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These are mostly vocabulary terms and examples.
You need to know these so you can APPLY the
concepts to questions on the assessment!
From Chapter 1:
You must be able to put the steps of the Scientific Inquiry Process in the correct order:
1) Pose a question
2) Develop a hypothesis
3) Design an experiment
4) Collect and record data
5) Analyze data
6) Draw a conclusion
7) Communicate the results
You must be able to identify the independent (manipulated) variable, dependent (responding)
variable and controlled variable(s) in a given experiment.
independent (manipulated) variable is what the scientist CHANGES
dependent (responding) variable is what the scientist MEASURES
controlled variables are all the things that are the SAME in all the groups
Results of an experiment will tell you whether your hypothesis was correct or incorrect.
Understand and be able to identify examples of the following scientific skills: observe, predict, infer,
classify and evaluate.
From Chapter 3:
Know the correct formulas for photosynthesis and cellular respiration (in words).
Cellular Respiration – OXYGEN + GLUCOSE = ENERGY + CARBON DIOXIDE + WATER ; cells use
OXYGEN to release energy (formula opposite of photosynthesis) Organisms get energy by oxidizing
Fermentation – cells DON’T use OXYGEN to release energy
Know where (which organelles) photosynthesis and cellular respiration take place.
Photosynthesis takes place in the chloroplast
Cellular Respiration takes place in the mitochondria
Know which types of organisms perform photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
Only producers or autotrophs conduct photosynthesis
All living organisms (autotrophs and heterotrophs) conduct Cellular Respiration
From Chapter 4:
Know the difference between biotic and abiotic factors.
biotic factor – LIVING ORGANISMS in an ecosystem
abiotic factors – NON-LIVING things in an ecosystem (water, temperature, air, sunlight, soil, rock, etc)
Know how an ecosystem is organized and what each of the following terms means. (Understand the
difference between an organism (species), population, community and ecosystem.)
Understand the energy roles of organisms (producers, consumers
(herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, scavengers) and decomposers. Know how they are arranged in
a food web/energy pyramid: producers, first level consumer, second level consumer, etc and how
some organisms can take the role in more than one level.
Understand how energy flows through an ecosystem.
Understand that in an energy pyramid 90% of the
energy is used by the organism for body processes
and is released by the organism as heat and only
10% of the energy is passed on to the next level’s
organism. Producers/green plants get energy
directly from the sun and use very little of it so
they have the most energy to begin with.
energy flow – sunlight to plants(producers) to
herbivore (primary consumer) to carnivore
(secondary consumer) etc
Know basic characteristics for the main land biomes (desert, rain forest: temperate and tropical,
grassland: prairie and savanna, deciduous forest, boreal forest/taiga and tundra) and major aquatic
ecosystems (freshwater: rivers, streams, lakes and ponds, estuary and oceans (salt water).
Know the factors that affect species dispersal (continental drift, gravity, wind, water and living
organisms) and factors that limit species dispersal (physical barriers, competition and climate).
Know what ecological succession looks like. Pioneer species (lichen and mosses) appear first during
primary succession because this process begins with bare rock or glaciers. Grasses tend be the first
species to grow after secondary succession where soil is already present.
Know the Carbon Cycle including that all organic molecules contain carbon. Carbon is important to
living things because it transports the material cells use for energy Carbon from the environment
becomes a part of living organisms through photosynthesis. Most animals get the carbon they need
by eating plants.
Global warming is occurring due to increased levels of carbon dioxide and methane gases in the
atmosphere. The burning (combustion) of fossil fuels and deforestation have caused this dramatic
Know the definitions of photosynthesis, combustion, cellular respiration, and decomposition and how
they work together to form the carbon cycle.
Know the Nitrogen Cycle including that 78% of the Earth’s atmosphere is nitrogen gas, but most
organisms cannot use it in this form. Nitrogen is important to living things because it builds
proteins/new cells. Nitrogen gas must be chemically transformed before it can be used by plants.
Most animals get nitrogen by eating other organisms.
