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M. Susan Lozier
Ronie-Richele Garcia-Johnson Professor
Earth and Ocean Sciences
Nicholas School of the Environment
Duke University
[email protected]
1975 - 1979
B.S. Chemical Engineering; Purdue University
1982 - 1984
M.S. Chemical Engineering; University of Washington
Thesis: Electrohydrodynamics: Atomization of liquid jets.
1984 - 1989
Ph.D. Physical Oceanography; College of Ocean and Fisheries Science, University of
Washington Dissertation: Lagrangian signatures of potential vorticity in a quasigeostrophic
Research Interests
Large-scale ocean circulation; meridional overturning circulation and its variability; pathways of ocean
flow; and physical constraints on ocean biology
Awards, Fellowships and Honors
Flora Roberts Award to the Outstanding Senior Woman, Purdue University
1982 - 1984
Exxon Fellowship for Study in Chemical Engineering
National Center for Atmospheric Research Fellowship for the Summer Supercomputing
1989 - 1990
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Postdoctoral Fellowship
National Science Foundation Early Career Award
2000 - 2005
Truman and Nellie Semans Chair in Earth and Ocean Sciences, Duke University
American Geophysical Union Rachel Carson Lecturer
Duke University, University-wide Award for Excellence in Mentoring
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, H. Burr Steinbach Scholar
Fellow, American Meteorological Society
Association of Women Geoscientists Outstanding Educator Award
Lozier, page 2 of 24
2011 Osgood Lecturer, Wooster College, Wooster, Ohio
Ronie-Richele Garcia-Johnson Distinguished Professorship, Duke University
1979 - 1982
Chemical Engineer, Engineering Test Center, E.I. DuPont DeNemours and Co., Wilmington,
1982 - 1989
Research and Teaching Assistant, Department of Chemical Engineering (1982-1984) and
School of Oceanography (1984-1989), University of Washington, Seattle, Washington
1989 - 1991
Postdoctoral Scholar and Postdoctoral Investigator, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution,
Woods Hole, Massachusetts
1992 - 2003
Guest Investigator, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Department of Physical
Oceanography, Woods Hole, Massachusetts (summers)
1992 - present Assistant Professor (1992-1999); Associate Professor (1999-2004); Full Professor (20042012); Distinguished Professor (2012-present), Division of Earth and Ocean Sciences,
Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina
2003 - present Adjunct Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Department of Physical
Oceanography, Woods Hole, Massachusetts
* Publication with a student or postdoctoral associate as first-author
1. Lozier, M. S. and S. C. Riser, 1989. Potential vorticity dynamics of boundary currents in a
quasigeostrophic ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 19, 1373-1396.
2. Lozier, M. S. and S. C. Riser, 1990. Potential vorticity sources and sinks in a quasigeostrophic ocean:
Beyond western boundary currents. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 20, 1608-1627.
3. Lozier, M. S. and D. Bercovici, 1992. Particle exchange in an unstable jet. Journal of Physical
Oceanography, 22, 1506-1516.
4. Bower, A. S. and M. S. Lozier, 1994. A closer look at particle exchange in the Gulf Stream. Journal of
Physical Oceanography, 24, 1399-1418.
5. Lozier, M. S., M. S. McCartney and W. B. Owens, 1994. Anomalous anomalies in averaged
hydrographic data. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 24, 2624-2638.
6. Pratt, L. J., M. S. Lozier and N. Belakovia, 1995. Parcel trajectories in quasigeostrophic jets: Neutral
modes. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 25, 1451-1466.
7. Lozier, M. S., W. B. Owens and R. G. Curry, 1995. The climatology of the North Atlantic. Progress in
Oceanography, 36, 1-44.
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8. *Wang, W. and M. S. Lozier, 1995. An estimate of the climatological mean circulation in the western
North Atlantic. Journal of Marine Research, 53, 1059-1080.
9. Lozier, M. S., T. J. Bold and A. S. Bower, 1996. The influence of propagating waves on cross stream
excursions. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 26, 1915-1923.
10. Lozier, M. S., L. J. Pratt, A. M. Rogerson and P. D. Miller, 1997. Exchange geometry revealed by float
trajectories in the Gulf Stream. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 27, 2327-2341.
11. Lozier, M. S., 1997. Evidence for large-scale eddy-driven gyres in the North Atlantic. Science, 277,
12. Lozier, M. S., 1999. The impact of mid-depth recirculations on the distribution of tracers in the
North Atlantic. Geophysical Research Letters, 26, 219-222.
13. Lavine, M. and M. S. Lozier, 1999. A Markov random field spatio-temporal analysis of ocean
temperature. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 6, 249-273.
14. *Iorga, M. and M. S. Lozier, 1999. Signatures of the Mediterranean outflow from a North Atlantic
climatology 1. Salinity and density fields. Journal of Geophysical Research, 104, 25,985-26,009.
15. *Iorga, M. and M. S. Lozier, 1999. Signatures of the Mediterranean outflow from a North Atlantic
climatology 2. Diagnostic velocity fields. Journal of Geophysical Research, 104, 26,011-26,029.
16. McCartney. M. S. and M. S. Lozier, 2001. Ocean Dynamics. Encyclopedia of Global Change. Andrew S.
Goudie (editor), Oxford University Press, 1424 pp. ISBN13: 978-0-19-510825-5.
17. Lozier, M. S. and G. G. Gawarkiewicz, 2001. Cross-frontal exchange in the Middle Atlantic Bight as
evidenced by surface drifters. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 31, 2498-2510.
18. Chao, Y. and M. S. Lozier, 2001. Evaluation of North Atlantic property field simulations at 1/6.
Journal of Physical Oceanography, 31, 1377-1398.
19. Lozier, M. S., M. S. Reed and G. G. Gawarkiewicz, 2002. Instability of a shelfbreak front. Journal of
Physical Oceanography, 32, 924-944.
20. *Potter, R. A. and M. S. Lozier, 2004. On the warming of the Mediterranean outflow waters.
Geophysical Research Letters, 31, L01202, doi: 10.1029/ 2003GL018161.
21. *Yuan, G., M. S. Lozier, L. Pratt, C. Jones and K. Helfrich, 2004. Estimating the predictability of an
oceanic time series using linear and nonlinear methods. Journal of Geophysical Research, 109,
C08002, doi:10.1029/2003JC002148.
22. Rasmussen, L. L., G. G. Gawarkiewiecz, W. B. Owens and M.S. Lozier, 2005. Slope water, Gulf Stream
and seasonal influences during the fall-winter transition in the southern Mid-Atlantic Bight. Journal
of Geophysical Research, 109, C02009, doi: 10.1029/2004JC002311
23. Lozier, M.S. and M.S. Reed, 2005. The influence of topography on the stability of shelfbreak frontal
currents. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 35, 1023–1036.
