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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Update and Perspectives Muscle Aids* 1: The Inspiratory Part John R. Bach, M.D., on Noninvasive Respiratory Aids F.C.C.P. (Chest 1994; vival 105:1230-40) can terms B1PAP=bilevel positive airway pressure; CAH’chromc alveolar hypoventilation; CNEP=continuous negative extrathoracic pressure; CPAP=continuous positive airway pressure; DMD=Duchenne muscular dystrophy; EPAP=expiratory positive airway pressures; EPR electrophrenic respiration; GPB=glossopharyngeal breathing; IAPVintermittent abdominal pressure ventilator, ffAP inspiratory positive airway pressures; IPPBintermittent positive pressure breathing; IPPVintennittent positive pressure ventilation; MI-E=mechanical insufflation-exsufflation; NPBVs=negative pressure body ventilators; PCEF=peak cough expiratory flows; RTIs= respiratory tract infections; VCvital capacity I nadequacy of inspiratory from primary cage deformity, and muscle neuromuscular loss of respiratory decreased pulmonary airway disease, some combination function, dysfunction, exchange compliance, severe sleep disordered of the above, leads of life, without without intrinsic reversible the excess paralytic pulmonary oxygen, dilators, chest and oropharyngeal obstructive or The is usufor in- or significant use of supplemental problems and effectively of reducing clearing the workload of airway secretions. The risk of pulmonary morbidity and mortality from acute respiratory failure correlates with increasing hypercapnia.8’9 When atelectasis is reversed’0 and ventilation normalized by the use of noninvasive inspiratory risk 5From muscle of pulmonary the Reprint Newark, 1230 Hospital, Institute requests: NJ 07103 blood gases complications Department University and Kessler aids, of Physical improve,4118 decreases, Medicine UMD-New Jersey Medical for Rehabilitation, West Dr. Bach, UMDNJ, 191 South the and sur- and Rehabilitation, School, Orange, Newark NJ. Orange Avenue, transient also peak play in quality savings for lung disease. and mortality muscle weakness a major of patients as well patients cough role in with as for pulmonary disease.19 The use of mechanical expiratory muscle in Part 2. muscle lar patients trachecstomy muscle aids are for patients with function for who switched from generally preferred switched from of noninvasive preferred sufficient effective speech preferred back.2’ from including the overwhelmingly use the former and generally wished to switch In the same study the 59 patients who switched tracheostomy IPPV to up to 24-h preferred the comfort, appearance, breathing givers yielded similar noninvasive IPPV latter for speech, sleep, security, use of glos- (GPB), ferred it overall, thus confirming quality of life benefits in using ods rather than tracheostomy. care body ventilator use to the latter, while those a noninvasive regimen IPPV to tracheostomy sopharyngeal breathing (IPPB) which is often used periods and at adequate pressures to inspiratory muscles do not address the can benefit and swallowing. Use of both inspiratory and expiratory muscle aids may be necessary to avoid pulmonary complications, intubation and tracheostomy, and prolong survival.’”#{176} In one study, neuromuscu- overwhelmingly swallowing, physical therapy, inhalants and bronchomedications delivered by intermittent positive pressure for inadequate support or rest fundamental breathing disease. morbidity expiratory those with primary manual and especially aids will be discussed thoracic membrane greatest function, cost adequate (PCEF) Noninvasive respiratory by and are most effective breathing to atelectasis,13 bronchospasm to generate flows the potential concomitant significant Inability increased work for inspiratory and expiratory muscles, and eventually to chronic alveolar hypoventilation (CAH).4 Hypercapnia results from the resort to shallow breathing to avoid overloading inspiratory muscles5 and can in itself decrease respiratory muscle strength.6’7 dividuals with in respiratory and survival, expiratory whether Current preintubation respiratory management ally limited to interventions of unproven efficacy be prolonged,4” of improvement and unanimously pre- the patients’ perceived noninvasive IPPV methA survey of the patients’ results. Another study dem- onstrated 200 percent cost savings by using noninvasive ventilatory support methods for patients with no ventilator-free time by facilitating community placement with 24-h personal care attendants rather than nursing care or long-term institutionalization.2’ benefits of noninvasive interventions, to be used in few centers, iar with all of the techniques ties in invasive endotracheal ingly appreciated account, interest can only Noninvaswe and few clinicians available. approaches and patient in exploring Despite the aids continue such preferences noninvasive are famil- As the difficulbecome increastaken into alternatives increase. Respiratoly Muscle Downloaded From: on 06/19/2017 Aids: The Inspiratory Aids (John R. Bad7) WHAT ARE N0NINvAsIvE RESPIRATORY Although MUSCLE The respiratory or mechanically applying mittent pressure to the on the ventilators body include the negative (NPBVs) and oscillators ratory muscles muscles by rectly to the body can be aided by manually to the body or inter- forces airway. The creating