Be able to explain that bacteria that live in nodules on the roots of legumes (like soybeans, clover,
alfalfa, peanuts) have the important function of nitrogen fixation. Lightening can also cause nitrogen
fixation. Know that some bacteria do the reverse of nitrogen fixation, or denitrification. That is, they
return nitrogen to its gaseous form. Therefore, nitrogen is removed from the atmosphere by nitrogen
fixing bacteria and lightning so that it can be used by plants & animals. Nitrogen is returned to the
atmosphere by denitrifying bacteria and decomposers.
Law of Conservation of Matter and Energy – all matter and energy on Earth is recycled naturally. No
matter or energy is created or destroyed.
From Chapter 12
Know that all living things need water to carry out body processes such as breaking down food,
growing, reproducing and for shelter or as a habitat. (example: The ocean habitat provides all that
organisms living there need to survive.)
Know that approximately 97% of water is saltwater found in oceans and seas and 3% is freshwater.
Most freshwater is frozen as ice at the poles. More freshwater is found in groundwater than in lakes
and rivers and the least amount is found in water vapor in the atmosphere.
Know the steps of the water cycle and how water
changes at each step. (evaporation, transpiration
(water vapor that evaporates from plants),
condensation, precipitation) Remember how heat
changes the state of water to cause (increase or
decrease) to cause the state/phase of water to
change: for example molecules of water vapor
lose heat and condense to form water droplets =
clouds. Know how runoff, infiltration and groundwater
impact the water cycle.
Streams and small rivers that feed into a main river are called tributaries. Understand how tributaries
make up a river system and how river systems and divides impact a watershed. We live in the
Chagrin River Watershed which is part of the Lake Erie Watershed. The Mississippi River Watershed
covers nearly 1/3 of the United States.
Water in ponds and lakes are still compared to rivers and streams that are moving. A lake that stores
water for human use is a reservoir.
Know the terms: Permeable – water flows easily through, ex. Rocks, gravel, pebbles and
Impermeable – water does not flow through easily, ex. Sand, silt
Know the difference between the saturated zone – area where water CAN’T be held, (impermeable
rock or clay or already full of water) and unsaturated zone (area where water can DRAIN through the
soil, gravel, etc. Know that the water table begins at the TOP of the SATURATED zone.
Understand and be able to read a diagram showing the different layers (saturated and unsaturated)
and where groundwater in the form of water table/aquifer would be located. Be able to identify if
wells were dug – if they would be able to produce/provide water.
People can obtain groundwater by drilling a well into an aquifer. An aquifer is an underground layer
of rock or sediment that holds water.
Wetlands help control floods and act as natural filters. They provide habitats for many species.
Wetlands form in places where the water is trapped in low areas or where groundwater seeps to the
surface. (Types = freshwater (marches, bogs & swamps) and coastal (slat marches & mangrove
Know that the direction and movement of surface currents are controlled by prevailing winds and
follow earth’s major wind patterns. They move in circular patterns and so they are affected by the
Coriolis Effect (the effect of the earth’s rotation on the direction of winds and currents). The Gulf
Stream is the largest and most powerful surface current on Earth and is able to bring warm
water/climate to Europe.
Know that deep ocean currents bring cold water from Poles to Equator in an Ocean Conveyor Belt.
Deep ocean currents are caused by differences in density and salinity.
From Chapter 13
The atmosphere is held to Earth by the force of gravity.
Be able to identify the various gases that make up the earth’s atmosphere and the percentages of
Nitrogen 78%, Oxygen 21%, trace gases (carbon dioxide, methane, etc) 1%
There is also water vapor and particles of dust, smoke, etc in the air.
Be able to identify the instruments used to measure air pressure, temperature and wind.
air pressure = barometer
wind speed = anemometer
temperature = thermometer
wind direction = wind direction
Unequal heating of the Earth’s atmosphere causes differences in air pressure around the earth.
(warm air rises at the equator and cold air sinks at the poles = convection)
Be able to identify the relationship between altitude, air pressure and temperature.
Air pressure decreases as altitude increases or air pressure increases as altitude decreases. This is
caused by gravity. Temperature decreases as altitude increases in the troposphere. Temperature
increase as altitude increases in the stratosphere.