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24. *Palter, J.B., M.S. Lozier, and R.T. Barber, 2005. The effect of advection on the nutrient reservoir in
the North Atlantic subtropical gyre. Nature , 437, 687-692.
25. *Rappold, A.G., M. Lavine and M.S. Lozier, 2007. Subjective likelihood for an assessment of trends in
the ocean’s mixed layer depth. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 102, no. 479, 771787.
26. *Hanshaw, M. N., M. S. Lozier, and J. B. Palter, 2008. Integrated impact of tropical cyclones on sea
surface chlorophyll in the North Atlantic, Geophysical Research Letters, 35, L01601,
27. Lozier, M.S., S.J. Leadbetter, R.G. Williams, V. Roussenov, M.S.C. Reed and N.J. Moore, 2008. The
spatial pattern and mechanisms of heat content change in the North Atlantic. Science, 319, 800-803.
28. *Palter, J.B., M.S. Lozier and K. Lavender, 2008. How does Labrador Sea Water enter the Deep
Western Boundary Current? Journal of Physical Oceanography, 38, 968-983.
29. *Palter, J.B. and M.S. Lozier, 2008. On the source of Gulf Stream nutrients. Journal of Geophysical
Research, 113, C06018, doi:10.1029/2007JC004611.
30. Lozier, M.S. and N. M. Stewart, 2008. On the temporally-varying northward penetration of
Mediterranean Overflow Waters and eastward penetration of Labrador Sea Waters. Journal of
Physical Oceanography, 38, 2097-2103.
31. Lozier, M.S., 2009. Overturning assumptions. Nature Geosciences, 2, 12 – 13, doi:10.1038/ngeo402.
32. Lavine, M., G. Hegerl and S. Lozier, 2009. Discussion of reified Bayesian modelling and inference for
physical systems by M. Goldstein and J. Rougier. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 139,
33. Bower, A.S., M.S. Lozier, S.F. Gary and C. Böning, 2009. Interior pathways of the Atlantic meridional
overturning circulation. Nature, 458, 243-247.
34. Lozier, M.S. and L. Sindlinger, 2009. On the source of Mediterranean Overflow Water property
changes. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 39, 1800-1817.
35. The CLIMODE Group, 2009. The CLIMODE field campaign: Observing the cycle of convection and
restratification over the Gulf Stream. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 90(9), 1337–
36. *Ayers, J.M. and M.S. Lozier, 2010. Physical controls on the seasonal migration of the North Pacific
Transition Zone chlorophyll front. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, C05001,
37. Lozier, M.S., 2010. Deconstructing the Conveyor Belt. Science, 328, 1507–1511.
38. Lozier, M.S., V. Roussenov, Mark S.C. Reed, and R.G. Williams, 2010. Opposing decadal changes for
the North Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. Nature Geosciences, 3, 728-734.
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39. *Dave, A. and M.S. Lozier, 2010. Local stratification control of marine productivity in the subtropical
North Pacific. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, C12032, doi:10.1029/2010JC006507.
40. *Gary, S.F., M.S. Lozier, C. Böning and A. Biastoch, 2011. Deciphering the pathways for the deep
limb of the Meridional Overturning Circulation. Deep Sea Research, 58, 1781-1797.
41. Bower, A.S., M.S. Lozier and S.F. Gary, 2011. The export of Labrador Sea Water from the subpolar
North Atlantic: a Lagrangian perspective. Deep Sea Research, 58, 1798-1818.
42. Rypina, I.I., L.J. Pratt and M.S. Lozier, 2011. Near-surface transport pathways in the North Atlantic
ocean: looking for throughput from the subtropical to the subpolar gyre, Journal of Physical
Oceanography, 41 (5), 911-925.
43. *Burkholder, K.C. and M. S. Lozier, 2011. Subtropical to subpolar pathways in the North Atlantic.
Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans, 116, C07017, doi:10.1029/2010JC006697.
44. *Robel, A.A., M.S. Lozier, S.F. Gary, G.L. Shillinger, H. Bailey, and S.J. Bograd, 2011. Projecting
uncertainty onto marine megafauna trajectories. Deep Sea Research, 58 (9), 915-921.
45. Bozec, A., M.S. Lozier, E.P. Chassignet and G.R. Halliwell, 2011. On the variability of the
Mediterranean Outflow Water in the Atlantic Ocean from 1948 to 2006. Journal of Geophysical
Research – Oceans, 116, C09033,doi:10.1029/2011JC007191.
46. Palter, J. B., M. S. Lozier, J. L. Sarmiento, and R. G. Williams, 2011. The supply of excess phosphate
across the Gulf Stream and the maintenance of subtropical nitrogen fixation. Global Biogeochemical
Cycles, 25, GB4007, doi:10.1029/2010GB003955.
47. Lozier, M. S., A. C. Dave, J. B. Palter, L. M. Gerber, and R. T. Barber, 2011. On the relationship
between stratification and primary productivity in the North Atlantic. Geophysical Research Letters,
38, L18609, doi:10.1029/2011GL049414.
48. *Burkholder, K.C. and M. S. Lozier, 2011. Mid-depth Lagrangian pathways in the eastern North
Atlantic and their impact on high latitude salinities. Deep Sea Research, 58, 1196-1204.
49. *Ayers, J.M. and M.S. Lozier, 2012. Unraveling dynamical controls on the North Pacific carbon sink.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, C01017, doi:10.1029/2011JC007368.
50. Lozier, M.S., 2012. Overturning in the North Atlantic. Annual Review of Marine Science, 4, 291-315.
51. Srokosz, M., M. Baringer, H. Bryden, S. Cunningham, T. Delworth, S. Lozier, J. Marotzke and R. Sutton,
2012. Past, present and future change in the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation, Bull.
Amer. Meteor. Soc., 93, 1663–1676. doi:
52. *Gary, S.F., M.S. Lozier, A. Biastoch, C.W. Böning, 2012. Reconciling tracer and float observations of
the export pathways of Labrador Sea Water, Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L24606,
53. Lozier, M.S., S.F. Gary and A.S. Bower, 2013. Simulated pathways of the overflow waters in the
North Atlantic: subpolar to subtropical export, Deep Sea Research II, 85,147–153.
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54. Riser, S. C. and M.S. Lozier, 2013. Rethinking the Gulf Stream. Scientific American, 308, 50–55.
55. Williams, R.G., V. Roussenov, D. Smith and M.S. Lozier, 2013. A mechanistic view of how ocean heat
anomalies evolve in the North Atlantic: the role of Ekman, meridional overturning and horizontal
cells, Journal of Climate, in review.
56. *Brody, S.R, M.S. Lozier and J.P. Dunne, 2013. A comparison of methods to determine
phytoplankton bloom initiation, Journal of Geophysical Research, in press.
57. * Dave, A. and M.S. Lozier, 2013. Examining the global record of interannual variability in
stratification and marine productivity in the low-and mid-latitude ocean, Journal of Geophysical
Research, in press.