changes around the lators and exsufflation devices which act pressure which assist atmospheric thorax and devices body respi- pressure displace which to the apply airway. Certain positive pressure ventilators the capacity to deliver continuous pressure (CPAP). Likewise, certain or blowers have positive airway negative pressure and alveolar patency. They are used the presence niques alone of hypercapnia, the is usually inadequate. pressure (IPAP) and no ventilator-free time otherwise, use GPB successfully for hours of ventilator- IPPV, safety first can recognized be useful and for the is (GPB) described in the with The early paralytic “gulp.” of 60 training the period, to of GPB Glossopharyngeal capped, the gulped walls of the tube afforded to eliminate aids. ventilator Body in GPB are favor of AIDS Ventilators and create subatmospheric abdomen to assist described by the Scottish pressure is created in Co, Cambridge, Mass) physi- pressure by a piston the iron lung (Fig 2) by the action of a motorized bellows. The iron lung which was perfected in 1928,32 was the first body ventilator 1950s, 1600 tongue and effort by The glottis be 1200 - cc so 0;so 60 41 36 24 12 0 SEC moni- 1600 tored by spirometrically measuring the milliliters of air per gulp, gulps per breath, and breaths per minute (Fig 1). An excellent training manual and video are available.’26 The GPB can provide an individual with weak inspiratory muscles and little or no measurable vital capacity (VC) or ventilator-free time with normal alveolar ventilation for hours and perfect safety when not using ventilator increasing a ventilator or in the event failure day or night.20’27 Its PCEF and on cough effectiveness described in 1956.28 or effort.3#{176}Tank ventilators conor cylinder, eg, the iron lung, body up to the neck. The first inspiratory can to the and pressures of GPB. The Dalziel in 1882.’ The negative by a pair of bellows operated Negative H. Emerson out by effective MUSCLE intermittently the thorax was air tends and tracheostomy INSPIRATORY Pressure NPBVs around cian, John was created One breath usually consists 100 ml each. During the efficiency technique. useful in the presence of an tube. It can not be used as it is during trachestomy outer versatility Negative tank (J. muscle failure. It involves the use of the pharyngeal muscles to add to an inspiratory projecting boluses of air past the glottis. closes with each of 6 to 9 gulps when support the inspiratory sist of either a tank which envelopes the indirectly, expiratory muscle by GPB.2#{176}This technique, patient and THE rod. and, assisted the key reasons noninvasive the resulting bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP) assists inspiratory muscle as a function of the IPAP EPAP difference. inspiratory can be even to facilitate the air ventilators, the extremely useful, GPB few healthcare profes- tracheostomy site as airway volumes increase during the air stacking process expiratory airway pressure (EPAP), whether by pressure or volume-cycled Both activity and around exceed positive delivered Breathing with is also rarely tracheostomy tube is uncapped The pressure airway Glossopharyngeal familiar use of these techOnce inspiratory positive et a129 (DMD) musculature who could leak they In weakness users who were very successful at GPB. We four DMD ventilator users and many other with moderately involved oropharyngeal breathing indwelling when the intermittent the patient’s own ventilatory muscle function, but do not directly assist respiratory muscle activity. muscle of GPB, Baydur muscular dystrophy ventilator have seen individuals sionals respira- generators or ventilators which can be used to operate a chest shell or tank-style ventilator can also increase functional residual capacity by creating continuous negative extrathoracic pressure (CNEP). Both CPAP and CNEP act as pneumatic splints to help maintain airway oropharyngeal free time. Although potentially is rarely taught since there are abdomen, body ventiwhich apply force di- to mechanically tory muscles, and devices pressure changes directly severe limit the usefulness reported two Duchenne can AIDs? of sudden benefit on was first cc :#{176}#{176} 6041 35 26. 12 0 SEC 1. Top: maximal GPB breaths minute ventilation 8.39 L/min, GPB inspirations average 1.67 L, 20 gulps, 84 mI/gulp for each breath in a patient with a vital capacity of 0 ml. Bottom: same patient regular GPB minute ventilation 4.76 L/min, 12.5 breaths, average 8 gulps per breath, 47.5 ml/gulp performed over a 1-mm period (with appreciation to the March of Dimes for republication of this illustration). FIGURE CHEST/105/4/APRIL, Downloaded From: on 06/19/2017 1994 1231 The chest shell style ventilators shell which covers the chest first described shortly after Negative pressure is cycled action of a negative child-Huxley chest table Respirator, became the first tors. They sitting can support 2. ventilator-free FIGURE Patient with time for lung use with mouth during a respiratory assist him in mobilizing cup. to receive used from use for both acute and 1981 until the late elsewhere, effective 3) by the ventilator. FIGURE measurable PortaLung. and action no iron and in used by northern is created (Lifecare of was the main a Boulder, Cob). largely supplanted a many Italy in the United and possibly to be the ventilatory mainstay support.’ in the more portable Inc. Lafayette, Cob) negative 3. Postpoliomyelitis patient vital capacity since 1955 pressure with using pump of tank (Fig or with chest Their shell by introduced chest shell shells use by the for patient manufac- for nocturPuritan-Ben- daytime more the FairPor- in 1949, ventila- the are are used predominately mc, Lafayette, Cob; nett, aid practical abdominal pressure ventilator IPPV methods, and GPB.36 has inter- (IAPV), non- The wrap style ventilators, similar in principle and function to the chest shell ventilator, are the most recently developed and now the most frequently prescribed NPBVs. The prototype wrap ventilator was the Tunnicliffe breathing in 1955 and continues wrap ventilators consist covers body device long-term ventilatory support 1950s. Iron lungs continue to iron lungs continue intensive care unit Negative pressure style “PortaLung” and intermittent positive-pressure ventilation tract infection. The resulting deep breaths airway secretions and expectorating into widespread be manufactured States. In centers 1232 Duchenne muscular dystrophy over 10 years who is supplementing the ventilation Similar of a firm ventilator. The and Monaghan which were mass produced been mittent invasive under pressure respirator34 or supine. tured today and nal aid (Lifecare consist and abdomen. They were the Dalziel apparatus.3132 the under thorax and abdomen. it are covered by which Negative is sealed pressure pressure under time than consuming chest shell covering The jacket which was described to be used in England.3 All of a firm plastic grid which of the evolution around the ventilators the wrap to don, ventilators and The grid a wind-proof neck cycle and extremities. subatmospheric grid. they can because and the jacket Although be more of more thorax and abdomen. of NPBVs was summarized more effective complete by Wool- lam in 1976.3138 Since 1976, the major advancements have been in the material used in the shells and wraps, the length and form of the wrap sleeves, and in the no a Noninvasive Respiratory Muscle Downloaded From: on 06/19/2017 Aids: The Inspiratory Aids (John R. Bach) negative pressure with its caudal end pelvis has perineal but the care there ventilators sealed over advantage and greater themselves.30 A wrap the lower abdomen or of easier patient lower extremity is a tendency for the wrap access for mobility, to slip up and under the grid. This decreases comfort and causes leak, especially at pressures exceeding-45 cm H20. Wraps that extend down the legs and are sealed at the thighs or ankles are easier to seal, but some patients complain of the sensation of the fabric squeezing their legs during use. A “Pulinobag” (Lifecare mc, Lafayette GO) or “Pneumobag” (New Tech, Palisades Park, NJ) is essentially a full-length wrap ventilator completely sealing the lower extremities. This decreases leak and facilitates the donning, “‘squeezing” but of the be uncomfortable. permits the escape & Associates, Inc. the dorsiflexion legs that of the occurs feet during and use can care Inc. Lafayette, Gob), the wrap is formed into arms and pants legs which separately seal each extremity, and there is a long anterior air-tight zipper closure. lower extremity mobility and stasis in the lower extremities for toileting. “NEV-100” “Maxivent” latter two negative (Lifecare Inc., (Puritan-Bennett ventilators and for patients vasive IPPV can positive ventilators Gambridge, include Mass) the the Lafayette, Gob) and the Inc., Boulder, Gob). The alternatively deliver both pressure. This who depend on both methods at different is especially NPBVs times useful and noninduring the day. The “NEV-100” and the “33-GR” permit the use of CNEP which, like GPAP, was first described in the 1870s.3’ A GNEP provides the mechanical effects of GPAP, but does so by decreasing thoracic pressure. A flow or negative pressure sensor at a nasal cannula permits these ventilators to assist-control mode ventilation thoracic ventilator’s Negative pressure capture pressure provide the option of from a negative extra- baseline. This of the patient’s sensors also should improve the breathing rhythm. permit the patient use of a NPBV or rocking bed with noninvasive IPPV. Until now synchronizing the simultaneous use of these modalities has been problematic.39 This combination may be particularly useful in managing patients with failure, time and low pres- and flow pat- terns and thus the inspiratory/expiratory ratio, may be particularly useful for managing patients with respiratory failure due to obstructive lung disease. The NEV-100 can also immediately follow the negative pressure with positive pressure to assist expiration when used in conjunction with a strapped-on chest shell or a PortaLung. and pressure the shell, Maxivent and than With sensor at the or cylinder, compensate for prevent adequate the Maxivent does deliver sighs blower of the negative GNEP, alarms, models, pressure hose into the NEV-100, 33-GR, and air leakage which might Al- an assist/control operate does it pressures. have not automatically, or provide disconnect the other its high insertion wrap, current, on have is less expensive and it has been 12 years. Another NPBV with similarities ventilator but which incorporates direct low pressure and used simpler reliably for provide lation GNEP around and high a negative or atmospheric