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Run-on sentences: Run-on sentences are two or more sentences that have been joined together without
a conjunction or the correct punctuation. When two sentences are joined with a comma and no
conjunction, the sentence contains a comma splice. When two sentences are combined with no
punctuation, the construction is referred to as a fused sentence.
ƒ Typical run-on: The best way to improve your writing is to have a reader provide feedback and the
University Writing Center offers an excellent repertoire of readers who can help you.
ƒ Comma splice: The University Writing Center has resources to help with comma splices, I went there
last week for help.
ƒ Fused sentence: She visits the University Writing Center every week she brings in a paper for her
English class.
Strategies for Correcting Run-on Sentences: There are three easy ways to fix a run-on
ƒ Use a comma and a coordinating conjunction (and, or, nor, for, but, so, yet):
o The best way to improve your writing is to have a reader provide feedback,
and the University Writing Center offers an excellent repertoire of readers
who can help you.
ƒ Place a semicolon between the two sentences:
o The University Writing Center has resources to help with comma splices; I
went there last week for help.
ƒ Place a period between the two sentences:
o She visits the University Writing Center every week. She brings in a paper for
her English class.
Fragments: Typically, there are three main fragment types: a phrase or clause that is disconnected from
an independent clause (sentence), a main clause that lacks either a subject or a verb, or a clause that
contains a complete sentence but cannot stand alone because of a misplaced or unnecessary word.
ƒ EX: The University Writing Center has abundant resources to help you with writing. Such as
grammar handbooks, dictionaries, and documentation style books.
ƒ EX: A one-on-one consultation with a writing consultant.
ƒ EX: By paying too much attention to grammar and punctuation can cause you to overlook higher
order concerns like thesis development and documentation.
Strategies for Correcting Fragments: There are many possible strategies for revising
fragments. Here are some examples:
ƒ When a phrase or clause is disconnected from an independent clause, use the proper
punctuation to connect them.
o The University Writing Center has abundant resources to help you with
writing, such as grammar handbooks, dictionaries, and documentation style
ƒ When a fragment lacks either a subject or a verb, add the appropriate element to make
it a sentence.
o A one-on-one consultation with a writing consultant can help you improve
your writing.
ƒ When the fragment contains a complete sentence but cannot stand alone because of a
misplaced or unnecessary word, remove the word that prevents the fragment from
being a sentence.
o (get rid of By) Paying too much attention to grammar and punctuation can
cause you to overlook higher order concerns like thesis development and
NOTE: Stylistic fragments—fragments used for emphasis—are acceptable constructions.