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Name: _________________________
Date: _______________
Core-Geometry: 1.4 Angles
1. Original price of an unlocked iPhone 5s is 650 USD. In China, the same phone
is marked up by 75%. What is the cost in China? (In USD)
2. Let y = 2x2 – 3x + 1. Determine y when x = 2.
3. Without a calculator, evaluate:
2 4
3 27
2 4
3 27
1.3 Review
1. Determine the midpoint of segment AB when A = (-5, 6) and B = (-7, -8).
2. Determine the distance between S(2, 8) and C(5, 4).
1.4 Measuring and Classifying Angles
An _____________ consists of two different rays with the same ________________.
The ___________ are the sides of the _____________. The endpoint is the
____________ of the angle.
There are three different ways to name an angle if it is the only angle with the same
vertex. An ___________with sides AB and AC can be named:
Why is the order of the points important when naming an angle?
When must you use a three-letter name for an angle?
Example 1: Naming Angles
Name the three angles in the diagram.
A ____________________ can be used to _______________angles. An angle is
measured in units called _______________.
Angles can be _____________________as _______________, ________________,
______________________, and ______________________.
Note: In our Geometry course we do not consider angles larger than 180˚.
Example 2: Measuring and Classifying Angles
Measure and classify the angles.
Example 3: Finding Angle Measures Using Algebra
Two angles are __________________angles if they have the same ______________.
Example 4: Identifying Congruent Angles
Identify all pairs of congruent angles in the diagram.
An ___________ ____________is a ray that _______________an angle into two
______________ that are ______________________.
Example 5: Finding Angle Measure Using Angle Bisectors
In the diagram, BD bisects < 𝐴𝐵𝐶.
Find the measures of all three angles.
More Practice
1. Find the measure of angle WXZ.
2. Find the measure of angle PRS.
3. Given that BD is an angle bisector find the measures of all three angles below.
Classify the angles as acute, obtuse, right, or straight angles.
Constructions: Copying and Bisecting Angles
Hmwk #4
p. 22 Quiz questions 1-8
p. 28-32 # 3, 6-10, 12, 21, 25, 27, 30, 41, 52