lator (Flexco, zerland). This tive-negative pressures ventilator shell to oscillation ventipositive pressure, is the Hayek AG, Zurich, provide alternating can negative and to assist alveolar was recognized to form or cm seal. oscilSwitposi- oscillations with H20. The capacity positive pressure under a ventilation and support in 1939.40 The chest shell is a light, soft foam a tight chest shell ventilator adequate negative because active, frequency pressure, pressure cycles +100 to -100 of the Hayek Oscillator flexible cuirass with closures to a chest the capacity pressure baseline Medical Instruments from of alternating chest shell circulation molded, rubber Besides clear and plastic, velcro functioning at normal breathing pressures (-45 to -60 both inspiratory and expiratory the positive pressure expiratory as a rates and cm H20), cycles assist can may be be useful in limiting the tendency to increased air trapping for patients with obstructive lung disease using ventilatory support. This device has been shown to be effective at frequencies up to increase the depth of or prolong the inspiratory assist in a manner similar to that of a patient using IPPB. This assist control feature facilitates the simultaneous ventilatory failure during respiratory tract (RTIs) (Fig 2). A sigh mode has also been into the NEV-100. In addition, the NEV- has internal failure, power alarms. The ability to vary inspiratory though mode, to nylon in the fabrication of the wrap. Cortex makes for a cooler, more flexible wrap and increases both comfort and expense. For the ‘“Red Poncho” (J. H. Emerson Go, Gambridge, Mass), “Pneumosuit” (New Tech mc, Palisades Park, NJ), or “NuMo” Suit (Life- The new negative pressure “33-GR” (J. H. Emerson Go., 100 sure otherwise A wind-impermeable cloth which of humidity (Goretex, W.G. Gore Elkton, Md) is now an alternative This design optimizes may discourage venous but it is inconvenient paralytic infections incorporated in assisting alveolar ventilation approaching 60 Hz.41 It can to 160 Hz. The NPBVs are support and cular/paralytic can despite frequent the mogbobin airway ness to the often patients desaturations collapse. of NPBVs, more suitable for adequately with little occurrence due noninvasive episodes of and decreased effectivehave had to be switched IPPV CHEST/105/4/APRIL,1994 Downloaded From: on 06/19/2017 ventilatory ventilate neuromusor no VG for decades of transient oxyhe- to apparent With aging many patients effective overnight in humans oscillate at methods up 1233 Body Ventilators the Body These Which ventibators IAPV. support Apply include Pressure the rocking The rocking bed has been the ventilation of patients cyclically to bed the and used since 193236 with poliomyelitis and muscular dystrophy. The rocking son Go, Gambridge, Mass) rocks the 15#{176} to 30#{176}. Gravity Directly to bed (J H Emerpatient an arc of displaces the abdominal contents. This causes diaphragmatic excursion and assists ventilation. Although this device is adequate for many patients with relatively normal pulmonary compliance, it is not as effective as NPBVs.37 It, bike the iron lung, however, term basis by The IAPV involves - 4. Patient with spinal cord injury and no ventilator-f ree except by glossopharyngeal breathing. He was converted from tracheostomy intermittent positive-pressure ventilation to daytime use of an intermittent abdominal pressure ventilator, pictured here, and nocturnal mouth intermittent positive-pressure ventilation. FIGuRE continues the to be used intermittent on a long- inflation of an air sac or bladder which is contained belt. The sac is inflated by a positive in a corset or pressure venti- lator. McSweeney The prototype, described by in time to 24 h a day when patient, NPBVs assisting or “resting” of time. on the nocturnal gases mum necessary.’44 have been For described inspiratory the as muscles GOPD useful for in periods There have been many uncontrolled reports success of various regimens of daytime or NPBV use in normalizing arterial blood during autonomous breathing, increasing inspiratory and expiratory pressures,”’8 transdiaphragmatic walking distance,16 pressure, respiratory exercise vanced toberance, and GOPD patients.’5 studies studies have were pliance, a day), disaffirmed marred by relatively and use quality decreasing Although of muscle maximaximal life, 12-mm endurance, dyspnea for adthe few controlled these positive difficulties with results, patient these com- short periods of use (under 4 to 5 h on few patients with significant hypercapnia.448 In general, although often less effective than NPBVs are noninvasive less practical and IPPV methods,49 they can be very useful during tracheostomy site closure when transferring patients from endotracheal IPPV to noninvasive support methods,27’5#{176} and as an alternative RTIs. Except or supplemental for the iron lung are generally scoliosis and/or not useful extreme also -60 when negative as is often the shell patient common cm H20 or wrap with tive apneas can be treated style significant associated method of aid and PortaLung, in the obesity. must using by concomitant exceed a chest particularly for back deformity. The with NPBV use during patient to mechanical oscillation or tracheostomy IPPV, or most vasive IPPV. 1234 presence of severe Back discomfort is pressures case when ventilator, during