Air pressure moves from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration. This causes wind.
With regards to weather: high pressure = good/clear, sunny skies and low pressure = bad/stormy
rain/snow. When reading a weather map, the isobars with larger numbers are high pressure while the
isobars with lower number are low pressure.
Know the order of the earth’s atmospheric layers from the earth’s surface.
Know the general characteristics of each layer and objects/phenomena that may occur in each
troposphere: closest to Earth’s surface; most dense = air pressure is the greatest in this layer;
most of atmosphere’s mass; all weather; most small and commercial airplanes; temperature
decreases as altitude increases; air pressure decreases as altitude increases
stratosphere: temperature increase as altitude increases; ozone layer (absorbs ultraviolet rays
protecting living organisms on Earth’s surface); military planes; weather balloons will pop in this layer;
Felix Baumgartner record breaking free fall from this layer
mesosphere: coldest layer; meteoroids (“shooting stars”) burn up in this layer
thermosphere: outermost layer; has no definite out limit
ionosphere = lower part of thermosphere; has electronically charged particles creating the
auroras/northern lights; AM radio waves can bounce off the ions
exosphere = upper part of thermosphere; satellites, space shuttle and international space
station orbit earth in this layer; temperatures reach 1800°C but can’t feel the heat because particles
are so far apart = least dense
Understand the 3 parts and differences of the electromagnetic spectrum: infrared radiation, visible
light and ultraviolet light.
Earth’s surface radiates some energy back into the atmosphere as infrared radiation.
The process by which gases in the atmosphere absorb thermal energy & radiate it back to Earth=
greenhouse effect. Without the greenhouse effect Earth would get really cold because all radiated
heat would escape into space. Global warming is caused by an increase in greenhouse gases.
When heated, most matter expands.
Most solar energy that reaches Earth’s atmosphere is absorbed by Earth’s surface.
Understand the difference between temperature, thermal energy and heat.
Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in an object. As an object
heats up, its particles move faster. As a result, both the average kinetic energy of the particles and
the temperature increases. (3 scales = Kelvin, Celsius and Fahrenheit)
Thermal energy is the total energy of all of the particles in an object. It depends on the temperature
of an object, the number of particles in it and how those particles are arranged. The more particles
an object has at a given temperature, the more thermal energy it has. Objects contain thermal
energy. They do not contain heat.
Heat is the transfer of thermal energy from a warmer object (A) to a cooler object (B) = heat transfer
goes from “hot to cold”. The warmer object will cool down and the cooler object will warm up until
they are the same temperature.
When given two objects of different masses and temperatures, be able to tell which has more thermal
If 2 objects have the same temperature but different masses, the one with larger mass has
more thermal energy. (remember the hot tea example)
If two objects have different temperatures, consider the mass of each object to identify which
has more thermal energy. (remember the match and ice sculpture example)
The atmosphere is heated by conduction, convection and radiation. Know the difference between
the 3 types of heat transfer and be able to identify examples of each.
conduction – the transfer of energy between two substances that are in direct contact; works
best with solids (popcorn – stove)
convection – the transfer of energy by the movement of a fluid; works best in fluids (liquids and
gases) (popcorn – air popper)
radiation – transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves; most heat you feel from the sun
travels to you as infrared radiation, but you feel it as heat (popcorn = microwave)
Heat is transferred mostly by convection within the troposphere.
Air moves in large circular patterns because of convection currents. Convection currents are the
upward movement of warm, less dense air rising and cool, more dense air sinking. (In the Colorful
Convections Lab: when the warm water was on top of the cold water they did not mix. When the
cold water was on top of the warm water, the cold sank and the warm rose, mixing the two.)
When chemical reactions give off heat = exothermic reaction (elephant toothpaste)
When chemical reaction absorbs heat = endothermic reaction
Differences in air pressure causes wind.
Because of the Coriolis effect, global winds in the Northern Hemisphere gradually turn toward the
right. A wind blowing toward the south gradually turns toward the southwest. (The opposite happens
in the southern hemisphere.)
