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January 11, 2017
Qin Dynasty
p. 149-151
January 11, 2017
Zhao Zheng (jow jeng)
Leader of the Qin (chin) people in western China
Strong leader
Took over most of China
Ended the period of warring states.
Unified China and began the Qin Dynasty
Changed his name to Shi Huangdi (shur hwahng DEE),
which means First Emperor
January 11, 2017
Shi Huangdi wanted to strengthen his empire
1. Protection from invading nomads
Began largest construction project in Chinese history,
Great Wall of China
-Farmers and merchants forced to build
-Took 10 Years
2. Strong Government
Employed farmers building roads
Roads = better transportation for army
Shi Huangdi jailed or killed all who opposed him
Split China into districts run by trusted officials
3. Unified Economy
One currency (money) for all of China
Common weights and measures
4. Unified Culture
Outlawed Confucianism
Required people to follow philosophies of Qin scholars
Punished for bad behavior
Rewarded for good behavior
Serve gov't and emperor
Burned all books except medicine, tech, and farming
January 11, 2017
What happened next?
Shi Huangdi died
4 years of chaos and civil war - Son murdered
Shi Hangdi's grandson took power,
second (and last) in Qin dynasty
He could not hold the empire together, China rebelled
Qin dynasty lasted only 15 years in total.
January 11, 2017