NPBVs CPAP, at higher practically, the obstrucsleep’42 switching the frequencies to nonin- 1938,’ was initially Sweeney soon assisted if the applied realized belt around were the inspiration that placed chest. would around the Mc- be better abdomen. The modern IAPV (Exsuffiation Belt, Lifecare Inc, Lafayette, Gob) consists of an elastic inflatable bladder incorporated within the patient’s outer moves the diaphragm an abdominal corset worn beneath clothing (Fig 4). Bladder action upwards causing a forced exsuf- fation. During bladder deflation, the abdominal contents and diaphragm fall to the resting position and inspiration occurs passively. A trunk angle of 30#{176} or more from the horizontal is necessary for its effectiveness. If the patient has any inspiratory capacity or is capable of GPB, he can add his autonomous tidal volume to the mechanically assisted inspiration. The IAPV generally augments tidal volumes by about 300 ml, but volumes as high as 1,200 ml have been reported.36 Patients with less than 1 h of ventilatorfree time usually prefer to use the IAPV when sitting rather than use noninvasive methods of IPPV.36 The IAPV is often or obesity. THE inadequate EVOLUTION Trendelenburg tracheostomy tube ventilation during The in the popularized the first to describe with an inflated cuff anesthesia of a human intubation support ventilators poliomyelitis Noninvasrve during anesthesia during World was and the support War this and the fact that tracheostomies for managing airway secretions by body ventilators were not used for before made this epidemic Respiratory the use of a for assisting in 1869.52 Tracheostomy for ventibatory for anesthesia patients ventilated tracheostomy tubes batory IPPV was use of transoral However, despite were often placed of scoliosis TO TRACHEOSTOMY described soon afterwards.53 use of a mechanical bellows were presence Muscle Downloaded From: on 06/19/2017 the a inadequate necessity jM in in the ongoing 1940s, ventisupply of body during the 1952 in Denmark. Aids: The Inspiratory Aids (John A. Bach) During 94 percent the Danish epidemic, the mortality rate for patients with respiratory paralysis concomitant those bulbar without involvement bulbar and 28 invobvement. was and percent Three for involvement.’6 United creases due to more frequent for those with severe However, States also in mortality specialized centers reported equally by “individualizing” required ventilatory support. litis mortality decreased from in 1952 for ventilatory Los Angeles support. Although many General Hospital, particularly bubbar ment polio, had of secretions NPBVs, in other performed, cent.56 tality without the centers where mortality also few eliminate rates.57 A long were debate factors ensued ventilators In 1955, posium poor tomy decare. at Los percent were to about an defined in as to whether the indications mortality for ventilatory Gonsensus Symfor tracheostomy as disturbances.56 If a patient is going VC, a tracheotomy to be left may to get rid of a tracheotomy and there is no power who has been tube treated In 1958, Forbes58 efficient does not materially must migrate accessible sibility to suction of these bronchoscopy mechanical Forbes access the in it necessary the a VC only is first tracheotomy the lower to provide survive of secretions before they tube. bronchial indirect and patients, which become The inacces- tree even means noted that the published mortality without pharyngeal paralysis, figures lower with IPPV, and respiratory tracheal to for their expulsion.” also dam- patient and alveolar respirators mobility. by For pressures, Tracheostomy, the thus, early spread, taught prog- noninva- patients with tracheosof food delivery, became the control high were of technology to follow. standard of care in 1960s. use of endotracheal manually in medical, curricula, ventilators. more over were oxygen ventilation, and the use of the and alarm systems which methods assisted nursing, and clinicians Noninvasive became coughing was and respiratory wide- no lost familiarity IPPV methods, longer therapy with body which are effective than body ventilators and preferred tracheostomy and body ventilator methods,2’ not to be described until 1969, and their use was in a significant support until the population 1980s. Further, devices patients for 24-h the only had been for acute with severe intrin- sic pulmonary disease.57 The former transient population, and the latter was felt to be a a population for which the use of noninvasive respiratory muscle aids was problematic. Although MI-E devices went off the market in the mid-1960s, they continued to be used by patients with access to them. More recently, their successful use was level quadriplegia, and postpoliomyelitis, use of noninvasive With widespread to provide in certain in six studies among acute patients were tank respiration than with tracheostomy that with tracheostomy in patients with paralysis a patient figure.56 is designed trachea low difficult or 600 cc 500 can of that which and a very as we all know, the bronchi bronchi through with It is very to the trachea in ridding upper secretions makes from with “Tracheotomy, and assist to the whereas, devices wrote, the VC when in a respirator airway cripple disadvantage. of coughing, get out of all mechanical a more a respiratory be a great managed patients and patients