Other Manuscripts
Bower, A. S. and M. S. Lozier, 1990. Comment on why there is cross stream motion in the Gulf Stream. The
Synoptician, 1(5).
Lozier, M. S, 1991. Particle exchange across an unstable jet. Synoptician, 2(3).
Lozier, M. S., 1996. The climatology of the North Atlantic. WOCE Notes, 8(2), 12-15.
Lozier, M.S., 2005. A community effort toward the retention of women in physical oceanography.
Oceanography, 18, 35-38.
Lozier, M. S., 2006. MPOWIR: Mentoring Physical Oceanography Women to Increase Retention. EOS, 87
(12), 123&126.
Lozier, M.S., A. Adcroft, L. Beal, A. Bower, D. Byrne, A. Capotondi, V. Coles, K. Lavender, C.M. Lee, J.
MacKinnon, K. Shearman, L. St. Laurent, L. Thompson, and D. Witter. 2006. MPOWIR: Mentoring physical
oceanography to increase retention. Report of a workshop held October 9-12, 2005. 32 pp. [Online] available
U.S. CLIVAR AMOC Planning Team, S. Lozier and K. Kelly (chairs), 2007. Implementation Strategy for a
JSOST Near-Term Priority, Assessing Meridional Overturning Circulation Variability: Implications for Rapid
Climate Change. [Online] available at:
U.S. CLIVAR AMOC Science Team, 2008: Progress Report for a JSOST Near-Term Priority: Assessing
Meridional Overturning Circulation Variability: Implications for Rapid Climate Change, J. Miller and S.
Lozier, editors. U.S.CLIVAR report 2008-02, U.S. CLIMVAR Office, Washington, D.C., 20006, 22pp.
Valvo, L.M., M.S. Lozier, V. Coles, 2008. The Pattullo conference report and update on other MPOWIR
activities. Report of a workshop held May 18-21, 2008. 35pp. [Online] available at:
Lozier, M.S., 2009. A successful first Pattullo Conference. Oceanography 22(1), 180-181.
Lozier, page 7 of 24
Legler, D. and M. S. Lozier, 2009. Understanding Variability and Climate Impacts of Atlantic Meridional
Overturning Circulation. EOS, 90 (31), 268.
U.S. CLIVAR AMOC Science Team, 2008: Progress Report for a JSOST Near-Term Priority: Assessing
Meridional Overturning Circulation Variability: Implications for Rapid Climate Change, J. Miller and S.
Lozier, editors. U.S.CLIVAR report 2008-02, U.S. CLIVAR Office, Washington, D.C., 20006, 22pp.
Lozier, M.S., P. Chang, T. Delworth, T. Lee, D. Legler, and J. Toole, 2009: Second Annual Progress Report for a
JSOST Near-Term Priority: Assessing Meridional Overturning Circulation Variability: Implications for
Rapid Climate Change. U.S.CLIVAR report 2009-01, U.S. CLIVAR Office, Washington, D.C., 20006, 25pp.
Gerber, L. M. and M. S. Lozier, 2010. Mentoring Women in Physical Oceanography. EOS, 91 (33), 291.
Palmer, M. D., J. Antonov, P. Barker, N. Bindoff, T. Boyer, M. Carson, C. M. Domingues, S. Gille, P. Gleckler, S.
Good, V. Gouretski, S. Guinehut, K. Haines, D. E. Harrison, M. Ishii, G. C. Johnson, S. Levitus, M.S. Lozier, J. M.
Lyman, A. Meijers, K. von Shuckmann, D. Smith, S. Wijffels, and J. Willis. 2010. Future Observations for
Monitoring Global Ocean Heat Content. In Proceedings of the "OceanObs'09: Sustained Ocean Observations
and Information for Society" Conference (Vol. 2) Venice, Italy, 21-25 September 2009, Hall, J., D.E. Harrison,
and D. Stammer, Eds., ESA Publication WPP-306, doi:10.5270/OceanObs09.cwp.68
Coles, V., L. Gerber, S. Legg, and M.S. Lozier, 2011. Mentoring Groups: A non-exit strategy for women in
Physical Oceanography. Oceanography 24(2):17–20.
*Dave, A. and M.S. Lozier, 2011. The Impact of MOC Variability on Marine Productivity and Carbon Uptake
and Storage in the North Atlantic. Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry News. 4(2), 8-11.
U.S. CLIVAR AMOC Science Team, 2011. Third Annual Progress Report for a JSOST Near-Term Priority
Assessing Meridional Overturning Circulation Variability: Implications for Rapid Climate Change. Report
2011-1, U.S. CLIVAR Office, Washington, DC. 67pp.
U.S. CLIVAR AMOC Science Team, 2013. Fifth Annual Progress Report for a SOST Near-Term Priority
Assessing Meridional Overturning Circulation Variability: Implications for Rapid Climate Change. Report
2013-2, U.S. CLIVAR Office, Washington, DC. 102 pp.
* Abstract with a student or postdoctoral associate as first-author
Lozier, M. S. and S. C. Riser, 1986. Lagrangian signatures of potential vorticity within a quasi-geostrophic
numerical model. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. EOS, 67(44), Supplement.
Lozier, M. S. and D. Bercovici, 1990. Particle exchange across a meandering jet. American Geophysical
Union Fall Meeting. EOS, 71(43), 1399.
*Wang, W. and M. S. Lozier, 1993. Using tracer fields and direct velocity measurements to constrain an
inverse model of the western North Atlantic. North Carolina Supercomputing Center User Forum Abstracts,
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.
Lozier, M. S., W. B. Owens and R. G. Curry, 1993. The climatology of the North Atlantic. Oceanography
Society Meeting Abstracts, Seattle, Washington.
Lozier, page 8 of 24
Lozier, M. S., 1993. Climatology of the North Atlantic Ocean. Atlantic Climate Change Program Meeting
Abstracts, Princeton, New Jersey.
*Wang, W. and M. S. Lozier, 1993. The climatological mean velocity field in the Gulf Stream region.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. EOS, 74(3), 359.
Pratt, L. J., N. Belakovia and M. S. Lozier, 1994. Parcel trajectories and mixing due to nonmodal
disturbances in jets and shear flows. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. EOS, 75(3), 207.
Lozier, M. S., 1994. Recirculations and bifurcations of the North Atlantic Current. American Geophysical
Union Ocean Sciences Meeting. EOS, 75(3), 226.
Lozier, M. S., 1995. Streamfunction and potential vorticity patterns and variability: Images of the North
Atlantic circulation. Abstracts from the XXI General Assembly of the International Association for the Physical
Sciences of the Oceans, Honolulu, Hawaii, 86.
Lozier, M. S., W. B. Owens and R. G. Curry, 1995. A new climatological database for the North Atlantic:
1904-1990. Abstracts from the XXI General Assembly of the International Association for the Physical
Sciences of the Oceans, Honolulu, Hawaii, 105.