The unequal heating of the Earth’s surface create global winds. These occur over large areas.
Be able to read a diagram of the global wind belts and identify how ships with sails can get from one
point to another using these winds. We live in the prevailing westerlies global wind belt.
Differences in air pressure around Earth are caused by warm air rising and cool air sinking.
The jet stream is an example of an atmospheric
current. A jet stream is a narrow band of very
strong, predominantly westerly air currents
encircling the globe several miles above the
earth. The jet stream can affect weather patterns.
Airplanes traveling west to east can sometimes
take advantage of the jet stream – making the
trip much shorter than those traveling east to
west into the wind.
The unequal heating of the Earth’s surface within a small area causes local winds. These only form
when large scale/global winds are weak.
Be able to identify that land breezes and sea breezes are local winds. Be able to describe how and
when they occur.
A land breeze occurs when cool air from the land rushes out to replace warm air over water.
A sea breeze occurs when cool air from the water rushes in to replace warm air over land.
From Chapter 6
Dimitri Mendeleev created the first periodic table and arranged it according to atomic mass, but the
modern periodic table is arranged by atomic number.
In each element’s “box” on the periodic table the atomic number (number of protons or electrons),
chemical symbol, name of the element and atomic mass (protons and neutrons) is given.
An atom is comprised of protons (+), neutron (no charge) and electrons (-)
In an atom the # of protons = the # of electrons making the atom neutral.
In the periodic table know that rows are called periods, columns are called families or groups
(elements in the same group have similar characteristics. Example = F, Cl, Br, I are all in group 17, the
Halogens and have similar properties/characteristics)
Metals – The majority of the elements on the periodic table. Physical properties = luster, malleable,
ductile, good conductors of heat and electricity and most are solids at room temperature. Chemical
properties = reactivity and corrosion. The most reactive metals are in group 1 (Alkali) on the left and
become less reactive as you move right across the table.
Non Metals – Located on the far right side of the periodic table. Many are gases at room
temperature. Those that are solids are dull and brittle and are not good conductors of heat or
electricity. Noble Gases (Group 18) – do not ordinarily form compounds and are nonreactive in
nature (only scientists can get them to combine/react with other elements in a lab)
Metalloids – Located at the zig zag line on the periodic table. These elements have properties of
both metals and nonmetals. The most common metalloid is Silicon. * Some metalloids are
semiconductors and can only conduct electric currents under some conditions but not under other
From Chapter 10
Physical property is a characteristic that can be observed without changing the substance into
another substance (ex = temperature, color, texture, density, conductivity)
Chemical property is a characteristic of a substance that describes i6ts ability to change into another
substance (ex= flammability, reactivity)
Physical change is any change that alters its appearance but does not change it into another
substance (ex= bending, crushing, cutting)
Chemical change produces one or more new substances (burning or baking, oxidation or rusting)
Chemical reactions involve changes in energy that you can observe (heat released/exothermic or
heat absorbed/endothermic), can form a precipitate, can produce or release a gas or change its
From Chapter 11
Each number on the pH scale is10x stronger (or weaker) than the number next to it. If baking soda
has a pH of 9 and ammonia has a pH of 12, the ammonia is 1000 times stronger than the baking
soda… so multiply 10 x 10 x 10 (moves three numbers over = 1000)
An acid tastes sour, reacts with metals (corrosive) and carbonates and turns blue litmus paper red.
A base tastes bitter, feels slippery, is not reactive with metals or carbonates and turns red litmus paper
A compound that changes color when it comes into contact with an acid or a base is an indicator
(like pH or litmus paper).
pH paper we used in class:
Acids turn the pH paper orange,
red, hot pink (0-6)
Neutrals are yellow (7)
Bases turn pH paper greens and
blue (8-14)
From Chapter 15
Calendar – we use the Gregorian calendar
Rotation is the spinning of an object (earth /moon) on its axis. Rotation of Earth causes day and night.