with severely muscle function could not effectively inspiratory muscle aids. Tracheostomy studies of the use of MI-E poliomyelitis patients and the combination of respiratory insufficiency with swallowing insufficiency and disturbance in consciousness or vascular mechanical for a worse and saliva. Intubation and tracheostomy also simplified intensive care nursing and equipment needs. It provided a closed system for ventilatory support which was amenable to precise monitoring of ventibatory not reported ventibatory tracheostomy were preferable International to patients facilitated As the 2 per- high faof NPBVs decreasing and made bulbar muscle control, intubation or with cuff inflation decreased aspiration volumes of bulbar insufficiency and aspiration of Better nursing care and attention to mansecretions including the use of devices to them or body support. the for manageventilated by It was concluded that the previously rate was not because of inadequacy but because secretions. aging airway for IPPV tracheostomies decreased (MI-E) routine methods.58 in patients at those with placed were loss of “the compression” by comparison Uncooperative affected bulbar use noninvasive use of tracheostomy tracheostomies while they chest and However, patient life-styles were often greatly restricted by NPBV use, and elimination of respiratory tract secretions was difficult for patients using NPBVs. General acute poliomye12 to 15 percent in 1948 to 2 percent of for GPB, insufflation-exsufflation use of bubbar significant patient From 1948 to 1952, 3,500 patients were treated Angeles General Hospital. Fifteen to 20 application sive decreased from 80 to 41 percent, or to about 7 percent for the entire acute paralytic poliomyelitis population was in part particularly loss of capability nosis hundred forty-five of 2,300 patients (15 percent) had ventilatory failure and/or impaired swallowing. Lassenss reported that mortality figures for ventilator-supported patients overall. This tracheostomy, age, described neuromuscular for populations use of patients with high ventilatory failure, ideally suited endotracheal to the methods, numerous reports appeared of complications to tracheostomy and long-term tracheostomy These included nosocomial pneumonia and rebated IPPV. sudden death from cardiac arrhythmias, mucus plugging, accidental disconnections, and other causes. Gramnegative bacterial colonization is ubiquitous and commonly associated with fatal mucus plugging, chronic purubent bronchitis, granulation formation, and sepsis from stomal infection or paranasal sinusitis. Other complications include tracheomalacia CHEST/105/4/APRIL, Downloaded From: on 06/19/2017 and tracheal 1994 1235 perforation, hemorrhage, occurs in tracheoesophageal changes, plications and 8 percent2’ to tracheal 65 fistula, stenosis percent59 painful which of patients, hemorrhagic and psychosocial disturbances. have been summarized tube These comreferenced and lation. Since been implanted lation, GOPD, 1972, over into and able success.70 Electrophrenic 800 phrenic nerve patients with central high level respiration pacers quadriplegia involves have hypoventiwith the vari- transmission elsewhere.Z6O Another rarely described but relatively common complication of intubation and possibly tracheostomy is the presence of at least unilateral vocal of a radiowave signal by an antenna placed on the skin to an implanted receiver. The signal is converted to electrical impulses which are carried to electrodes in cord and contact delivered paralysis airway airway and hypopharyngeal muscle dysfunction collapse. The resulting chronic upper ohitruction prevents the generation of adequate recruitment unassisted or assisted PGEF through the upper airway, and thus, prevents tracheostomy closure even in the presence of adequate autonomous ventilatory function. The presence of a tracheostomy tube necessitates regular bronchial suctioning, tracheostomy site care, and tube and tubing changes. fication must be provided Swallowing difficulties occur of upward choring laryngeal of the the neck. increased Supplemental and attended as the result movement trachea to the and strap This results in reduced laryngeal penetration chances of aspiration. humidito daily. of restriction rotation muscles by an- and skin gbottic closure thus increasing Interference with of and the relaxation of the cricopharyngeal sphincter, compression of the esophagus, and changes in intratracheal pressure can add to the tracheostomy can problem.61’62 In addition, in many is considered an “open wound.” prohibit community living without also prohibit patients with “open Tracheal suctioning causes cretions, may be accompanied and is at airway mucus best effective part nias wounds.” secretions. Routine tracheal plugs adherent between only The effect stimulation motion was tinued 1948, when Sarnoff adequate phrenic Glenn00 nently Despite this, the phrenic long-term studies recorded were in EPR phrenic were be obtained In 1968, a case in which they system for electrical phrenic of nerves. which nerve The impulses simulates the fibers to can be natural stimulate the diaphragm. Valid indications for EPR are essentially only high level quadriplegics and patients with severe central hypoventilation with intact phrenic nerves and diaphragm. Problems, however, include operative risks, infection, and