McCartney, M. S. and M. S. Lozier, 1995. The North Atlantic baggage carousel: Intricacies of the meridional
overturning of the North Atlantic Ocean. Abstracts from the XXI General Assembly of the International
Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans, Honolulu, Hawaii, 85.
Owens, W. B., M. S. Lozier, and R. G. Curry, 1995. The hydrographic climatology in the North Atlantic.
Atlantic Climate Change Program Meeting Abstracts, Miami, Florida.
*Ciobotaru, M. and M. S. Lozier, 1996. The circulation of Mediterranean outflow water. American
Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting. EOS, 76(3), 209.
Lozier, M. S. and M. Spall, 1996. Dynamics of mid-latitude interactions between LSW and the Gulf Stream
system: Analysis of the modern hydrographic record. Atlantic Climate Change Program Meeting Abstracts,
Woods Hole, Massachusetts.
Spall, M. and M. S. Lozier, 1996. Dynamics of mid-latitude interactions between LSW and the Gulf Stream
system: Idealized modeling studies. Atlantic Climate Change Program Meeting Abstracts, Woods Hole,
Lozier, M. S., L. J. Pratt, and A. M. Rogerson, 1996. Exchange geometry revealed by Gulf Stream float
trajectories. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. EOS, 77(46), 347.
*Ciobotaru Iorga, M. and M. S. Lozier, 1996. The signature of the Mediterranean outflow water from a
North Atlantic climatology. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. EOS, 77(1), 347.
Lozier, M. S., 1998. The impact of a large-scale recirculation on the mid-depth tracer field in the North
Atlantic. American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting. EOS, 79(1), OS12I-13.
Reed, M. S. and M. S. Lozier, 1998. Instability of a shelfbreak front. American Geophysical Union Ocean
Sciences Meeting. EOS, 79(1), OS21O-02.
Lozier, page 9 of 24
Lozier, M. S. and M. S. C. Reed, 1998. Instability of a shelfbreak front. North Carolina Supercomputing
Center User Forum Abstracts, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.
Greenberg, D. A., F. Werner and M. S. Lozier, 1998. The climatological mean circulation of the North
Atlantic. World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) Congress, Halifax, Canada.
Reed, M. S. C. and M. S. Lozier, 1998. Cross-frontal exchange in the Mid-Atlantic Bight. American
Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. EOS, 79(45), 409.
Reed, M. S. C. and M. S. Lozier, 1999. Cross-frontal exchange in the Mid-Atlantic Bight. North Carolina
Supercomputing Center User Forum Abstracts, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.
Lozier, M. S. and G. G. Gawarkiewicz, 2000. Cross-frontal exchange in the Middle Atlantic Bight as
evidenced by surface drifters. American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Antonio, Texas.
Lozier, M. S. and M. C. Iorga, 2000. The climatological signature of the Mediterranean outflow. European
Geophysical Society Meeting, Nice, France.
*Potter, R. A. and M. S. Lozier, 2000. Long-term variability in the temperature of the Mediterranean outflow
water. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
*Yuan, G., M. S. Lozier, K. Helfrich, L. Pratt, C. Jones, 2001. Estimating predictability using nonlinear time
series analysis. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California. Eos Trans. AGU, 82(47).
Lozier, M. S., 2001. Pathways and climate of the deep North Atlantic. American Geophysical Union Spring
Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts. (INVITED)
Lozier, M. S. and M. L. Lavine, 2001. The climatology and climatic variability of the North Atlantic. Institute
of Mathematical Statistics Meeting, Tallahassee, Florida. (INVITED)
Lozier, M. S. and M. L. Lavine, 2002. Long-term variability of the deep North Atlantic basin. American
Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Reed, M. S. and M. S. Lozier, 2002. The influence of topography on shelfbreak frontal currents. American
Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii.
*Moore, N. J., M. S. Lozier, K. Speer, R. G. Curry, 2002. Changes in the volumetric census of the North
Atlantic. American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii.
*Potter, R. A. and M. S. Lozier, 2002. The Mediterranean influence on the climate of the North Atlantic.
American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Rasmussen, L. L., G. Gawarkiewicz, K. O. Buesseler, M. A. Charette, M. S. Lozier, W. B. Owens, 2002. Influence
of boundary currents on cross-shelf transport in the Mid-Atlantic Bight: Radiochemical and hydrographic
Studies. American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Lozier, M. S. and N. J. Moore, 2003. On the spatial pattern of the heat content increase in the North Atlantic
over the past fifty years. European Geophysical Society- American Geophysical Society Joint Meeting, Nice,
Lozier, page 10 of 24
*Yuan, G., M. S. Lozier, L. J. Pratt, C. Jones, and K. Helfrich, 2003. Estimating predictability of an ocean time
series using linear and nonlinear methods. European Geophysical Society- American Geophysical Society
Joint Meeting, Nice, France.
*Palter, J. B, M. S. Lozier and R. T. Barber, 2004. A bottom-up control on primary productivity? American
Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, Oregon.
Lozier, M. S. and N. J. Moore, 2004. Changes in the Density Field of the North Atlantic over the Past Fifty
Years. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
*Mich, N. T., M. S. Lozier and A. S. Bower, 2004. On the Spatial Variability of Export Pathways from the
Labrador Sea. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
*Palter, J. B, M. S. Lozier and R. T. Barber, 2004. The advective nutricline: The impact of subtropical mode
waters on primary productivity. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
Lozier, M. S., 2004. The impact of sea surface salinity: North Atlantic issues. NASA Aquarius Science
Meeting, Miami, Florida. (INVITED)
Lozier, M. S., N. J. Moore, S. Leadbetter, R. Williams and V. Roussenov, 2005. The Spatial Pattern of North
Atlantic Warming over the Past Fifty Years. Atlantic CLIVAR Meeting, Miami, Florida.
Lozier, M. S., 2005. On the density compensation of the North Atlantic waters over the past fifty years.
European Geophysical Union, Vienna, Austria. (INVITED)
*Palter, J. B., M. S. Lozier and R. T. Barber, 2005. The role of the advective nutricline in establishing the
North Atlantic nutrient reservoir. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography Meeting, Santiago de
Compostela, Spain.
Lavine, M., M.S. Lozier and A.G. Rappold, 2005. An Assessment of Climate Change in the Ocean. Case Studies
in Bayesian Statistics Workshop, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (INVITED)
*Leadbetter, S., R. Williams, V. Roussenov, S. Lozier and N. Moore, 2005. How is the North Atlantic
warming? - A model-data study over the last 50 years. COAPEC (Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere processes and
European Climate) Meeting, Regent's College, Regent's Park, London.
