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1014 General Biology I
An introduction to the scientific method, core concepts in biology, and the phenomenal
diversity of life. Examined are the chemical nature of life, genetics, evolution, population and
community dynamics, and ecological diversity. Lecture and laboratory. May be used to satisfy
a distribution requirement in natural sciences.
1024 General Biology II
A continuation of General Biology I with an emphasis on plant and animal systems. Examined
are the central role of bioenergetics and molecular biology in the study of plants and the fields
of organismal physiology and ecology from concepts of homeostasis through behavior in the
study of animals. Prerequisite: Biology 1014.
1164 Biology and Human Concerns
A study of general biolo gical principles stressing a human perspective. This course will relate
the knowledge of biology to pressing social,environmental,medical, and political issues of our
time. The course is designed for nonmajors and will not count toward a major course
requirement in the biology pattern. May be used to satisfy a distribution requirement in natural
2014 Anatomy and Physiology
An elementary consideration of the structure and function of selected organ systems, with
particular reference to the human. This course is designed for nonmajors and will not count
toward the major course requirement of the biology pattern. Lecture and laboratory.
Prerequisite: Biology 1024. IV
2015 Botany
This course was designed as an introduction to the field of plant sciences. The course will cover
several major areas in plant biology including an introduction to the plant kingdom, plant
structure and development, plant physiology and genetics, and plant ecology and the
interaction between plants and humans. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: Biology 1024. IV
2024 Genetics
A study of the principles of biological inheritance: the physical basis and patterns of
inheritance, cytogenetics, physiological and molecular genetics, and population genetics, as
illustrated in plants, animals, and man. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: Biology 1024. IV
2054 Ecology
A study of the interrelations of organisms and environment, including the factors affecting the
abundance and distribution of organisms in relationship to climate, soils,and geology. Lecture,
laboratory, and field trips. Prerequisite: Biology 1024. IV
2064 Field Biology
Field study of the distribution, classification, and ecology of plants and animals. Student
projects of field-oriented subjects required. Lecture, laboratory, and field trips. Prerequisite:
Biology 1024. IV
2074 Avian Ecology
The structure, function, and ecology of birds, with emphasis on population responses to maninfluenced changes in the environment. Lecture, laboratory, and field trips. Prerequisite:
Biology 1024. IV
2084 Human Reproductive Biology
An examination of sex as a biological phenomenon, with consideration of the genetic
(chromosomal), embryological, endocrine, and neurological basis of sexual development,
differentiation, and identity. Prerequisite: Biology 1024 or 1164. IV
2244 Animal Behavior
Stresses how natural selection has shaped reproductive behavior and mating systems,feeding and
antipredator behaviors,altruism, and the evolution of animal sociality. Genetic and physiological
mechanisms of behavioral adaptions are also highlighted. Prerequisite: Biology 1024. IV
2424 Special Topics in Biology
Offers special topics designed to address current issues in biology. Students are required to read
original papers and articles on reserve and to discuss materials in class. Topics with
prerequisites will vary from year to year. Prerequisite: Biology 1024.
3004 Selected Topics in Biology
Offers focused study which will address a specialized field in biology. Reading assignments
and lectures will be based on original literature. Students will be required to make a
presentation on a selected topic. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
3014 Endocrinology
A study of the various endocrine glands and their interrelations and influence on body
functions and behavior in animals and humans. Prerequisite: Biology 3065. IV
3015 Comparative Invertebrate Zoology
Principles of morphology, taxonomy,ev olution,physiology, embryology, and natural history of
invertebrates. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: Biology 1024.
3016 Comparative Anatomy of Chordates
Examination of chordate structure and function by the comparative method. Dissection of
chordates. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: Biology 1024. IV
3024 Molecular Genetics
An advanced genetics course investigating the biochemical nature of genes and the
mechanisms of gene r egulation. A significant laboratory component will introduce students to
modern techniques in molecular genetics. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: Biology 2024.
3026 Developmental Biology
Examination of patterns and mechanisms of embryonic development in various taxa. Selected
topics in organogenesis are discussed. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: Biology 2024. IV
3036 Histology
A laboratory course on methods of tissue study in vertebrates. Emphasis on the study of
prepared tissue and the preparation of tissues for microscopy. Lecture and laboratory.
Prerequisite: Biology 1024. IV
3046 Microbiology
A study of microorganisms such as bacteria,fungi,and viruses and their beneficial and harmful
relations to other plants and animals, including humans. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite:
Biology 1024. IV
3065 Animal Physiology
A study of the principles of function of animal organisms emphasizing homeostasis and
including organ systems. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: Biology 1024. IV
3085 Cell Biology
A study of cell structure and function: the cell’s biochemical and biophysical properties,
cellular metabolism, heredity, and development. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: Biology
2024. IV W
4002 Supervised Laboratory Teaching in Biology
A practical internship on how to run a biology lab. Under close supervision of the biology
instructor, the student plans,prepares, instructs, and grades a Biology 1164 laboratory section.
(Other biology courses are available to qualified students.) Students must have successfully
completed the course they teach. Course is open only to juniors and seniors; limited spaces are
available. Required of all teaching biology majors; recommended for biology majors preparing
for graduate school. ( 1⁄2 course unit.) Course may be repeated teaching a different biology lab
course. Standard or CR/NC grading. Prerequisites: 5 course units in biology or permission of
Independent Study
A study of the tools and techniques of research, of the use of the library for literature review,
and of planning and execution of a research project, with a written report. May be repeated for
a total of 2 units of credit. Standard or CR/NC grading for 4214. CR/NC grading for 4212.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
4444 Senior Seminar - Evolution
This course will examine the social and scientific history of the theory of evolution, the genetic
and ecological mechanism of evolution, and how an evolutionary perspective advances the
biological sciences. Students will read Darwin’s Origin of Species, as well as current research
papers on evolution. This course is required for all biology majors and teaching biology majors.
Lecture, class discussion, and field trips. Prerequisites: Senior standing and a major in biology
or teaching biology.
4904 Senior Honors In Biology
Execution of a research project with an oral and written research report. May be repeated once
for credit. Prerequisites: Senior standing, 4 course units in biology, a grade point average of at
least 3.0 in biolo gy courses, and permission of instructor.