trauma to the easily damaged phrenic nerves. The inhospital training period is at least 4 to 6 weeks, often much longer, and costs usually exceed $300,000. Unilateral causes paradoxical diaphragmatic movement total initial pacing and mi- croatebectasis. Tidal volumes can not be routinely modified nor precisely controlled, and voice quality is poorer than for patients using noninvasive methods of support complemented by are also subject to potential GPB. Patients complications using from EPR their tracheostomy. A tracheostomy is maintained in at least 90 percent of EPR patients70 because of the upper airway collapse that occurs during sleep on EPR and because of common sudden operational failure.7’ This is particularly dangerous because of the lack of internal alarms and the inability to use GPB effectively. Neuromuscular fatigue can also bead to irreparable nerve and diaphragm damage.71’72 In summary, EPR has few indications and sive; extremely expensive; suboptimally ineffective for over 60 percent of patients;z complications tracheostomy, associated with thus negating phrenic is: inva- effective or and entails having an indwelling the advantage of in- creased portability with this approach. New impulse delivery methods may increase efficacy and safety. Electrophrenic respiration may be useful during tracheostomy site closure for transition to noninvasive ventilatory aids and for daytime use for patients using noninvasive IPPV overnight. over numerous respiration discon- NPBVs became available.60 Then, in and his associates68 demonstrated that ventilation could nerve stimulation. reported implantable in of pneumo- of the first 200 years ago by Galdani.60 There reports of resuscitation by electrophrenic (EPR).60’67 bronchus at least RESPIRATION of electrical on diaphragm misses and the stem This accounts for the fact that 70 percent occur in the left lung fields.M nerve superficial suctioning the tube the left main of the time. ELECTROPHRENIC 1236 suctioning and of employment irritation, increases seby severe hypoxia,60 in clearing tracheal wall and misses 54 percent to 92 percent states a This prohibitively expensive nursing care for tracheal wound care. Some schools and places with the phrenic in a manner by unilateral Judson and used a permastimulation of nerve. They used EPR on an intermittent basis for a patient with primary hypoventi- NONINVASIVE IPPV Tossach reported mouth-to-mouth insufflation in 1743. Noninvasive IPPV may have been attempted first with a mechanical device by Paracelsus who ventilated the lungs via the mouth with a chimney bellows in 1530. His technique was used through the 19th Positive pressure century.74 ventilators able in the United postpoliomyebitis States in 1956. At that ventilator users with measurable Noninvasive VG refused Respiratory Muscle Downloaded From: on 06/19/2017 became the advice Aids: The in Europe widely of their Inspiratory Aids time, little availmany or no physicians (John A. Bach) 5. Patient with Duchenne muscular dystrophy who has used 24-h mouth intermittent positive-pressure ventilation for 9 years, now with less than 5 mm of ventilator-free time. Mouthpiece is kept adjacent to the chin controls for his motorized wheelchair. FIGURE to undergo ventilators learned tracheostomy and continued to use body up to 24 h a day. Many of these patients how to receive between their the mouthpiece clamp via a mouthpiece held preferred by either to have a metal lips and teeth. Others fixed near the mouth attached to the controls which operate and puff, chin control, mouthpiece for IPPV positive IPPV pressure wheelchair or fixed onto the the motorized wheelchair (sip etc) (Fig 5). They used the as necessary.20 The Monaghan ventilator was placed on wheels and rolled behind the wheelchair. Patients were thus freed from their body ventilators during daytime hours. Dr. Augusta Alba recognized that patients would occasionally nap using mouthpiece ing out of their patients to use several relied in one while sitting IPPV without mouths.75 By center had left in their wheelchairs the mouthpiece 1964, a number their body fallof ventilators 7. Custom lip seal. FIGURE and with body ventilators for 30 years plates and devised acrylic mouthpiece with for up to 24-h orthodontic ventilatory to increase and efficacy, with Thompson Bennett in 1972, sleep piece comfort mouthpiece with and IPPV could With regular deep 1978, with eliminate use increasingly the arrival be delivered during the mouthfalling out portable the option insufflations of the advent of Boulder, Gob) less insufflation leakage around with little risk of the mouthpiece of the mouth (Fig 6). In ventilators became available ducing and bite were bong-term became with Bantam in 1968. lipseal (Puritan-Bennett, plate support or more (Fig 6).4.hl.13 Orthodontic custom fabricated shells (Fig 7) the risk of orthodontic deformity (Fig 8). Positive pressure ventilators portable in the 1960s, especially the the bite (sighs) volume of proand with up to 24-h mouthpiece IPPV.”20’76 Ultimately, hundred patients have been described who have on this technique alone or in combination FIGURE 6. Patient with no measurable vital capacity using nocturnal mouth intermittent positive-pressure with a lipseal (Puritan-Bennett, Boulder, Cob). since 1955 ventilation FIGURE intermittent 8. Orthodontic positive deformity