*Palter, J. B. and M. S. Lozier, 2006. Exploring the relationship between convection and export using SPALACE floats in the Labrador Sea. American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Lozier, M. S. and N. M. Stewart, 2006. On the temporally-varying penetration of Mediterranean Overflow
Waters into the Subpolar Gyre. American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Bower, A. S. and M. S. Lozier, 2006. Export of Labrador Sea Water from the subpolar North Atlantic along
the western boundary: New float results. American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu,
Bower, A. S. and M. S. Lozier, 2006. Export of Labrador Sea Water from the subpolar North Atlantic along
the western boundary: New float results. European Geophysical Union, Vienna, Austria.
Lozier, page 11 of 24
*Leadbetter, S. J., M. S. Lozier, V. Roussenov, and R. G. Williams, 2006. How is the North Atlantic Ocean
warming? European Geophysical Union, Vienna, Austria.
*Leadbetter, S. J., R. G. Williams, V. Roussenov, and M. S. Lozier, 2006. Mechanisms of volumetric change
over the North Atlantic on interdecadal timescales. European Geophysical Union, Vienna, Austria.
*Palter, J. B. and M. S. Lozier, 2006. Observations of nutrients during active convection in the North Atlantic
Subtropical Mode Water formation region. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco,
Sindlinger, L. and M. S. Lozier, 2006. Processes influencing the warming and salinification of the
Mediterranean Overflow Waters. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
*Hanshaw, M. N., M. S. Lozier and J. B. Palter, 2006. The integrated impact of tropical cyclones on sea
surface chlorophyll in the North Atlantic. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco,
*Leadbetter, S. J., R. G. Williams, M. S. Lozier and V. Roussenov, 2006. What is the role of surface mechanical
and thermal forcing in setting patterns of heat content change in the North Atlantic? American Geophysical
Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
Lavine, M., A. Rappold and M.S. Lozier, 2007. Subjective Likelihood for the Assessment of Trends in the
Ocean's Mixed-Layer Depth. Joint Statistical Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Bozec, A., E. Chassignet, G. Halliwell, Z. Garraffo, S. Lozier and N. Stewart, 2007. The possible influence of the
NAO on the Mediterranean Outflow Water Path in the North Atlantic, HYCOM Meeting, Stennis Space Center,
Bozec, A., E. Chassignet, G. Halliwell, Z. Garraffo, S. Lozier and N. Stewart, 2007. The influence of the NAO on
the Mediterranean Outflow Water Path in the North Atlantic. European Geophysical Union, Vienna, Austria.
*Cashman, K. E. and M. S. Lozier, 2008. Variability in the northward penetration of the Mediterranean
Outflow Water. American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, Orlando, Florida.
*Leadbetter, S. J. and M. S. Lozier, 2008. Contrasting North American winters and northern Europe winters
– the role of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, Orlando,
Bower, A. S. and M. S. Lozier, 2008. Export pathways of Labrador Sea Water from the subpolar North
Atlantic observed with RAFOS floats. American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, Orlando, Florida.
Bozec, A., E. Chassignet, Z. Garraffo, G. Halliwell and S. Lozier, 2008. Evaluation of the Mediterranean
Outflow Water variability in North Atlantic HYCOM simulations. American Geophysical Union Ocean
Sciences Meeting, Orlando, Florida.
*Gary, S. F., M. S. Lozier, C. W. Böning and A. S. Bower, 2008. Exploring the variability of export pathways of
Labrador Sea Water from the subpolar North Atlantic using simulated trajectories. American Geophysical
Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, Orlando, Florida.
Lozier, page 12 of 24
*Palter, J. B. and M. S. Lozier, 2008. On the source of Gulf Stream nutrients. American Geophysical Union
Ocean Sciences Meeting, Orlando, Florida.
Valvo, L. M. and M. S. Lozier, 2008. A community-based mentoring program: physical oceanographers
working to increase retention. American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, Orlando, Florida.
*Dave, A. and M. S. Lozier, 2008. On the mechanisms and temporal variability of high-latitude chlorophyll
concentrations. American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, Orlando, Florida.
Lozier, M. S. and L. R. Sindlinger, 2008. On the salinification of the Mediterranean Overflow Waters.
American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, Orlando, Florida.
Lozier, M.S., A.S. Bower, S.F. Gary and C. Böning. Deconstructing the Conveyor Belt. IAPSO, Montreal, July
2009 (INVITED)
Lozier, M. S. , V. Roussenov, R.G. Williams, and M.S. C. Reed. On the Density Compensation and Variability of
the North Atlantic: Implications for the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. IAPSO, Montreal, July
*Burkholder, K.C. and M.S. Lozier. The impact of gyre dynamics on the mid-depth salinity signature of the
eastern North Atlantic. EGU, Vienna, April 2009
Bozec, A., E.P. Chassignet and M.S. Lozier. On the variability of the Mediterranean Outflow Water in the
Atlantic Ocean: Observations and Model analysis, EGU, Vienna, April 2009.
Bower, A., S. Lozier, S. Gary, and C. Böning. Lagrangian Observations of Labrador Sea Water Export
Pathways from the Subpolar North Atlantic, EGU, Vienna, April 2009.
Bower, A., S. Lozier, S. Gary, and C. Böning. Some Observations of the Connectivity (or not) of the Atlantic
Meridional Overturning Circulation. US AMOC Annual meeting, Annapolis, MD, May 2009
*Gary, S.F., A.S. Bower, M.S. Lozier, S. Gary, and C. Böning. An eddy-driven mechanism for partitioning the
AMOC deep limb into the DWBC and an interior pathway. US AMOC Annual meeting, Annapolis, MD, May
*Robel A., M. S. Lozier, and S.F. Gary, 2009. A Monte Carlo Method for Projecting Uncertainty in 2D
Lagrangian Trajectories. American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
*Palter, J. B., M.S. Lozier and J.L. Sarmiento, 2010. The maintenance of North Atlantic nitrogen fixation.
American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, Oregon.
*Robel, A., M.S. Lozier, S.F. Gary and S.J. Bograd, 2010. A Monte Carlo Method for Projecting Uncertainty
onto Surface Trajectories for Sea Turtles. American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland,
Gerber L. and M. S. Lozier, 2010. A successful model for community-based mentoring in physical
oceanography. American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, Oregon.
Lozier, page 13 of 24
*Ayers J. and M.S. Lozier 2010. The Role of Physical Processes in the North Pacific Carbon Sink. American
Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, Oregon. (INVITED)
Barber R.T., L.M. Gerber, J. B. Palter and M.S. Lozier, 2010. On the Relationship Between Upper Ocean
Stratification and Primary Productivity in the Oligotrophic North Atlantic. American Geophysical Union
Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, Oregon.
*Dave A., M.S. Lozier, 2010. An Examination of Local Stratification Control of Primary Productivity in The
Subtropical North Pacific. American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, Oregon.
