET, Joint Programming (JP), as
well as initiatives from the private sector European
Technology Platforms (ETP) and PPPs.
• For JPIs and ETPs/PPPs
 developing a vision for a specific research area
 defining a strategic research agenda (SRA) and
SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic
time-based) objectives
 Preparing for implementation of SRA (option
analysis and impact assessment, planning)
NET-HERITAGE is a partnership of 15 ministries,
funding agencies and national RTD authorities from
14 European countries. It is the first significant
initiative to coordinate national RTD programmes of
European countries and support European RTD
Programmes for research applied to the protection of
tangible cultural heritage.
• “NET-Heritage Observatory”:
• Special policy event on 24/03/11 (Brussels, Committee of
JPI “Cultural Heritage and Global
Change: a new challenge for
This JPI is expected to overcome fragmentation and
overlapping of research of Member States in the field of
cultural heritage research, to maximise and exploit at best
their research efforts.
It should address major societal challenges enabling the
sector to tackle global problems such as climate change
and sustainability.
JPI = structured process (not an instrument), commitment from Member
States needed
Coordinator : Italian Ministry of Culture (MIBAC) with Network of European
Member States (14 , number increasing)
Common SRA for medium to long-term research needs in the area of
preservation and use of cultural heritage
Organisation of joint work and joint calls in coordination with the European
“Green light” for preparation given by EU Council to MS on 3/12/09;
European Commission Recommendation on 26/04/10; Welcome progress
made by EU Council to MS on 26/05/10 ; series of meetings organised by
Coordinator to settle the JPI (Governing Board, Executive Board..)all over
2010 and so far in 2011 (“CSA” in support under negotiation)
European Construction
Technology Platform (ECTP)
including Focus Area on Cultural Heritage
ECTP gathers important private and public stakeholders in the field of
construction at European level ; also about 30 National TPs
The Focus Area on Cultural Heritage (FACH) mostly for immovable
Cultural heritage but “driver” for
the movable C.H., includes 6
“vertical” and 6 “horizontal” WGs.
 Vertical WGs: Diagnosis & assessment, materials, intervention techniques,
environment & energy management, exploitation and maintenance, cities
and territorial aspects;
 Horizontal WGs: Education & training, preservation of art works, technical
standards, socio-economic aspects, disaster prevention, communication
The overall “umbrella” ECTP - FACH has set-up a “Strategic Research
Agenda” also leading to Implementation Plan” setting priorities to be
addressed during FP7 (active role of proposition of topics to EC)
E2B European Initiative
• The objective of E2B European Initiative is to deliver,
implement and optimise building and district concepts that
have the technical, economic and societal potential to
drastically decrease the energy consumption and reduce
CO2 emissions due to existing and new buildings at the
overall scale of the European Union.
• The E2B European Initiative will speed up research on key
technologies and develop a competitive industry in the
fields of energy efficient construction processes, products
and services, with the main purpose of reaching the goals
set forth for 2020 and 2050 to address climate change
issues and contribute to improve EU energy independence
thereby transforming these challenges into a business
EC Policy Drivers for research
Europe 2020 strategy:
… a strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth”
Innovation Union Flagship
Resources Efficiency Europe Flagship
LP/Brussels, 24 March
A compartmentalized ERA
Investing more
than the US
Ocean energy
Cultural Heritage 2010
Concentrated solar thermal
Pollution and environmental
Nuclear fusion
Diet and Health 2010
Agri & Clim Change 2010
CO2 capture & storage 2010
Wind energy 2010
Photovoltaic 2010
Investing as
much as the US
Biomass - Bioenergy
Agriculture Production
and Technology
Hydrogen and
fuel cells
Polar programs
Grids electricity
Geotherm al 2010
Information and communication
Investing less
than the US
Civil security
Brain diseases
JPI Neuro-Deg Diseases 2009
Low coordination/ High fragm entation
LP/Brussels, 24 March
Dementia - Alzheimer
Low fragm entation / High coordination
post FP7
 Linking research and innovation,
 Focussing on delivering policy priorities,
 European added value
 Impacts and results
 Solidarity in delivering mutual benefits
“GREEN PAPER” (Public Consultation closed on 20/5/11 at ); synthesis in June 11
Reflection on new strategic
• Avoid fragmentation and obtain concrete innovative
• Bridge knowledge gap and facilitate transfer and
exploitation of research results
• Cross-cutting approach between research and EU
policies on particular themes like climate change,
sustainability, energy, etc.
• Enhance coherence and complementarity of EU
policies for research and innovation for more
efficiency at EU, National and Regional levels
Indicative gaps, challenges and
emerging issues for CH
Protection of submerged cultural heritage including
maritime, archaeological & coastal heritage (technologies
and tools may be also applicable to lakes, marshes,
rivers...) proposed for 2012
• Integration of CH in urban setting through refurbishment /
renovation especially regarding energy efficiency at
« district/quartier » level ( see EeB multiannual roadmap,
proposed for 2012)
• Protection of cultural landscapes and archaeological sites
with special focus on preventive archaeology
• Dissemination
exploitation of results (more EC projects to participate in
existing fairs in C.H.: eg Valladolid AR&PA Innovation,
Ferrara, Leipzig…); also possible event in Cyprus ?
• Strengthening involvement of stakeholders & end-users
including especially SMEs
Building an Innovation Union: from
« blue sky » to market
New strategic approach by “Turning ideas into jobs, green growth and
social progress”
Target: R&D investment towards 3% of GDP according to Europe 2020
strategy; tackling weaknesses due to under-investment, fragmentation
and lack of framework conditions by improving innovation capacities
 European Innovation Partnerships
 European Research Area framework
 Streamlined EU programmes ( simplification)
 New financial and legal instruments (EIB and Risk Sharing Finance
Facility, EU patent)
 Reform of standardisation system
 Public procurement of innovation
 European Social Innovation pilot (use of ESF, virtual hub for social
 Stronger monitoring (Innovation Union Scoreboard)
All stakeholders –EU Council, EP and related EU Institutions National,
Regional , Industry including SMEs, and other stakeholders are currently
consulted to support the Innovation Union at:
• More complementarity & coordination
 at European level, national, and regional level (JPI)
 with other EU research programmes and sub-activities
and linked initiatives (ECTP/FACH, EeB PPP initiative
 and operational EU programmes: Education and Culture,
Regional policy, External relations (Europe-Aid,
Euromed etc..)
 With other European organisations-eg Council of
Europe-.., NGOs (e.g. Europa Nostra)
• Foster the international dimension
 MPC countries, Latin America, China, Japan, India, US
 with worldwide organisations/agencies UNESCO,
ICCROM, ICOM, ICOMOS and Associations
Useful Websites
FP7 & The Environment Theme
• Calls & Docs :
EU environmental research:
which includes EU C.H. research:
• NCP Network :
• Evaluators :
• Technology Platforms :
• Innovation Union website:
EC Publication « Preserving our heritage,
Improving our environment »: vol. 1 = policy
aspects ; vol. 2= FP5-FP6 projects during
period 2000-2009
Thank you for your attention