caused pressure ventilation by 15 years of 24-h without a custom mouth bite plate. CHEST/105/4/APRIL, Downloaded From: on 06/19/2017 1994 1237 Nasal IPPV can be delivered by portable cycled or pressure-cycled ventilators recently released BiPAP S/TD machine Murrysvilbe, Pa). The latter is essentially limited blower delivered is only without up to a pressure and FIGURE 9. Patient with to kyphoscoliosis who interface for nocturnal lation.0 safety alarms and other on IPPV via patients volume alarm, care severe chronic alveolar hypoventilation uses a low profile custom acrylic nasal intermittent positive pressure unit which features. systems nervous which system tion leakage the patient’s add rely reflexes during adaptation considerable “resting” the inspiratory support for 100 ml and GPAP and cost central insuffla- can hamper Alarms also to the and for oximethese monitoring effi- muscles United delivering available design of applies muscular IPPV via positioned into the nostrils. first used for 24-h ventilatory patient time.79 became commercially and were first used nasal CPAP French delivered with a VG of In 1984, nasal available as interfaces in the for styles Nasal age into of these the eyes generic 1238 nasal IPPV a mouthpiece is indicated because or inadequate jaw neck movement with opening or to grab severe Although lip and initially, as an alternative for since effective by either nasal mouthpiece plugged oral-nasal by Strapless tion have oral-nasal interfaces been used in Europe described pledgets have in the and not are common models. Such complaints difficulties with several resulted in in New Jersey (Fig 9)60 unable ACKNOWLEDCMENT: Dr. Augusta Alba medical Mr. provided is be a some muscle was used patients with diseases with for long-term used mouth or nasal interfaces support IPPV, the nose IPPV with tape, been strap retained widely used. with bite-plate since 1985 literature to independently are for ventilatory or mouthpiece who contact leak- there even lung to expel important on alternate nights to vary skin bridge pressure and insufflation when Oral-nasal interfaces were described supported ventilation in 1989.60 These strap retention systems like those for cotton interfaces to use use,4’36 use. nevertheless, other thrust is adequate retention is also paranasal and little a mouthpiece.2#{176} to intubation pressure to the acute patients with neuromuscular it is now being increasingly cystic fibrosis, COPD, and ventilatory insufficiency.84’85 IPPV. However, could be provided or when necessary, It flows with oropharyngeal nasal IPPV not only provide delivery of IPPV, differently to adjust patients nasal IPPV can, to tracheostomy almost exclusively for ventilatory insufficiency, first with for those who can of oral muscle weak- These interfaces tight seal for the the preparation of custom-molded nasal interfaces.4’79’8 Custom-molded nasal interfaces can now be obtained both commercially (SEFAM Company, distributed by Lifecare Inc, Lafayette, Cob) and individually for IPPV.00’8’ There are now commercially masks from several companies. Each area. It is impossible to predict which model will be preferred by any particular patient. Many patients use different pressure. capacity direct current. in providing support insufficient used ventilators. alarms of pulse for introducing a multiple sclerosis no ventilator-free masks States Daytime not retain patients weakness.4 part excessive the Since patients generally prefer IPPV or the IAPV for daytime is most practical only for nocturnal on large DeLaubier’8 urinary drainage catheters In 1984, nasal IPPV was or no VC. mouthpiece nasal IPPV in prevent have ventilatory Twenty-four-hour viable alternative biofeedback, patients, do not and nasal are usually cacy of noninvasive aids including IPPV during sleep.77 In 1982, as an alternative to mouthpiece IPPV for dystrophy devices long-term ness it very 1120 pharynx causes patients of the high initial inspiravolume-cycled ventilators, they do not operate off Nasal IPPV can be effective of mouthpiece and nasal IPPV saturation useful alarms for all intensive makes sleep.4 The alarms to these methods. weight The oxyhemoglobin try are the most techniques, to for expiratory into ventibators, use useful the is incorporated volume-cycled difficult to introduce the IPPV. Further, mouthpiece open Although tracheostomy, due nasal venti- of 15 cm volumes plateauing at greater pressures. 5.42 kg (12 lb) and is useful for air delivery high and low pressure alarms. On occasion, airflow against the posterior to gag. This occurs because tory cycle flow rates. Unlike these volume- including the (Respironics, a pressure- but in retenwere 1989.86 an essentially air but simple tongue them.87 The bite-plate for patients living alone don C McPherson Figure straps.’3 provided Figure 7 and 8. REFERENCES 1 Bergofsky EH. Cor hypoventilation. 2 O’Donohue pulmonale Prog WJ. of pulmonary Maximum atelectasis. 3 Estenne M, De Troyer wall statistics. Am Rev Noninvasive Respiratory Muscle Downloaded From: on 06/19/2017 in Cardiovasc volume Chest the Dis syndrome 1967; IPPB 1979; The alveolar for the management 76:683-87 A. The effects of tetraplegia Respir Dis 1986; 134:121-24 Aids: of 9:414-37 Inspiratory on chest Aids (John A. Bach) 4 Bach JR, lation by 5 Begin Alba AS. 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