Lozier M.S. 2010. Deconstructing the Conveyor Belt. American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting,
Portland, Oregon. (INVITED)
*Burkholder K.C., M.S. Lozier, 2010. Wind Induced Variability in Subtropical to Subpolar Gyre Exchange in
the North Atlantic. American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, Oregon.
Bower A.S., M.S. Lozier, S.F. Gary, C.W. Böning, 2010. Spreading Pathways of Labrador Sea Water From the
Subpolar North Atlantic: A Lagrangian Data – Model Comparison . American Geophysical Union Ocean
Sciences Meeting, Portland, Oregon.
*Gary S.F., M. S. Lozier, C.W. Böning, A. Biastoch, 2010. Partitioning the deep limb of the Atlantic Meridional
Overturning Circulation into the Deep Western Boundary Current and an interior pathway. American
American Geophysical Union
*Gary S.F. and M. S. Lozier, 2010. Exploring the subpolar to subtropical export pathways of the deep limb of
the AMOC with tracers and simulated Lagrangian particles. The Second Meeting of the U.S. AMOC Science
Team, Miami, Florida.
*Burkholder K.C. and M.S. Lozier, 2010. Spatial and Temporal Variability in Subtropical to Subpolar Gyre
Exchange in the North Atlantic. The Second Meeting of the U.S. AMOC Science Team, Miami, Florida.
Roussenov V., R. Williams, D. Smith, M.S. Lozier, 2010. Variability in the hydrographic properties and the
overturning over the last 50 years for the North Atlantic. RAPID-WATCH Monitoring the Atlantic Meridional
Overturning Circulation. Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
* Ayers J. and M.S Lozier, 2010. Constraining the North Pacific carbon sink: biological and physical
processes. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
*Dave A. and M.S. Lozier, 2011. Local Stratification Control of Marine Productivity in the Subtropics. ASLO
Aquatic Sciences Meeting. San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Roussenov, V., R.G. Williams, M.S. Lozier and D.M. Smith, 2011. The effect of gyre-scale property changes on
the North Atlantic overturning over the last 50 years. European Geophysical Union, Vienna, Austria.
Lozier, M.S., S. F. Gary, K.C. Burkholder, A. S. Bower and C.W. Böning, 2011. Lagrangian pathways
connecting the subtropical and subpolar gyres in the North Atlantic. European Geophysical Union, Vienna,
Lozier, page 14 of 24
*Gary, S.F., M.S. Lozier, A. Biastoch, and C.W. Böning, 2011. Reconciling tracer and float observations of the
export pathways of Labrador Sea Water. European Geophysical Union, Vienna, Austria.
*Burkholder, K.C. and M. S. Lozier, 2011. Northward Transport in the North Atlantic: How Do Warm Waters
Reach High Latitudes? National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE) National Conference on
Science, Policy and the Environment: Our Changing Oceans. Washington, DC.
*Dave, A. and M. S. Lozier, 2011. Marine Primary Production in an Evolving Climate. National Council for
Science and the Environment (NCSE) National Conference on Science, Policy and the Environment: Our
Changing Oceans. Washington, DC.
Lozier, M.S., 2011. Linking deep water formation to AMOC variability: a review, a challenge and a plan. UK
Rapid US AMOC International Science Meeting, Bristol, U.K. (INVITED)
Lozier, M.S., 2011, Retaining STEM women with community-based mentoring, Abstract ED21E-04
presented at 2011 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Calif., 5-9 Dec. (INVITED)
Rypina, I.I., L.J. Pratt, M.S. Lozier, 2011, Near-Surface Transport Pathways in the North Atlantic Ocean:
Looking for Throughput from the Subtropical to the Subpolar Gyre. Abstract NG43A-1468 presented at
2011 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Calif., 5-9 Dec.
*Brody, S. R., Dunne, J. P., Cassar, N., Lozier, M. S., 2012. Examining phytoplankton bloom phenology in the
Southern Ocean. 2012 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT.
Williams, R. G., Roussenov, V., Smith, D., Lozier, M. S., 2012. A mechanistic view of how heat transport
varies in the North Atlantic Ocean. 2012 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT.
*Ayers, J. M., Lozier, M. S., 2012. The importance of geostrophic advection in regulating the North Pacific
carbon sink. 2012 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT.
Kwon, Y., Park, J., Lozier, M. S., Gary, S. F., 2012. Seasonal cycle of the Eighteen Degree Water and its
Lagrangian pathways. 2012 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT.
Park, J. J., Fratantoni, D., Kwon, Y. O., Lozier, M. S., 2012. Patchiness length scale of Eighteen Degree Water.
2012 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT.
Burkholder, K.C. and M.S. Lozier, 2012. Lagrangian pathways connecting the subtropical to subpolar gyre
in the North Atlantic, 2011 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Gary, S.F., M.S. Lozier and B. Johns, Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic: Insights from Observing
System Simulation Experiments The Third Meeting of the U.S. AMOC Science Team, Boulder Colorado.
Brody, S.R., M.S. Lozier and J.P. Dunne, 2012. A comparison of methods to determine phytoplankton
bloom initiation. Ocean Optics XXI, Glasgow, Scotland.
Lozier, page 15 of 24
Invited Talks at Universities/Institutes
April 1989
November 1989
February 1990
June 1990
December 1990
March 1991
March 1991
April 1991
May 1991
April 1992
January 1993
February 1993
March 1994
March 1994
August 1994
August 1994
July 1995
March 1997
April 1997
May 1997
August 1997
August 1997
May 1998
June 1998
May 2000
November 2000
January 2002
April 2002
November 2002
September 2003
September 2003
August 2005
September 2005
November 2005
February 2007
July 2007
March 2008
July 2008
August 2008
University of California at Santa Barbara
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography
University of North Carolina, Marine Sciences Program
MIT, Earth and Planetary Sciences
Florida State University, Department of Oceanography
University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography
Duke University Marine Laboratory
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
University of North Carolina, Marine Sciences Program
Duke University, Nonlinear Studies Program
North Carolina State University, Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Eastern Carolina University, Department of Geology
Duke University Marine Laboratory
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Duke University Marine Laboratory
University of North Carolina, Marine Sciences Program
University of Washington, School of Oceanography
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography
UNC Wilmington, Departments of Physics and Earth Science
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Earth Science Division
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Princeton University
University of North Carolina, Marine Sciences Program
Yale University, Department of Geology and Geophysics
Duke University Marine Laboratory
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University
North Atlantic Fisheries Center, St. John’s, Newfoundland
Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University
University of North Carolina, Marine Sciences Program
Environmental Educators of North Carolina: Keynote address
American Meteorological Society Capitol Hill Speaker Series
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Florida State University, Department of Oceanography
Institut de Ciències del Mar, Barcelona, Spain
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Lozier, page 16 of 24
October 2008
October 2008
December 2008
December 2008
March 2009
March 2009
April 2009
November 2009
January 2010
March 2010
March 2010
April 2010
October 2010
April 2011
November 2012
Department of Physics, University of North Carolina-Wilmington
Chatauqua Lecture, Duke University
Program for Climate Change, University of Washington
School of Oceanography, University of Washington
Marine Sciences Program, University of South Carolina
Ocean Studies Board, Washington D.C.