One rotation of Earth = 1 day (about 24 hours). One rotation of moon = 1 month (about 30 days)
Revolution is the movement of one object around another. One revolution of Earth around the sun =
1 year (about 365 days). One revolution of the moon around Earth = 1 month (about 30 days)
Seasons – caused by the tilt of Earth on its axis as it revolves around the Sun, tilted toward Sun in
summer, away from Sun in winter, Northern and Southern hemispheres have opposite seasons.
Summer Solstice –June 21, sun appears farthest North (in N. hemisphere)
Winter Solstice – Dec. 21, sun appears farthest South (in N. hemisphere)
Vernal equinox – March 21 and Autumnal equinox – Sept. 22 – earth is not tilted toward or away from
the Sun (in N. hemisphere)
Phases of the Moon – caused by the
position of Earth, moon and Sun.
Starting with the moon closest to the Sun
– New Moon, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter,
Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous,
Third Quarter, Waning Crescent takes about
29.5 days. (visible part on right before the
full moon, visible part on left after the full moon,
pattern goes counterclockwise)
Solar eclipse – during a New Moon, Earth is in moon’s shadow, only a few people will see a total solar
eclipse (when in the umbra), partial solar eclipse (penumbra)
Lunar eclipse – during a Full Moon, moon is in Earth’s shadow, anyone who can see the moon will see
a total lunar eclipse (when moon is in the umbra), partial lunar eclipse (when moon is in penumbra)
Tides – rise and fall of ocean water that occurs every 12.5 hours (2 high and 2 low in 24 hours, 50 mins.
Time between high and low tide is 6h 12.5 minutes)
Spring Tide – Earth, Moon and Sun all in straight line (New Moon, Full Moon) – higher high tides,
lower low tides, greater difference between highs and lows)
Neap Tide – Earth, Moon and Sun at right angle (First Quarter, Third Quarter) – less extreme
high and low tides, smaller difference between highs and lows
Energy Types & Transformations – Be able to identify examples of each and identify how energy
transforms/transfers from one type to another.
Potential Energy = stored energy
Gravitational: energy stored in an object’s height (rollercoaster, waterfall, skydiving)
Elastic: energy stored in objects because of tension, compression or stretching
Chemical: energy stored in bonds of atoms & molecules ( battery, match, food)
Nuclear: energy stored in the nucleus of an atom that is split or joined
Kinetic Energy = energy of motion
Mechanical: energy from the movement of objects (windmill, gears, turbine, running)
Electrical: energy from the movement of electrons through wire, air, etc
Sound: energy from the movement (vibrations) of sound waves
Light: energy from the movement of electromagnetic waves (radiation, microwaves, xrays)
Thermal: energy from the movement (vibration) of atoms in objects
Law of Conservation of Energy = Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It will transfer from types to
From Chapter 7
electric field - a region around a charged object where the object's electric force is exerted on other
charged objects
static electricity - The buildup of charges on an object. Charges build up but do not flow
continuously. When you rub a balloon, it becomes negatively charged. 4 methods by which charges
can redistribute themselves to build up static electricity: friction, conduction, induction & polarization
Law of Conservation of Charges - Charges are neither created or destroyed
Electric currents always flow from the positive end to the negative end. Energy is always conserved.
It doesn’t get used up – it gets transformed into other energy forms.
static discharge - the loss of static electricity as electric charges transfer from one object to another;
often produces a spark, which happens more in the winter because the air is dry. Ex. Lightning
electric current - the continuous flow of electric charges through a material; measured in amperes
(amps or A)
electric circuit - a complete unbroken path that charges can flow through. (must be a complete,
closed circuit to flow and “work”)
conductors - materials through which charges can flow easily (metals like copper)
insulators – materials that do not allow charges to flow (rubber, glass, plastic)
series circuit - a circuit with only one path for the current to take; Advantages = simple to design and
build. Disadvantage = if one light goes out, they all do and the more bulbs you add, the dimmer the
bulbs become because the resistance increases
parallel circuit - a circuit that has several paths for current to take; if one bulb goes out the others
remain lit and if you add extra bulbs in extra branches, the resistance decreases and the brightness
does not change