Meredith College, Raleigh, North Carolina
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Cary Institute for Ecosystem Studies, Milford, New York
College of Earth, Ocean and Environment, University of Delaware
North Carolina State University, Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Duke University Marine Laboratory
Yale University, Department of Geology and Geophysics
Wooster College, Wooster, Ohio
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
Invited Symposia
November 1994
National Academy of Sciences' Sixth Annual Symposium on the Frontiers of Science,
Irvine, California (Invited participant)
October 1998
National Academy of the Sciences' Fifty Years of Ocean Discovery Symposium,
Washington, D.C. (Invited speaker and panelist)
May 2004
North Carolina Climate Education Partnership, North Carolina Museum of Natural
History (Invited panelist)
September 2005
Eighth Workshop on Case Studies in Bayesian Statistics, Carnegie Mellon University,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (Invited speaker with M. Lavine and A. Rappold, Duke
September 2005
Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions Launch, Duke University
(Invited panelist)
December 2006
National Research Council Panel on an Early Warning System for Abrupt Climate
Change, National Academy of Sciences (Invited speaker)
May 2008
2008 Pattullo Conference, Charleston, SC (Organizer)
June 2008
UK Rapid Meeting, Cambridge, UK (Invited keynote speaker)
October 2008
Physical Oceanography Dissertation Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii (Invited keynote
November 2008
Consortium for Ocean Leadership, Ocean Science Educators’ Retreat, Washington,
D.C. (Invited speaker)
May 2010
2010 Pattullo Conference, Charleston, SC (Organizer)
March 2011
Polar Marine Science Gordon Conference, Ventura, California (Invited speaker)
July 2011
Past, Present and Future Change in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
Lozier, page 17 of 24
International Science Meeting, Bristol, U.K. (Invited speaker and member of the
scientific steering committee)
October 2011
2011 Pattullo Conference, Charleston, SC (Organizer)
June 2012
Early Career Workshop for Geoscientists, College of William and Mary (Invited
September 2012
Consortium for Ocean Leadership, Ocean Science Educators’ Retreat, Washington,
D.C. (Invited speaker)
August 2013
Sears Public Lecture, Woods Hole, Massachusetts
September 1991
Synoptic Ocean Prediction Workshop (SYNOP): Woods Hole Oceanographic
Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts
August 1991
Semi-Primitive Equation Model Workshop: National Center for Atmospheric
Research, Boulder, Colorado
April 1992
The Gulf Stream-Atmosphere Gradient Exchange (GAGE) Experiment Workshop:
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
April 1993
Atlantic Climate Change Program Workshop: Princeton University, Princeton, New
May 1994
Atlantic Climate Change Program Workshop: Princeton University, Princeton, New
May 1994
World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) Workshop: Princeton University,
Princeton, New Jersey
October 1995
World Ocean Circulation Experiment Workshop: National Academy of Sciences,
Irvine, California
May 1996
Atlantic Climate Change Program Workshop: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution,
Woods Hole, Massachusetts
May 1996
Office of Naval Research PRIMER Workshop: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution,
Woods Hole, Massachusetts
December 1996
Ocean Predictability and Dynamical Systems Workshop: Woods Hole Oceanographic
Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts
December 1997
National Science Foundation, Physical Oceanography Program Workshop, Advances
and Primary Research Opportunities in Physical Oceanographic Sciences: Monterey,
February 1998
Atlantic Climate Variability Experiment, sponsored by the National Science
Foundation: Dallas, Texas
March 1999
Office of Naval Research PRIMER Workshop: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution,
Lozier, page 18 of 24
Woods Hole, Massachusetts
March 1999
National Science Foundation Ocean Synthesis Workshop: Orlando, Florida
May 1999
National Science Foundation Ocean Synthesis Workshop, Climate Working Group:
New Haven, Connecticut
September 2000
National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA) workshop on Sea Surface
Salinity: La Jolla, California
October 2000
National Science Foundation Ocean Synthesis Workshop: Washington, D.C.
October 2000
Office of Naval Research Workshop on Environmental Uncertainty: Warrenton,
November 2001
Institute for Mathematical Sciences Meeting, Tallahassee, Florida
October 2003
IFREMER (Institut francais de recherche pour l’exploitation de la mer) Workshop on
the Mediterranean Outflow: Brest, France
April 2004
Aquarius/SAC-D, SMOS, and HYDROS Satellite Missions Joint Science and
Implementation Workshop: Miami, Florida
May 2004
National Science Foundation and Office of Naval Research Planning Workshop on
Mentoring in Physical Oceanography: Washington, D.C. (organizer)
Spring 2005
Lagrangian Data Assimilation Workshop: Statistical and Applied Mathematical
Sciences Institute, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
October 2005
National Science Foundation and Office of Naval Research Workshop on Mentoring in
Physical Oceanography: MPOWIR. Warrenton, VA (organizer)
January 2007
Ocean Observing Initiative Workshop, Washington, D.C.
July 2007
Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Workshop, Woods Hole Oceanographic
Institute (organizer)
May 2008
Pattullo Conference, Charleston, South Carolina (organizer)
September 2008
CLIVAR International Atlantic Implementation Panel/U.S. Atlantic Meridional
Overturning Circulation Science Team Joint Workshop, Woods Hole (co-organizer)
April 2008
Observing Biogeochemical Cycles at Global Scales with Profiling Floats and Gliders
Scoping Workshop, Monterey, California
May 2009
U.S. Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Science Team Annual Meeting,
Annapolis, Maryland (organizer)
April 2010
North Atlantic Subpolar Observational Program Workshop, Durham, North Carolina
May 2010
Pattullo Conference, Charleston, South Carolina (organizer)
June 2010
U.S. Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Science Team Annual Meeting,
Annapolis, Maryland
Lozier, page 19 of 24
August 2010
CLIMODE workshop, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA
February 2011
OSNAP (Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program) workshop,
Southampton, Hampshire, UK
April 2011
OSNAP (Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program) workshop, Halifax,
Nova Scotia, Canada (co-organizer)
July 2012
U.S. AMOC Science Team workshop, Boulder, Colorado
August 2012
CLIMODE workshop, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA
December 2012
Workshop for Heads and Chairs of Earth and Space Sciences Departments, AGU Fall
Meeting, San Francisco (INVITED)
1985 North Pacific
Float deployment
1986 North Pacific
Current meter recovery
1987 South Pacific
Float deployment and CTD casts
2000 North Atlantic
Float testing and CTD casts (Chief Scientist)
2003 Labrador Sea
Float deployment and CTD casts
2006 North Atlantic
CLIMODE hydrographic/nutrient measurements
Professional Societies
American Geophysical Union
The Oceanography Society
American Meteorological Society
Association of Women Geoscientists
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Professional Service
*Denotes service within the last year and/or continuing service
Member, National Science Foundation Physical Oceanography Program Panel (July 1992; July 1994;
November 1998; November 2002)
Member, Scientific Steering Committee for the Atlantic Climate Change Program, National and Oceanic
Atmospheric Administration (1995-1996)
Member, World Ocean Circulation Experiment Data Synthesis Working Group (1995-1996)
Member, National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship Selection Panel (February, 1995)
Lozier, page 20 of 24
Chair, National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship Selection Panel (February, 1996 and
February, 1997)
Member, Steering Committee, National Science Foundation Physical Oceanography Workshop: APROPOS
Member, National Science Foundation Ocean Sciences Decadal Committee (1998- 2001)
Member, Allocations Committee, North Carolina Supercomputing Center, (1999-2002)
*Member of the Corporation, Sea Education Association, Woods Hole, Massachusetts (2000-2011)
Member, Science team for NASA’s Aquarius mission (2001-2003)
Member, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Physical Oceanography Program Panel (March
Member, U.S. CLIVAR Atlantic Implementation Committee (2003-2005)
Member, Visiting Committee, Physical Oceanography Department, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
(May 2005)
Councilor for Physical Oceanography, The Oceanography Society (2005-2008)
Co-chair, AMOC (Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation) Implementation Strategy Team (2007)
Member, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Physical Oceanography Program Panel (October
Chair, AMOC (Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation) Science Team (2008-2010)
Member, Velesten Prize Selection Committee, Columbia University (2008)
Member, Department of Energy Abrupt Climate Change Prediction Program Review (2008)
Member, Joint Program Review Committee, MIT-Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (2009)
Member, Review Committee for the School of Oceanography, University of Washington (2010)
*Member, Education team for NASA’s Aquarius mission (2001-present)
Member, Program Committee for the 2011 Science and Technology Conference for the Commission for the
Nuclear-Test-Ban-Treaty Organization, (2010-2011)
Member, AGU Ewing Medal Selection Committee (2011)
Member, Review Committee for the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Columbia University
Lozier, page 21 of 24
*Chair, Steering Committee for MPOWIR: Mentoring Physical Oceanography Women to Increase Retention
*Member, Advisory Committee for Geosciences Directorate, National Science Foundation (2011-present)
*Member, Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) Science Team for NSF, NOAA and NASA
Chair, Advisory Committee for the Geosciences Directorate ad hoc committee on ocean drilling, National
Science Foundation (2011-2012)
*Member, Editorial Board for Annual Reviews of Marine Science (2012-present)
*Member, National Research Council Committee for Understanding and Monitoring Abrupt Climate Change
Study (2012-present)
*President-elect, The Oceanography Society (2013-present)
University Service
*Denotes service within the last year and/or continuing service
Pre-Major Advisor (1992-2004)
Member, Academic Priorities Committee (1999-2002)
Member, Advisory Board for the Science and Engineering Interdisciplinary Initiatives (2000-2001)
Member, Executive Committee for the Global Change Initiative (2000-present)
Member, Provost Task Force on the Nicholas School of the Environment (2000)
Member, Task Force on Coastal and Marine Science and Policy (1999)
Member, Duke/UNC Oceanographic Consortium Advisory Committee (1992–1997 and 1999-2004)
Member, Committee to Review the Organization and Function of the Pre-Major Advising Center (1994)
Member, Search Committee, Nonlinear Dynamicist, Center for Nonlinear and Complex Systems (1995)
Member, Ad hoc committee for the review and restructure of the Duke University Faculty governance
Member (2002-present) and Chair (2003-2005), Bass Chair Selection Committee
Member, Baldwin Scholars Curriculum Committee (2004)
Member, Academic Council (1998–1999; 2002-2004; 2005-2009)
Lozier, page 22 of 24
Member, Executive Committee of the Academic Council (2006-2008)
Member, Board of Trustees’ Committee on Undergraduate Affairs (2006- 2009)
Member, Steering Committee for the Faculty Women’s Network (2006-2008)
Chair, Search committee for NSEES Dean, Spring 2007
Participant, Junior Faculty Development Series (2007-2008)
Member, Nominating Committee for Academic Council Chair, 2009
Member, Undergraduate Education Strategic Planning Committee (2009-2010)
Chair, ACCUE: Academic Council Committee on Undergraduate Education (2008-2011)
Chair, Academic Council (2011-2013)
Co-chair, Advisory Committee for Online Education (2012- 2013)
Member, Board of Trustees Academic Affairs Committee (2011-2013)
Member, President's Committee on Investment Responsibility (2011-2013)
Ex officio Member, President's Founders' Day Planning Committee (2011-2013)
Ex officio Member, University Priorities Committee (2011-2013)
Ex officio Member, Academic Programs Committee (2011-2013)
Ex officio Member, Global Priorities Committee (2011-2013)
Member, Board of Trustees Committee on Trusteeship (2011-present)
Postdoctoral Research Associate:
Postdoctoral Research Associate:
Postdoctoral Research Associate:
Postdoctoral Research Associate:
Postdoctoral Research Associate:
Postdoctoral Research Associate:
Dr. Wei Wang (4/92-1/94)
Dr. Susan Leadbetter (6/07-5/09)
Dr. Jennifer Ayers (4/11-10/11)
Dr. Stefan Gary (10/11-present)
Dr. Apurva Dave (4/12-present)
Dr. Andrew Barton (6/12-present)
Graduate Students:
Sarah Brody
Examining physical drivers of phytoplankton bloom phenology in subpolar regions; Ph.D. student,
matriculated 8/10
Apurva Dave
Environmental factors responsible for changes in marine primary productivity; (Ph.D. February 2012)
Lozier, page 23 of 24
Stefan Gary
Export pathways from the subpolar North Atlantic (Ph.D. October 2011)
Kristi Cashman Burkholder
Subtropical to subpolar pathways (Ph.D. July 2011)
Jennifer M. Ayers
Physical controls on the Transition Zone Chlorophyll Front and its relationship to marine migratory
pathways (Ph.D. May 2011)
Jaime B. Palter
On the horizontal advection and biogeochemical impacts of North Atlantic mode waters and boundary
currents (Ph.D., July 2007)
Nicole T. Mich
On the temporally-varying penetration of Mediterranean Overflow Waters into the subpolar gyre (M.S.,
November 2005)
Rachel A. Potter
Climate variability in the eastern North Atlantic (M.S., May 2002)
Michaela Ciobotaru Iorga
A climatological analysis and diagnostic model of the Mediterranean outflow in the eastern North Atlantic
(Ph.D., May 1998)
Timothy J. Bold
The influence of propagating waves on particle exchange (M.S., November 1994)
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